Archive for 19 February, 2009

Obama lapdog accepted letter from Islamic Terror Group

19 February, 2009

Obama is slick, he would never deal with terrorists but he would send his lapdog to do it. If the US government really wanted to help the poor palestinians they would start a program to grant Israel bigger weapons. But this trips purpose was more sinister. Obama had to calm his muslim brothers and let them know the US would support them if Netanyahu becomes the next Israeli PM.

19 February 2009, FOX
Sen. John Kerry accepted a letter for President Barack Obama from Hamas leaders on Thursday, FOX News learned.
-I’m betting the real purpose of the visit was to personally pick up the demands er letter from hamas.

A U.N. relief agency official could not say what the contents of the letter were but said U.N. officials passed the letter to Kerry on behalf of the European- and U.S.-designated terror group.

Hamas has denied leaving a letter at the gates of the U.N. headquarters in Gaza.
-And we already know what to do with a hamas denial.

Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, was visiting the Gaza Strip on Thursday, along with Democratic Reps. Brian Baird of Washington and Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Congress’ only Muslim representative.
-This group of misfits travelling together is more disturbing than a nude photo of Pelosi.

The lawmakers were already on a trip to Israel, and crossed into the area dominated by Hamas, which calls for the destruction of the Jewish state. Kerry had not been expected to meet with Hamas officials.
-Right and obama is a Christian, a natural born US citizen and pro gun. (more…)

Imam Issues Fatwa Against Using Alcohol as Fuel Substitute

19 February, 2009

I’m sure this has nothing at all to do with OPEC…

Saudi Arabia: Imam forbids alcohol to be used as fuel substitute

Riyadh, 19 Feb. (AKI) – A Saudi imam has issued a fatwa or religious edict, banning the use of alcohol as a fuel substitute for petrol. “I warn Saudi students that live abroad not to use alcohol as a cheap substitute for petrol, because the prophet has cursed not only who drinks it but also those who use it for other purposes,” said the Saudi imam Mohammed al-Najimi, quoted by Saudi daily, Shams.

“The prophet has cursed whoever uses alcohol, not only for drinking but also other purposes.”

[Hmmm…  No alcohol lamps or alcohol reductions in chemistry class…  No perfumes for women…  No windshield wiper fluid…  No ink jet printer cartridges… No permanent “magic” markers…  No surgical instrument sterilization…   What an idiot!]

Al-Najimi, who is also a member of the Saudi Islamic jurists, said that using alcohol falls within the ‘jurisdiction’ of what Islam’s prophet Mohammed said.

“For this reason, I warn Saudis who live abroad and who use alcohol instead of petrol that this case is related and falls within the parameters of what the prophet said.”

The Saudi daily claims that many students and researchers who live in western countries use alcohol as an alternative source of fuel, because it is cheaper, pollutes less and many automobiles lately have been made to run with alcohol.

[Yeah, like I said, I’m sure it has nothing to do with OPEC…  Or, the fact that Saudi Arabia is floating on a sea of black gold…]

Oklahoma Police Pull Over Driver for Anti-Obama Sign – Then the Secret Service Shows Up on his Doorstep

19 February, 2009

Welcome to Orwelliantopa!  Gee, I don’t remember anyone getting pulled over by the gestapo, er, uhm, cops for anti-Bush signs…

Oklahoma City police officer pulls man over for anti-Obama sign on vehicle
NewsOK – 19Feb09

The police officers who stopped Oklahoma City motorist Chip Harrison and confiscated a sign from his car told him he has a right to his beliefs, but the U.S. Secret Service “could construe this as a threat against President Obama,” according to the incident report released this morning.

The sign, which read “Abort Obama Not the Unborn,” was returned to Harrison later that day, the report said.

Police spokesman Steve McCool said this morning that the sign was taken in error, and Oklahoma City residents should not be worried that their First Amendment rights will be violated. He said a supervisor “intervened and quickly returned the sign” after Harrison called the police department.

“Obviously, it was not a good decision to confiscate the sign,” McCool said.

Harrison, who could not be reached for comment this morning, told the officers that in his opinion the words “Abort Obama” meant to impeach him. He told the officers he does not believe in abortion because he is a Christian.

Harrison was stopped while driving a white truck on westbound Interstate 44 at SW 119th at 8:45 a.m. on Feb. 12, according to the police report.

According to Harrison, an official said the Secret Service had been contacted on the matter and had told them the sign was not a threat to the president.

Harrison was asked if he would like to file a complaint. He said he was not sure but would take the paperwork, just in case.

But his run-in with the law wasn’t over yet.

”The Secret Service called and said they were at my house,” Harrison said.

After talking to his attorney, Harrison went home where he met the Secret Service.


The Seeds of a Revolution are Sprouting

19 February, 2009

This morning, CNBC’s Rick Santelli  called for  a “Traders’ Revolt” on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with fellow traders cheering him on.  Good stuff:

UK: Radical Cleric Qatada Awarded Compensation by the European Court of Human Rights

19 February, 2009

$3,600 dollars…  Hmmm…  Okay, just give it to him and then send him off to Jordan!  Begone!  You miserable piece of filth!


Britain: Muslim cleric receives court compensation

Amman, 19 Feb. (AKI) – Radical Muslim cleric Abu Qatada has been awarded 2,500 pounds (3,600 dollars) in compensation by the European Court of Human Rights.

The court’s judges ruled on Thursday that his detention without trial in the United Kingdom under anti-terrorism laws had breached his human rights. After his arrest last year, he was subjected to a domestic curfew and then detained in London’s Belmarsh high security prison.

On Wednesday, the upper house of the British parliament , sitting as Britain’s highest court, unanimously ruled that Abu Qatada could be deported from the UK to his native Jordan where he faces jail for terrorism.

Jordan’s justice minister, Ayman Awda, told Arab satellite TV network, Al-Jazeera, that Qatada has nothing to fear if he is deported home to Jordan.

The 48-year-old cleric, once described by a judge as ‘Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe’ is still in London’s Belmarsh prison.

Britain’s interior ministry has long campaigned for Qatada’s deportation.

Qatada’s convictions in Jordan relate to an alleged conspiracy to bomb hotels in the capital Amman along with allegedly providing finance and advice for other plots.

“Like every accused, Qatada will receive a fair trial,” Awda said. “If his deportation has been delayed, it has been only because he is seeking legal recourse through the European Court of Human rights.”

Qatada has claimed that his conviction in Jordan was based on evidence extracted by torture.

Rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch criticised the Brtitish ruling, saying there was a real risk that Qatada would be tortured.

[Yeah, sure…  More than likely, he will be hailed as a hero…]

Qatada was first arrested in the wake of Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks on the United States amid allegations that he was one of the most influential Islamist preachers in Europe. The Jordanian father-of-five, whose real name is Omar Mahmoud Mohammed Othman, claimed asylum when he arrived in Britain in September 1993 on a forged passport.

Qatada issued a 1995 fatwa or religious edict justifying the killing of converts from Islam, their wives and children in Algeria. In a 1999 sermon he called for the killing of Jews and praised attacks on Americans. The same year, Qatada was convicted in his absence of planning terrorist attacks in Jordan.

Yet Another Chick With a Gun in Florida Chases Off Robbers!

19 February, 2009

At first I thought this was another version of our earlier post HERE,  however, when I looked at a map of Florida, I realized that these were two similar events on the same day in the same state, but at completely different locales.

Of course, you’re not going to hear about either one of these two events in the Main Stream Media.  I don’t understand why not.  I mean, the MSM is dominated by dudes!  This stuff is golden!

Yup, ain’t too much more that turns a guy on like a chick with a gun – just as long as you’re not the guy on the receiving end…

Suspect Arrested In Sanford Home Invasion

Thursday, February 19, 2009 – WFTV

SANFORD, Fla. — One of two men accused of breaking into a home in Sanford was arrested late Wednesday night.

Two crooks broke into a waterfront Sanford home Wednesday, only to be chased out by the woman inside. The owner of the house on Scott Avenue (see map) pulled out her gun and chased the thieves down a nearby street.

Janie Graves babysits her grandson at a home across the street from where the incident took place. Early Wednesday morning, she noticed two men looking out of place as she drove in.

“You know, I just remember saying, ‘I wonder what those guys are doing here.’ And then I pulled in and I forgot about them,” she said.

But only hours later, investigators say two men broke in through the windows on the Scott Avenue home and the woman who lives there was home. At first, she hid from the men, but then pulled a gun and shot at them.

The victim apparently chased her attackers out the back door of her house and then across the neighbor’s backyard before they took off running down the street.

Witnesses told police at least one of the men may have tried to hide inside the County Service Building (see map), just around the corner. Police locked the entire place down for at least an hour midday.

“It was a little scary. I mean, we weren’t sure what was going on at first. We just saw the police men coming up and trying to secure everything,” county services employee Laura Zielinski said.

The victim was not injured during the break-in or as she chased the suspects. The second suspect in the robbery has not been caught.

Florida: Armed Woman Chases Off Three Male Robbers

19 February, 2009

As the saying goes, “Men and women were created equal;  Smith & Wesson makes damn sure it stays that way!”

Authorities: Golden Gate homeowner fires gun at attempted robbery suspects
By Naples Daily News staff report

NAPLES, FLORIDA — Collier County sheriff’s deputies are on the lookout for three men in a light blue minivan who they say attempted a home invasion Wednesday night in Golden Gate Estates, but fled when the homeowner shot at them.

Around 8:51 p.m. the three men attempted to enter a home in the 3600 block of 36th Avenue Southeast off Everglades Boulevard, Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Karie Partington said.

The homeowner saw a light blue minivan pull up in the back yard.

“She gets a shotgun and fires two rounds of birdshot at the van,” Partington said.

It is unclear if any of the three men, who were described as Hispanic, were shot, authorities said. Deputies, dogs and a Sheriff’s Office helicopter were all searching for a minivan with damage.

Women Under Islam

19 February, 2009

An excellent “must read.”

H/T – MeMaw:


The Plight of Women under Islamism: Time for Muslims to Shed the Denial
Family Security Matters
M. Zuhdi Jasser

There is no more powerful retardant to change and reform among individuals and in a community than human denial.

According to Andrew Benz, Orchard Park Police Chief, on Thursday, February 12, 2009, Muzammil H. Hassan, the founder and CEO of Bridges TV, walked into the police station at 6:20 PM and told officers that his wife was lying dead at the Bridges TV offices. Later, Benz confirmed on WIVB Channel 4 that she was decapitated.

The Veneer of Bridges TV

Mr. Hassan immigrated to the United States from Pakistan in the 1980s. He received an MBA from the University of Rochester in New York and then worked at Procter & Gamble before becoming a banker. In a profile on Hassan and Bridges TV on December 24, 2004 on NPR’s All Things Considered, Jerome Vaughn of Detroit Public Radio reported that,

“Bridges TV says it wants to inform and entertain Muslims and, at the same time, give viewers who aren’t Muslims a glimpse into their culture. Mo Hassan was traveling from Buffalo to Detroit a few weeks after the September 11th terrorist attacks when his wife came up with the idea for the new network. They were in the car listening to the radio when they heard some derogatory remarks about Muslims.”

They claimed that the mission of the network was to, “foster understanding between cultures and diverse populations.” The Chicago Tribune puff-piece on the new network on November 30, 2004 called it “Lifetime for Muslims with a dash of CNN.”

Apparently he financed the network personally leaving his banking job with a $500,000 line of credit and a number of investors. They sought to finance the venture through individual viewer subscriptions of $14.99 in addition to a reported 50 individuals who donated $10 million. Later in 2006, according to the Arab News (the English language propaganda arm of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Mr. Hassan visited Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the global capital of Wahhabi ideology, seeking stock investors in his network.

The face of Bridges TV’s “public marital partnership” in the Hassans clearly had a false veneer which years later would reveal itself. What a difference a few years makes. Mrs. Aasiya Hassan took out an order of protection against her husband and filed for divorce less than a week before her gruesome murder on February 12, 2009. The NY Post reporter only directed attention to the supposition that this beheading was related to Mr. Hassan’s financial troubles. The couples’ attorney did mention that there was a history of domestic violence and a recent divorce filing leading up to her murder. There was no mention of honor killings and Islamist motivations.

The Media’s abject blindness

Now almost five days since the beheading and murder of Aasiya Hassan, the media has been unfathomably silent. Local media covered it like they would any murder. And national media have remained tone deaf and silent. In a media industry where high-profile bizarre murders can quickly become an obsession dominating coverage (i.e. Laci Peterson and Natalee Holloway, to name just two), the avoidance of this story is beyond remarkable. Mark Steyn eloquently points out the abject avoidance behavior and blindness of mainstream media in addressing the layers of issues related to Islamism at the National Review’s Corner:
