Archive for October 2009

White House Adviser Disses Liberal Bloggers

12 October, 2009

What I got out of this attack on the Liberal bloggers:  Everyone must agree with Our Dark Overlord and not criticize him!  Free thought and speech will not be tolerated!  Liberals must remain the mouthpiece for ODO and never question ODO!

…The sad thing is, most Liberal bloggers are so brain dead that they will either ignore this attack on them or resort to making excuses for their Overlord:

Liberal bloggers are up in arms over a reported jab from a White House adviser.

Eric Zimmerman – The Hill

The uproar began this weekend when NBC’s John Harwood, after reporting on a gay rights march in Washington, relayed a dismissive quote from an anonymous administration official.

“And for a sign of how seriously the White House does or doesn’t take this opposition one adviser told me today those bloggers need to take off their pajamas, get dressed and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult,” Harwood said.

Though the quote seemed to refer to the “internet left” in general, many bloggers are taking the quote as an affront to the gay activists, who are already angry with the president for not pushing hard enough for LGBT issues.

Speaking to the Human Rights Campaign on Saturday, Obama pledged to repeal the ban on gays in the military and push to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, two issues where gay activists think the administration has dragged its feet.

“I wonder how the Human Rights Campaign is going to explain how the White House just knifed our community less than 24 hours after he went to their dinner and claimed he was our friend,” wrote AMERICAblog’s John Aravosis.

For more response from liberal bloggers, see Pam’s House Blend and Firedoglake. Political Animal’s Steve Benen is upset but more willing to give the White House the benefit of the doubt.

Schwarzenegger Goes Back to his Nazi Roots: Signs Law Requiring Ammo Vendors to Record Buyers’ Personal Information

12 October, 2009

This is how the “Nazis” will hunt down the owners of unregistered firearms:


California Political Desk – California Chronicle
October 12, 2009

Sacramento, CA – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law legislation that will help law enforcement officials track down and apprehend armed criminals and other prohibited persons. AB 962 by Assembly Member Kevin DeLeon (D-Los Angeles) had the support of law enforcement officials from across the state and was modeled after successful city ordinances, including the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles. AB 962 was the Brady Campaign´s top priority bill in this year´s legislature.

The law requires maintenance of purchaser records by handgun ammunition vendors. Local law enforcement can use these records to find illegal guns.

“The purchase records will provide our police officers with yet another tool to track down and apprehend armed and dangerous criminals,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Repackaged slightly, but still the same old and tired, “Do it for the children,” mantra that has worked so well in the past to slowly strip away our rights as U.S. citizens.  The rest of the article was just a propaganda piece for the Brady Campaign.  If you really must, you can read the rest of this fascist dribble by CLICKING HERE.

Happy Columbus Day…Unless You are a Libtardian

12 October, 2009

More destruction of America’s historical figures and indoctrination of the youth by the godless Libtardians:


Darker side of Columbus taught in US classrooms
Many will not observe holiday

TAMPA, Fla. – Jeffrey Kolowith’s kindergarten students read a poem about Christopher Columbus, take a journey to the New World on three paper ships, and place the explorer’s picture on a timeline through history.

Kolowith’s students learn about the explorer’s significance, but they also come away with a more nuanced picture of Columbus than the noble discoverer often portrayed in pop culture and legend.

[“Nuanced,” you say?  Is that what we are calling it today?  Back in my day, they called it, “Libtard-Commie agenda-driven indoctrination of the youth in order to destroy America and her culture.”  But, I guess that was too many words for the kids coming out of such institutes of lower learning and had to be condensed to “nuanced.” ]

“I talk about the situation where he didn’t even realize where he was,’’ Kolowith said. “And we talked about how he was very, very mean, very bossy.’’

[He was the LEADER of an expedition, idiot!  What?  Do you really think democracy works on a boat?  Get a clue, moron!  If he wasn’t so “bossy,” he would have been forced by his men to turn back long before hitting the New World.  Freakin’ idiots.]

Columbus’s stature in US classrooms has declined somewhat through the years, and many districts will not observe his namesake holiday today. Although lessons vary, many teachers are trying to present a more balanced perspective of what happened after Columbus reached the Caribbean and the suffering of indigenous populations.

“The whole terminology has changed,’’ said James Kracht, executive associate dean for academic affairs in the Texas A&M College of Education and Human Development. “You don’t hear people using the world ‘discovery’ anymore like they used to. ‘Columbus discovers America.’ Because how could he discover America if there were already people living here?’’

[Yes, how could man  have “discovered” fire, or anything which has already existed, for that matter? —What load of moronic BS.]

In Texas, students start learning in the fifth grade about the “Columbian Exchange,’’ which consisted not only of gold, crops, and goods shipped back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean, but also of diseases carried by settlers that decimated native populations.

In McDonald, Pa., 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, fourth-grade students at Fort Cherry Elementary put Columbus on trial this year, charging him with misrepresenting the Spanish crown and thievery. They found him guilty and sentenced him to life in prison.

[What type of crap is that?  Why didn’t they just give him the death penalty and be done with it?  Oh, yeah.  I almost forgot;  Libtardians only believe in killing innocent babies…]


Safe Schools Czar: “Killing Someone Who Calls You a Faggot is not Aberrant Behavior…”

11 October, 2009

This guy needs to go down!

(Err…and, I don’t mean in a homosexual way).

Safe Schools Czar: “Killing Someone Who Calls You a Faggot is not Aberrant Behavior…”

Verum Serum
Posted by Morgen on October 11, 2009

Here’s the full quote from Kevin Jennings in 1998:

We need to own up to the fact that our culture teaches boys that being “a man” is the most important thing in life, even if you have to kill someone to prove it. Killing someone who calls you a faggot is not aberrant behavior but merely the most extreme expression of a belief that is beaten (sometimes literally) into boys at an early age in this country: Be a man – don’t be a faggot.

As Suzanne Pharr so eloquently explained in her landmark work Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism, antigay bigotry is inextricably intertwined with the maintenance of “proper” gender roles by which little girls are supposed to be “sugar and spice and everything nice” and boys are supposed to be, well, quite the opposite. When boys take up guns to kill those who torment them with words like “faggot,” we shouldn’t be surprised. They’re just doing what we have taught them to do.

CLICK HERE to continue reading.

Zimbabwe Farmer Begs Obama to Stop Mugabe Land Grab

11 October, 2009

Fat chance of that, bucko!  Or, have you forgotten how Obama helped to put Mugabe and his thugs in power?   And, even after destroying Zimbabwe, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize…

Zimbabwe farmer Ben Freeth begs Barack Obama to stop Robert Mugabe land grab
Times Online – 11 October, 2009

A British farmer who stood up to Robert Mugabe and was beaten, abducted and finally had his house burnt down has travelled to Washington to ask the Obama administration to put pressure on the Zimbabwe government before it seizes the last remaining white farms.

Ben Freeth, who moved to Zimbabwe from Kent, joined his father-in-law Mike Campbell in taking Mugabe to an international court to stop the farm seizures. Their secret footage of the campaign of intimidation launched against them will form part of a film to be released in London this month.

A Southern African Development Community (SADC) tribunal in Namibia ruled last November that the farm seizures were illegal and ordered Zimbabwe’s government to pay costs. Within a month President Robert Mugabe’s regime had sent thugs to set fire to both men’s farms while they were at church, destroying everything they owned as well as the homes of their workers.

In June the tribunal ruled that Zimbabwe was in contempt of court. Far from respecting the decision, a leaked document published in The Zimbabwe Times last week revealed that Mugabe plans to expel all the remaining white farmers and seize their land.

The land seizures were expected to stop when the former opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai became prime minister last year after agreeing a peace deal with Mugabe. Tsvangirai, originally backed by white farmers, was even considered a candidate for this year’s Nobel peace prize.

Freeth said he had written four times to Tsvangirai but his letters were never acknowledged. Although the main levers of power such as the army, police and justice ministry have remained in Mugabe’s hands, Freeth insists that “Tsvangirai could at least be calling for action. He doesn’t seem interested in doing anything to get the rule of law respected”.

In desperation he decided to take his case to Washington. He spent Friday on Capitol Hill telling his story to legislators and hopes to meet Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, this week.

“The United States is the biggest bilateral donor to Zimbabwe and it’s really important that they put pressure on the government to ensure the court judgment is respected,” he said.

Last year the United States provided $900m in humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe, but Barack Obama has made clear his frustration at Mugabe remaining in power.

[LOL!  Yeah, r-i-i-i-ght!  As if we are all stupid enough to actually believe that line of political BS.]


The Nobel Committee Has Hung an Albatross Around Obama’s Neck

11 October, 2009

Thought for the day:

If Obama truly believed that he didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he would have refused it, wouldn’t he?

O’s albatross
Misguided Nobel will weigh on rest of his presidency

October 11, 2009

Americans were justifiably proud last week of their many Nobel Prize winners. Eight of the nine honorees in physics, chemistry and medicine were US citizens, some native-born, some naturalized, a near total American sweep. And their achievements were glorious: better understanding how DNA works, the basis for enormous medical progress; developing fiber-optic cable, revolutionizing global communications; and advances in cell biology, with enormous implications for treating cancer. In each case, these breakthroughs, some made as long as 20 years ago, have proven themselves beyond the laboratory, and already made enormous real-world differences.

Next to these marvels, how to explain the Nobel Peace Prize, the most prestigious of all, to President Barack Obama, in office less than nine months?

The Nobel Prize web site says the awards recognize “extraordinary achievements,” but the Obama citation refers only to his “extraordinary efforts,” a dramatic contrast. Accordingly, President Obama was gracious and humble in his remarks after the award, but he would have done better to decline the award entirely, and invite consideration only after he fashioned a real record of achievement.

Unfortunately, this year’s Peace Prize follows a decades-long series of politicized decisions by the Norwegian Nobel committee. The committee has repeatedly rewarded its ideological brethren, the common theme being a desire to produce a more modest role for the United States in world affairs, and a larger role for multilateral organizations, or, as some describe it, “global governance.”


Saturday Night Live Mocks Our Glorious Dark Overlord

11 October, 2009

Well, not really.  More like they are taking the opportunity to trash Bush.  What did you expect?

Kenyans Want Obama to Rule Over Them

10 October, 2009

If the Kenyans want him that bad, then by all means, they are welcome to him:

Posted by thelastcrusade – October 10th, 2009


He Belongs to Africa?
Maybe, He Does!
Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.
The Last Crusade

Residents of Kenya want Barack Obama to return to their country and to rule over them.

“We need an Obama here in Africa,” grumbled Humphrey Oguto, a 27-year-old engineer. “He’s done a lot in just a little time … Our leaders have done nothing for years.”

Photographs of the US President are omnipresent in huts, shantys, marketplaces, and businesses throughout the country. His image has also been plastered on buses and minibuses, known as matatus, in Nairobi, Mombassa, and other cities throughout the country.

Most Kenyans believe that Mr. Obama was born in their country and has more in common with them than with the American people.

Obamamania in this Third World African country reached fever pitch when the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s awarded their Peace Prize to the fledgling U. S. President for “his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms and defuse tensions through diplomacy.”

“When I heard it [the announcement of the award] on the radio I said ‘Hallelujah!’ ” says 65-year-old James Andaro. “It’s God’s blessing, this win is for Africa.”

CLICK HERE to continue reading this at the Last Crusade.

Rupert Murdoch Puts Search Engines and News Aggregators in the Cross-hairs

10 October, 2009

Considering that Murdoch’s online Newspapers owe Google and Yahoo for keeping their readership stats up, it is a poor decision to target Google and Yahoo.  One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that Google and Yahoo could play hardball and just refuse to include any of Murdoch’s online Newspapers and articles in their search engine results.  That would certainly put a damper on Murdoch’s game of monopoly.

Murdoch warns Google: it’s time to pay
By China correspondent Stephen McDonell

News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch has launched a stinging attack on Google and other online entities for stealing content.

At a conference of World Media Executives at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Rupert Murdoch has taken aim at search engines like Google as internet parasites.

According to the News Corporation Chairman, the so-called “aggregators” on the internet steal content from traditional media organisations and, he says, the time has come for them to pay for it.

“If we do not take advantage of the current movement toward paid-for content, it will be the content creators – the people in this hall – who will pay the ultimate price and the content kleptomaniacs will triumph,” he said.


Big Bird Grills Jello Michelle O’

10 October, 2009

This was aired on Conan O’Brien.  No doubt he is poking fun at “birthers,” but I couldn’t help but notice all the kids cheering at the end when they were told Obama was going to be run out of office: