Archive for 14 January, 2009

Australian Retailers Want Ban on Hijabs

14 January, 2009

Our Aussie friends aren’t submitting to Islam without a fight!

H/T – Gramfan


Michael Smith – Australian radio personality defends his statements.

Retailers back call for hijab ban
January 15, 2009 – The Australian
Article from:  Australian Associated Press

A RADIO announcer’s call for a ban on Islamic hijabs has been backed by the National Retailers Association.

The peak national body has called for all hijabs, helmets and hoodies to be banned in shops and banks for security purposes.

Brisbane radio presenter Michael Smith angered listeners after calling for Muslim women who wear a hijab to be fined.

The 4BC drive presenter said on Wednesday that wearing the hijab or burka posed a security risk because it obscured the face, making it difficult to identify the wearer in the instance of a crime.

Smith said it should be made an offence.

Retailers association executive director Scott Driscoll said it had been a long accepted practice to require customers to remove helmets and other identity obscuring headwear when entering a shop or bank.

“Retailers should not have to fear any form of retribution or backlash for requiring the removal of any obscuring headwear, including hijabs, as a condition of entry,” Mr Driscoll said.

“This is about ensuring a more safe and secure retail environment for all and being able to readily identify any and all perpetrators of armed hold-ups or shop theft.”

Islamic Council of Queensland president Suliman Sabdia said he was disappointed by Smith’s remarks.

[Really?  Gee, who would have thunk it?]


Virginia: Woman Shoots Would-be Robber

14 January, 2009

Yup, as feminist Nikki Craft once said:   “Men and women were created equal…  And Smith & Wesson makes damn sure it stays that way!”

Arrested, 1 Still Sought in Would-be Robbery

WJLA – 1/14/09

DUMFRIES, Va. – An armed woman who stayed home sick from work Wednesday turned out to be a would-be robber’s worst nightmare.

Police say an alarm went off Wednesday in broad daylight in the 3300 block of Dondis Creek Drive in Dumfries, prompting the home’s owner to her basement door where she found three men trying to get inside.

“When she confronts them, the men take off and one of them returned,” said Officer Erika Hernandez, Prince William County.

That is when the woman opened fire, striking the would-be robber in the upper body. Police caught him and he was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police later caught the second suspect, but are still looking for the third.

“That was an experience with the cop cars and the helicopters, I was wondering what was going on,” said Joshua Washington, a neighbor.

Police say it appears the homeowner was within her rights to shoot the suspect, however, police are still investigating.

Submarine captain in deep over bikini comment

14 January, 2009

I just could not let this one pass without a few comments. Anyone who thinks a single comment made by anyone should erase years of trusted service needs to place their ear on a train track and wait for a train to pass. I am so sick of PC bullshit, it seems everything offends someone, tuff, get over it. You do not want a censored Navy or a politician that wants one.

January 15, 2009, the Australian
THE navy’s top brass is standing by a submarine captain who has found himself in deep water for agreeing in a magazine that female sailors in bikinis could boost recruitment.
-I never even considered joining the Navy but when I started looking for a picture to go along with this article, I found a few reasons to second-guess my earlier decision.

Royal Australian Navy Commander Tom Phillips was asked by lads magazine Ralph if “female sailors all had to be hot and had to wear bikinis, would that help recruitment?”
-Hmmm, excellent idea.

According to the report he replied: “It would certainly get the right demographic of young men in. I’m not sure how feasible it is.”
-Lets be realistic here, military men are smartasses and not little girly men. I saw humor in his response nothing more.

Defence sources say the navy has been the hardest hit of all the services by the current recruitment squeeze. They add that Ralph magazine is popular among defence personnel.

Commander Phillips’s comments, however, have produced an angry response from politicians and women’s groups.
-Fat, ugly, jealous, bitches and their panty whipped husbands. Get over it. (more…)

Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

14 January, 2009

1 in 131 billion: the movie

Set to another Ennio Morricone masterpiece.


Architect Paul Murdoch split his giant Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93 into two separate arcs at the top, in effect creating two separate crescents:

Flashing Entry Portal Walls, Small
Detail view shows the pair of thousand foot long, fifty foot tall, Entry Portal walls. Both walls roughly follow the line of the circle that is symbolically broken by the flight path (seen coming down from the NNE).

The crescent defined by the end of the inner Entry Portal Wall points 1.8° north of Mecca, ± a tenth of a degree. The crescent defined by the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall points exactly at Mecca (± 0.1°):

Exact and inexact Mecca orientations Sm

The hidden exact Mecca orientation of the giant crescent is only one of the ways that Murdoch proves he pointed the crescent towards Mecca on purpose (making it a mihrab, the Mecca direction indicator around which every mosque is built). He also proves intent by exactly repeating both of the Mecca orientations of his giant central crescent in the crescents of trees that surround the Tower of Voices part of the memorial.

That two different crescent structures would by chance turn out to have this exact same multi-Mecca oriented geometry is 1 in 131 billion. Just run the numbers (with some help from Mr. Morricone):



“Wikileaked” Confidential UN Report was Hiding 217 Claims of Sexual Abuse by UN “Peacekeepers” in the Congo

14 January, 2009

I’m sure that any UN Peacekeepers who find themselves out of a job as a result of these atrocities would be more than welcomed in Obama’s proposed National Civilian Security Force.  Yup, that seems just like the caliber of person needed by Obama to shoot at U.S. Citizens…

A PDF version of the leaked document is available HERE at


UN finds 217 sex abuse claims against blue helmets

By (AP) via Southern Ledger
Published: 2009-01-14
Location: GENEVA

A United Nations probe collected 217 allegations of abuse of girls and women by peacekeepers in eastern Congo, from sex with teenagers in the back room of a liquor store to threats of “hacking” victims for cooperating with investigators.

The 2006 investigation found many allegations credible and said evidence suggests “frequent and ongoing” sexual exploitation in the region. But it could only establish proof against one of 75 peacekeepers accused of wrongdoing.

Details of alleged incidents dating back to 2004 are summarized in a “strictly confidential” 17-page document.

It is dated Jan. 30, 2007, and was published Wednesday by whistleblower Web site The report has previously been referred to by human rights organizations and the U.N. itself, but not made public. U.N. officials confirmed its authenticity.

Allegations of sex abuse and other crimes have dogged U.N. peacekeeping missions almost since their inception in 1948; the global body has in recent years adopted a “zero tolerance” approach.

The report cited a number of cases where victims may have been pressured or bribed to keep silent. “One victim informed (investigators) that she had received a message from a peacekeeper that he would ‘hack them’ if he ever saw them again,” the report said.

Ten alleged victims, all girls below 18, were living at a liquor store that doubled as a brothel.


New Google-based Muslim Search Engine Hits the Web

14 January, 2009—Now fortified with even more essential propaganda and censorship for your little Muzzie’s shrinking intelligence.


Muslim Google hits the Web

Hurriyet Daily News

ISTANBUL – A new search engine on the Internet was launched recently, but this time it is for Muslims only.

According to the Web site, it uses the database of the well-known search engine Google and is powered by it, but filters search terms in accordance with Islam.

It is stated on the Web site’s “About Us” section that the engine was built on the substructure of Google and anyone could build a similar site. Some terms are not available to search at all, while in the results for searchable terms, results about Islam come first. “The best search for Islam,” the Web site states on its main page, on which the color green, known as Islam’s color is used.

“This is a search engine to filter inconvenient results in search engines,” the Web site states. For example, a search for “alcohol” first lists results about alcohol in Islam. Meanwhile, words like “porn,” or its Turkish version “porno,” and the word “sex,” cannot be searched for using the engine. However, “seks” the Turkish word for “sex” can be searched.

The Web site also states that it has no affiliation with any individual or institution. Meanwhile Google stated that Web sites can use Google custom search to create custom search engines, but cannot abuse the Google brand or it will be disabled.

[Hmm…  Given the above Google-esque Mulsluman logo, one does wonder what constitutes an abuse of the Google brand…]

However, the site cannot filter advertisements about terms that are searched, but they have a solution for that, “Müslü does not profit from advertisements,” the Web site states, adding that all advertising income will be donated to charitable foundations that send aid to Palestine.

[You know, I just can’t seem to find “Palestine” on the map. And, given that just about every charity that sends money to Palestinians seems to be funding terrorists, I’m pretty darn sure this money is going to be used against U.S. interests…]

The site can be reached at

Adolf Hitler and His Two Sisters Torn Away from Nazitard Parents

14 January, 2009

Captain Trips alerted us to this news item.

Obviously, I think these Nazi-loving parents are idiots.  But, since the state Division of Youth and Family Services has given no specifics as to why this was done, it certainly has the smell of an Orwellian Libtard strategy to conform the rearing of children to a government standard and ideology.

It would seem that Family Services thinks a childhood full of government controlled orphanages and foster homes ripe with sexual abuses is preferable to being raised by a pair of ignorant, Nazi-loving parents.

Remember, this is the same government that thinks it is perfectly healthy and acceptable to allow same-sex partners to adopt and rear children – all without ANY long term  studies to evaluate the psychological effects on the children of such a family unit…

Anyway, be that as it may, if there was in fact physical child abuse committed by the Nazitard parents,  then the state is justified.  But, if this is—as I suspect—more about ideologies than physicalities, then Family Services has overstepped its bounds and should be brought under control, lest YOUR children be next!

CLICK HERE for video


Nazi-named children taken from parents
Agency removes 3-year-old named Adolf Hitler, 2 sisters from N.J. home

HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, N.J. – Three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in the custody of the state, police said Wednesday.

Holland Township Police Sgt. John Harris said workers from the state Division of Youth and Family Services removed 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, from their home Tuesday.

Harris said family services did not tell police the reason the children were removed. Agency spokeswoman Kate Bernyk said it does not comment on specific cases.

The children and their parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, received attention last month when a supermarket bakery refused to put Adolf Hitler Campbell’s name on a birthday cake.

Taliban Kill Girl for Dancing; Threaten to Kill More Dancing Girls “One by One”

14 January, 2009

Mighty damn decent of them to offer to kill the dancers  “one by one.”  In the past, they would just send in a volunteer suicide bomber to inflict mass casualties.  Maybe they’re starting to run low on “volunteers.”

shabana-killed-by-taliban-for-dancingDancing girl ‘murdered by Taliban after refusing to give up traditional performances despite death threats’
By Jane Bunce –

The Taliban has reportedly killed a traditional dancing girl in Pakistan, underlining its growing power in the the North-West Frontier Province.

Shabana’s bullet-riden body was found slumped on the ground in the centre of Mingora’s Green Square, strewn with money, CD recordings of her performances and photographs from her albums.

A Taliban leader later appeared on FM radio to admit the killing and warn the militant organisation would not tolerate any ‘un-Islamic vices’.

He said any other girls found performing in the city’s Banr Bazaar would be killed ‘one by one’.

The last of the bazaar’s celebrated dancing girls – once a 1000 strong industry – have reportedly packed up and fled to Karachi and Lahore, where their talents remain in great demand.

A resident of Banr Bazaar, Fayaz, said dance performances had earned participants about 50,000 rupees (£415) a night until the Taliban denounced them as prostitution.

The narrow street where the performers plied their trade until last week now closes at 8pm and only residents can enter, while signs state: ‘We have stopped dancing, please do not knock on the door.’

Shabana reportedly paid the price for publicly defying the Taliban’s radio mullahs, ignoring personal warnings to stop performing and training young dancers.

‘On the eve of January 2, some men knocked at the door and asked for a dance party,’ Shabana’s father Qamar Gul reportedly said.

‘She instantly agreed and opened the room and asked the men to wait while she prepared herself.

‘When she returned the four men said: “Let us start.” They seized her at gunpoint and told her they were going to slit her throat’

The dancer reportedly cried for help and begged for her life, but she was dragged out of her house to Green Square and shot.

The Taliban and the Pakistan Army have been fighting for control of the Swat Valley, where the millitant organisation recently ordered girls’ schools and music shops to close and forced barbers to stop shaving beards.

But with the woman’s death and the dancers’ banishment the Islamic extremist group has once again tightened its hold.

Saudi Cleric Says it is Unfair to Restrict Marriage of 10-Year-Old Girls

14 January, 2009

Look, if a backwards society wants to allow a ten-year-old girl to marry a 10-year-old boy, I’ve got no problem with that.  But, when a backwards religion says it is okay for a 50-plus-year-old to marry a prepubescent little girl, I’ve got a BIG problem with that one!


It’s an injustice to NOT marry girls aged 10, says Saudi cleric
By Daily Mail Reporter

Ten-year-old girls are ready for marriage, according to Saudi Arabia’s most senior cleric.

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al Sheikh, the country’s grand mufti, told Al Hayat newspaper that those saying ten or 12-year-old girls are too young to marry are being ‘unfair’ to them.

Al Sheikh’s comments come at a time when Saudi human rights groups have been pushing the government to put an end to marriages involving the very young and to define a minimum age for marriage.

In the past few months, Saudi newspapers have highlighted several cases in which young girls were married off to much older men or very young boys.

Though the mufti’s pronouncements are respected and provide guidance, the government is not legally bound by them.

On Sunday, the government-run Human Rights Commission condemned marriages of minor girls, saying such marriages are an ‘inhumane violation’ and rob children of their rights.

The commission’s statement followed a ruling by a court in Oneiza in central Saudi Arabia last month that dismissed a divorce petition by the mother of an eight-year-old girl whose father married her off to a man in his 50s.

Newspaper reports said the court argued that the mother did not have the right to file such a case on behalf of her daughter and said that the petition should be filed by the girl when she reaches puberty.


Hamas: Timeout!!!

14 January, 2009

Earlier, I received word that FOX News was reporting that Hamas had agreed to an “Unconditional Ceasefire.”  Obviously, FOX News is wrong – it’s just a ceasefire proposal brokered by Egypt.   This is just another attempt by the losing team, Hamas, to call for a timeout.

If Israel rejects the Egyptian/Hamas ceasefire proposal, it gives Hamas a rallying cry of, “we offered Israel peace, and they spit in our faces.”  If, on the other hand, Israel accepts the ceasefire proposal, it gives Hamas time to regroup and re-arm.

Obviously, Israel should decline the ceasefire proposal and then place their own version on the table:  The unconditional surrender of ALL Hamas members to the Israeli forces.

Cardinals Raiders Football

Hamas agrees to Gaza truce, Israel reply awaited: official

January 15, 2009  –
The Australian

HAMAS has accepted an Egyptian ceasefire proposal to end the war in the Gaza Strip and Cairo is awaiting Israel’s response.
“We have obtained Hamas’s agreement and are awaiting the response from Israel,” whose envoy is due in Cairo on Thursday, a diplomat said, requesting anonymity.

“We will see when (Israeli defence official) Amos Gilad comes,” he added, putting the ball in the Israeli camp. Gilad is due in Cairo today.

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos also told reporters in Jerusalem earlier that Hamas has accepted the Egyptian initiative.

“Hamas is going to publicly express its support and acceptance,” Moratinos, the European Union’s former Middle East envoy, said.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said earlier that Hamas had told Egypt its position on the truce proposal, which Egypt would give to Gilad today.

“We will tell the Israelis what we have obtained from our brothers Hamas,” Abul Gheit said.  […]