Archive for 20 January, 2009

Bhutto’s niece protests US varsity’s move to name a Pakistan Studies chair after Charlie Wilson.

20 January, 2009

I do not want anyone to even think that I am defending a politician. I am simply correcting the record.

20th January, 2009, South East Asia News.Net
Karachi: Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s niece Fatima Bhutto, has questioned the University of Texas’s decision to name a chair of Pakistan Studies after Charlie Wilson, the man she says masterminded the creation of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
-A few things wrong here. Charlie did not create the mujahideen, he supported them with arms, money and gave them hope. In addition, the Taliban replaced or evolved from those mujahideen after the Soviet Afghan war ended, Charlie had nothing to do with their creation.

In article protesting the move, Fatima Bhutto describes Wilson as “the notorious U.S. congressman who helped destabilize that country?
-Islam destabilized the country and continues to do so.

She says that an effort by the Pakistani diplomatic mission in Texas to raise funds for a chair of Pakistan Studies at the University of Texas in Austin and name it after Charlie Wilson, “is possibly the stupidest.”
-I would pick someone like Roseanne Barr as the stupidest but Charlie would easily be in the top ten.

“Good-Time Charlie,” as Wilson was affectionately known by Afghan warlords and Texan socialites alike, led Congress into supporting the CIA covert operation aimed at funneling money and arms into Afghanistan through Pakistan’s military and secret services, the ISI.

That money, it should be said, did not go to Afghan refugees fleeing the Soviet’s communist invasion. It went to the mujahideen in the form of 17 million dollars worth of anti-aircraft weapons, armaments, and other war toys.
-Which is why afghans are not russian citizens.

By the end of 1983, she claims, Wilson had managed to siphon 300 million dollars of unused Pentagon cash to the Afghan mujahideen. Before they were the Taliban bad boys of the region, the mujahideen were one of Wilson’s pet projects.
-Look Charlie reportedly had his good side; he drank heavily and whored around, cut the man some slack. (more…)

Two Rams Worth More than a Woman’s Life

20 January, 2009

Yeah, I get a kick out of how the author, Khaled Al-Sulaiman, is trying to wrap his head around this one…   Obviously, he has bought the Islamaganda aimed at the West and deluded himself into thinking that Islam respects women.   His Qu’ran should shed light on to the truth:


Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

Nope.  No conflict there!

Two rams and a woman
Khaled Al-Sulaiman – Arab News

We have an entrenched judicial system that is based on Divine Law and not personal whims. This is the reason why I could not understand two recent court verdicts handed out on the same day.

In the first ruling, two thieves who stole two rams were sentenced to three years imprisonment and 1,000 lashes each.

The second ruling of two years imprisonment and 200 whiplashes was for a husband who beat his wife until she swallowed her tongue and died.

I could not find any explanation for the great difference in the two rulings although they were reached under the same law. Are the two rams more valuable than the woman or is the life of a human being cheaper than that of livestock?

I am not evaluating the judicial system or delving into the parameters of the rulings. I’m just trying to understand how some judges think and issue their verdicts? It might be true that the woman was killed unintentionally and the rams were stolen with intent, but this will not answer the questions that arise from the two verdicts.

I doubt very much the Ministry of Justice will include the two verdicts in its records because they contradict the picture that the ministry is trying to draw that court verdicts are based on principles of fairness and not the personal views of judges.

I know that the judiciary has a spirit that is not separated from the recorded text and which judges cannot do without while carrying out their duties. However, some amazing rulings make us doubtful of this spirit.

In the West, we often hear about contradicting rulings in almost identical cases. However, these contradictions should not exist here as our justice is based on Shariah, not personal assessment or whims even if the case was of two rams whose destiny we do not know.

Chief Justice Roberts Flubs the Oath of Office — Even Obama Knew it…

20 January, 2009

A sign of things to come:

The line should be:  ” I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States….”

It’s in the Constitution.  But, what do you expect from a Chief Justice who just became a criminal by knowingly swearing in an illegitimate president…

Thank You, Mr. Bush

20 January, 2009

Thanking President Bush

[Peter Wehner] – NRO

Among the things President Bush’s fellow citizens should thank him for:

* Defeating Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004.

* Keeping America safe in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, when virtually no one thought such a thing was possible. In achieving this, President Bush fulfilled the first duty of his office.

* Correcting earlier (and significant) mistakes in Iraq and supporting the surge when almost everyone — the American people, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the commanding general in Iraq, all Democrats, and many Republicans — opposed his efforts. This was a textbook example of leadership and wise decision-making in the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

* Leading efforts that led to a humiliating defeat for al-Qaeda in Iraq and, more broadly, to militant Islam being on the defensive throughout much of the world, including the Arab world.

* Liberating more than 50 million people from two of the most malevolent regimes in modern history.

* Standing with Israel against its enemies and having the wisdom to declare he would not deal with Yasir Arafat.

* Adding two outstanding Justices to the Supreme Court and appointing first-rate federal judges.

* Championing a culture of life and the global AIDS initiative.

* Cutting taxes several times and never, not even once, raising them.

* Putting in place the most far-reaching reforms in education in generations, which insisted on accountabilty, high standards, and produced positive results.

* Restoring dignity to the Oval Office, acting with civility and grace, loving his country, and serving her well.

‘No Jews Allowed’ Update

20 January, 2009


Cafe ends ban but Israeli wants apology
By EVAN HARDING – The Southland Times

Southland-based Israeli woman Natalie Bennie and her visiting Israeli sister Tamara Shefa were told to leave the Mevlana Cafe on Esk St by owner Mustafa Tekinkaya last Wednesday.

A Turkish Muslim, he said Israelis weren’t welcome into his cafe until Israel stopped killing innocent women and babies in the Gaza Strip. With a ceasefire now called in the Middle East conflict, Mr Tekinkaya was reported as saying Israelis were welcome back.

Mrs Bennie said she was pleased, but for her, it was never about the war. “He was doing an illegal thing in New Zealand because he was discriminating on the basis of someone’s nationality.”

She said she still had strong feelings about how they were treated, and believed the public also had strong feelings, so wanted some kind of public apology from Mr Tekinkaya.

“Bottom line, that’s what I want.”

She said she was in contact with the Human Rights Commission, who were acting as a go-between, and was hoping to get to speak to the cafe owners.

Her Israeli sister, Tamara Shefa, said they had been amazed by the public support they had received.

“I didn’t imagine it would create such widespread aggro.”

Mrs Tekinkaya declined to comment yesterday, saying their lawyer had advised them not to.

A Human Rights Commission spokeswoman said the issue was in the process of mediation so she would not comment.

‘iPod Touch’ Sniper Rifle Firing Solutions Software Now Available

20 January, 2009

Nice!  If any of you have ever tried to hit a Qur’an dead center from over a mile away, you undoubtedly have discovered that even the rotation of the Earth affects your shot.  Now, with just an iPod and some firing solution software, you’re all set to take on those pesky Qur’ans.

Sniper rifle software launched for iPod touch
New BulletFlight program could be a ‘killer’ app for Apple
20 Jan 2009

A new application has been launched for the iPod touch to help gun users line up a clean shot at their target.

The BulletFlight app, which costs £6.99 to download from the iTunes store, has been developed by Runaway App to turn the iPod touch into a ballistics computer which the company says can provide “quick solutions in the field”.

Users can mount their iPod touch to their rifle, and then use the iPod’s touch-screen to tap in details about the wind conditions, ammunition type, distance to the intended target and even the wind speed.

“Unlike other apps, BulletFlight does not output information in table format,” says the application’s iTunes page. “What it does do is dynamically give you the solution you need now to take that shot.”

The application features built-in profiles for three weapons – the M110 semi-automatic precision rifle, the KAC PDW, and the 14.5in SR16 rifle – although users can add more weapons into the app.

“Environmental calculations are based on the Sierra Bullet model,” says the BulletFlight iTunes entry. “Up to five ballistic co-efficients with corresponding velocity thresholds may be used for each profile.”

BulletFlight is not the first shooting application for the iPhone and iPod touch – that honour goes to iSnipe – but it’s the latest in a long line of unusal apps for the devices, which have included simulated beer-pouring, a fart machine, and even “breathalysers”.