Archive for 7 February, 2009

Muslim children forced to live as sex slaves

7 February, 2009

More minions following the rapist and pedophile mohammed’s example.

by Usman Manzoor, 7 February, 2009, The News
ISLAMABAD: A case of ‘vani’ has been discovered in a village of Abbottabad district, where two minor girls, whose uncle had married a girl of his choice, have been given in marriage to men of the family of that girl.
-Nice, keep slavery among friends and family.

Five-year-old Haleema Bibi and eight-year-old Ayesha have been given in marriage to 23-year-old Arshad and 15-year-old Hamayun of the opponent family by a jirga of elders of the area because uncle of the minor girls had contracted court marriage with a girl of opponent family some six months back.

Uncle of the victim girls, Muhammad Sabir, while talking to The News said that six months ago one Sajjad and Abida of Biran, a village in Abbottabad tehsil, had solemnised court marriage and had settled in Karachi since then. He said a jirga of elders of the village arranged a sitting on January 19 and ordered to give two nieces of Sajjad in marriage to the two men of Abida’s family.

“There were around 100 people in the jirga while the father of the minor girls, Muhammad Yousaf, was alone and the two girls were forcibly married to the men of the rival family,” said Sabir.
-100 people and none of them did the right thing and stopped this madness. Muslims you are disgusting. (more…)

Teacher Suspended for Posing with a Gun in Photo on Facebook

7 February, 2009

Typical anti-gun Libtards!!!

“The Proposal”

7 February, 2009

Hat tip to AME for sending this in.

Our next opportunity to do some house cleaning is 2010. Vote out the incumbents.

“The Proposal”

When a company falls on difficult times, one of the things that seems to happen is they reduce their staff and workers. The remaining workers need to find ways to continue to do a good job or risk that their job would be eliminated as well. Wall street, and the media normally congratulate the CEO for making this type of “tough decision”, and his board of directors gives him a big bonus.

Our government should not be immune from similar risks.

Therefore: Reduce the House of Representatives from the current 435 members to 218 members and Senate members from 100 to 50 (one per State). Also reduce remaining staff by 25%.

Accomplish this over the next 8 years. (two steps / two elections) and of course this would require some redistricting. (more…)

Obama “Hope” Poster Artist Arrested…

7 February, 2009

Is there anyone associated with Obama who isn’t a criminal of some sort?  Anyway, I’m sure he is hoping Obama will rescue him…


Artist of famed Obama poster arrested in Boston

By JAY LINDSAY, Associated Press Writer

BOSTON – A street artist famous for his red, white and blue “Hope” posters of President Obama has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property with graffiti, police said Saturday.

Shepard Fairey, 38, was arrested Friday night on his way to the Institute of Contemporary Art for a kickoff event for his first solo exhibition, called “Supply and Demand.”

Two warrants were issued for Fairey on Jan. 24 after police determined he’d tagged property in two locations with graffiti based on the Andre the Giant street art campaign from his early career, police Officer James Kenneally said Saturday.

Fairey, 38, of Los Angeles, is scheduled to be arraigned on the misdemeanor charges Monday in Brighton District Court, said Jake Wark, a spokesman for the Suffolk District Attorney. Wark said Fairey would also be arraigned on a default warrant related to a separate graffiti case in the Roxbury section of Boston.

Fairey has spent the last two weeks in the Boston area installing the ICA exhibit and creating outdoor art, including a 20-by-50 foot banner on the side of City Hall, according to a statement issued Saturday by the museum.

The museum said Fairey was released a few hours after his arrest, but authorities did not immediately confirm that.


Anti-Religion Section Still in Stimulus Package – ACLJ To File Suit

7 February, 2009

Apparently, Obama is in a rush to get this “stick-u-lus” package through because it contains all sorts of hidden agendas:

Anti-faith language remains in stimulus package
Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 2/7/2009

The U.S. Senate has taken action that could mean a legal battle royal over the stimulus bill.

The Senate rejected an amendment offered by Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) that would have stripped language from the stimulus bill that would force colleges and universities to throw religious clubs off campus if the schools receive federal funds. (See earlier article)

Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law & Justice [ACLJ] had this reaction.

“Well, not only is it disappointing, it’s almost a throwback to litigation that we conducted in the 1980s that we won unanimously at the Supreme Court,” he says. “And I feel like this particular legislation pokes the finger in the eye of people who take religious faith seriously.

“It’s discriminatory in its application, unconstitutional as it’s written, [and] unfortunately it’s going to take four or five years for it to be litigated all the way through,” Sekulow adds.

With passage of the bill with the restrictions in place, how might colleges and universities be affected? “We’re going to look at filing an application for a stay of this provision, trying to get it declared unconstitutional through a restraining order,” he shares.

Sekulow plans to file suit the day after President Obama signs the bill.

Would-be Robber Shot Dead by Security Guard

7 February, 2009

Definitely NOT your usual, run of the mill “mall cop!”

Would-Be Robber Shot, Killed In New Smyrna Beach
Security Guard Shoots Man Saturday Morning

New Smyrna Beach, Florida — A would-be robber was shot and killed Saturday morning in New Smyrna Beach as a store owner was opening up his shop.

The robber was shot twice in the chest by a private security guard at the Medicine Shoppe pharmacy.

The owner of the shop was opening the store when he was confronted by the robber.

It wasn’t known if the shooting occurred inside or outside the pharmacy at 653 N. Dixie Freeway.

Police were at the scene conducting an investigation.

The Great Data Manipulator

7 February, 2009

H/T – Don Stott

Islamic scholars issue fatwas; Indonesia shrugs

7 February, 2009

The cult of islam requires total obedience to the whims of Islamic clerics to continue to operate. All of the muslims ignoring these fatwas are technically guilty of blasphemy. The most important thing to get out of this article is the lack of fear. The clerics have lost control of the people, unlike most muslims these people seem capable of free thought and have individual will.

The clerics have lost control, good news for us and all muslims. If more cultures would simply question why an old man spouting seventh century ideology gets to decide their twenty first century lifestyle islams hold on them can be broken.

By Paul Watson, 7 February 2009, Los Angeles Times
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia’s most powerful Islamic scholars weren’t looking for a debate when they handed down their latest fatwas on how to be a good Muslim.

But they still got an argument and, perhaps worse, a chorus of “Who cares?” after decreeing that it is haram, or forbidden, to smoke in public, or for children and pregnant women to have a puff of tobacco anywhere.

It didn’t matter that the clerics were providing sound health guidance. The council of clerics that interprets Sharia, or Islamic law, for the world’s largest Muslim population often leaves many shrugging their shoulders in confusion or disbelief.

When about 700 members of the council handed down a fresh list of fatwas in January, they included ones on marriage to minors, cornea donations and yoga. As usual, most Indonesians blithely ignored the rulings.
-This is an act of defiance and sends a powerful message to the council-butt out. (more…)