Archive for 27 July, 2009

Seven Terrorists Arrested in North Carolina

27 July, 2009

From an FBI press release which conveniently seems to have omitted the name of the religion motivating these  jihadists.  Gee, I wonder which one it is…


Seven Charged in North Carolina – 07/27/09

"Triangle" region of North Carolina on map

The operation was dubbed “Triangle Terror Takedown” as a geographic reference to the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill areas of North Carolina.

FBI agents this morning arrested a group of homegrown terrorists in North Carolina who were heavily armed, organized, and making plans to wage jihad overseas.
The seven men arrested—including a father and his two sons—were charged with providing material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure people overseas.

The father, Daniel Patrick Boyd, once fought in Afghanistan and trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan. All of the defendants are North Carolina residents, and all but one are U.S. citizens.

“The threat that terrorists and extremists pose to America and our allies has not dulled or gone away,” said Owen D. Harris, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Charlotte Division. “These arrests today show there are people living among us, in our communities in North Carolina and around the U.S., that are honing their skills to carry out acts of murder and mayhem.”

The seven-count indictment details a conspiracy that began in earnest in 2006 and continued until shortly before today’s arrests. The defendants trained in the U.S. for battle and were willing to die as martyrs. They raised money to support their training and in some cases recruited and radicalized others to further their cause overseas. In one case, Daniel Patrick Boyd traveled in March 2006 with one of his sons to Gaza to introduce him to individuals who believed violent jihad was a religious obligation. A year later, Boyd and several of the defendants went to Israel to wage jihad but returned without success.

The defendants, as well as some of the additional charges they face, are:

  • Daniel Patrick Boyd: The 39-year-old Boyd faces charges of possessing a firearm in furtherance of a crime, receiving a firearm through interstate commerce, and also selling a firearm to a felon.
  • Dylan Boyd: One of Daniel Boyd’s sons, Dylan, 22, is also charged with selling a firearm—a 9mm Beretta handgun—to a felon.
  • Zakariya Boyd: Also a son of Daniel Boyd, Zakariya, 20, is charged with possession of a firearm in furtherance of a crime.
  • Hysen Sherifi: The 24-year-old Kosovo native is a legal U.S. resident. As part of the conspiracy, the indictment alleges he traveled to Kosovo in July 2008 to engage in violent jihad, then returned in April to raise support for the mujahedeen. Sherifi allegedly supplied $500 to help fund Daniel Boyd’s overseas efforts.
  • Anes Subasic: The 33-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen discussed preparations with Daniel Boyd to send two people overseas.
  • Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan: A 22-year-old U.S. citizen.
  • Ziyad Yaghi: The 21-year-old U.S. citizen traveled to Jordan in October 2006 to engage in violent jihad.

The indictment details the arsenal the defendants built up over several years, including handguns, assault rifles, and a Bushmaster M4A3 that Daniel Boyd allegedly received illegally in 2006. Over the past two months, the defendants practiced with the weapons and developed their military tactics on private property in rural Caswell County.

The Raleigh Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI Charlotte Division led the multi-year, multi-agency investigation, dubbed “Triangle Terror Takedown” in reference to the state’s research triangle, along with the North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

“We will remain vigilant, so must the public,” Special Agent in Charge Harris said. “If you see or hear something, act. Call your local police department or the FBI.”

ObamaCare: The Musical

27 July, 2009

Humor is the best medicine:

Professor Gates a Criminal?

27 July, 2009

I try to stay away from the Obama-Gates debacle because we already knew that Obama was a racist and I think it distracts everyone from the commie legislation Obama is currently ramming down our throats, but Yonason found this link and it certainly is interesting:

A Gatesgate At Henry Gates’ “Bogus” Charity?

Henry Louis Gates, Jr controls a tax-exempt, non-profit charity, Inkwell Foundation, Inc, that managed to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct support in one year, yet only gave out $27,500 in grants, the bulk of which went to Gates’ employees and Harvard colleagues. Also, as recently as September 2008, the Boston Globe reported that Gates’ charity was not in compliance with the law for failing to register the proper paperwork, despite the charity existing since 2005. The charge at the time was that it was “bogus,” as you’ll see below. In fact, the state Attorney General’s office told the Globe the charity was likely either inactive, or dissolved. Yet, documents below show the charity is healthy, wealthy and active.

Is it possible that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was acting strange when law enforcement showed up at his door because he didn’t want the story below to come out? It may take a tax lawyer to answer that question, but based on this research, it can’t be ruled out. We know the press has questioned Gates about the charity in the past and gotten no response.

CLICK HERE to continue reading this at Riehl World View.

Senator Sessions (R) Will Vote “No” on Sotomayor

27 July, 2009

Another Senator has a moment of clarity:

Jeff Sessions, citing “judicial activism,” says he’ll vote no on Sonia Sotomayor
Posted by Sean Reilly, Washington Bureau July 27, 2009 –

WASHINGTON — Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, will vote against giving Judge Sonia Sotomayor a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a column published today in the USA Today newspaper, Sessions wrote that he does not believe that Sotomayor “has the deep-rooted convictions necessary to resist the siren call of judicial activism.”

“She has evoked its mantra too often,” he wrote. “As someone who cares deeply about our great heritage of law, I must withhold my consent.”

Sessions is the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will vote Tuesday on forwarding Sotomayor’s nomination to the full Senate. Because Democrats control the committee by a 12-7 margin, his no vote will carry largely symbolic weight, but could influence how some other Republican senators vote, said Carl Tobias,a law professor at the University of Richmond.


The Weekly Standard: “No Evidence Obama Has Even a Sketchy Grasp of Economics”

27 July, 2009

I beg to differ with that assessment.  I think Obama and his commie buddies know exactly what they are doing—implementing a modified Cloward-Piven Strategy to collapse America and replace our Constitution with a communist manifesto.

There’s no evidence Obama has even a sketchy grasp of economics.
by Fred Barnes
08/03/2009, Volume 014, Issue 43
Weekly Standard

Is President Obama an economic illiterate? Harsh as that sounds, there’s growing evidence he understands little about economics and even less about economic growth or job creation. Yet, as we saw at last week’s presidential press conference, he’s undeterred from holding forth, with seeming confidence, on economic issues.

Obama professes to believe in free market economics. But no one expects his policies to reflect the unfettered capitalism of a Milton Friedman. That’s too much to ask. Demonstrating a passing acquaintance with free market ideas and how they might be used to fight the recession–that’s not too much to ask.

But the president talks as if free market solutions are nonexistent, and in his mind they may be. Three weeks after taking office, he said only government “has the resources to jolt our economy back into life.” He hasn’t retreated, in words or policies, from that view.

At his press conference, Obama endorsed a surtax on families earning more than $1 million a year to pay for his health care initiative. This is no way to get the country out of a recession. Like them or not, millionaires are the folks whose investments create growth and jobs–which are, after all, exactly what the president is hoping for.

Another tax hike–especially on top of the increased taxes on individual income, capital gains, dividends, and inheritances that Obama intends to go into effect in 2011–is sure to impede investment. It’s an anti-growth measure, as those with even a sketchy grasp of economics know. But Obama doesn’t appear to.

The president also spoke favorably at the press conference of taxing “risky” ventures by Wall Street investors. It wasn’t clear what risky investments he had in mind. Never mind. Reckless risk-taking is hardly a problem at the moment. It’s the lack of any risk-taking at all by investors that’s holding back the economy.

Obama said the funds raised through his risk tax would be available for bailouts of large financial institutions whose collapse might harm the economy. Fine, but there’s a smarter, simpler, and tax-free way of dealing with outfits deemed “too big to fail.” It consists of requiring deeper capital reserves as they grow in size. If that solution is known to the president, he hasn’t let on.


Nigerian Taliban Gets Owned.

27 July, 2009

Piss poor planning leads to piss poor performance. Even praying to the fictional allah did not help these clowns.

By Mike Pflanz, West Africa Correspondent, 26 Jul 2009, AFP
Around 70 fighters from the fundamentalist group armed with guns and grenades attacked a police station in Nigeria’s northern Bauchi state early on Sunday, but retreated after officers opened fire.
-Nigeria’s military and police forces have been smacking these koran waving lunatics around for years. Even by jihadi standards they are a bunch of violent thugs.

“Our men succeeded in repelling the dawn attack by the Taliban,” Mohammed Barau, Bauchi state police spokesman, told AFP, adding that it appeared the assailants “wanted to steal weapons from the police station”.
-Hmmm don’t they know islam is about peace? Jihad is an inner struggle and islam forbids violence (sarcasm)

“We have launched a manhunt for other members of the group that have fled,” Mr Barau added.
-Fled??? But all jihadi strive for martyrdom (more sarcasm). Reality is jihadi die screaming; those that believe in hell tell me they can see it before they pass. Hell or just pain, dying in the street shot down like dogs is to good for people that spent the best part of their lives wanting only to bring pain and suffering to others. The talented men and women that islam casually turns from productive citizens into bloodthirsty monsters numbers in the millions. If there is a heaven, no one that claims the title of muslim is in it.

Hospital sources and witnesses said more than 50 people were killd in the fighting. Police arrested up to 200 people living close to the targeted police station.
-Smack meet down.

The Nigerian Taliban is inspired by the Afghan militia but has no known direct connection.
-They were inspired by an little evil book, they copy the tactics of their arab brothers. (more…)