Archive for 15 July, 2009

White Supremacist convicted of bomb plot

15 July, 2009

Despite my own governments fear of dangerous right wing extremists they are rare in comparison to other dangerous extremist groups (radical muslims come to mind). Just to show they do exist and that they are not just a figment of the imagination of an overpaid, poorly trained and very bitter Department of Homeland Security analyst, let us take at look at this stellar example of white might.

15 July 2009, Reuters
A white supremacist, who wanted to fight a racist war against the “non-British,” was convicted by a London court today of plotting acts of terrorism and being on the brink of carrying out bomb attacks.
-Look at these people as a start up group. White only gangs have been around for a long time but the insurgency movement is relatively new. As the EU and other useless self serving groups (like the American Congress) drive up unemployment, limit job growth and tax the crap out of the lower classes, these groups will grow in direct proportion to the pain politicians inflict on them. Soon disenfranchised police and military will join them. Political parties tend to forget the military and police also pay taxes.

Neil Lewington (44), was carrying the components for two homemade bombs. He was arrested by chance last October after he had got drunk and urinated in public, leading police to search his bag.
-Since Doc routinely urinates in public I will not hold Mr. Lewington accountable for that action (luvs ya Doc)

“This man, who had strong if not fanatical right wing leanings and opinions, was on the cusp of embarking on a campaign of terrorism against those he considered non-British,” said prosecutor Brian Altman.

“The defendant had in his possession the component parts of two viable improvised incendiary devices. He had the parts which, if assembled together, would have created devices which if ignited would have caught alight and caused flames and fire.”
-Sounds as if he could have been after any number of groups: immigrants, muslims, Jews, pick one or all. The intended target is not as important as the fact that he built a device. He was going to act and his actions will inspire others. The future of the EU will soon see the result of years of abuse by political appointees pushing private agendas. (more…)

The new GM (Government Motors) proudly introduces the 2010 Obama …

15 July, 2009

Thanks to CavMom for sending this in.

This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns.

It comes complete with two teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations.

A reverse GPS is installed in each vehicle so the government knows exactly where you are at all times.
-The radio only plays Obama campaign speeches and other broken promises.

The transparent canopy reveals the required plastic smiles on the faces of all the “happy” democrat owners.

Comes in S, M, L, XL and 2XL
-Most models come with two seats but the southern Mississippi version has only one and it comes with a reinforced frame, springs and stronger welds. It also has a beer can holder, a small pullout tray to hold BBQ and a gun rack.

You are ordered to visit your local OBAMA dealer today!
-Each buyer will receive a $250 one-time stimulus voucher that can only be traded for Obama 2012 bumper stickers and Obamas upcoming book “Suckas, I got mines and yourns”

-My sources report it is guaranteed to get you halfway to your intended destination. With more stimulus it may go further. A government Czar claims a plan is being developed to tow them at a reasonable cost to the owner.

Russians Punk Obama Again..No Help On Iran In Exchange For Nukes Reduction Deal With US!

15 July, 2009

Can’t say that I didn’t warn him:

D’OH ! !

This would be comical if it wasn’t so deadly. The Russians made it clear today that in spite of all the flowery remarks and concessions made by President Obama in Moscow, the US can expect no help from Russia in curtailing Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons via sanctions or any other means.

Joshupundit has the scoop HERE

Oh Great! Get Ready for Socialized Medicine to be Rammed Down Your Throat

15 July, 2009

bend over

I find it interesting that a Congress which did nothing but name post offices and regulate the interstate selling and trading of monkeys during the heyday of skyrocketing gas prices has  suddenly sprung into action with a flurry of communist action items that MUST be passed immediately.   Constituents be dammed!  Full speed ahead!  One need look no further than the Office of the Presidency to realize that Congress was just awaiting the arrival of their false messiah to unleash them so that they could begin tearing America asunder.

Nope, never mind that most Americans are against Socialized Health Care.  That hasn’t stopped them in the past, and it’s not going to stop them now.  None of this is really about Health Care, this is all about installing and maintaining a communist federal government that will control every aspect of your life.  Once this bill passes, they will be in the business of deciding who lives and who dies.   Mark my words!

House bill would make health care a right
By ERICA WERNER – Jul 15, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) – House Democratic leaders, pledging to meet the president’s goal of health care legislation before their August break, are offering a $1.5 trillion plan that for the first time would make health care a right and a responsibility for all Americans. Left to pick up most of the tab were medical providers, employers and the wealthy.

“We cannot allow this issue to be delayed. We cannot put it off again,” Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, said Tuesday. “We, quite frankly, cannot go home for a recess unless the House and the Senate both pass bills to reform and restructure our health care system.”

In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid said he wanted floor debate to begin a week from Monday. With the Senate Finance Committee still struggling to reach consensus, that timetable could slip. Even so, it underscored a renewed sense of urgency.

Obama himself was driving the action, going off-script to push the issue during a speech in Michigan and scheduling a Rose Garden news conference for Wednesday to make more comments on the topic.

“There’s going to be a major debate over the next three weeks,” Obama said in Warren, Mich., deviating from his prepared text on new spending for community colleges. “And don’t be fooled by folks trying to scare you saying we can’t change the health care system. We have no choice but to change the health care system because right now it’s broken for too many Americans.”


The legislation calls for a 5.4 percent tax increase on individuals making more than $1 million a year, with a gradual tax beginning at $280,000 for individuals. Employers who don’t provide coverage would be hit with a penalty equal to 8 percent of workers’ wages, with an exemption for small businesses. Individuals who decline an offer of affordable coverage would pay 2.5 percent of their incomes as a penalty, up to the average cost of a health insurance plan.

The liberal-leaning plan lacked figures on total costs, but a House Democratic aide said the total bill would add up to about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private calculations.
