Archive for 28 May, 2008

War on terror is war on Islam, says muslim apologist

28 May, 2008

Ok, this entire article is bullshit. The muslims who condemn the US lead “war on terror” always fail to mention America defended Bosnia’s muslims, fed and defended Somalia’s muslims, liberated Kuwait’s muslims and on and on. If anything the USA is leading an international war for the furthering of individual human rights and basic American values.

Just for fun let’s see how many holes this article has.

By Nisa Islam Muhammad, 28 May, 2008
WASHINGTON ( – The global war on terror has become a thinly veiled excuse to wage a global war on Islam with increased arrests of Muslims, calls for regime change in Muslim countries and racial profiling, according to a leader with a national Islamic organization.
-A common theme but as above fails to explain all the times we have helped muslims. It also fails to mention islam is a cult not a “race”. Finally note every muslims spokesman claims to be a “leader”. So I say “prove it leader” try and stop all the jihadi’s, go ahead-lead.

“The tactic of terrorism—and yes it is a tactic, not an ideology—has been deployed by a multitude of groups of different religions, ethnicities and ideologies and yet the Islamic faith, unlike any other, is erroneously and incessantly associated with terrorism,” said Dr. Parvez Ahmed, a national board member of the Council on American Islamic Relations. “The association of a faith practiced by 1.2 billion people worldwide to terrorism creates the perception that the GWOT is a war against Islam.”
-No mention that the koran orders muslims to terrorize non muslims or that muslims commit more acts of terrorism than all other ideologies combined.

Around the world since 2001 there have been increases in the arrest and detention of Muslims.

Dr. Ahmed explained that right after 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, the federal government subjected 80,000 Arab and Muslim immigrants to fingerprinting and registration, sought out 8,000 Arab and Muslim men for FBI interviews and imprisoned over 5,000 foreign nationals in anti-terrorism preventive detention compounds.
“These arrests and detentions did not result in the conviction of a single person for a terrorist crime. Thus the U.S. government’s record for the largest ethnic profiling campaign stood at 0 for 93,000,” he said.
-I guess he doesn’t understand that deportations, handing them off to other nations, sending them to military run prisons all count.

According to researchers in Paris, nearly 60 to 70 percent of all inmates are Muslim even though they only make up about 12 percent of the population. The Open Society Institute found that in the Netherlands 20 percent of adult prisoners and 26 percent of all juvenile offenders are Muslim while the country is only 5.5 percent Islamic.
-Which proves muslims commit crimes at a higher rate than anyother group. If anything the numbers suggest an increase in scrutiny is warrented.

In Belgium, researchers found Muslims from Morocco and Turkey make up at least 16 percent of the prison population, though just two percent of the general population. In the United Kingdom, 11 percent of prisoners are Muslim, though Muslims are only 3 percent of the population.
-More ammunition for the deport them all crowd. All it shows is more muslims behave in muslim societies and misbehave in non muslim nations.

“The Secret Services are stretched to capacity just in monitoring Muslims,” said Hillary Muhammad, student minister of Muhammad Mosque No. 1 in London. “Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe. It’s like a fad here. Everyone young wants to be Muslim. When people are arrested they go in one way but they come out Muslims,” he said.
-Another theme that islam is growing in Europe. Although true in places it is through increased immigration and not conversion. It also fails to explain why so many muslims in Europe are leaving islam. Nor do numbers alone justify or explain actions or desolve responsibilities.

“Jail is becoming the breeding ground for Islam especially for Black and Asian teens. People migrate from war torn countries like Eritrea and Sudan as asylum seekers. The young members of the family share Islamic philosophy. They are converting people to Islam right and left.”
-They convert to stop abuse by mohammeds minions most re-convert as soon as they are released and safely away from muslim gangs.

Frank Cillufro, vice president of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University told the media May 6 at the National Press Club that America has to recalibrate her response to terrorism.
-True, we do need to step it up a notch. (more…)

Muslim Woman Has Dutch Man Removed From His Seat Next to Her on KLM Flight

28 May, 2008



(ANSAmed) – ANKARA, MAY 28 – A crisis broke out when a Dutch man seated next to a headscarf-wearing Turkish woman on an airplane was removed from his seat, Turkish news channel NTV reported yesterday.

The crisis occurred aboard a Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) plane flying from the Dutch capital Amsterdam to Istanbul.

After takeoff, the woman asked that the man seated next to her be moved to another seat, arguing that it would be a sin under Islam for her to be sitting next to a man who is not her relative. As a result, the man, Lex van Drooge, who is a member of the Amsterdam Municipal Council for the Dutch governing party, the Christian Democratic Appeal, or CDA, was removed from the seat.

[So much for all those Liberals who claim such instances are only “cultural” and not religious…]

Upon landing, van Drooge complained about the situation. In a statement to the press, van Drooge said the airline did not seem to know how to deal with this kind of situation.

The headline about the incident in the Dutch press read, “KLM submitted to Islam.” The airline company has started an investigation into the behavior of the cabin crew and issued a statement about the incident. The statement said such a practice is unacceptable, adding that the reason the male passenger was removed from his seat instead of the female passenger remains unclear. (ANSAmed).

“Honor” Killing in Germany Sparks Debate

28 May, 2008

From Spiegel Online comes this interesting look into the life of Morsal Obeidi who was tragically “honor” killed by her brother in Germany last week.

It is a fairly lengthy article, but well worth your time to read when you have some free time on your hands:

Honor Killing Victim Wanted to Live Like other German Girls


At age 16, all Morsal Obeidi wanted was to live the way other girls in Germany do. She paid dearly: Obeidi’s brother stabbed her 20 times. Her murder has sparked a renewed debate in Germany about the failure of many immigrant families to integrate into Western society.

Morsal is buried one week after her death. In the morning, the women wash the body, cleansing it of its earthly sins, in keeping with tradition.

The teenage girl’s thin body is covered with stab wounds, evidence of the knife that was plunged into her torso. The women wrap the body in linen and lay it into a coffin made of a light-colored wood.

This is where the story ends, with the body of a stabbed girl being brought to her grave. Her name was Morsal Obeidi, and she was 16. Born in Afghanistan, she died a few days ago, in a parking lot in Hamburg.

In the years between her birth and her death, Morsal Obeidi tried to lead the kind of life she believed was correct, the kind of life other girls in her school led. Perhaps she was trying to do precisely what politicians and social workers are constantly encouraging immigrants to do: to become integrated.

A Life in Two Worlds

But her parents and her family — especially Ahmad, her oldest brother — were an obstacle to integration. In the end, Morsal Obeidi was torn apart by the need to live a life in two worlds, and by the daily struggle to be the kind of person she wanted to be.

Morsal met with Mohammed, her cousin, on the evening of May 15, a Thursday. They were sitting in a McDonald’s restaurant. Morsal had only been back in the city for a few months, after a prolonged visit with relatives in Afghanistan. It was spring in Hamburg. As they ate, Mohammed thought about the plan that he was keeping a secret from Morsal. It seemed harmless enough. Mohammed said later that Ahmad, Morsal’s brother, had asked him to bring his sister to the Berliner Tor train station. “He said to me: ‘I want you to meet Morsal today. Then walk to the Berliner Tor with her. But don’t tell her anything. I just want to talk to her.”

It seemed harmless enough.


German Physicians Honor Nazi Death Camp Doctor

28 May, 2008

The guy is a mass murderer and yet, it seems that many have forgotten the horrors and atrocities committed by this slime-ball.  What a world we live in…

Medal for murder: Germany honours Nazi SS doctor linked to deaths of 900 children in death camps

By Andrew Roberts
28th May 2008 –

Six decades after the end of World War II, it is a decision that will shock and sicken anyone with a conscience.

Despite being linked to the savage murder of 900 children in the Nazi death camps, a former SS doctor is to be awarded the German Federation of Internal Medicine’s highest honour.

For decades, 92-year-old Dr Hans-Joachim Sewering has been protected by the Bavarian government and judiciary, avoiding prosecution for crimes he committed against mentally and physically disabled children during World War II.

That was bad enough.

But now this man has been singled out by his fellow German physicians for the Federation’s most prestigious award, the Guenther-Budelmann Medal.

This is a disgraceful injustice.

Sewering’s sickening Nazi career was long and, at least in their eyes, distinguished.


Sarkozy Stepping up the Fight Against Islamophobia

28 May, 2008

While lighting a mosque on fire and desecrating Muslim graves is certainly a crime, it is equally a crime  when “disenfranchised ghetto youths” attack and firebomb the police on a regular basis.  Perhaps Sarkozy’s efforts to fight Islamophobia would be more fruitful if he eliminated the true cause of Islamophobia – radical Islamists…

France arrests 8 over mosque attack
Wed, 28 May 2008 –

French police have arrested eight people, including several soldiers, over an arson attack on a mosque in southwestern France.

The suspects, aged 18 to 30, were taken into custody Wednesday for questioning over the April 20 attack in Colomier near the city of Toulouse, in which arsonists started a fire in the mosque entrance and trashed a next-door prayer room.

The arrests took place near the cities of Toulouse, Castres and Carcassonne, where two soldiers were reportedly detained at their barracks, AFP quoted local newspaper La Depeche du Midi as saying.

State prosecutor Michel Valet said it was “too soon to say” if the suspects had links to extreme-right groups.

President Nicolas Sarkozy has vowed to step up the fight against Islamophobia in France following the mass desecration last month of the Muslim section of the country’s biggest war cemetery.

France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim community, estimated at five million.

Muslim Women File Complaint Over Being “Forced” to Wear Company Uniforms

28 May, 2008

I’m sure they had to have noticed the uniforms when they applied for the jobs…

H/T – DhimmiWatch

Muslim workers file complaint with EEOC over firings for refusal to wear uniforms
Chris Serres
Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
(MCT) –

MINNEAPOLIS – A group of Muslim workers allege they were fired by a New Brighton, Minn., tortilla factory for refusing to wear uniforms that they say were immodest by Islamic standards.

Six Somali women claim they were ordered by a manager to wear pants and shirts to work instead of their traditional Islamic clothing of loose-fitting skirts and scarves, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that is representing the women.

The women have filed a religious discrimination complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

”For these women, wearing tight-fitting pants is like being naked,” said Valerie Shirley, a spokeswoman for the Minnesota chapter of CAIR. ”It’s simply not an option.”

CAIR issued a press release calling on Mission Foods to reinstate the women in their jobs. However, the group declined to disclose the names of the women and would not make them available for interviews Tuesday.

Gruma Corporation, the Irving, Texas-based parent company of Mission Foods, released a written statement Tuesday denying that any employees were terminated or disciplined at the New Brighton plant. However, the company made clear the six women have been relieved of their responsibilities for the time being, and may ultimately lose their jobs if they don’t wear uniforms.

”Should these employees choose to adhere to the current Mission Foods uniform policy, they may return to their positions with the company,” the company statement said. ”However, these positions will need to be filled as soon as possible and cannot be held indefinitely.”


Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid: The Church of Oprah

28 May, 2008

SixLittleMonkeyz sent us a video entitled, “Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid.” While I resisted posting it, as it is an advertisement for a book, (we try not to post overly blatant advertisements) it did get me thinking. After a little searching, I found the following video mentioning “Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid” that I thought was less obtrusive and more informative:

The Church of Oprah Exposed

Dunkin’ Donuts Drops Ad after Michelle Malkin Makes an Observation

28 May, 2008

A morning treat:

Dunkin’ Donuts Yanks Rachael Ray Ad

Critics Say Scarf Looks Like Arab Headdress

BOSTON — Dunkin’ Donuts abruptly pulled an ad featuring its pitch woman Rachael Ray after a conservative commentator wrote that the scarf Ray wore in the ad looked like a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress worn by Arab men.

Ray, who hosts a daytime talk show and two programs on the Food Network, wore a silk scarf with a black-and-white paisley design in the commercial. Some thought it looked too much like a keffiyeh.

“The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad,” Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin wrote in her syndicated column.

“Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons,” Malkin wrote.

Dunkin’ Donuts denied the similarity, but decided to pull the ad.

“Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial,” the company said in a statement.

Malkin said she was pleased with the company’s response.