Archive for the ‘patriotism’ category

Day 2: Vets Continue to Defy Obama’s “Shutdown-a-palooza” as they Storm Vietnam Memorial

2 October, 2013


The “Greatest Generation” continues to show the brainwashed Gen-X and Y’rs  who’s really Uncle Sam’s “Daddy!”:

And, just so you know, the Vietnam Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial were left open during the 1995 shutdown because they didn’t require supervision by Federal employees:

Gadsden Times - December 17, 1995

Gadsden Times – December 17, 1995

WWII Vets Remind Americans Who Really Runs the Government

1 October, 2013

God love and bless our World War II vets!:

WWII Vets Knock Over Shutdown Barrier to Visit Memorial
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff

A group of World War II veterans in an Honor Flight group Tuesday knocked over barriers imposed during the government shutdown at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C., to get inside.


Anyone else having a few questions raised in their minds concerning those Federal Government Shutdown signs?  One, who knew well in advance that the government was actually shutting down?  I mean, it takes an inordinate amount of advanced notice to get anything printed in mass quantities!  And, two, how much of our hard earned tax-dollars were wasted printing up those signs, transporting them, posting them, etc., etc.???

NJ Man Harassed By Police and Family Services Because He Posted a Photo of His Son with a Gun on FaceBook

19 March, 2013

We were sent the following email from one of our valued readers who found it over at Delaware Open Carry.   I haven’t been able to confirm the veracity of the story, but it sounds legit, so I thought I’d give it some further exposure.

Welcome to Amerikka, folks!:

NJ Police try to bully NJ man 2

I Stood My Ground
via Delaware Open Carry


[Carney’s Point, New Jersey]

The fight has officially been brought to my front door

Last night I was out with a buddy of mine. I got a text from my wife that the cops and dyfs [Division of Youth and Family Services] are at the house and they wanna check out my guns and needed me to open my safe.

I’m instantly on my way.

I get in contact with [E]van Nappen [a lawyer] on the way. I explain the situation. I walk in my house and hand the phone to the first cop I see. Then direct all of em outside.

Dyfs got a call because of a pic on my son holding a gun.

They wanted to look around and check all my guns out, make sure they were all registered.

Obviously that didn’t go well because I refused.

I had Nappen on speaker phone the entire time so they had to deal with both of us.

They kept trying to pressure me to open my safe.

They had no warrant, no charges, nothing. I didn’t budge.

I was told I was being “unreasonable” and that I was acting suspicious because I wouldn’t open my safe. Told me they were gonna get a search warrant.  Told em go ahead.

Nappen (my lawyer) asked me for the dyfs workers name. she wouldn’t give it.  [I] asked for credentials and she wouldn’t show em.  [I] tried to take a pic of her and she turned around real fast and walked away.

After a while of them threatening to take my kids, get warrants and intimidation they left. Empty handed and seeing nothing.

People it can happen that fast. Most people wouldn’t have stood up to them like I did.

NJ Police try to bully NJ man 1

West Point Teaches Cadets That Conservatives Are Terrorists

21 February, 2013

Of course, Obama has been given the green light to kill American “terrorists” without due process of law.

Nope.  I don’t see any problems there…  /sarcasm:


West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists

By Victor ThornAmerican Free Press

• Influential study published by an Israeli academic at America’s top military school seeks to brainwash future military leaders into believing those who advocate small government, individual sovereignty, freedom and liberty are the enemy

At West Point where cadets are groomed into officers, a new 148-page report released on January 15 is urging enlisted men and women to be on alert for “terrorists” in the form of those who consider themselves patriots.

This study, released by the United States Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center, is entitled “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right.” Its author, Professor Arie Perliger, the Director of Terrorism Studies at the Combating Terrorism Center and Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, holds membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as well as being a former instructor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Considering his background, Perliger warns that growing legions of conservative-minded citizens across the U.S. pose a serious threat to our nation’s safety. Yet, whom precisely does Perliger deem as being affiliated with what he labels the “violent far right?”

In his own words, Perliger placed a bulls-eye on those who “espouse strong convictions regarding the federal government, believing it to be corrupt and tyrannical, with a natural tendency to intrude on individuals’ civil and constitutional rights.”

Even more specifically, Perliger asserted that other so-called extremists fall into the categories of anti-federalists, fundamentalist Christians, survivalists, gun-rights advocates, libertarians, pro-lifers, and those who oppose high taxation.

Not content with simply fingering these broad-reaching factions, Perliger zeroed in on another favorite globalist target. “Some groups are driven by a strong conviction that the American political system and its proxies were hijacked by external forces interested in promoting a New World Order.”

This umbrella characterization includes constitutionalists, those wary of a growing police state, and political activists such as some tea partiers. Thus, by using manipulative, emotionally-charged language intended to divide-and-conquer, Perliger equates those interested in preserving their individual freedoms with skinheads, neo-Nazis and militia members. Or, even more condescendingly, he smears conservatives as being backward, archaic and living in an era that has passed them by. In contrast, Perliger applauds liberals as future-oriented and progressive in their views.

Dr. Herbert W. Titus, a constitutional law professor and former dean of the Regent University School of Law “says it’s an attempt to link conservative thought with violence.”


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this post over at American Free Press.

We’ve Got Email: Companies and Communities Pull Together to Help Friends and Families of Slain American Sniper Chris Kyle

20 February, 2013

This email was sent to us by a long time valued reader in Texas, Doc Autrey.

He received this email from a member of the Texas Federation of Republican Women who is a childhood friend of a Navy SEAL’s mother, Cheryll.

Cheryll has a son, Derek, who serves proudly in the SEALs and was a close teammate of Chris Kyle.  

It is Cheryll who shares this personal story with us concerning the patriotism and support given to the friends and family of Chris Kyle by several companies, along with the Texas community as a whole.

It is a truly wonderful email.  

Ronin and I thank Cheryll and Doc Autrey from the bottom of our hearts for sharing it with us.

P.S. – Congratulations to Doc Autrey and his new wife on their recent marriage.  You sly dog, you!: 

chris Kyle funeral

Patriotism, Texas and Chris Kyle

by Cherryll

I just wanted to share with you all that out of a horrible tragedy we were blessed by so many people.

Chris was Derek’s teammate through 10 years of training and battle. They both suffer/suffered from PTSD to some extent and took great care of each other because of it. 2006 in Ramadi was horrible for young men that never had any more aggressive physical contact with another human than on a Texas football field. They lost many friends. Chris became the armed services number #1 sniper of all time. Not something he was happy about other than the fact that in doing so he saved a lot of American lives.

Three years ago, his wife Taya asked him to leave the SEAL teams as he had a huge bounty on his head by Al Qaeda. He did and wrote the book The American Sniper. 100% of the proceeds from the book went to two of the SEAL families who had lost their son in Iraq. That was the guy Chris was. He formed a company in Dallas to train military, police and I think firemen as far as protecting themselves in difficult situations. He also formed a foundation to work with military people suffering from PTSD. Chris was a giver not a taker. He along with a friend and neighbor, Chad Littlefield, were murdered trying to help a young man that had served 6 months in Iraq and claiming to have PTSD.

Now I need to tell you about all of the blessings:


Happy 102nd Birthday, Ronald Reagan!

6 February, 2013

Note: The music gets a little overbearing in part 2 of this tribute, but it’s close enough for government work:

Happy Veterans Day!

11 November, 2012

To all of our fellow veterans, we would just like to say, thank you for your service.

9/11 Remembrance

11 September, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

4 July, 2012

NY: Godless Lefturds in Crowd Bully Little Kids for Singing “God Bless the USA”

19 June, 2012

These are the Coney Island kindergarteners who were not allowed to sing God Bless the USA in school.  So, they sang it outside near the playground.

Obviously, the *leader* (i.e. – most vocal) of the Godless heckling Lefturds is not “proud to be an American” and is in need of a serious head-butt from our head-butting buddy, Leatherneck!