Archive for 9 September, 2008

Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One Before: A Pig Wearing Lipstick and an Old Fish Walk into the White House…

9 September, 2008

No doubt many of you have heard the comment by Barack Obama that may or may not be referring to Gov. Palin and Senator McCain:

ABC News:

“That’s not change,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering.

“You know, you can put lipstick on a pig,” Obama said, “but it’s still a pig.”

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,'” Obama continued, “it’s still gonna stink after eight years.

“We’ve had enough of the same old thing! It’s time to bring about real change to Washington.  And that’s the choice you’ve got in this election.”

Now, I was willing to give Senator Obama the benefit of the doubt when his Ministry of Propaganda said that he was just using an old expression and was not referring to Gov. Palin’s now famous Hockey Mom /Lipstick comment viewed by almost all of America during the GOP convention, however, as I was fact checking this story, I discovered something VERY interesting:

The National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL) is a major supporter of the Obama campaign.  NARAL is anti-McCain and anti-Palin to such an extent that it borders on psychotic!  They even use McCain as a tool to scare pro-abortionists into signing up with them!

Now, I mention all this because National Review Online (NRO) has a quick little blurb from September 04, 2008 where NARAL was sending out a Press Release using the “Lipstick on a Pig” in reference to Sarah Palin:

Lipstick on a Pig”   [Ramesh Ponnuru]

“NARAL is sending out a press release playing on Palin’s lipstick comment from last night:

Gov. Palin had a good applause line last night about hockey moms and lipstick on pitbulls.  Well, we have an expression here, too: Dress it up any way you like, but the McCain-Palin rhetoric about women’s freedom and privacy is nothing more than lipstick on a pig!

09/04 06:56 PM”

I have tried to find this Press Release on NARAL’s website, but have been unsuccessful.  You see, that’s the odd thing;  the Press Release isn’t there!  I am pretty darn sure that a news source such as NRO would not have manufactured a story like that!  Nor, would they have had any idea that Barack Obama would be using such a phrase a few days later…

We have seen instances in the past with Obama’s Minister of Propaganda covering up tell-tale tracks when it comes to information that is damaging.   So, now I sit here wondering what happened to the NARAL Press Release, and did Obama really think that his “lipstick on a pig” comment would not be “misinterpreted” as anything else but a jab at Gov. Palin?  Especially since he added in that smelly old fish metaphor which, when paired together with the Lipstick comment, could be mistaken for nothing else but a jab at McCain?

After careful consideration, and based on previous examples from the Obama camp, I’m pretty confident that Senator Obama actually did mean it as a metaphor for Sarah Palin;  knowing full well that he would be able to get away with it by playing it off as a misinterpretation by “stupid” Americans because he was, after all, “just using an old expression.”

Not to mention that he also knows that the MSM is so fatuously enamored with him that they will believe and regurgitate anything he tells them…

Yup, he says he’s for “Change” but all I see is more of the same old dirty politics…

But, that was pretty bloody sneaky of him, I’ll give him that…

Former Nation of Islam leader W.D. Mohammed dies

9 September, 2008


CHICAGO (AP) — Imam W.D. Mohammed, who succeeded his father as leader of the Nation of Islam but abandoned its teachings of black supremacy and moved thousands of its followers into mainstream Islam, died Tuesday. He was 74.

Mohammed died at his home in Markham, Ill., according to a family statement issued late Tuesday by his nephew, Sultan Muhammad. Details of his death were not immediately released.

“We ask that you pray for our father and leader,” the statement said.

The Cook County Medical Examiner said 74-year-old Wallace Mohammed was pronounced dead Tuesday. Mohammed went by both Warith Deen Mohammed and Wallace Muhammad. An autopsy was planned for Wednesday.

“Obviously, it’s a great loss for the entire Muslim community,” said Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Michigan, where Mohammed led a convention last month. “He was encouraging his followers to accept the best of their humanity and to extend the moral and ethical values of Islam to the general American public.”

When Mohammed’s father, Elijah Muhammad, died in 1975, his son was named leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, which promoted self-reliance and black supremacy, a belief that mainstream Muslims consider heretical.

Mohammed quickly abandoned that teaching and led the Nation toward orthodox Islam, emphasizing the faith’s message of racial tolerance. He had been a friend of Malcolm X, who abandoned the Nation to embrace mainstream Islam before he was assassinated in 1965.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, who broke with Mohammed over the move to orthodox Islam, separately revived the old Nation of Islam.

Farrakhan and Mohammed reconciled in 2000 through meetings and a joint public appearance at a Friday prayer in Chicago. Still, Mohammed remained critical of many Nation of Islam leaders.

“The time for those leaders who had that hate rhetoric has come and passed — and they know it,” Mohammed said in an interview last year in Little Rock, Ark. “For the last 10 years or more, they’ve just been selling wolf tickets to the white race and having fun while they collect money and have fancy lifestyles.”


A Bridge to Nowhere

9 September, 2008

If it weren’t for all those Liberal idiots out there who unquestionably drink every last sip of Obama’s Kool-Aid and those poor lost souls out there getting a steady dose of “fatuous suck-upping” from the Main Stream Media,  I would have done a spit-take and laughed out loud when I heard Obama and Biden trying to spin Sarah Palin’s cancellation of that “Bridge to Nowhere,” as being John Kerry-like; accusing her of being “for it before she was against it.”

First of all, yes, Sarah Palin did support the Ketchikan Bridge initially.  But, in the end, she realized that she had been mislead.  She had the perspicaciousness and intrepidity to go against both the Democrats AND Republicans in finally refusing that Bridge to Nowhere.  As was noted last year in the NYT:

“Gov. Sarah Palin ordered state transportation officials to abandon the ”bridge to nowhere” project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending. The $398 million bridge would have connected Ketchikan, on one island in southeastern Alaska, to its airport on another nearby island. ”Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport,” Ms. Palin, a Republican, said in a news release, ”but the $398 million bridge is not the answer.” She directed the State Transportation Department to find the most ”fiscally responsible” alternative for access to the airport.”

Now, what you might not know is that BOTH Barack Obama AND Joe Biden voted for funding the Bridge to Nowhere, “even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief.”

Seems to me that Sarah Palin is smarter than both of them put together…

Democrats Have “Air Dropped a Mini-Army” of 30 Investigators into Alaska to Dig Up Dirt on Sarah Palin

9 September, 2008

Wow!  I think we actually have found a war that Democrats can really support! – The War against Palin!

Sure, they oppose any military actions against our enemies who want to kill us, but when it comes to assassinating Sarah Palin’s character, they are more than willing to invade Alaska “Commando Style” to win the battle for the White House!

The Hunt for Sarah October;  City slickers invade Wasilla
September 9, 2008 – The Wall Street Journal

Democrats understand Sarah Palin is a formidable political force who has upset the Obama victory plan. The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women, a reversal of Mr. Obama’s eight-point lead last month.

It’s no surprise, then, that Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin’s hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. My sources report the first wave arrived in Anchorage less than 24 hours after John McCain selected her on August 29.

The main area of interest to the Democratic SWAT team is Mrs. Palin’s dismissal in July of her public safety commissioner. Mrs. Palin says he was fired for cause. Her critics claim he was fired because he wouldn’t bend to pressure to get rid of a state trooper, Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a bitter divorce battle with Mrs. Palin’s sister. Mr. Wooten is certainly a colorful character. He served a five-day suspension after the Palin family filed a complaint against him alleging he had threatened Mrs. Palin’s father. They also accused him of using a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson, drinking in his patrol car and illegally shooting a moose.

Mrs. Palin will return to Alaska for the first time in nearly two weeks on Wednesday night, when she is scheduled to arrive in Fairbanks. Local Republicans will hold a “Welcome Home” rally for her. You can bet some of the Democratic opposition research contingent will be in the audience taking notes. They’ll be the ones arriving in rental cars and wearing fancy dress shoes from back east.

— John Fund

Good News: Minnesota Muzzie Cab Drivers Lose Another Round in Court

9 September, 2008

Queue the music!

Muslim cabbies lose round in court
via USA Today

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) — Muslim cab drivers whose religious beliefs go against driving passengers who carry alcohol have lost another round in court.

The Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday against the cab drivers’ attempt to block penalties for refusing service.

An ordinance adopted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission last year revokes a cab driver’s license for 30 days for refusing a fare at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. A second refusal brings a two-year revocation.

A large share of the cabbies who serve the airport are Somali Muslims, and many of them believe that Islamic law prohibits them from giving rides to people carrying alcohol. Since the commission began keeping track in 2002, there have been over 5,200 recorded instances of cabbies refusing service to passengers at the airport, including a “significant percentage” of passengers carrying alcohol, which is sometimes visible through bags or in wine boxes, the appeals court noted.

The issue had simmered for several years before the commission decided the penalties were needed to ensure that customers would get reliable taxi service at the airport, and that compromises proposed by the drivers were impractical.

While the Main Stream Media Spins…

9 September, 2008

Gee, with the MSM getting their panties in a bunch trying to besmirch Sarah Palin’s good name, they seem to be ignoring more important issues; like Bush pulling 8,000 U.S. Troops out of Iraq, or Bush sending a “surge” of 4,500 troops into Afghanistan…  Of course, the Obamessiah will probably spin this as HIS idea…

Bush to cut Iraq troops strength, boost forces for Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (AFP) — President George W. Bush announced Tuesday that he would pull just 8,000 US troops from Iraq in the coming months, while sending 4,500 soldiers to Afghanistan.

The decision means Bush’s successor will take office in January with the US military presence in Iraq largely unchanged at about 140,000 troops — a bigger deployment than two years ago despite the deep unpopularity of the war.

Bush, speaking to the National Defense University here, said progress in having Iraqis take over security responsibility — which he characterized as “unimaginable” just two years ago — had made a troop drawdown possible.

He said around 3,400 support unit troops would return home in coming months, a Marine battallion by November and an army brigade by February — for a total of about 8,000 soldiers.

“If the progress in Iraq continues to hold, General (David) Petraeus and our military leaders believe additional reductions will be possible in the first half of 2009,” Bush said, referring to the top US commander there.

The US president said a Marines battallion, would be deployed to Afghanistan in November, to be followed by an army combat unit in January.


Canadian Muzzie Whines – UPS Fired Her Because She Would Not Comply With Safety Protocols

9 September, 2008

Same old story we see just about every other week:

A Muzzie knows the rules before getting hired, agrees to them, then when hired, cites religious reasons for non-compliance, gets fired, files a complaint, get’s awarded big jizyah dollars from a now submissive ex-employer.  Lives happily ever after in the knowledge that they have participated in a stealth Jihad against the West…

Enough already!  If the Muzzies don’t want to comply with the dress code, they can ALWAYS find a job somewhere else!  They aren’t slaves, folks!

Woman: UPS fired me because I’m Muslim

TORONTO, Sept. 9 (UPI) — A Muslim Canadian woman claims she lost her job scanning boxes at United Parcel Service Inc. (NYSE:UPS) because she refused to hike up her long skirt to her knees.

Nadifo Yusuf, 35, told the Canadian Human Rights Commission she had worked at the Toronto delivery plant as a temporary employee for two years wearing a traditional hijab, headscarf and skirt with no problem — even tucking in her hijab and raising her skirt to mid-calf for safety reasons.

[Yup, the same Big Brother organization that has been slowly whittling away at the Canadian Press’ freedoms…]

But around April 2005, when her job was changed to a full-time unionized position, she was told to hike her skirt to knee-length or face losing her job for safety reasons, The Toronto Star reported.

“I was working two years and I became unsafe?” she testified before the tribunal.

Six of the eight women provided UPS with a letter from a Toronto mosque stating that “the religion of Islam requires all Muslim women to cover her entire body inclusive of the legs, arms, head, ears and neck.”

UPS then requested Liberty Mutual Underwriters Canada to conduct a job hazard analysis and risk assessment. Liberty concluded that “for health and safety reasons” workers’ skirts should not be longer than knee-length.

Yusuf and seven other Muslim women were fired July 13, 2005.

The women filed a complaint with the commission alleging UPS discriminated against them because of their religion and sex.

Good News: Kim Jong Il May Have Had a Stroke

9 September, 2008

Yup, must’ve ruptured a blood vessel or something what with all that yelling, kicking, and screaming all the time for attention…

Kim Jong Il of North Korea May Have Had a Stroke

September 9, 2008 –

U.S. intelligence officials now believe that Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s dictator, may be on the brink of death. Officials have said that there is reason to believe Kim Jong Il is sick after he failed to show up at a North Korean national celebration on Tuesday.

Kim has not been seen in public for a month, and U.S. officials were closely watching the country’s military parade on Tuesday for signs as to his health. An intelligence official believes it is possible that Kim has suffered a stroke, and Reuters has reported that the yet unknown health issue may have happened in the past few weeks.

So far there have been no signs of transfer of power in North Korea. Kim holds absolute power in North Korea’s Stalinist regime.

Dhimmi UK Goes Sharia

9 September, 2008

Sharia Law alive and well in the UK
News Desk – 9/09/08

The UK is now host to the first official Sharia law court at a midlands based Islamic college, Hijaz College Islamic University in Nuneaton.  Under the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) the Sharia court operates under the reforms of the civil justice system and deals with commercial, civil, and matrimonial matters including cases of domestic violence.

On a website the ethos of the college is described as:

“Hijaz is perfecting the formula for simultaneous religious and modern education. Only four years ago this vision started to take a different shape in the form of Hijaz College Islamic University. The rapidity of its growth, the confidence in which it has developed, is a certainty that Hijaz will create a wave of leadership. Its graduates will be trained to the highest standards in religious and professional education, ready to lead 1.5 billion Muslims into the 21st century. Hijaz is re-designing the basis of Islamic education that was historically the strength of Muslims, which has now been lost to sub-standard or subservient forms of education and thinking.”

Speaking to the Coventry Telegraph Faisal Aqtab Siddiqi said that Sharia law could “enrich” the current legal system in the UK.

Current Sharia Law dictates to observant Muslims that on marriage:

” Marriage in Islam is intended to protect the chastity of men and women alike, therefore it is the woman’s duty to respond to her husband’s requests for conjugal relations. She should not give silly excuses and try to avoid it.

“The prophet said “if a man calls his wife to his bed, let her respond, even if she is riding her camel (i-e very busy).” Reported by Al-Bazzar

“The prophet said “if a man calls his wife, then let her come, even if she is busy at the oven”. Reported by Tirmidhi”

“Narrated by Jaabir the prophet said “if anyone of you is attracted to a woman, let him to go his wife and have intercourse with her, for that will calm him down” reported by Muslim”

“Narrated by Abdullah the prophet said, “there are three people whose prayers will not be accepted, neither their good works:”

“A disobedient slave until he returns to his masters and puts his hand in theirs”

“woman whose husband is angry with her, until he is pleased with her again”

“And the drunkard until he becomes sober” reported by Ibn Hibban

The warning given to women whose husband is angry with her reaches such an extent that it would shake the conscience of every righteous wife who has faith in Allah and the last day. She is told that her prayer and good deeds will not be accepted, until her husband is pleased with her again.”

There is an estimated 1.2 million practicing Muslims in the UK

London: Tories Urge Reviewing Plans to Build “Mega-Mosque” in Wake of Airline Bomb Plot Trial

9 September, 2008

See?  This is why Muslims should NOT support Jihadists and should report ALL radicals and their supporters to the authorities.  Of course, I suspect that that would leave very few Muslims…

mega-mosque in wake of bomb trial’
Paul Waugh, Deputy Political Editor
09.09.08  –

Ministers should review plans to build a “mega-mosque” in the East End in the wake of the airline bomb plot trial, the Tories urged today.

Shadow security minister Dame Pauline Neville-Jones said the case had shown that the group behind the mosque may have given cover to extremist activity.

Tablighi Jamaat, which describes itself an Islamic missionary organisation, is pushing for the mosque to be built next to the 2012 Olympics site in Stratford.

But the group was revealed in court as having links to some of the terror suspects, with several having passed through other mosques run by the group.

The organisation, which has 80 million followers worldwide, insists it is a peaceful, apolitical revivalist movement that promotes Islamic consciousness among individual Muslims.

But intelligence agencies have cautioned that its ability to radicalise young men could lead to jihadist terrorism.
