Archive for 25 November, 2008

Islamic Judges Defy the Law When it Comes to Christian Mothers Involved in Custody Battles

25 November, 2008

Just some more Islamic justice:

Islamic judges strip Christian mothers of children
Muslim fathers, courts fear youth may switch religions, eat banned foods, ‘go to church’
November 25, 2008

Muslim judges are defying Islamic law in custody battles involving Christian mothers and Muslim fathers – to shield children from Christian influence.

Egyptian law’s Article 20 states that children younger than 15 should stay with their mothers. But, without fail, Egypt’s judges are ruling for Muslim fathers if the mothers are Christian, Compass Direct News reports.

The judges are bypassing Article 20 and referencing a portion of Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution: “principles of Islamic law are the principal source of legislation.”

On Sept. 24, an appeals court defied the statute and awarded custody of 13-year-old twins Andrew and Mario Medhat Ramses Labib to their father.

“The government’s treatment of the boys’ mother, Kamilia Lotfy Gaballah, constituted discrimination based on her religion and violated her right to equal protection before the law,” the EIPR said in a statement. “The case also charges that the government violated the two boys’ right to freedom of religion and contravened the state’s legal obligation to protect child rights.”

The father divorced his wife to marry another woman and converted to Islam in 1999. He then changed the boys’ official religious status and applied for custody in 2006.

“Obviously in this custody decision, it is a flagrant disregard of the Personal Status Law, which ensures custody for the mother until the children are 15 years old,” said Hossam Bahgat of the EIPR. “In this case the judiciary chose to ignore statutory law and apply their own interpretation of sharia.”

In another case, two sisters named Ashraqat Gohar, 12, and Maria Gohar, 8, were removed from their Christian mother in January. Even though the eldest daughter claims her Muslim father, Wafiq Gohar, is an alcoholic, and he has a criminal history, the girls were placed in his care.

In the court’s decision, it agreed with the father’s fears that his daughters “would cherish a religion other than Islam, eat foods that are banned in Islam and go to church” if allowed to remain with their mother.


Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas… WTF?!!

25 November, 2008

Well, just the other day, they embraced the infidels’ culture by sneaking into the UK while hiding in the back of a truck loaded with pork products, now they seem to be embracing the infidels’ Christmas tradition:

huge-christmas-treeFour illegal immigrants caught sneaking into Britain inside 32ft fake Christmas tree
By Daily Mail Reporter

Four illegal immigrants sneaked into the country hidden in a 32ft artificial Christmas tree, it was claimed.

They were discovered inside a lorry at a council depot in Northampton.

The aluminium and nylon tree – and two other smaller ones – were destined for the town centre’s Christmas display.

But staff at the depot opened the vehicle to discover the men, and immediately dialled 999.

A spokesman for Northamptonshire Police confirmed that four men – two from Iraq, two from Iran – were arrested and are being questioned by officers from the UK Border Agency.

A spokesman for the agency told the Northampton Chronicle: ‘Following their arrest after being found in a lorry, four suspected illegal immigrants were apprehended and transferred to our specialist teams of officers.’

The French driver of the lorry is not thought to have been aware that the men boarded the vehicle.


20 Shots, 20 Kills

25 November, 2008

Just one of those stories that makes us proud of our courageous young men and women serving in uniform.  Semper Fidelis!

Afghanistan US Marines

Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price
Marine Corps News|by Cpl. James M. Mercure

FARAH PROVINCE, Afghanistan — In the city of Shewan, approximately 250 insurgents ambushed 30 Marines and paid a heavy price for it.

Shewan has historically been a safe haven for insurgents, who used to plan and stage attacks against Coalition Forces in the Bala Baluk district.

The city is home to several major insurgent leaders. Reports indicate that more than 250 full time fighters reside in the city and in the surrounding villages.

Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines’ deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area.

“The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat,” said a designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified. “Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our ‘humvees’ was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast.”

The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site.

“The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they’re given the opportunity to fight,” the sniper said. “A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong.”

During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn’t miss any shots, despite the enemies’ rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position.

“I was in my own little world,” the young corporal said. “I wasn’t even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target.”


American Girl Gets 100 Lashes and One Year Jail Time for “Adultery”

25 November, 2008

adultery (ə-dŭl’tə-rē, -trē) n., pl. -ies.  Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.

Obviously, the Muzzies have a different definition for adultery…

American girl, Arab man get jail and lashes for adultery
By Adnan Al-Shabrawi – Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH – The Summary Court in Jeddah has sentenced a 23-year-old Arab national and an 18-year-old American girl to one year in prison and 100 lashes each after they were convicted of adultery.

The father of the girl reported the relationship to the authorities after his daughter became pregnant.

The father accused the Arab man of intentionally doing so in order to force her parents into letting them get married.

The parents of the girl had previously refused to let their daughter marry the man.

The Commission for Investigation and General Prosecution (CIP) summoned the Arab man as part of its investigations.

The Summary Court issued its verdict after hearing evidence from the girl and examining a medical report.

The verdict has become final since no party raised an objection and no appeal would be made.

One hundred lashes is the punishment for unmarried adulterers. – Okaz/SG

The Third Jihad

25 November, 2008

The full video – 71 Minutes.
H/T – Yonason

Drinking With Bob: Another Freakin’ Bailout!

25 November, 2008

Bob gives his thoughts on 20 billion dollars of YOUR money going down the crapper to bailout a company that believes it is more important to have their name on the side of a baseball stadium than to make sure their employees have jobs!!!

Pakistani Muslim Rapes Christian Girl. Local Police Do Nothing…

25 November, 2008

Pakistan Muslim Militant Rapes Christian Girl

By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan

SARGODHA, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)– A Christian family in Pakistan remained in hiding Saturday, November 22, in Punjab province where their 12-year-old daughter was raped and they were threatened by “powerful and rich” Muslim militants, villagers told BosNewsLife.

Warris Masih, a local Christian leader of the ’98 North Branch Chak Village’ in the Sargodha area, said the family fled after Nazia Bibi was raped in the night of October 30.

Local police “failed to arrest” the suspect, apparently under pressure of influential Muslims, he added.

This case has underscored concerns among church groups and rights watchers about the alleged reluctance of authorities to tackle sexual violence against Christian girls and women in Pakistan, which has seen a rise in Islamic extremism.

The rape allegedly occurred after tax collector Riaz Masih rented a small house for himself, his wife and their two daughters and two sons from a man identified as Dr. Aslam Janjua, the alleged father of the suspect. “Riaz Masih was a poor man with very little income to meet his every day necessities,” villagers told BosNewsLife.


The suspect, named only as neighbor Najjam or Najja, allegedly entered Masih’s home while the family was asleep. Armed with a pistol, he silently forced Nazia Bibi to walk into a room where he raped her, several sources said.


Jesus, Muhammad and Violence

25 November, 2008

Just telling it like it is:

Jesus, Muhammad and Violence

Culture Watch November 25 2008
By Bill Muehlenberg – via

We are continuously being told by Muslims and their sympathisers that if Islam has its violent aspects, well so too does Christianity. They are very eager to convince us of a moral equivalence that exists between the two religions.

Sure, Islam has some violent extremists, but Christianity does too. Even gullible and not very learned Christians make this charge quite often. But they should really know better of course.

I have written elsewhere about such things, but let me repeat here a fundamental difference: if a Christian kills in the name of Christ, he does so in total opposition to the life and teachings of Christ, and the entire New Testament.

However, if a Muslim kills in the name of Allah, he has full justification to do so from the life and teachings of Muhammad, and from the Koran.

Here I want to look more closely at the two founders of these religions: Jesus and Muhammad. It goes without saying that they are both central figures in their respective religions, and the life, teaching and example of each become crucial for their followers.

Jesus of course never killed anyone, never ordered the killing of anyone, and never shed anyone’s blood. Neither did any of his New Testament disciples. One will look in vain throughout all 27 books of the NT to find even a hint of killing, bloodshed or religiously-motivated violence conducted by Jesus and his followers.

The story about Muhammad of course is quite different. However, before I proceed any further, let me mention a few words about Muhammad’s place in Islam. Jesus is regarded by Christians as God, as divine, and as the object of their worship. Muhammad does not occupy such a place in Islam.

Muhammad is not considered to be God or the son of God. He is not declared to be sinless, nor is he to be worshipped. He is simply the final and fullest revelation and prophet of Allah. But he is nonetheless held up as “the ideal man”, and as the example and role model for every Muslim to follow.

Also, a word about authorative sources in Islam. The Koran and the Sunnah (the “way” or “model” of the Prophet Muhammad) are two of the main foundations upon which Islam stands, and upon which Muslims base their faith and practice on. All of the events, actions, sayings, teachings and examples of the Prophet make up the Sunnah.

The hadith (reports) about Muhammad’s life mainly make up the Sunnah. Authoritative biographies of the Prophet would be based on these sources. A number of such biographies exist, but the most authoritative biography is the Sira (“life”), by the great Islamic scholar Muhammad bin Ishaq, composed in the eight century. Together these sources give us copious detail about the life, actions and teachings of the Prophet.

Now when one reads the Koran, the hadith, and the biographies of Muhammad (which I have done), it becomes clear that Muhammad was not at all a man of peace as Jesus was. Instead, we find a political ruler, a military commander, and a harsh master.


Ten Taliban Arrested For Squirting Acid on School Girls

25 November, 2008

Personally, I think the punishment should fit the crime…


10 Taliban Arrested in School Girl Acid Attack
November 25, 2008 – via FOX News

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan —  Afghan police have arrested 10 Taliban militants allegedly involved in an acid attack against 15 girls and teachers walking to school in southern Afghanistan, a provincial governor said Tuesday.

“Several” of the arrested militants have confessed to taking part in the attack earlier this month, said Kandahar Gov. Rahmatullah Raufi. He declined to say exactly how many had confessed.

High-ranking Taliban fighters paid the militants a total of $2,000 to carry out the attack, Raufi said. The attackers came from Pakistan but were Afghan nationals, said Doud Doud, an Interior Ministry official.

The attackers squirted acid from water bottles onto three groups of students and teachers walking to school in Kandahar city on Nov. 12. Several girls suffered burns to the face and were hospitalized. One teenager couldn’t open her eyes days after the attack, which sparked condemnation from around the world.

Afghanistan’s government called the attack “un-Islamic,” while the U.N. labeled it “a hideous crime.” U.S. first lady Laura Bush decried it as cowardly.

Raufi said the suspects will be tried in open court after the investigation is completed.

One of the victims of the attack, a teacher named Nuskaal who was burned through her burqa, called Tuesday for harsh punishment.

“If these people are found guilty, the government should throw the same acid on these criminals. After that they should be hanged,” said Nuskaal, who like many Afghans goes by one name.


President Hamid Karzai earlier this month called for a public execution of the perpetrators.


Libtards Ruining Thanksgiving for Children

25 November, 2008

Frickin’ Libtards!

Cody Lucas, left, and Vince Tran participated in last year’s Thanksgiving celebration, a four-decade-old Claremont school district tradition. – Kathleen Lucas

Claremont parents clash over kindergarten Thanksgiving costumes

Some say having students dress up as pilgrims and Native Americans is ‘demeaning.’ Their opponents say they are elitists injecting politics into a simple children’s celebration.

By Seema Mehta
November 25, 2008 – LA TIMES

For decades, Claremont kindergartners have celebrated Thanksgiving by dressing up as pilgrims and Native Americans and sharing a feast. But on Tuesday, when the youngsters meet for their turkey and songs, they won’t be wearing their hand-made bonnets, headdresses and fringed vests.

Parents in this quiet university town are sharply divided over what these construction-paper symbols represent: A simple child’s depiction of the traditional (if not wholly accurate) tale of two factions setting aside their differences to give thanks over a shared meal? Or a cartoonish stereotype that would never be allowed of other racial, ethnic or religious groups?

“It’s demeaning,” Michelle Raheja, the mother of a kindergartner at Condit Elementary School, wrote to her daughter’s teacher. “I’m sure you can appreciate the inappropriateness of asking children to dress up like slaves (and kind slave masters), or Jews (and friendly Nazis), or members of any other racial minority group who has struggled in our nation’s history.”

Raheja, whose mother is a Seneca, wrote the letter upon hearing of a four-decade district tradition, where kindergartners at Condit and Mountain View elementary schools take annual turns dressing up and visiting the other school for a Thanksgiving feast. This year, the Mountain View children would have dressed as Native Americans and walked to Condit, whose students would have dressed as Pilgrims.

Raheja, an English professor at UC Riverside who specializes in Native American literature, said she met with teachers and administrators in hopes that the district could hold a public forum to discuss alternatives that celebrate thankfulness without “dehumanizing” her daughter’s ancestry.

“There is nothing to be served by dressing up as a racist stereotype,” she said.
