Archive for 11 February, 2009

UK: Headteacher Forced to Resign After Desegregating Muzzies

11 February, 2009

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…

Sheffield teacher quits over multi-faith assembly

‘Attempt to promote tolerance’ resulted in racism accusations after hymns included in joint Christian and Muslim worship
Jessica Shepherd

A headteacher has resigned after parents objected to her replacing separate assemblies for Christian and Muslim pupils with a single multi-faith assembly.

Julia Robinson was accused of racism for instituting the change, which she believed would promote tolerance and celebrate diversity.

Parents at the school, Meersbrook Bank Community primary in Sheffield, complained that the multi-faith assembly included “hymns” and demanded the school return to separate assemblies.

The school has predominantly white Christian pupils, but about a fifth of children are Muslim. The weekly Muslim assemblies were led by a teacher and open to children of other faiths.

Robinson was expected to return to work this term after being off for most of last year because of the row. But protests from parents have led her to quit the job.

The chair of the school’s governing body, Sarah Browton, has also resigned in support.


Terrorists-what terrorists?

11 February, 2009

Just keep your head in the sand and you will be fine. Apparently ignoring a problem makes it go away. If you want muslims to behave then do not take steps to prepare for their violence. No preparation = no violence. Sounds a lot like the USA, want to improve the nation? Just hire a man who wants to destroy it. All those pesky freedoms are not worth defending.

Says Delwar, 12 February 2009, the Daily Star
BNP Secretary General Khandaker Delwar Hossain yesterday said the proposed anti-terrorism South Asian taskforce to prevent militancy and terrorism in the region is ‘unnecessary’ and warned that it would be ‘suicidal’ for the country.
-Translation: muslims will riot.

“Any bilateral system in the name of forming South Asian task force may create a new crisis. Even the growing terrorist activities of other countries may be extended to our country which couldn’t be accepted,” he said at a press briefing at party chairperson’s Gulshan office.
-Translation: muslims will riot.

He believes that law enforcing agencies, including armed forces, are enough to free the country from terrorism and militancy.

Delwar urged the countrymen to be aware of the issue and take preparation for resisting the move from forming the task force. He said it is a logical apprehension made by some political scientists and economists that Bangladesh might be turned into ‘Gaza Valley’ due to the proposed task force.
-Translation: muslims will riot.

When asked whether they (BNP) know about the taskforce or not, he said, “I don’t know any concrete information relating to the taskforce and that is why we have demanded disclosure of all the facts in this regard.”

Replying to a query, Delwar criticized Foreign Minister Dipu Moni for keeping her mum when an Indian journalist termed Bangladesh as a ‘buffer state’ during joint press conference with Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee.

“We had said before that 1/11 was a conspiracy to establish a puppet government in the country and as a minister of a puppet government, how can she [foreign minister] understand the meaning of this question by which the Indian journalist defamed our country,” he raised a counter question.
-Translation: muslims will riot.

During the briefing, the BNP leader congratulated newly elected President Zillur Rahman and said, “We hope that the new president will conduct his activities as per the constitution, law and justice what he promised to the nation.”

Party’s Joint Secretary General Nazrul Islam Khan, former lawmaker Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Ilyas Ali, Khairul Kabir Khokon and Shiril Sultana and party office secretary Rizvi Ahmed, among others, were present.
-So there ya go; no practicing muslims live in Bangladesh so no terrorists live in Bangladesh. What you do not believe me – SILENCE, I KEEEL YOU!

Surprise, Suprise – Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee EXTREMELY Pro-Abortion

11 February, 2009

Believe it or not, there are still morons out there who fell for Obama’s campaign BS hook, line, and sinker—and are still under the false impression that he’s pro-life…

Potential Obama Supreme Court Nominee Diane Wood Strongly Pro-Abortion

by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 10, 2009

Washington, DC ( — With Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recovering from surgery for pancreatic cancer, speculation is ramped up about who President Barack Obama may choose as a potential replacement. One of the names on the short list political observers have pieced together is pro-abortion Judge Diane Wood.

Wood is a member of the federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and she has a long history of taking the pro-abortion side when it comes to pro-life issues.

Wood ruled against bans on partial-birth abortion in cases involving legislation from Wisconsin and Illinois. She joined the federal court in ruling that Wisconsin’s law was unconstitutional under the Supreme Court’s first ruling on partial-birth abortions in 2000.

Judge Wood also ruled in favor of abortion advocates by allowing them to misuse the RICO law designed to control mob activities to sue pro-life protesters.

The Supreme Court twice overturned her opinion and, in February 2006, ruled a second time that federal racketeering laws used against mob bosses can’t be used against pro-life advocates who protest abortions.

Wood kept alive the lawsuit against pro-life advocates even though the high court had already issued an 8-0 decision in their favor.

Joseph Scheidler, the defendant in the lawsuit, said after the decision that Wood ” claimed an affiliation with Chicago NOW and Planned Parenthood throughout the duration of the” case.

Finally, Wood wrote a dissent in a case concerning an Indiana law requiring counseling and informed consent prior to an abortion. Similar laws in other states have reduced the number of abortions by giving women information about abortion risks and alternatives and have been upheld by the Supreme Court.


Gang-Rape Victim Sentenced to 100 Lashes

11 February, 2009

What can I say that hasn’t been said already?  Islam and its antiquated Sharia Laws needs to be destroyed:

Saudi judge sentences pregnant gang-rape victim to 100 lashes for committing adultery
By Liz Hazelton
11 February 2009

A Saudi judge has ordered a woman should be jailed for a year and receive 100 lashes after she was gang-raped, it was claimed last night.

The 23-year-old woman, who became pregnant after her ordeal, was reportedly assaulted after accepting a lift from a man.

He took her to a house to the east of the city of Jeddah where she was attacked by him and four of his friends throughout the night.

She later discovered she was pregnant and made a desperate attempt to get an abortion at the King Fahd Hospital for Armed Forces.

According to the Saudi Gazette, she eventually ‘confessed’ to having ‘forced intercourse’ with her attackers and was brought before a judge at the District Court in Jeddah.

He ruled she had committed adultery – despite not even being married – and handed down a year’s prison sentence, which she will serve in a prison just outside the city.

She is still pregnant and will be flogged once she has had the child.

The Saudi Arabian legal system practices a strict form of medieval law. Women have very few rights and are not even allowed to drive.

They are also banned from going out in public in the company of men other than male relatives.


11 February, 2009


[Artist’s Rendering of new mathematical integer.]

PALO ALTO, CA – An international mathematics research team announced today that they had discovered a new integer that surpasses any previously known value “by a totally mindblowing shitload.” Project director Yujin Xiao of Stanford University said the theoretical number, dubbed a “stimulus,” could lead to breakthroughs in fields as diverse as astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and Chicago asphalt contracting.

“Unlike previous large numbers like the Googleplex or the Bazillionty, the Stimulus has no static numerical definition,” said Xiao. “It keeps growing and growing, compounding factorially, eating up all zeros in its path. It moves freely across Cartesian dimensions and has the power to make any other number irrational.”
Read the rest of this over at IowaHawk’s website by CLICKING HERE

Republicans Frozen Out of Stinkulus Report

11 February, 2009

Interesting tidbit from House Republican Leader John Boehner’s blog:

Posted by Dave on February 11th, 2009

So this is “transparency” under the Democratic regime. . .

It appears that Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid’s staff met all through the night in secret with Democratic conferees’ staff to cobble together the “stimulus” conference report.  Republican conferees were frozen out.

The objective appears to be to produce a final conference report on the trillion-dollar spending bill by this afternoon so that floor action can take place in both chambers by Thursday.

They intend to ram this trillion-dollar spending bill through with as little debate and scrutiny as possible.

The House voted unanimously yesterday in support of a Republican measure stating that the American people should have 48 hours to review the bill prior to passage.  Will Democrats follow through?  Or will they do the opposite of what they voted to do yesterday?

[Yup, so much for “transparency” and “bi-partisanship,” eh?   In fact, does anyone know of one single item in Stinkulus that a Republican put in there?  Just curious, as I haven’t seen one, yet….]