Archive for 1 September, 2008

Holding islamic minions accountable: PA ordered to compensate terror victims

1 September, 2008

Another hamas crybaby

Another hamas crybaby

If they can be forced too actually pay and that is a major “if” this could start a trend that will scare all of mohammeds minions.

1, September, 2008, JPOST
Jerusalem District Court Judge Aharon Farkash ruled on Monday that it was possible to implement a 2004 US court ruling, according to which the Palestinian Authority must pay compensations of more than $116 million to terror victims’ families.
-Hold them accountable, an idea I have supported for years but do not limit it, every imam in every mosque should also be held accountable.

In July 2004, a US court ruled that the Palestinian Authority was to pay some $116 million to the relatives of Yaron and Efrat Unger who were killed in a 1996 terror attack. But when the family asked authorities to enforce the court ruling in Israel, the Palestinian Authority objected, saying that paying the high compensations would lead to its financial collapse.
-Crybabies should have thought about that before murdering innocents.

The Jerusalem District Court rejected the appeal made by the Palestinian Authority not to enforce the American ruling because the implementation would destroy it financially. The Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority said that payment of such high sums would have public, political, financial and security implications for Israeli citizens.
-A poorly veiled threat. The Israeli’s need to start seizing assets.

They claimed paying the high sum would empty the Palestinian Authority’s coffers and would lead to more lawsuits against the Palestinian Authority.
-Duh! That is the point, no money, no terrorism.

The petition, filed in the US because the victims were American citizens, argued the Palestinian Authority was responsible for the attack carried out by Hamas because the terrorists were controlled by the Palestinian Authority and were assisted by the Palestinian security apparatuses.

Judge Farkash said that legally, the US court ruling qualified as a verdict that was enforceable in Israel. He added that the Palestinian claim that the ruling would lead to its financial collapse was not proven, and seemed unrealistic.
-At most it will cut down on how many attacks these murderers can plan and execute.


1 September, 2008

An excellent article from Pajamas Media on CAIR’s foray into education:

CAIR Gets Failing Grades at Running Ohio Charter Schools
Taxpayers finance religious extremism and academic failure.
September 1, 2008 – by Patrick Poole

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) released their annual school report cards this week, and the results show that two taxpayer-financed Islamic charter schools operated by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have failed miserably yet again. But protected by powerful political connections, including Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, and apparently indifferent to their exploitation of the Somali children that comprise the vast majority of their students, the Islamic extremists running the operation appear to have no fear of losing their cash cows. In fact, Ohio educrats have renewed one school’s contract after five years of complete academic failure.

The two schools, International Academy and Westside Academy, are run by a group of local Islamic leaders, including CAIR national board vice chairman Ahmad Al-Akhras, CAIR-Columbus president and CAIR-Ohio board member Abukar Arman, and Islamic Society of Greater Columbus president and imam Mouhamed Tarazi (who serves as principal of one of the schools). At one time or another, all have served on the board of the local private Islamic school in Central Ohio, Sunrise Academy.

Beginning operations in 2002, International Academy has a long track record of failure. According to the school’s most recent state report card, the school only meets two of the 19 indicators measured (one of the two indicators it met was attendance). The performance index score of 73.9 fell well short of the 100 points required (of 120 total; the state median is 96.6), but since that was slightly more than the 72.2 scored the previous school year (2006-2007) the school received a “continuous improvement” designation. Only in the Orwellian world of union-controlled, taxpayer-financed public education does this performance rate a grade of C-, thanks to some grade inflation in this year’s report cards courtesy of the ODE.

That “continuous improvement” designation notwithstanding, since International Academy opened, it has never met the state’s required “adequate yearly progress” standard and has never met more than two of the state indicators. Looking at the past three years of academic performance data, we find in four of the seven tested areas, test scores declined last year from the previous year.


Biden Implies that an Obama Presidency Means a Nuclear Iran

1 September, 2008

Yet another reason not to vote for the Obama/Biden ticket (as if you didn’t already have enough):

H/T – Hot Air

Biden quoted as saying that Israel will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran
By Haaretz Service
Tags: Biden, Obama, Jews

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden was quoted Monday as telling senior Israeli officials behind closed doors that the Jewish state will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran.

In the unsourced report, Army Radio also quoted Biden as saying that he opposed “opening a additional military and diplomatic front.”

Biden, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has long been considered strongly pro-Israel. His nomination as Barack Obama’s running mate had been expected to shore up the Democrats’ strength with U.S. Jewish voters.

Army Radio said Israeli officials expressed “amazement” over the remarks attributed to him.

“Israel will have to reconcile itself with the nuclearization of Iran,” Army Radio quoted Biden as telling the unnamed officials.

“It’s doubtful if the economic sanctions will be effective, and I am against opening an additional military and diplomatic front.”


Members of Parliament Too Scared to Speak out Against Sharia

1 September, 2008

MPs too scared to talk about forced marriage ‘in case they lose Muslim votes’

Politicians are too scared to speak out against forced marriage in case they lose valuable Muslim votes, according to a veteran Labour MP.
By Martin Beckford Religious Affairs Correspondent
01 Sep 2008 –

Ann Cryer said politicians in areas with high Muslim populations, many of which are Labour heartlands, should be at the forefront of the campaign to stop young couples being made to wed against their will by their families.

But she claimed that some politicians are afraid to speak out on the issue in case they alienate Muslim voters. The forced marriage unit at the Foreign Office deals with an estimated 300 cases every year, most of them involving teenage girls from Pakistani or Bangladeshi families.

Mrs Cryer, who is stepping down as MP for Keighley in West Yorkshire at the next general election, added that local Muslim leaders are not doing enough to encourage integration and accused them of trying to keep immigrants who move to Britain “in the backwoods”.

It comes just days after Gordon Brown praised her “brave” campaign against forced marriage, and said her understanding of her constituency was “second to none”.

Mrs Cryer, 68, said: “There still is a nervousness to talk about this, especially those MPs in constituencies affected by these issues.

“They should be fighting on the front line, but they are the ones keeping quiet on the issue because they don’t want to lose votes.

“Some of the Muslim leaders in my area are doing their communities a disservice and trying to keep them in the backwoods. They don’t seem to have any understanding about the importance of having integration and cohesion, or to promote women to leadership roles in the community.”


A Report on the McCain/Palin Rally in O’Fallon, Missouri – In 3 Parts

1 September, 2008

Well, after three hours of selecting and cropping photos from the McCain/Palin rally, I present to you my thoughts and observations on the rally; in three parts (all three parts have been merged together into this one post):

Written by on-the-scene reporter Doctor Bulldog.

Part I :

The “Gateway to Victory” mural featuring the St. Louis arch – it served as McCain and Palin’s backdrop.  Nope, no false god Parthenon stage for McCain…

Yup, it was held at a baseball stadium – The T.R. Hughes Stadium.  Mrs. Bulldog, the Little Princess, and I were hanging out around the second base.

(The Rough Riders performing for the crowd.  Check out the two bloggers furiously blogging away on their laptops in the upper left.  LOL)

A local group from O’Fallon, Mo., “The Rough Riders” entertained and wowed the crowd with some good ole country music such as, Hank Williams Jr.’s “Family Tradition” and Craig Morgan’s “International Harvester.”  They were awesome!

So much so, that I decided to talk about them, rather than the other politicians who showed up, like Missouri Governor Matt Blunt and the guy who wants Gov. Blunt’s job, Kenny Hulshof.  Don’t get me wrong,  Blunt and Hulshof did a fine job preparing the crowd for McCain and Palin, but the Rough Riders kicked some serious butt and were a hard act to follow!  Even country music star and headliner John Rich had a tough time following that act.
