Archive for 25 September, 2008

US Textbooks: Jesus was a Palestinian

25 September, 2008

I’ve included photos of two of these books so that you can compare them with your children’s textbooks:

Study says US textbooks misrepresent Jews and Israel
Sep. 25, 2008

American elementary and high school textbooks contain many “gross misrepresentations” of Judaism, Christianity and Israel, according to a book-length study released this week by the San Francisco-based Institute for Jewish and Community Research.

“It is shocking to discover that history and geography textbooks widely used in America’s elementary and secondary classrooms contain some of the very same inaccuracies about Christianity, Judaism and the Middle East as those [used] in Iran,” the IJCR said in a summary of the findings of the five-year study.

In examining the 28 most widely-used history, geography and social studies textbooks in America, researchers Dr. Gary Tobin and Dennis Ybarra found some 500 instances of “errors, inaccuracies and even propaganda” on these issues. Tens of millions of schoolchildren in all 50 states use the textbooks, according to Tobin.

Among the “outrageous misrepresentations” the study found was “a denial of the Jewish roots of Jesus,” as when the textbook The World relates that “Christianity was started by a young Palestinian named Jesus.”

“Textbooks include negative stereotypes of Jews, Judaism and Israel,” the authors write. “For example, textbooks tend to discredit the ties between Jews and the land of Israel.”

According to Tobin, “you’re much more likely to learn about Jewish terrorism before the founding of Israel [in the textbooks] than about terrorism against Israel since that time.”

Among the claims made about Israel in some of the textbooks are that Arab countries never initiated wars against Israel, Arab nations desire peace while Israel does not and that it was Israel that placed Palestinians in refugee camps in Arab lands, not Arab governments. No mention whatsoever was found relating to the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were forced out after the establishment of Israel.

In their treatment of Judaism, too, the textbooks showed a negative bias, according to the study. They often expressed a view that “Jews and Judaism are legalistic,” and that “Jews care only about the letter of the law and ignore its spirit,” the study found. The Jewish God is presented as “stern and warlike,” and not compassionate, as is highlighted in other religions. In some instances, Jews are charged with deicide in the killing of Jesus.


Daughter of Radical Islamic Cleric is a Pole Dancer

25 September, 2008

Uhm…  Well, at least she integrated into society, unlike her father…  Knowing Islam like we do, we are pretty sure this is an honor killing waiting to happen…

A big tip of the hat goes out to TNR for finding this article.

Daughter of radical Islamic cleric admits she is a pole-dancer who likes to dance semi-naked in cages

By Sophie Borland
26th September 2008
The daughter of the radical Islamic cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed is a pole dancer, it emerged last night.

Yasmin Fostok, 27, has admitted rebelling against her father’s strict Muslim beliefs by performing semi-naked in London bars and nightclubs.

She lives as a single mother in South East London, bringing up her three-year-old son conceived during an arranged marriage to a Turkish man which has since collapsed.

Miss Fostok, who left the Bakri former home in North London four years ago, said: ‘I don’t get on with my dad. I don’t agree with his views  –  I just get on with my life and that is it.’

It has been reported that Miss Fostok regularly works in bars in the West End and has toured other countries as a podium dancer with a troupe called Ibiza Untouched.

She is also thought to work a fire-eating routine into her act and performs semi-naked inside cages.

She has dyed her hair blonde, has several tattoos of her name on her ankle and a dragon on her back and changed her Muslim name Youssra to Yasmin to try to conceal her identity.

She said: ‘I don’t normally do topless work but I’m willing to go topless if the venue is right.’

Last night her father said: ‘If this is true I am deeply shocked.’


Tancredo Demands ‘Bailout’ Provisions that Bar Handouts to Illegal Aliens

25 September, 2008

I do not know if the provision will stand but it should. Lacking that Congress should divide the money equally among American citizens. I do not know about you but I trust myself to handle my share much more than I trust Congress.

Just a side note to all the US politicians (except the two that this does not apply too). We are watching all of you, screw this up and we will vote your asses out. We have watched you blame an almost endless list for making this mess, well we blame you. You are by far the worst group of low life self-serving a-holes to ever hold office.

For the record I think the buy out is a fraud, it rewards failure. If you had given each taxpayer a few hundred thousand dollars, the economy of the entire world would have been stimulated and every tax paying American would have both benefited and helped solve the problem. I get zero benefits from your buy out-none-zilch-nada. Oh, I do get to pay for it, but I will preach a VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS policy from now on. Just to be clear here: I THINK YOU SUCK!

Have a good day and please do take the time to write a resume, you scum sucking weasels. I wouldn’t want you to add to the numbers of unemployed Americans. Especially those whose jobs you helped send overseas. They should be spared from having to stand next to the likes of you.

Asks leadership to prevent illegal aliens from obtaining federally backed loans
(WASHINGTON, DC) – U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) asked Congressional leadership to include safeguards in the bailout plan to verify the legal residency and identity of potential homebuyers to ensure that illegal aliens are not obtaining federally backed home loans – and that taxpayers are not absorbing the debts of illegal aliens, or bad loans made by banks to illegal aliens.

In a letter today, Tancredo asked his Congressional colleagues to oppose any package that lacks such safeguards.

A copy of the letter is below:
# # # #
Dear Colleague,

In the midst of the turmoil in our financial markets, we should take pause to reflect on the lessons we have learned in the past few years. With the benefits of that wisdom, we can include the prudent provisions that will close loopholes in any potential “bailout” legislation. One such suggestion is to incorporate safeguards to verify the legal residency and identity of potential homebuyers to ensure that illegal aliens are not obtaining federally backed home loans.

I sent a letter to the Secretary of HUD a year ago about this very concern. I also pressed the agency to disclose the extent to which this type of fraud is contributing to volatility in the mortgage markets. I believe this kind of fraud has contributed to the tumult we are seeing in the headlines daily. (more…)

Russia Offers Hugo Chavez $1 Billion Loan for Weapons

25 September, 2008

Since the recent political and economic events have put other important events on the back-burner, I just thought I would remind everyone about the gathering storm:

Venezuela Offered $1Bln Loan
By Sebastian Alison and Henry Meyer
Bloomberg – via St. Petersburg Times

MOSCOW — Russia offered Venezuela $1 billion in credit to buy weapons as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez visits to develop military ties amid worsening relations between both countries and the U.S.

Russia agreed to “issue a $1 billion credit line to Venezuela for the realization of military-technical cooperation programs,” the Kremlin said in an e-mailed statement, using a term that Russian authorities employ to describe defense sales.

Chavez, visiting Russia for the second time in two months, will meet Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at his residence outside Moscow later today before flying to Orenburg, near the Kazakh border in southern Russia, to observe military maneuvers and hold talks with President Dmitry Medvedev tomorrow.

His visit comes as Russian warships sail to the Caribbean Sea for joint exercises with the Venezuelan navy, and shortly after two Russian Tupolev-160 strategic bombers returned to Russia from a brief training visit to Venezuela. Russian relations with the U.S. have soured over Russia’s war with U.S. ally Georgia last month.

Venezuela spent $4.4 billion on 12 contracts for Russian weapons from 2005-2007, the Kremlin said. These include deals to buy 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles, 50 military helicopters and 24 Su-30 jet fighters, according to a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report.

Russia is now in talks to sell air defense systems, armored personnel carriers and new-generation Su-35 fighter jets due to start production in 2010, the Kommersant newspaper reported Sept. 18, citing state industrial holding company Russian Technologies chief Sergei Chemezov.

Tancredo Tells United Nations to Get Out

25 September, 2008

Hat tip to the lovely Gramfan for sending this in.

I know I always say “vote out the incumbent” but Congressman Tom Tancredo is a rare exception. I like the guy and think we need many more like him.

Legislation will seize U.N. property amid continual anti-American, anti-Jewish sentiment

September 23, 2008
(WASHINGTON, DC) – U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) introduced legislation today that would effectively move the United Nations headquarters out of the United States. The legislation is being introduced amid incessant anti-American and anti-Jewish political grandstanding from the podium of the General Assembly.

“The U.N. has coddled brutal dictators, anti-Semites, state sponsors of terrorism, and nuclear proliferators – while excluding democratic countries from membership and turning a blind eye to humanitarian tragedies and gross violations of human rights around the globe,” Tancredo said. “The U.N.’s continued presence in the United States is an embarrassment to our nation, and the time has come for this ineffective organization to pack its bags and hit the road.”

The United Nations is hosting dictators from around the world this week, including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s brutal dictator. His speech has drawn thousands of protestors in New York City. (more…)

Obama Attempting to Silence the NRA by Attacking Radio Stations Running Ads

25 September, 2008

America needs to wake up to the threat Obama poses to our Freedoms that we just take for granted:

The threatening letter from the Obama camp to radio stations carrying the NRA ads is available in PDF format by CLICKING HERE

Read the letter carefully and pay particular attention to Obama’s strong arm tactic:

“For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”

Yup.  Deja Vu all over again.  This is the same type of strong arm bullying tactics Obama used to get the Jewish organizers of the anti-Ahmadinejad rally to drop Sarah Palin from the guest speaker list.  The Jewish organizers were threatened with a loss of their tax exempt status.

You would think that the Jews would have already learned their lesson from Hitler and not been so quick to kowtow to another pathelogical narcissist…

Update: Added a photo of the last part of the letter sent out to radio stations by the Obama bullies to highlight how Obamite Leftards seem to think the rules don’t apply to them:

Obama seeks to take down NRA ad
Ben Smith – Politico
September 25, 2008

The Obama campaign has written radio stations in Pennsylvania and Ohio, pressing them to refuse to air an ad from the National Rifle Association.

“This advertisement knowingly misleads your viewing audience about Senator Obama’s position on the Second Amendment,” says the letter from Obama general counsel Bob Bauer. “For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”

The ad, “Hunter,” conflates Obama’s anti-gun stances of the 1990s with his current, more pro-gun, stand, and was chided for inaccuracy in The Washington Post, an item to which Bauer’s letter refers.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam, who provided the letter, said it shows clear evidence that the ads are “hurting him,” and stood by their substance. He also provided a copy of the NRA’s own letter to the stations and memo disputing the Post story, after the jump. He also said the ad is running only in Pennsylvania at the moment.

If You Hunt, YOU Are a Jew Hater and a Racist!

25 September, 2008

Gee, I had no idea that Ronin and I were Jew haters and racists!  But, it must be true because Obama sycophant and Palin hater Alcee Hastings said so!


You know, personal experience has taught me that those who call others racist at the drop of a hat are usually the REAL racists.  Just saying….

Florida Congressman: Palin ‘Don’t Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks’

ABC News‘ Teddy Davis Reports: Florida Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings pointed to Sarah Palin on Wednesday to rally Jews to Obama.

“If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention,” said Hastings. “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”

Hastings, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, made his comments in Washington, D.C., while participating in a panel discussion sponsored by the National Jewish Democratic Council.

Asked what the congressman meant, Hastings spokesman David Goldenberg told ABC News that he was trying to argue that Palin is an “extremely conservative woman who is out of touch with mainstream America.”

After saying that Palin “don’t care too much” about Jews and blacks, Hastings argued that African Americans and Jews should come together behind Obama because there are many issues on which they agree.

[Ah, yes…  Using the race card to divide and conquer…  How “progressive” of him…]

“Just like Jews, blacks care about affordable health care, energy independence, and the separation of church and state,” said Hastings. “And just like blacks, Jews care about equal pay for equal work, investment in alternative energy, and a woman’s right to choose.”

[As if there are no white Liberal Socialist Leftard Commies out there…  I’ll be sure to notify SHrillary.]

Asked about the Hastings criticism, Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella said, “We’re taking a pass.”

The Florida GOP responded to Wednesday’s panel discussion by calling on Obama to repudiate Hastings.

“Unless Senator Obama and the Florida Democrat Party believes that ‘anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks,’ both Obama and the FDP should immediately refute this ridiculous and divisive statement.”

When contacted by ABC News on Thursday afternoon, the Obama campaign had no response to the Florida GOP.

[Very telling…  In other words, they support it as long as it helps to get the unHoly One elected.]

Digging Deeper: Fact Check Websites

25 September, 2008

Simon emailed us with the following article from PBS that gives a good overview of the political fact checking sites.  I, personally, think they give way too much credit to  We’ve already seen how biased they appear when they repeat lies as facts as told by notoriously specious spokesmen from Obama’s camp.  The whole NRA article pops immediately to mind:

Political Fact-Check Sites Proliferate, But Can They Break Through the Muck?
by Mark Glaser

As the U.S. elections near the finish line, the presidential campaigns are throwing around enough verbal attacks and inflammatory advertising to make the average voter’s head spin. Fortunately, there are now three excellent sources for fact-checking political discourse online: Annenberg Public Policy Center’s, the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly’s PolitiFact and the Washington Post’s Fact Checker blog. And on the local level, there’s a new crowd-funded effort from, and to fact-check local political mailers in San Francisco.

While these sites have grown in name recognition and popularity over the past few months, they still lag behind the efforts of partisan groups who fact-check the media themselves at (for conservatives) and Media Matters (for liberals). A scan of web traffic, as measured by, and links from the blogosphere, as measured by Technorati, shows how far the non-partisan efforts lag behind the partisan ones:

Newsbusters traffic (August ‘08): 472,489 unique visitors
Technorati rank: No. 67
Google News mentions: 79

Media Matters traffic (August ‘08): 312,728 unique visitors
Technorati rank: No. 47
Google News mentions: 58 traffic (August ‘08): 277,555 unique visitors (up 1,000% in the past year)
Technorati rank: No. 89
Google News mentions: 1,254 (though this includes syndicated stories by FactCheck)

PolitiFact traffic (August ‘08): 87,602 unique visitors
Technorati rank: None (2,560 blog reactions)
Google News mentions: 190

Washington Post’s Fact Checker blog traffic: N/A
Technorati rank: None (2,357 blog reactions)
Google News mentions: 171

Interestingly, the non-partisan sites receive a greater number of Google News mentions, indicating that more established news sources are citing them. But the non-partisan sites also have to struggle to break through the clutter of so much media banter and political talking heads on TV around the issue of who is lying and who is truthful in political discourse.

Bill Adair is the Washington bureau chief at the St. Petersburg Times and editor of PolitiFact, which just won a Knight-Batten Award for Innovation in Journalism. Adair says that political journalists have been handcuffed by the idea that being fair means reporting what both sides say in a campaign, withoutcalling out politicians for falsehoods.

“Political journalists — myself included — have been too timid about fact-checking in the past because we were afraid we would be criticized for being biased,” Adair said via email. “But facts aren’t biased. Now, we are finally calling the balls and strikes in the campaign the way we should have in the past.”

Left-Handed People Follow Satan!!!

25 September, 2008

Well now…  if the Profligate Muhammad said it, then it must be true, right?

H/T – Weasel Zippers

Following are excerpts from a lecture by Egyptian Islamist Wagdi Ghneim, which aired on Al-Nas TV on September 6, 2008.


Wagdi Ghneim: Some people eat with their left hand. What’s this supposed to be? They say: When you eat, the fork goes in the left hand. Do you eat with your left hand? You do, and then you take a drink. What’s this supposed to be? You use your left hand, and yet you claim to hate Satan?! You dare to tell me that you sense the enmity of Satan?! Allah give me the strength to resist Satan… Hold on a sec. The Prophet Muhammad said: “When you eat or drink, do not use your left hand, because Satan eats and drinks with his left hand.” Whoever eats and drinks with his left hand follows Satan, and whoever loves the Prophet Muhammad must eat with his right hand.

But when you tell people this, they say: But Sheik Wagdi, the rules of délicat and étiquette require the knife to be in the right hand, and the fork in the left. You should cut the food with your right hand, and eat with your left. If you dare to switch – the fork in your right hand and the knife in your left – they say: “Oh, how sauvage! This is unheard of.” Brother, what délicat? You are a Muslim.

When I was secretary-general of the commerce trade union, a large Iraqi delegation came, and we took them to a very big, five-star hotel in Cairo. We sat down to eat, and as I always do, I took the knife in my left hand and the fork in my right. Along comes the chef in his hat, taps me on the shoulder, and whispers: “Pardon me…” I said to him: “I am a Muslim!” So he said: “I’m sorry, I apologize.” I take pride in my Islam – or is Islam something disgusting, which I should be ashamed of? No.


Ghneim: Some people say: “I am left-handed. I use my left hand for everything.” I was like you. I used to eat, drink, dress, and write with my left hand. That’s how Allah created me. The moment I became religious in 1969, Allah be praised, this came to an end. There were times when Satan tempted me to use my left hand, so in order to put an end to this altogether… What do I eat? Rice? I eat rice with a spoon. Bread? I need to cut it first. Fine, I’ll cut the bread in advance. I prepare the water and everything. That’s it. I’ve already cut the bread… Then I take my left hand and place it under my left leg. That’s it, it’s stuck. It won’t come out. I take the spoon in my right hand, and the same goes for the fork… The hadith says that when you are done eating, you should lick your fingers clean, because you don’t know where exactly the blessing lies. You say this is disgusting because it was the Prophet Muhammad who said it, but if Michael Jackson or some nobody told you to lick your feet, you would. We are Muslims, and we follow the path of the Prophet.

Open Thread

25 September, 2008

I’m busy moving a bed from my parent’s house to ours, so I am running late on posting.  Will be back in about an hour.

Please feel free to share your links here.

