Archive for 4 September, 2008

Obamessiah on The O’Reilly Factor – Thinks Islamic Terrorists have Perverted the Faith of Islam

4 September, 2008

Ack!  What a crock of poo-doo!!!  If anything, it is the “moderate” Muslims who have thankfully perverted the faith of Islam.

C’mon, Barry – may I call you Barry?  Good.  I KNOW that you have studied the Qur’an.  If you were honest with the American people, you would tell them the truth about the Profligate Muhammad (SAW IV).  How he and his cronies raped, pillaged, murdered, lied, etc., etc.  I’m sure the undisputed fact that the Profligate Muhammad (SAW IV) not only owned slaves, but was himself a slaver – capturing and selling into slavery the women and children of those whom he slaughtered – has not escaped your attention…

And, just as Christ warned of false prophets, it is incumbent upon Christians to warn others of false prophets.

Barry, you may be enjoying your Christ-like celebrity status; but, you certainly aren’t acting very Christ-like…

Obama: Surge Succeeded Beyond ‘Wildest Dreams’
Thursday, September 4, 2008

The troop surge in Iraq has been more successful than anyone could have imagined, Barack Obama conceded Thursday in his first-ever interview on FOX News’ “The O’Reilly Factor.”

As recently as July, the Democratic presidential candidate declined to rate the surge a success, but said it had helped reduce violence in the country. On Thursday, Obama acknowledged the 2007 increase in U.S. troops has benefited the Iraqi people.

“I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated,” Obama said while refusing to retract his initial opposition to the surge. “I’ve already said it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

[Maybe beyond YOUR wildest dreams, Barry, but not John McCain’s, and not mine, nor anyone else with even an ounce of common sense.  What, did you think that our courageous men and women in uniform were incompetent?  That’s what it sounds like to me!]

However, he added, the country has not had enough “political reconciliation” and Iraqis still have not taken responsibility for their country.

[Excuse me for a second, but last time I checked, 11 out of Iraq’s 18 provinces (including Anbar – you know, the one that your party said was a lost cause ) have been returned to Iraqi control.  That’s 61 percent, Barry!  Still don’t get it?  Let me help you out with that:  In a business setting, they guy who owns 61 percent of a company is DEFINITELY the one who is in control of that company…]

Speaking on other national security matters, Obama said he would not take military action off the table in dealing with Iran, but diplomacy and sanctions can’t be overlooked.

[Diplomacy and sanctions have already been tried.  As is almost always the case, they have failed miserably.  Ahmadinejad is making a laughing stock of the U.S. and the U.N. – And, you still think we need more diplomacy and sanctions?  You’re an idiot…]

The Islamic republic is a “major threat” and it would be “unacceptable” for the rogue nation to develop a nuclear weapon, he said.

[Wow!  Something we both agree on!  Of course, I’m pretty sure your Groomers reigned you in and told you to say that; because your record on Iran is a mixed one, to say the least…  Now, this is going to be a little long-winded, and not up to your MTV style attention span, but hang in there, Barry, I’m going to break it down for you:


Turning Russia into a Terrorist Enclave

4 September, 2008

Ok, I will admit it. The picture has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism but Damn!

This is just a little article I am posting for my old friend Che. Enjoy.

By Yulia Latynina, 5 September 2008, The St Petersburg Times
Although no countries have joined Russia in recognizing South Ossetia’s and Abkhazia’s independence, Moscow can surely count on Hamas and Hezbollah for support.

This moral support came at a difficult time for the Kremlin. In recognizing the breakaway republics, President Dmitry Medvedev said he wasn’t afraid of the prospect of a new Cold War. I don’t know about a Cold War, but I would compare these events to what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.

Al-Qaida does not possess even a tiny fraction of the human, intellectual or financial resources held by the free world. This is because al-Qaida has never made a scientific discovery, never built a factory to produce something useful and has never done anything to benefit humanity in general. Nothing. Al-Qaida’s raison d’etre is to destroy the infrastructure and achievements built by the free world.

Al-Qaida doesn’t need to produce or invent anything to survive. All it needs is evil intentions. And it is almost impossible for the free world to dissuade terrorists from blowing up a passenger airplane or holding schoolchildren hostage when they are convinced that these are legitimate ways to fight against the West. In this way, al-Qaida’s resources can’t be compared to those of the West. (more…)

In God We No Longer Trust???????

4 September, 2008

This morning, I was a little late in posting articles because I received a phone call from my 84-year-old grandmother. [For the record:  Yeah, I know I incorrectly said she was 90-years-old yesterday in one of my comments, but I have since been corrected by MeMaw.  Sheesh!  When you get to be that old, what’s a few years anyway? Eh?  Besides, I thought it painted a much more humorous mental picture – me pushing a 90-yr. old lady to the voting booth so she could pull that lever for McCain/Palin just to cancel out some punk’s red-diaper-doper-baby vote for the Obamessiah. ] 🙂

Anyway, I digressed…  We started off with a pleasant chat about Gov. Sarah Palin and the Obamessiah.

She told me how she recently wrote a letter to the Obamessiah; letting him know that she previously was a Democrat.  Her letter was a scathing diatribe of how she had listened to his acceptance speech at the DNC and never once heard him say, “We will…”  Instead, it was all, “I will…”

Furthermore, she asked him about his response to this question:

“…at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?”

(Just a personal note:  Theologically, from a Christian perspective (which the Obamessiah claims to be) life begins at conception.  Scientifically, life begins when that first cell divides.  To me, a physicist and a Christian, it’s pretty cut and dry – if the DNA is human and that first cell divides into two cells with a genetic copy of the human DNA, it has the potential to become a viable human-being and should be treated respectfully and accordingly).


Democracy IS Against Islam

4 September, 2008

For all those Muzzie apologists out there who are trying to pull the wool over our eyes, Kaafir discovered this little nugget while doing some snooping around on one of your websites:

Democracy (False Religion)

Allah (swt) says,‎

‏﴿‏‎ ‎وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ‎ ‎‏﴾‏

And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone) ‎‎[Surah Ad Dhariyaat 51:56]‎

Abdullah ibn Abbas said, The above ayah means to worship Allah (swt) singularly and alone ‎‎(i.e. Li yu wahidoun).‎

﴿ وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَّسُولاً أَنِ اعْبُدُواْ اللّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُواْ الطَّاغُوتَ ﴾

And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger ‎‎(proclaiming): “Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut [Surah An Nahl 16:36 ]‎

﴿ فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِن بِاللّهِ فَقَدِ اسْتَمْسَكَ بِالْعُرْوَةِ الْوُثْقَىَ لاَ انفِصَامَ لَهَا وَاللّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ‎ ﴾

Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most ‎trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [EMQ ‎‎2:256]‎

Democracy and Voting in Democratic Elections

The Definition of Democracy‎

Democracy is not an Arabic term (democrathia broken Arabic) has no root verb‎

‎No linguistic meaning

No Shariah term

Term never used in the time of the Sahabah (ra)‎

Term never used politically by the Arabs

Democracy is from the Greeks

Demos meaning people‎

Cracy meaning judgment, legislation‎

Literal meaning of democracy is the peoples rule

Hence the slogan: Rule of the people, by the people, for the people. Their source of legislation ‎‎(hakimiyah right to make law) is man (insan). So Man decides what is good and what is bad. ‎


Muslim woman wins court case and her family murders her.

4 September, 2008

From rape victim to murder victim thanks too her own family (Nine is too young to consent to marriage or sex). The apologists will be here shortly to point out this is culture not religion. They will fail to point out that islamic minions commit the vast majority of these types of murders and always use islam to defend their actions.

4 September, 2008, The Daily Times
LAHORE: A 17-year-old girl was shot dead by her brothers and father while in police custody in Sahiwal on Wednesday. According to Dawn News, Sara alias Nusrat Bibi had appeared in the Sahiwal Sessions Court to seek the dissolution of her marriage. She was married in 2001 when she was just a 9-year-old. However, she had subsequently filed a petition in the court seeking to dissolve her marriage, against the will of her brothers and father. The court had given the decision in her favour. Her brothers and father shot and killed her as she left the courtroom. daily times monitor.
-I have to think death is preferable to the violent and horrific life this child was forced to endure. May she rest in peace.

Seven Women Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment in Egypt

4 September, 2008

This is a great companion piece to our earlier post on sexual harassment in Egypt (Click HERE).

Egypt voices: Sexual harassment

BBC News

Seven Egyptian women talk about their experience of sexual harassment on the streets of Cairo. It is an increasingly common problem, with a recent survey suggesting more than four out of five women have been sexually harassed, while nearly two-thirds of men admitted assaulting women.

Noha Wagih

Once I was out driving with my brother when he stopped at a supermarket and I waited for him outside. Two guys got out of a car and walked towards me in an intimidating way. They started commenting on the way I look and the way I’m dressed.

I usually don’t answer back, but this time I said: ‘I’m not here to get picked up, you know.’ This was too much for one of them who started shouting that I was crazy. I replied that even if I were a prostitute, I wouldn’t give him a second glance.

This made him mad. He came right up to me, shouting that he was a policeman and he would ‘show me’. In no time three more cars pulled up, and a group of men got out and started yelling at me and my brother.

I wrote down the number of the first car saying I was going to report him. He got so angry I thought he was going to beat me, so I slapped his face and started shouting ‘Rape!’ They all ran away, and I was left alone with my brother shaking with fear.

After this experience I want to make a programme for TV about sexual harassment.

Posy Abdou

I get harassed 100 times a day. I tried everything to stop it but it doesn’t stop. I wear loose clothes, I don’t wear make up, I spend more than an hour in front of the mirror everyday thinking of ways to hide my body.

I walk home everyday. It only takes me 15 minutes, I cross the bridge. It is usually very loud and busy, but that does not stop men from approaching girls, any girl, good looking or bad looking, covered or not.

I remember so many scary harassments. There was this guy who followed me and suddenly grabbed my bottom in front of everyone. I screamed but he ran away and no one interfered.

Once I was shopping with my father and aunt, and this guy kept staring at me and blowing me kisses. My dad shouted at him and started hitting him. I think men are doing this because they are jobless and have no manners.

The Gov. Palin Video Not Shown Last Night at the RNC

4 September, 2008

A well done mini-biography (once you get past the campy intro: “Mother, Moose-hunter, Maverick” – LOL) on Sarah Palin that didn’t get shown at the RNC last night because of time constraints.

H/T – MeMaw

[Click on Image to View video at Fox News]

Imam Gets to Stay

4 September, 2008

Oh, Joy!

BREAKING: Imam gets to stay
Thursday, September 4, 2008

A prominent Muslim cleric, celebrated for his moderation, today won his bid to call the United States his permanent home under a decision issued by an immigration judge.

Many have seen the government’s deportation efforts against Imam Mohammad Qatanani – who pushed for moderation and embracing non-Muslisms — as evidence that Muslims and Arabs, regardless of their moderate views, are stereotyped as terrorist, or terrorist sympathizers.

“This will impact how our community deals with United States government officials,” aid Aref Assaf, head of the American Arab Forum, based in Paterson. “We have been working well with the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s office, and immigration, mostly because of the imam and his encouragement to us to cooperate and work with the government.

“But if there is a negative decision, the cooperation will continue, but it will be different, not as close like before.”

A group of supporters, as well as the imam himself, were at today’s announcement. Last night, many of those supporters — among them, elected and appointed government officials — paid tribute to their spiritual leader during a service in Paterson to mark the beginning of Ramadan.

Qatanani, who came to New Jersey on a religious visa in 1996, unsuccessfully applied for permanent U.S. residency in 1999. U.S. immigration officials denied his application, contending that the imam once had  terrorist ties to Hamas, a terrorist group, and didn’t disclose an arrest and conviction by Israeli security officials during his visit to the West Bank in 1993.


ALERT: CAIR Involved in Criminal Fraud

4 September, 2008

H/T – Jihadwatch

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a tax exempt, so-called “public interest law firm”, which promotes itself as the “largest Muslim-American civil rights organization”, stands accused by Muslims themselves of having been involved in criminal fraud. Federal prosecutors have long-identified CAIR as a co-conspirator in the financing of international Jihad-terrorism. That seems to be just the beginning.


CAIR Threatens Muslims With $25,000 Penalty

If They Reveal CAIR Cover-up of Morris Days’ Criminal Fraud

For more information:
David Gaubatz, Director of Operations, Mapping Shariah Project
T: 646.262.0500

September 3, 2008 – Washington, DC: The Mapping Sharia Project, a research project sponsored by the Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE), is issuing an alert that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a self-described public interest civil rights law firm, may have engaged in criminal fraud. Mapping Sharia calls for a full investigation by the appropriate government agencies. The victims of this fraud may also be due compensation for their losses and suffering.

Reliable sources have produced solid information that Morris Days, the Manager for Civil Rights at the CAIR MD/VA chapter, who was widely publicized by CAIR as one of its civil rights attorneys, was in fact not an attorney, and failed to provide services for Muslim American clients who came to CAIR for assistance and who paid for Days’ services. Not only has CAIR not revealed the facts about Days and his fraudulent, criminal behavior, but as of yesterday, September 2, 2008, the CAIR National office in Washington, D.C. continued to post articles at its website naming Days as an attorney. This amounts to a de facto cover-up of CAIR’s involvement in this criminal affair and a perpetuation of the fraud with CAIR’s assistance.

At the same time that CAIR promoted Days as a lawyer while knowing he was not, it continued to solicit donations for its “legal” representation of Muslims in civil rights cases. Prospective plaintiffs, who may have been victimized by CAIR’s fraud in the Morris Days affair, as well as any donors to CAIR who feel they have donated to CAIR under false pretenses thinking it was a legitimate and law abiding public interest law firm, should recognize that CAIR controls an extensive real estate asset portfolio, either owned directly by CAIR or by CAIR related companies. These assets are attachable and fair game for damages claims. A list of those assets, estimated at a fair market value between $6.6 million and $10 million, is provided below.

The evidence for the alert has been provided from Muslim American sources. A significant body of evidence has been obtained from these sources, which include individual citizens in several states, as well as Muslim American leaders who no longer support CAIR.

Copies of pertinent documents are provided for download as pdf files above.


Anti-Border Fence Activists Losing the Battle

4 September, 2008

Ah, yes.  I love it when liberals get their “thinking part” kicked in court!

Attempt to halt work on border fence work fails
By Diana Washington Valdez / El Paso Times

EL PASO — A federal judge on Wednesday denied a preliminary injunction to halt construction of the border fence, drawing strong reactions from officials and activists while giving way for the project to continue.

The injunction request sought to prevent the Department of Homeland Security from constructing any fencing, walls or other physical barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California unless the department complies with the laws waived on April 3 by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

In his 28-page ruling dated Aug. 29, U.S. District Judge Frank Montalvo said the plaintiffs failed to prove that construction would irreparably harm the public. “Defendants’ arguments clearly demonstrate DHS and the public will be adversely affected if the preliminary injunction is granted,” he said in his ruling.

Various entities and organizations filed the injunction petition June 23. They included the County of El Paso, the city of El Paso, El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, Hudspeth County Conservation and Reclamation District No. 1, Frontera Audubon Society, Friends of the Wildlife Corridor, Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Mark Clark, a property owner in South Texas.

The petition was part of a multiparty lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security. The suit challenged Chertoff’s statutory authority to issue waivers of more than three dozen federal laws, as well as related state, local and tribal laws, to expedite the construction of a border fence in El Paso.

However, time may be running out for the opponents because the fence, which in this region is expected to stretch to Fort Hancock, is supposed to be finished by end of the year. If the fence is built before the lawsuit is tried, then the court would probably rule the lawsuit a moot issue.
