Archive for 28 October, 2009

The Truth About Obama’s Mop Analogy

28 October, 2009


Terrorism: Bin Laden ‘face’ appears in new video

28 October, 2009

Horses ass
I think this is the real deal but look closely at the picture and decide for yourselves.

Rome, 28 October (AKI) – A new video clip which appeared on extremist websites on Wednesday has intrigued analysts as it appears to show the face of Al-Qaeda’s elusive leader Osama Bin Laden. The clip contains a sermon given on 20 September by one of Al-Qaeda’s leaders, Libyan-born Abu Yahya al-Libi, to mark the end of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
-We all know he is long dead. I do not need to see this video to know it would be a blurred image taken from a long distance. The idol of the muslim world is just a dusty corpse and what served as his soul is in hell.

At the end of al-Libi’s sermon, the video images go into soft focus and the camera zooms in on a grainy image that looks like Bin Laden’s.
-Gee I saw that one coming. (more…)

Feds One, Minions Zero

28 October, 2009

This could be a new strategy since the FBI’s old muslim outreach program was a miserable failure. This is a new slant on “reach out and touch someone”.

By ED WHITE, 28 Oct 09, (AP)
DETROIT October 28, 2009
Federal authorities in Detroit say they fatally shot the leader of a radical fundamentalist Sunni Islam group after he failed to surrender on several criminal charges.
-I have explained several times that radical islam can be easily compared to a business. If you look at radical islam as a grouping of criminal gangs operating any number of international and local criminal enterprises while rewarding members and intimidating enemies you would be about right.

The U.S. attorney’s office says Luqman Ameen Abdullah was killed while exchanging gunfire with federal agents Wednesday at a warehouse in Dearborn.
-Having to admit that the FBI did anything right is hard for me but you have to give them their do, good job – you rat bast#$%’s. (more…)

How Much of America Will Be Left?

28 October, 2009

Thomas Sowell hits a home-run in the following article:

Dismantling America
by Thomas Sowell – TownHall

Just one year ago, would you have believed that an unelected government official, not even a Cabinet member confirmed by the Senate but simply one of the many “czars” appointed by the President, could arbitrarily cut the pay of executives in private businesses by 50 percent or 90 percent?

Did you think that another “czar” would be talking about restricting talk radio? That there would be plans afloat to subsidize newspapers– that is, to create a situation where some newspapers’ survival would depend on the government liking what they publish?

Did you imagine that anyone would even be talking about having a panel of so-called “experts” deciding who could and could not get life-saving medical treatments?

Scary as that is from a medical standpoint, it is also chilling from the standpoint of freedom. If you have a mother who needs a heart operation or a child with some dire medical condition, how free would you feel to speak out against an administration that has the power to make life and death decisions about your loved ones?

Does any of this sound like America?


White House Submits to FOX News, or Vice-Versa?

28 October, 2009

Hmm… Interesting.  Media Bistro has the scoop:

Fox News and White House: “Truce”
By Matt Dornic on Oct 28, 2009

A very reliable source tells FishbowlDC that Fox News VP Michael Clemente met with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs this morning and reached what some are calling a “truce.”

Clemente then met with the FNC Washington bureau and encouraged staff to remain “fair and balanced.”

Our Dark Overlord Working to Control Your Personal Energy Consumption

28 October, 2009

H/T  –  MeMaw.

Obama announces $3.4 billion for ‘smart grid’

By David Jackson, USA TODAY

President Obama trumpeted plans for renewable energy on Tuesday, announcing $3.4 billion in economic stimulus funding to help upgrade the nation’s electric grid.

Obama said grants will be awarded to revamp power lines, generators and meters in the century-old power network so that it becomes a “smart grid.” The federal government’s money will be added to industry funding, so the total investment will be more than $8 billion, the White House says.

The existing grid “wastes too much energy, it costs us too much money, and it’s too susceptible to outages and blackouts,” Obama said after touring the largest solar energy plant of its kind, in Arcadia, Fla. The grid’s deficiencies were highlighted by a 2003 blackout that affected 50 million people in the Northeast, Midwest and part of Canada.

Luke Clemente, general manager of General Electric’s smart-grid business, hailed the grants as a key “economic and global competitiveness tool” that will help consumers “have the power to manage and control their energy use.”


You see, once the Smart Grid is in place and the Commie-Eco-Nazis in the government have maneuvered to control it—like the Commies just did with the Internet—they can switch off one or more of your appliances to reduce the amount of electricity you are drawing from the grid.  No longer are you in control of any “smart” appliances in your own home!  If it’s 110 degrees outside and you want to run your “smart” air conditioner, good luck with that!  You are beholden to the government to allow your “smart” air conditioner to even turn on!

Look, I lived through the rolling blackouts in California during ex-Gov. Davis’ reign of terror.  It was almost a 100 degrees out, and the power companies were shutting down the power grids to “conserve” energy.   It sucks to have paid your electric bill (your extremely expensive electric bill, I might add), only to be sitting there in the stifling heat, unable to even use a freakin’ electric fan because some weasel of a bureaucrat  (sitting in his air-conditioned office, no doubt) decided that YOU and your neighbors were undeserving parasites sucking on the teat of energy.

As bad as that was, just wait until the Federal government makes those decisions…

70-Year-Old Great Grandmother Blows Hole in Punk’s Chest with .357 Magnum

28 October, 2009

Way to go, great grandma!  You go girl!  A regular Dirty Sally!

Area man killed in robbery attempt in Ohio
St. Louis Today

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A man shot to death this week when he tried to rob a family in their Ohio motel room was a parolee wanted in St. Louis County, the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch reported Friday.

An arrest warrant had been issued for Wayne Winston, 25, of Florissant, in August because he moved out of state without permission while on probation, Jacqueline Lapine, a spokeswoman for the Missouri Department of Corrections, told the newspaper.

Authorities in Ohio say Winston was shot and killed after he barged into a hotel room with a gun demanding money. There were six people in the room and they’d left the door open to the first-floor room ajar so the adults in the room could stay within earshot of two girls in the room next door.

One of the people in the room, a 70-year-old great-grandmother, reached into her purse on the floor, pulled out a .357-caliber Magnum handgun and shot Winston once in the chest, the newspaper reported.

Winston stumbled to the parking lot, where he was later pronounced dead.

The woman was interviewed at police headquarters and was released. Police have not identified her.


Winston had just been released from prison three months before that arrest after serving seven years for crimes that included burglary, stealing a firearm and three counts of stealing a motor vehicle, Lapine said.

Columbus police say they don’t expect to file charges against the woman who shot Winston […]