Archive for 9 February, 2009

UK Muslims Beg Forgiveness

9 February, 2009

It seems the UK muslims are worried that people are starting to see through their efforts to hide the crimes of mohammed and his legions of minions.

In advertising the process of repeating a simple slogan until it becomes well known and gives the product name recognition is called “branding”. Does it work? Ever heard the phrase “islam is peace”?

Do not question the method; it has proven successful, question the Brits, are they stupid enough to fall for this scam?

Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent, 10 February 2009, The Guardian
Prominent British Muslims are being recruited to star in a government-backed advertising campaign aimed at preventing people in Pakistan from engaging in extremist activity, the Guardian has learned.
-Somehow British muslims calling for Pakistani muslims to behave themselves seems like a waste of time, money and effort. Once this scam has proven to be a failure the British muslims will shrug their shoulders and claim they tried. Local politicians will heap praise on the tolerant muslims for the valiant attempt.

The three-month public relations offensive, called I Am the West, consists of television commercials and high-profile events in regions such as Peshawar and Mirpur. It is being funded by the Foreign Office which is paying up to £400,000 for a pilot project.
-“Offensive” being the operative word.

Starring in the first three adverts are Sadiq Khan, the communities minister, Jehangir Malik, the UK manager of Islamic Relief, English cricketer Moeen Ali and the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Chaudry Abdul Rashid, who is from Mirpur. Mirpuris represent around 70% of Britain’s Pakistani population.
-They all represent a seventh century pedophile, murderer, rapist, slave master and common thief.

According to a project synopsis, the target audience is 15-25-year-old males who are “less than well-educated and worldly wise, but potentially susceptible to extremist doctrines”. If successful, it will be implemented in Egypt, Yemen and Indonesia.
-What – no Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Sudan? (more…)

Trailer: Homegrown Jihad

9 February, 2009

Christian Action Network – Press Release:

“Act like you are his friend. Then kill him.” – Sheik Muburak Gilani explaining how to kill American infidels

Washington, DC—Christian Action Network will show Homegrown Jihad at the Landmark Theater in Washington, DC, on February 11, 2009, at 7:30 pm. There is no charge to attend the viewing. Copies can also be obtained at

The American public was never supposed to know. The 2006 Justice Department document that exposes 35 terrorist training compounds in the U.S. was marked “Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement.” All the copies of Sheik Muburak Gilani’s terrorist training video, “Soldiers of Allah,” had been confiscated and sealed—all of them, that is, except one—that Christian Action Network now reveals in the documentary Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

It seems unfathomable—nearly three dozen terrorist training compounds in the U.S. and the FBI, Homeland Security, and State Department are no help at all?  But the evidence is irrefutable: as Jamaat ul-Fuqra (known in the U.S. as Muslims of America) leader Sheik Muburak Gilani professes on the Soldiers of Allah video, “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.”

The Soldiers of Allah training video teaches American students how to operate AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers, and machine guns; how to kidnap Americans and then kill them; how to conduct sabotage and subversive operations; and how to use mortars and explosives.

With almost 50 terrorist attacks on American soil linked to Jamaat ul-Fuqra—ranging from bombings to murder to plots to blowing up American landmarks—what will it take for the government to protect its citizens from self-professed enemies of Americans? They hide across 35 American cities as innocuous-sounding as Hancock, NY; Red House, VA; and Seattle, WA.


Wild Fires Claim Over 170 Lives in Australia

9 February, 2009

We recieved the following email from Gramfan:

We are fine. Most of the fires were in rural areas and rural towns. It was only hard for us because of the weather: it has been awfully hot here, and we are worn out and tired from temps over 40C.

My garden is almost totally ruined by the heat and lack of rain, but that’s nothing in comparison to this.
It has helped put it in perspective.

It is a tragedy. Not all of it could have been avoided, but some could because the environ – mental groups have stopped cattle grazing in the highlands, stopped the back-burning, and removal of forest debris on the floor of the forests.

Farmers and cattlemen have been furious about this for years.
A lot of the fires were deliberately lit, and given the temps, and the ferocious north (hot) winds they literally spread like wild fire.

Unfortunately the “greenies” hold the balance of power in govt around here and this time their stupid policies have had grave unintended consequences.

I cannot  support people like this who believe human life is worth nothing, and a tree is worth a lot more. Their stupidity has cost over 100 lives, many burn victims fighting for their life, unknown deaths of animals, and hectares of burnt land and property.

They will not even permit the govt to build a dam and we are drastically short of water.

Sorry for the rant, but they have some blood on their hands.

– Gramfan

Australian Wildfires Called ‘Mass Murder’ After 171 Killed

Monday, February 09, 2009 – via FoxNews

WHITTLESEA, Australia —  Suspicions that some of Australia’s worst wildfires ever were deliberately set led police to declare crime scenes in incinerated towns on Monday, and a clearly emotional prime minister likened the alleged arson to mass murder. The death toll stood at 171.

The scale of the carnage, growing daily, has shocked a nation that endures deadly firestorms every few years. There were no quick answers, but officials said panic and the freight-train speed of the firefront probably accounted for the unusually high toll.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, visibly upset during a television interview, reflected the country’s disgust at the idea that arsonists may have set some of the 400 fires that devastated Victoria state, or helped them jump containment lines.

“What do you say about anyone like that?” Rudd said. “There’s no words to describe it, other than it’s mass murder.”

31 fires are still burning and a 33,000 acre blaze is threatening communities including Churchill and Wron Wron in south Gippsland.

A CFA spokesman said the fire threat had increased as freshening winds picked up. Nineteen people have now been confirmed dead in the region.

The public response to the catastrophe has been immediate, with thousands of people donating millions of dollars to the official Red Cross relief fund. Concerned friends and relatives have also used the Herald Sun bushfire message board to post pleas for information on loved ones.

At least 750 homes have been destroyed across the state, and 3,733 people have registered with the Red Cross after evacuating their properties. The number left homeless is expected to be far higher, the Red Cross said.

It was confirmed that at least four children have died, but that figure would also be expected to rise as full details emerged.

A two-year-old girl was among 13 in intensive care in hospital. Twenty-two people with shocking burns were admitted to the Alfred hospital, the state’s main trauma centre, wherestaff ran out of morphine trying to ease patients’ pain.

Most of the damage was done by two massive fires – one that virtually wiped out towns northeast of Melbourne including Kinglake and Marysville with a 100km front – and a second inferno that raced across Gippsland.

TV veteran Brian Naylor and his wife Moiree were among the dead. The pair died when the fire at Kinglake swept through their property.

Bushfire experts told that blazes with a danger rating of 100 are considered uncontrollable. Saturday’s fire had a rating of 400.

Stick-u-lus Package Broken Down

9 February, 2009

It looks like a socialist’s dream come true:

Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package

The centerpiece of President Obama’s domestic agenda is an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. The Senate will consider the measure this week, with an eye toward the amount of tax cuts and spending. Republicans and Democrats spar over what to consider a tax cut. An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office tallies the tax-cut portion to be significantly less than the one-third Democrats claim it to be.

[Click on Image to Enlarge]
