Archive for 13 February, 2009

New York: “Moderate” Muslim Beheads Wife

13 February, 2009

Yup, emulating his beloved Muhammad, I’m sure…


New York: Founder and CEO of Muslim TV channel beheads wife

Founded TV network to combat negative perceptions of Muslims

Bridges TV founder and Chief Executive Muzzammil Hassan founded the TV network in 2004. According to a Reuters story at that time, “his wife came up with the idea in December 2001 while listening to the radio on a road trip.”:

“Some derogatory comments were being made about Muslims that offended her,” Hassan told Reuters ahead of Tuesday’s launch. “She was seven months pregnant, and she thought she didn’t want her kids growing up in this environment.”

So he founded Bridges TV to combat negative perceptions of Muslims.

But now that he has beheaded his wife, I’m afraid this prominent moderate Muslim will only be feeding those negative perceptions.

Continue reading this at Jihad Watch by CLICKING HERE

Muslim Convicted of Sisters Murder, Muslims dance in the street

13 February, 2009

I made up the part about muslims celebrating justice but reality is they should have. The archaic islamic concept of “justice” is not compatible with the more tolerant and fair western systems. In most islamic countries murderers like ahmed would have been praised and not condemned.

13 February 2009, Spiegel International
Ahmad Obeidi on Friday was found guilty of murdering his teenage sister in Hamburg by stabbing her 23 times. Dramatic scenes followed news of his life sentence: He raged at the judge and security guards led his angry family out of courtroom.
-There it is true islam at its worst, the family was angry, not at the murder but at the conviction. No amount of apologist BS can explain islams seventh century values and its modern supporters.

A German court on Friday ruled that Ahmad Obeidi was guilty of killing his 16-year-old sister Morsal, ending a case has shocked Germany. The court heard how the Afghan immigrant had repeatedly stabbed his younger sibling last May, infuriated by her lifestyle and her increasing independence from their family.
-She chose to commit islams greatest crime; she demanded freedom from the oppressive life that was forced on her.

Following the ruling Ahmad Obedi swore at the judge and hurled a folder towards him. Shouting relatives pummeled the security glass wall around Obedi with their fists. German television reports said emergency services had been called after his upset mother threatened to jump out of a window of the courthouse.
-I would have prefeared the entire family have been arrested, honor murderers are a family affair. It is highly unlikely any one of them was surprised by the crime. It is more likely that they all helped plan it and lull the victim into a false sense of security. (more…)

I Was a Teenage Open Thread

13 February, 2009


Well, Mrs. Bulldog, Our Little Princess, and I seem to have recovered sufficiently enough from the flu bug that has been kicking our butts for the past couple weeks.  And, it’s a pleasant day outside.  So, you know what that means; Mrs. Bulldog has a whole list of errands and honey-do’s scheduled for today…  Ergo, the Open Thread.

Feel free to post any interesting links here; or, just chit-chat amongst yourselves.

Australian who was Fined $50,000 for Bulldozing Trees Somewhat Vindicated

13 February, 2009

Gramfan left us an email stating that she will be attending a wedding today, so don’t panic if you don’t see any comments from her.   In honor of her pointing out to us that the environmentalists and their laws are just about as much to blame for these fires as the arsonists, I present the following article from the Sydney Morning Herald:


Fined for illegal clearing, family now feel vindicated
Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie –

They were labelled law breakers, fined $50,000 and left emotionally and financially drained.

But seven years after the Sheahans bulldozed trees to make a fire break — an act that got them dragged before a magistrate and penalised — they feel vindicated. Their house is one of the few in Reedy Creek, Victoria,  still standing.

The Sheahans’ 2004 court battle with the Mitchell Shire Council for illegally clearing trees to guard against fire, as well as their decision to stay at home and battle the weekend blaze, encapsulate two of the biggest issues arising from the bushfire tragedy.

Do Victoria’s native vegetation management policies need a major overhaul? And should families risk injury or death by staying home to fight the fire rather than fleeing?

Anger at government policies stopping residents from cutting down trees and clearing scrub to protect their properties is already apparent. “We’ve lost two people in my family because you dickheads won’t cut trees down,” Warwick Spooner told Nillumbik Mayor Bo Bendtsen at a meeting on Tuesday night.

Although Liam Sheahan’s 2002 decision to disregard planning laws and bulldoze 250 trees on his hilltop property hurt his family financially and emotionally, he believes it helped save them and their home on the weekend.

“The house is safe because we did all that,” he said as he pointed out his kitchen window to the clear ground where tall gum trees once cast a shadow on his house.

“We have got proof right here. We are the only house standing in a two-kilometre area.”


Pat Condell: Freedom Go to Hell

13 February, 2009

Pat Condell discusses the eviction of Geert Wilders from Britain yesterday:

Anti-Gun Bias in Reporting? You Decide

13 February, 2009

Okay, read and digest the following article.  Then, I’ll tell you what REALLY happened:

Ballgame is canceled as precaution after killing
By NICOLE MARSHALL World Staff Writer
2/13/2009 – Tulsa World

A basketball game was canceled this week and security was increased at Webster and McLain high schools after the shooting death of a student last weekend.

Terrance L. Johnson, 16, was shot Sunday during an apparent home-invasion robbery in the 600 block of East 53rd Street North, police said.

Johnson was a student at Webster, and the shooter, a resident of the home, apparently has relatives who attend McLain, authorities said.

The man who shot Johnson was interviewed by police and released. Detective Michael Zenoni said the shooting investigation is ongoing.

The District Attorney’s Office will determine whether charges will be filed.

A Webster-McLain basketball game that was scheduled for Tuesday was canceled, Tulsa Public Schools Campus Police Chief Gary Rudick said.

He said school officials decided that it wouldn’t be right to have the game so shortly after a student was killed.

Security was increased at both schools this week, he said.

“Basically, anytime we have a student that has been a victim of violent crime and there are other young people involved in that issue, there is always the potential for the escalation of violence,” Rudick said. “It was really a precautionary thing.”

No specific threat that something might happen at either school was ever made, he said.

“When the community is in conflict like this and people are scared, it is the right thing to do to step up the presence and try to ease people’s fears,”  Rudick said.

Hmmm…  Kinda’ glosses right over the details of the killing and goes right into the “victim of a violent crime” scenario, doesn’t it?

Well, here’s what really happened:

Around 1 a.m. this last Sunday, Terrance L. Johnson, 16, broke into a home in the 600 block of E 53rd Street North.   It’s unclear exactly why he broke into the home, but preliminary information indicates that Mr. Johnson  had a handgun and was up to no good.  The home’s occupant became aware of someone skulking around in his house, got a gun and confronted the armed intruder—with multiple rounds of “negotiations…”    And, if it will make you feel any better, the intruder (Mr. Johnson) fired off a round or two, also.  But, his negotiations obviously missed their mark.  End of story.

There’s no “victim of a violent crime” here!  There’s only a would-be victim who decided not to be a victim and a dead perp who probably played Grand Theft Auto one too many times…