Archive for 5 September, 2008

Oprah Biased? Well, She Won’t Interview Sara Palin Until AFTER the Elections

5 September, 2008

Keep in mind that Oprah supports Obamessiah, donates money to his campaign, and has had him on her show at least two times that I am aware of (I stopped watching her show when she started spouting out all that New-Age Christianity bunk and then convienently forgot to send me a brand new car for free).

Also, be sure to follow the link to and read ALL the comments for this article.  There were over 2000 comments when last I checked, and it seems that they are getting at least ten comments per minute!

Is Oprah Biased? Host Won’t Interview Palin
Republican VP Nominee Sarah Palin Isn’t Welcome on ‘Oprah’
Sept. 5, 2008

She may have let Tom Cruise jump all over her couch, but Oprah Winfrey says that Sarah Palin can’t even sit on it.

At least not until after the presidential election, that is.

Responding to media reports first publicized on Matt Drudge’s “The Drudge Report” claiming there was turmoil at Winfrey’s Harpo Studios about whether to book the GOP vice presidential nominee on the popular talk show, Winfrey’s camp said today that while she has nothing against Palin, the veep hopeful won’t appear on the show anytime soon.

“The item in today’s ‘Drudge Report’ is categorically untrue,” Winfrey said in a written statement provided to “There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show.

“At the beginning of the presidential campaign, when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates,” Winfrey wrote.

Really??????  What about this:

I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.”

But Winfrey, who publicly endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama in May 2008, is being widely criticized by some fans of the show who say she’s being unfair and biased.

“Once she brings Obama on and opens the door to political people [on her show], it’s only fair to bring both Republicans and Democrats on,” she added.

But, according to mother and Winfrey fan Donna Chaffins, when Obama appeared on the show does matter.

“Personally, as long as she claims she will not use her show as a platform and as long as she doesn’t campaign for him on the show, I have no problem with her waiting to have Palin on the show,” Chaffins said.


Breaking: Code Pink Protesters STOLE a Delegate’s Identity to Disrupt Sarah Palin’s Speech at the RNC

5 September, 2008

Yeah, I was wondering how someone as famous as Code Pink founder, Jodie Evans (and a top Obamessiah donor) made it into the RNC without raising suspicion…

If this is how she did it, I suspect that the Code Pink protesters who disrupted Sen. McCain’s speech last night, also may have pulled the same stunt.

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t identity theft a Federal Crime?

From ThisAintHell:

We just got off the phone with Annie Eckrich from Indiana.
She was at the convention each day.

Annie was very upset that the radical antiwar group stole her identity. She was not familiar with the Code Pink movement. She has no idea how they came across her name.


UPDATE: Annie Eckrich wrote the following comment below after our conversation:

I am Annie Eckrich and have no connection to these people what so ever. As I see the name tag, I missed 2 programs and they may have had a name tag with my name,but none of my credentials as they were only with me at the convention. Please be assured that I have been tried and true Republican since I was 18 years old.

Gateway Pundit is also covering this HERE

Russia May Have Secured IDF’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Passed the Technology on to Iran During Invasion of Georgia

5 September, 2008

This is VERY alarming news and has major military and political implications.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  Putin is pure EVIL!!!

Russian units raid Georgian airfields for use in Israeli strike against Iran – report
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 5, 2008

The raids were disclosed by UPI chief editor Arnaud de Borchgrave, who is also on the Washington Times staff, and picked up by the Iranian Fars news agency. The Russian raids of two Georgian airfields, which Tbilisi had allowed Israel to use for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, followed the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia on Aug. 7.

Under the secret agreement with Georgia, the airfields had been earmarked for use by Israeli fighter-bombers taking off to strike Iran in return for training and arms supplies.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that flying from S. Georgia over the Caspian Sea to Iran would sharply trim the distance to be spanned by Israeli fighter-bombers, reducing flying time to 3.5 hours.

Northern Iran and the Tehran region, where most of the nuclear facilities are concentrated, would be within range, with no need to request US permission to pass through Iraq air space.

Russian Special Forces also raided other Israeli facilities in southern Georgia and captured Israeli spy drones, says the report.

Israel was said to have used the two airfields to “conduct recon flights over southern Russia as well as into nearby Iran.” The US intelligence sources quoted by UPI reported that the Russian force also carried home other Israeli military equipment captured at the air bases.

Our sources say that if the Russians got hold of an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle complete with sophisticated electronic reconnaissance equipment, they will have secured some of the IDF’s most secret devices for spying on Iran and Syria.

When this happened before, Russian military engineers quickly dismantled the equipment, studied it and passed the technology on to Tehran and Damascus.

Rasmussen Survey Discovers Obamessiah’s Legion Does Not Support the Constitution!

5 September, 2008

Yeah, this is some interesting stuff here.  Apparently, 82% of McCain’s supporters think that the Supreme Court should make its rulings based on what is actually in the U.S. Constitution, compared to the Obamessiah’s supporters which came in at only 29%.

Flipping that all around, that means a full 71 percent of the Obamessiah’s Legion DO NOT HAVE ANY RESPECT for the U.S. Constitution!

Based on these poll numbers, Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that when Obamessiah and his Legion talk about “Change” they are actually talking about overthrowing our country and converting it to a Communist state?!?
Supreme Court Update
60% of Voters Say Supreme Court Should Base Rulings on Constitution
Friday, September 05, 2008 – Rasmussen Reports

Thirty-two percent (32%) of likely voters say the Supreme Court is doing a good or excellent job. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 20% give the Honorables poor ratings (crosstabs available for Premium Members).

These approval ratings for the Supreme Court are essentially identical to those found in the last survey conducted in mid-August.

Earlier this year, perceptions of the court improved after it issued a popular opinion upholding the Second Amendment while striking down a Washington, DC law banning handguns in the city.

During his acceptance speech last night at the Republican National Convention in Minnesota, John McCain told the audience, “We believe in a strong defense, work, faith, service, a culture of life, personal responsibility, the rule of law, and judges who dispense justice impartially and don’t legislate from the bench.” Most American voters (60%) agrees and says the Supreme Court should make decisions based on what is written in the constitution, while 30% say rulings should be guided on the judge’s sense of fairness and justice. The number who agree with McCain is up from 55% in August.

While 82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution, just 29% of Barack Obama’s supporters agree. Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge’s sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree.

In terms of how the Supreme Court currently makes decisions, just 42% of voters think the justices rule from what is in the Constitution. Thirty-percent (30%) say they are guided by a sense of fairness and justice. Democrats are more likely than Republicans and unaffiliated voters to believe the justices base rulings on the Constitution.

The survey also found that 65% of voters think the Supreme Court justices have their own political agendas. That number has changed little over the past month. Just 18% believe the judges remain impartial when making decisions.

Nearly all voters believe the selection of Supreme Court justices by the president is important. The majority (63%) believe it is very important. Just 8% think the selection process by the president is not important.

Ratings for the Supreme Court are much more positive than those of Congress. The latest Rasmussen survey found that just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job.

Muslim Bodies Cut Links to Germany’s Only Professor of Islam

5 September, 2008

Yup, rather than engage in a serious debate, the Muzzies shut down the messenger:

Muslim bodies cut links to Germany’s only professor of Islam
05 Sep 2008 –
Author : DPA

Cologne, Germany – Germany’s main Muslim bodies cut their links Friday to Germany’s only professor of Islamic religion, charging that Muhammad Kalisch had questioned the existence of the Prophet Mohammed and Muslim beliefs about the origin of the Koran. Kalisch teaches at the University of Muenster in northern Germany.

[Both VERY valid questions.  Surely, if there were proof, like a valid copy of a source document, this would not be an issue…  After all, Christianity has managed to obtain copies of source documents that precede Islam by over 500 years! (written on biodegradable paper, nonetheless! )  If the Christians can do it, then surely Islam, a relatively new religion, should be able to easily produce such evidence…  But, they can’t.

Here’s an excerpt from the Prophet of Doom:

“The Umayyad dynasty of Islam’s first one hundred years was headquartered in the former Byzantine area of Syria, not Arabia. Thus, unlike Arabia, it was a sophisticated society which used secretaries in the Caliphal courts, proving that manuscript writing was well developed. Yet nothing has been found to support the religion of Islam. Not a single Hadith or Qur’an fragment dates to this time or place. The Muslims who had managed to conquer and tax much of the world during Islam’s first 100 years couldn’t manage to write a single scroll, surah, Sira, or Sunnah during those same 100 years.”

I encourage you all to follow the link and read the rest of that page.  It’s VERY informative, and will give you a big clue as to why a German Islamic Scholar would be questioning such things.]

The four main Muslim groups had been represented on a board of advisors to his Centre for Islamic Religious Studies (CRS) since the chair was established, but there has been friction over his academic publications.

In a joint statement in Cologne on Friday, the council of Muslim organizations said it was concerned at the “discrepancy between fundamentals of Islamic teaching and the published positions of the head of the CRS.”

Ayyub Axel Koehler, a German Muslim who is president of one group, the Central Council of Muslims, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa: “Kalisch calls fundamental teachings into question in such a stark way that it’s not possible to go along with him.”

He said Kalisch had questioned whether the Prophet really existed and what Muslims believed about the Koran’s origin.


200 Shiite Radicals Peacefully Protest U.S. Presence in Iraq

5 September, 2008

Well, one good thing about this is that they have begun to learn about Democracy and the right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances…

However, I’m sure they’ll flub that one up in the near future; whereupon, the U.S. will have to “re-educate” them…

In Baghdad’s Sadr City: Seven minutes of ‘no to America’

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Seven minutes of “No to America” and then they left, ducking for shade. That was the extent of the protest by fewer than 200 Shiite radicals after Friday prayers in Baghdad’s anti-US enclave of Sadr City.

The promising posters pasted on the walls of the sprawling shanty district in the east of the Iraqi capital called on supporters of Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr to “peacefully reject and condemn” the US occupation.

Perhaps chalk up the muted participation to Baghdad’s intense midday heat and also the Muslim month of Ramadan, a demanding period of dawn-to-dusk fasting that saps the strength of even the fiercest Sadr faithful.

But after a speech by imam Said Abdul Satar al-Battat — a mixture of Koranic prayer and incantations railing against the evils of America — fewer than 200 people crowded around for the usual burning of the American flag.

No to America! No to the devil,” they shouted. “We are with you, Moqtada, to liberate Iraq!”

As was the case after prayers on Friday last week, dozens of Sadr’s followers also signed blood oaths to continue their fight against US forces in Iraq.


Prisoner bosses spend £25,000 on lunchboxes for Ramadan

5 September, 2008


Muslim terrorists and criminals have been given £25,000 worth of lunch boxes to keep their meals warm during Ramadan.
By Chris Irvine –

The bright yellow metal containers were issued to nearly 250 inmates in London’s Belmarsh Prison, which is home to a number of convicted and suspected terrorists, including Abu Hamza, serving seven years for incitement to murder and racial hatred.

The boxes allow prisoners to keep meals warm until darkness when they are allowed to break their fasting period during Ramadan, which started on Monday.

Prison officers at Belmarsh have criticised the move, fearing the 18in long containers, which resemble a tool box, could be used as a weapon.

One prison source told The Sun: “It’s madness to allow dangerous prisoners to have a metal box with handles. These are not petty criminals – these are hardened terrorists.


USC Removing Passages from Hadiths on Its Website!

5 September, 2008

This is extremely alarming.

Most of us in the anti-Jihad blogosphere use the MSA-USC’s Hadith collection when researching Islamic texts and, of course, the life of the Profligate Muhammad (SAW IV).

Now, thanks to a Liberal, Multiculturalist idiot at the University of Southern California, we are all going to be treated to a much nicer and more Christ-like image of the little Profligate SOB!

To remove passages that are considered “despicable” is to conceal the true face of Isam from the public!

I just can’t believe the stupidity that is out there!

Leave the texts alone!  They are historic documents!!!!!

(Sheesh!  I bet you thought you’d never live to see the day that Doctor Bulldog would actually agree with a group of Muzzies, eh? )

P.S. – I have emailed Robert Spencer at JihadWatch.  Hopefully, he will publicize it, as he can get the word out to a much larger audience, much faster.

Deleted site causes stir for Muslim organization
Provost Nikias takes down posted documents calling on Muslims to kill Jews.
Ashley Archibald –
Issue date: 9/5/08 Section: News

Provost C. L. Max Nikias has approved the deletion of part of a Muslim student group website that hosted religious documents urging Muslims to kill Jewish people. The material was removed from a collection of scriptures known as hadiths, historical sayings of the Prophet Muhammad not included in the Quran. The hadith in question, along with thousands of others, are hosted in their entirety on a USC server as part of the now defunct Muslim Student Association’s website.

Nikias first heard of the hadiths’ phrasing when Rabbi Aron Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human-rights organization, approached USC trustee Alan Casden with his concerns. Hier was troubled by five hadiths advocating Muslim violence against Jews to hasten the coming of the “final hour.”

Nikias reviewed the site, and responded that “the passage cited is truly despicable. … We did some investigations and have ordered the passage to be removed.”

Members of the Muslim Student Union, which is the dominant Muslim student organization on campus but which is not associated with the MSA, declined to be interviewed, but in a statement, they called Nikias’ actions “unprecedented and unconscionable” and said they amounted to unwarranted censorship. Nikias did not consult the group before he took down the hadith, they said.

“We are outraged at the censorship of a complete religious and classic text without consulting us or any religious authority first,” the group said in the statement. “The ‘compendium’ is now incomplete. There are verses in many religious texts (be it the Torah or the New Testament) that when taken out of context can be taken as offensive.

“USC, as a place of higher education, has prided itself on academic freedom and freedom of speech, and their censorship on this issue is unprecedented and unconscionable. …The administration’s actions have gone behind the backs of their students and we have been left in the dark.”
