Archive for 18 September, 2008

Illinois Police Need Your Help

18 September, 2008

From dm60462:

Palos Heights, Illinois – Attached is the face of the knife-wielding Arab who abducted a local 17-year-old High School girl from her job on Tuesday night. When the girl first spotted her attacker as she worked, she sent a text message to a friend, describing the man as “creepy” and saying that she spotted him peering at her through the store window. The man returned to the store, ordered a takeout sandwich and left again. The girl called her friend and asked him to come to the store because she felt scared. Her friend arrived at the shop moments later and spotted her purse, cigarettes and phone scattered on the ground.

As police launched a search, notifying the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the man took the girl to a remote residential area and raped her. The man then dumped her at the side of the road about a mile from her home and drove off. Detectives were interviewing her parents at their home when the girl walked up her driveway at 12:30 a.m. Standing just 5 feet tall and weighing only 100 pounds, she was bruised, shoeless and partially clothed.

From the “Wanted” poster…

“The South Suburban Major Crimes Task Force (SSMCTF) and Palos Heights Police are requesting the public’s assistance with an investigation into an Aggravated Kidnapping / Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault. On Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at approximately 9 PM, a 17 year old female employee was abducted from T J Grinders sandwich shop at 12250 S. Harlem Avenue . She was taken to an unknown location and raped.  The SSMCTF is seeking to identify the offender, described as a male of Arabic decent, approximately 35 – 45 years of age, 5’9” tall, 200-220 lbs., with short dark hair, olive complexion, a mustache, wearing a white t-shirt, with unknown writing/design, and blue jeans. The offender was driving a newer model black 4-door vehicle. The vehicle has a grey dashboard, and grey vinyl or leather interior. Anyone having information, please contact the Palos Heights Police at (708)448-5060 or (708)448-2131.”

Sarah Palin “Disinvited” to Protest Rally; McCain Issues Statement

18 September, 2008

Just so we are clear on this, after SHrillary Clinton found out that Sarah Palin would be at the same protest against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, she rudely backed out.  Then, Barack Obama and his Commie thugs pressured the Jewish organizers of the protest to “disinvite” Sarah Palin, i.e. – she is no longer allowed to speak on the podium at the protest rally…

Yup, tactics straight out of the KGB’s playbook…

Biden’s Refusal to Appear At Iran Protest Caused the Disinvitation of Palin
Jennifer Rubin – 09.18.2008  –

Here’s the latest news on the withdrawal of the invitation to Sarah Palin (and all other politicians) to Monday’s protest of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — withdrawn by the sponsor, the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Organization.  COMMENTARY has learned that Joe Biden was invited to the event in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s refusal to appear on the same stage as  Palin — and he declined. In an e-mail to me, Biden spokesman David Wade said that “we’ve had longstanding commitment to speak at National Guard Convention on Monday in Maryland.”

After that, the decision was made to disinvite Palin — who is, let us recall, the chief executive of one of the 50 state of the union as well as the vice-presidential candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States. According to Ben Smith of Politico:

“The appearance that the non-partisan group was aligning with the Republican ticket put the group and its president, Malcolm Hoenlein, under heavy pressure from Jewish Democrats, including members of the conference, members of Congress, and the liberal group J Street, not to give Palin a platform, sources said. Hoenlein told the McCain campaign that he would have to rescind Palin’s invitation or cancel the rally.”

The question is: Was Hoenlein put in this position because of a decision by the Obama team and its supporters to treat Sarah Palin as though she were not a legitimate political figure with whom major Democratic politicians can or should share the stage.The McCain camp has issued a statement in the candidate’s name:


Good News: prejudice on the rise in Europe

18 September, 2008

Even though islam is not a religion I took liberties with the title. I should also point out the author attempts to make the awakening of europeans a bad thing. Naturally, I do not.

Strasbourg, 18 Sept. (AKI) – A leading human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe, warned on Thursday that anti-Semitism and Islamophobia were increasing in Europe.
-A cute trick to link those two groups without explaining that the majority of the anti-semitism was caused by the muslims.

Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, said the rise in both was of concern and ought to be diminished.
-Uh huh.

“Data from some European countries is particularly worrying, with almost half the population having negative opinions about Muslims and Jews,” he said.
-So outlaw muslim imams rants about Israel – problem solved.

Davis said that the increase in intolerance was evident across Europe and that there was no division between East and West.

Davis’ remarks were made after a survey published by the Pew Research Center.
-I have never trusted surveys but lets see where this goes.

The spring 2008 report says that 46 percent of the Spanish rated Jews unfavourably.
-Without knowing the question that entire statement is misleading. As an example, how would you answer these questions?

Do you support attempts by Israel to entrap palestinians in ghettos?

Or-Do you favor Jewish control over your bank?

Now my point is not that those particular questions were used but you can see how a pointed question could almost guarantee a negative/unfavorable response.

More than a third of Russians (34 percent) and Poles (36 percent) echoed this view. There were fewer, but still significant numbers of Germans (25 percent) and French (20 percent).
-More deception, without more details this is meaningless. Who did they ask, what percentage of the population, what were their education levels incomes and religion? Was the sample audience spread wide and fairly or limited to isolated groups? (more…)

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer with Lynn Forester De Rothschild on the Dem Ticket

18 September, 2008

Obama Thinks YOU are Dangerously Confused if YOU listen to Talk Radio or Watch FOX News!

18 September, 2008

Currently, I am in the process of breaking down Obama’s 2004 “God Factor” Interview with Chicago Sun Times religion columnist Cathleen Falsani for submission to my pastor (we attend a mostly black church, and unfortunately many in our congregation are voting for Obama without even understanding his egregious perversion of the Christian faith).

Anyway, as I was analyzing his interview, I noticed that he said, “[The American people] get confused sometimes, watch FoxNews or listen to talk radio.  That’s dangerous sometimes.”

So, if (and I pray to God this won’t happen) Obama gets elected, it’s a pretty fair bet that he will do his best to silence talk radio and FoxNews.  After all, he has already shown us, on two previous occassions (that I am aware of), his willingness to silence free speech on talk radio and the Internet…

MSM Ignoring EVERYTHING Majorly Wrong with Obama

18 September, 2008

You know, if Obama wins this election, it won’t be because of We the People, it will be because the Main Stream Media has purposely distorted and ignored the truth in an effort to get this little Commie SOB in office.  Unfortunately, as today’s poll numbers are showing, the MSM is succeeding.

Because of the MSM’s overwhelming bias and failings, bloggers like Ronin and I are forced to do their jobs for them by informing you of what the MSM is so fallaciously trying to hide from the public in their zeal to get Obama and his Commie thugs into office, like the following “Family” get together between Obama and Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac:

Muzzies Beat the Crap out of Two Jews in France; The PROSECUTORS Say it Wasn’t Anti-Semitic

18 September, 2008

Just sad…  Another sign that France has become dhimmified.  Obviously, the prosecutors are idiots and have never read the Qur’an which calls Jews, “Apes and Pigs” and exhorts Muslims to kill them…

Bnei Akiva Slams French Police, Cover-up on Anti-Semitic Attack

by Hana Levi Julian

( Officials in Paris say prosecutors have decided a September 6 attack on three 17- and 18-year-old counselors from the Bnei Akiva Youth Movement was not an anti-Semitic crime, ethnically or racially motivated. Five teenage boys were charged in the attack, including one Jew.

However, Rafi Zaouch, emissary for the World Bnei Akiva movement and the Jewish Agency in France, vehemently rejected the contention that the incident was not an anti-Semitic attack. He noted in a statement released Thursday that although one of the perpetrators is of Jewish descent, he was raised in accordance with Islamic norms.

“The young suspect is Jewish according to Judaism, but grew up and was educated by Muslims,” said Zaouch. “The young suspect was never part of the Jewish Community.”

The incident began with three Muslim/African immigrants who reportedly began throwing chestnuts and shouting anti-Semitic remarks in Arabic at the counselors, all of whom were wearing yarmulkes, just as they were finishing the Sabbath afternoon prayer service. The attackers, they said, yelled out remarks such as, “Dirty Jew” and other such epithets.

Approximately a dozen youths then approached the skull-cap wearing worshippers, according to a statement issued by the movement in France, and beat them with brass knuckles until police arrived.


Biden: Paying Higher Taxes is Patriotic!

18 September, 2008

That’s interesting…  While Obama is calling McCain a liar for saying that Obama will raise taxes on Americans, Biden is busy telling Americans that it is “Patriotic” to support the Communist idea of taking money in the form of taxes from the upper middle class and rich in order to re-distribute it as the government sees fit…

Believe me, there’s nothing “Patriotic” about paying forced taxes…

Hey, Biden!  I have an idea – how about just DECREASING government spending?!?

Now, that idea sounds pretty damn “Patriotic” to me!  Or, did you forget about all of those REAL Patriots and a little thing called the Boston Tea Party???

H/T – Hot Air

The Obamessiah Muzzles Media

18 September, 2008

If you think Obama won’t limit Free Speech in America if elected, think again!

EDITORIAL: The new ‘digital brownshirts’
Washington Times
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where is Al Gore when you need him? Three years ago, the former vice president blasted “digital brownshirts” who “harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the president.” He meant the mortal threat to the Republic of bloggers and angry Republican e-mailers. But times change, and the digital legions are greater nowadays on Mr. Gore’s side. Thus we don’t hear much fretting at all about the Obama Action Wire, which, unlike the brownshirts of yore, is actually managed by Barack Obama’s campaign to muzzle critical media.

Here’s how it works. A message goes out over Barack Obama’s Web site with the names, phone numbers and e-mails of editors and producers foolish enough to host Obama critics. With Mr. Obama’s extensive digital following, and his extensive fund-raising and contact lists, shutting up the Democratic nominee’s critics with a fraction of Mr. Obama’s millions of supporters is relatively simple. The digital legions plug phone lines, crash servers and intimidate the advertisers of these media outlets. This must be another instance of the “new” politics that Mr. Obama frequently talks about.

The latest incident, reported in the Chicago Tribune, “orchestrated a massive stream of complaints on the phone lines of Tribune Co.-owned WGN-AM in Chicago. “The offense: The station hosted National Review’s David Freddoso, author of ‘The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate,’ a fair and rigorous but adversarial examination of Mr. Obama’s record. Surely, we can’t have any of that.

“The Action Wire serves as a means of arming our supporters with the facts to take on those who spread lies about Barack Obama and respond forcefully with the truth, whether it’s an author passing off fiction as biography, a Web site spreading baseless conspiracy theories or a TV station airing an ad that makes demonstrably false claims,” Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told the Tribune.

How Orwellian. Mr. LaBolt defends the very actions that prevent WGN-AM and others from airing the facts, as though obstructionism is an “airing of facts.”

Note to the Obama campaign: Informed observers don’t get “the facts” only from a political campaign. They read and listen to the independent media outlets – the same outlets the thin-skinned Mr. Obama is currently trying to quash.

The Obamessiah Compilation – Part 1

18 September, 2008

Warning: Graphic Language.  Make sure your children are out of earshot…