Archive for 16 November, 2008

Arizona Muzzies Whine About Increased FBI Scrutiny

16 November, 2008

Yeah.  Poor little Muzzies…  Boohoohoo, sucks to be you…

Ariz. Muslim leaders face increased FBI scrutiny
Monitoring grew after charity probe, 2 incidents
by Sean Holstege and Dennis Wagner – Nov. 16, 2008
The Arizona Republic

The FBI has sharpened its scrutiny of some Phoenix-area Muslim leaders because of their links to two controversial incidents and a federal probe into the financing of terrorist groups.

No Arizonan has been accused of supporting terrorist groups or actions. However, a Mesa man was charged with lying to the FBI during the financing investigation.

The events that triggered the stepped-up scrutiny were the federal probe into a Muslim charity accused of funneling money to the Palestinian group Hamas; a target-shooting episode in Phoenix this year involving a large group of Muslim men and boys firing hundreds of rounds from AK-47s and other guns; and the high-profile removal in 2006 of six Arizona-bound imams from a jetliner after passengers and crew complained of their behavior.

[Hey, we have got no problem with someone using AK-47’s to chunk out some lead – even if they are Muslim – just as long as they’re not shooting at or around innocent civilians.  It’s all good and legal under the Second Amendment (which, by the way, is NOT about hunting).  But, there’s more to this story:  At first glance, it would seem that these poor Muzzies were just out at the shooting range or something and that the FBI was targeting them just because they were Muzzies.  That’s not the case, however.  Later on in the article, it is eventually revealed that these Muzzies were firing off all those rounds in a residential area!  Now, THAT will get anyone scrutinized by the FBI.]

Although some Islamic leaders say they understand the scrutiny, they also view it as another sign that innocent Muslims unjustly fall under suspicion because of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

[Waaahhh!  Cry me freakin’ river, Ahmed!  ALL of us Americans face increased scrutiny because of 9/11.  So, get over it.]

“Whoever did Sept. 11, go after them and see who they are. I’m not going to pay for them. I’m not going to be guilty,” said Marwan Sadeddin, one of the Valley imams who sued US Airways after being removed from a jetliner in Minneapolis. Like the others, he was questioned by FBI agents after the incident, in addition to being questioned about the arrested Mesa man.

The FBI is monitoring the family and community ties among Valley residents involved in the jetliner, shooting and charity probes, said John Lewis, who runs the FBI’s Arizona office.

“All of these things come on our scope,” said Lewis, the agency’s former head of counterterrorism operations.

The FBI routinely watches communities and groups that show patterns of radicalism seen in terrorism cases in the U.S. and Europe; those include radical Islamic theology, anti-Western political rhetoric and fundraising tied to terrorist groups.

Lewis declined to discuss any details of the agency’s monitoring activities.


Alfonso Takes on Obama’s Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

16 November, 2008

Begin Deprogramming:

It’s Likely the Non-Prophet Muhammad Never Existed

16 November, 2008

The entire blood cult based on a lie? Why not, islam allows for lies, treachery and deceit, it is entirely possible the foundation of islam is built on them.

Wall Street Journal

MÜNSTER, Germany — Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a Muslim convert and Germany’s first professor of Islamic theology, fasts during the Muslim holy month, doesn’t like to shake hands with Muslim women and has spent years studying Islamic scripture. Islam, he says, guides his life.

So it came as something of a surprise when Prof. Kalisch announced the fruit of his theological research. His conclusion: The Prophet Muhammad probably never existed.
-Wow, consider he is a muslim and knows what penalty he will face. Risky, but he might be right and this study should continue.

Muslims, not surprisingly, are outraged. Even Danish cartoonists who triggered global protests a couple of years ago didn’t portray the Prophet as fictional. German police, worried about a violent backlash, told the professor to move his religious-studies center to more-secure premises.

“We had no idea he would have ideas like this,” says Thomas Bauer, a fellow academic at Münster University who sat on a committee that appointed Prof. Kalisch. “I’m a more orthodox Muslim than he is, and I’m not a Muslim.”
-Maybe you should listen to his theory before condemning him.

When Prof. Kalisch took up his theology chair four years ago, he was seen as proof that modern Western scholarship and Islamic ways can mingle — and counter the influence of radical preachers in Germany. He was put in charge of a new program at Münster, one of Germany’s oldest and most respected universities, to train teachers in state schools to teach Muslim pupils about their faith.

Muslim leaders cheered and joined an advisory board at his Center for Religious Studies. Politicians hailed the appointment as a sign of Germany’s readiness to absorb some three million Muslims into mainstream society. But, says Andreas Pinkwart, a minister responsible for higher education in this north German region, “the results are disappointing.”

Prof. Kalisch, who insists he’s still a Muslim, says he knew he would get in trouble but wanted to subject Islam to the same scrutiny as Christianity and Judaism. German scholars of the 19th century, he notes, were among the first to raise questions about the historical accuracy of the Bible.
-I have pointed out for years now that islam fears scrutiny because it can not stand on its merits.

Many scholars of Islam question the accuracy of ancient sources on Muhammad’s life. The earliest biography, of which no copies survive, dated from roughly a century after the generally accepted year of his death, 632, and is known only by references to it in much later texts. But only a few scholars have doubted Muhammad’s existence. Most say his life is better documented than that of Jesus.
-Actually, history supports Jesus’ birth, mohammed could be an invention.

“Of course Muhammad existed,” says Tilman Nagel, a scholar in Göttingen and author of a new book, “Muhammad: Life and Legend.” The Prophet differed from the flawless figure of Islamic tradition, Prof. Nagel says, but “it is quite astonishing to say that thousands and thousands of pages about him were all forged” and there was no such person.

All the same, Prof. Nagel has signed a petition in support of Prof. Kalisch, who has faced blistering criticism from Muslim groups and some secular German academics. “We are in Europe,” Prof. Nagel says. “Education is about thinking, not just learning by heart.”
-Prove him right or prove him wrong, the issue needs to be settled and a little scrutiny of who and what mohammed was could bring islam into the future. (more…)

‘Obama to endorse Arab Peace Plan’

16 November, 2008

I think Obama is dangerous and Israel may pay for his ignorance.

16 November 2008, JPost
US President-elect Barack Obama is planning to base his peacemaking efforts in the Middle East on the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, The Sunday Times reported on Sunday, quoting sources close to Obama.

The Arab Peace Initiative, based on the Saudi peace plan of February 2002, calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from all territories taken in the Six Day War, including east Jerusalem, in exchange for normalizing ties with the Arab world.
-Israel needs a buffer zone between them and all their enemies, if they had a bigger military I would recommend taking all of Jordon but that is just not an option.

Quoting an adviser to Obama, the report states that during his visit to the Middle East in July, the President-elect said Israel would be “crazy” to refuse a deal that could “give them peace with the Muslim world.”
-Peace by surrender never lasts very long, tread lightly Mr. President and oh by the way, fire your advisor. (more…)