Archive for 18 February, 2007

Sunday Funnies – The Late Edition

18 February, 2007

The Vote Against the President:


North Korea’s Nukes for Oil Deal:


Astronaut Love Triangle:

China SuccessfullyTests Satellite Killer Missile:

Utah Trolley Mall Shooting

18 February, 2007

Here’s some video of the Utah Trolley Mall Shooting captured by a witness pinned down in the mall.

Why am I posting this? Well, the shooter, Sulejman Talovic, was a Muslim Refugee from Bosnia. And, even though the FBI and and the Liberal Media is spinning this as an act of a troubled teen, and not an act of terrorism, I’m not buying it… Even his own father believes that Sulejman was coerced by someone.*Hmm, could it have been another follower of Allah – like a radical Muslim cleric warping his impressionable young mind???*

FBI worried about Kitchen Sink Bombs.

18 February, 2007

By LARA JAKES JORDAN – Associated Press Writer
18 February, 2007
QUANTICO, Va.(AP) Kirk Yeager makes bombs from the stuff found under kitchen sinks. He does it to help the FBI defend against what officials say is the next frontier for terrorists in the United States.

Ten years ago, peroxide-based bombs were mostly the work of young pranksters. But the easy-to-make yet deadly chemical cocktails were embraced in the late 1990s by Palestinian militants and suicide bombers bent on killing large groups of people.

Now, Yeager says, such explosives are considered the most likely weapon that terrorists will use against the U.S.

“Every serious terrorist group knows about them and knows how to make them,” Yeager said. The forensic scientist heads the explosives unit at the FBI’s laboratory. (more…)

Supermosque for 70,000 ‘will be blocked’

18 February, 2007

kingsway.jpgTime for some good news. This is a very small sign the Brits may have a small glimmer of hope. I say small because I fully expect them to simply move the mosque and not completely block it. Until they reign in-groups like the Tablighi Jamaat their is no real hope for Britain. Their nation has already lost one out of every sixteen college graduates. Immigration control is a joke, toss in a decreasing birth rate and I see very little hope. I would love to be proven wrong.
By Ben Leapman and Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Sunday Telegraph
Controversial plans to build a “supermosque” on the doorstep of the London Olympics will be blocked by the Government.
Ruth Kelly’s Whitehall department is expected to refuse planning permission for the London Markaz, which would be the biggest religious building in Britain with room for 70,000 worshippers.
Backers want the £300 million mosque, in east London, to serve as a reception centre for athletes and fans from Islamic countries during the 2012 games.
The group behind the plans is Tablighi Jamaat, a Muslim missionary sect whose charitable trust, Anjuman-e-Islahul Muslimeen, has owned the 18-acre site since 1996. Tablighi Jamaat was called “an ante-chamber for fundamentalism” by French security services. Two of the July 7 London suicide bombers are believed to have attended one of its mosques.
The organisation denies any link to terrorism, and has never been banned.
A senior security source said that he was concerned about the proposed mosque, and expected ministers to use their powers to call in, and turn down, the planning application.
The move was confirmed by a senior Government source, who said there were fears that the giant mosque could damage community relations in the area, and added: “We are going to stop it.”
There are clear planning grounds on which the development could be turned down. It is so close to the main Olympic venues that it may interfere with preparations for the Games.
The Government source said that the planning application needed to be rejected “to give the Olympics a clear run”.
Until now, it was thought that planners would rubber-stamp the proposed mosque, which was agreed in principle in a 2001 deal between Newham Council and Anjuman-e-Islahul Muslimeen.
The London Thames Gateway Unitary Development Corporation, the quango with planning powers over the site, is understood to support the plans. So is the London Development Agency, which reports to Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London. (more…)

Western values break British Society

18 February, 2007

It is always nice to see the Islamic propaganda machine at work. It gives me something to do and the quality of the work is bad enough that almost no one ever falls for it. I am not going to post all this crap, as my intent is to show how they work and not help spread this mess. I will leave a link and you can read it all if you want. The basic theme is insane in its approach; life will be better under Islam. Expectance/surrender is the only possible choice. Why this theme will not work is as simple as attempting to find a peaceful example of tolerant Islam. Muslim and western values are not compatible and no amount of propaganda will change that.
by Abid Mustafa
(Sunday, February 18, 2007)
“A close look at the West’s value system points to the pursuit of pleasure (goal in life) ahead of freedom, individualism, and utilitarianism as the main cause behind crime. Factors like poor education, social deprivation, unemployment are merely a by-product of these values and should never be addressed in isolation.”
Over the past few days, the British public has witnessed the killing of three teenage boys and the maiming of a number of people in a spate of shootings that has shook the country. Tony Blair has been quick to dismiss the notion that Britain is a broken society, and continues to blame a few individuals or groups for carrying out such crimes. He has been joined by ministers, politicians, social-workers, and police officers to examine gun control laws or introduce new programs to minimize social deprivation as a means of reducing violent crime. But rarely, does anyone have the courage or the foresight to ask the basic question: Are western values to blame for the rise in violent crime?
Indeed, the failure to hold Western values accountable leads to more crime, extra legislation, burden on the judiciary, a demoralized police force, over populated prison system, a vulnerable public and a huge drain on public resources. This reactionary approach towards tackling crime is not only limited to violent offences but extends to all forms of crime. Britain is not alone in overlooking the obvious connection between western values and the rise in crime. A similar trend can be found in all other Western societies. In these societies the public is resigned to accept that crime is on the increase and very little can be done to reduce it.

If you want to finish reading this drivel you can do so here:

Muslim prayer room found near Mugrabi Gate

18 February, 2007

I have to side with the Muslims on this one. The Israelis should have taken the moral high ground and announced this finding as quickly as they could have arranged security for it. In today’s world secrets are impossible to keep and Israel should have announced the finding. This gives ammunition to Muslim militants and will bring the Israelis problems they do not need.

Authorities kept quiet about ancient prayer room found near Mugrabi Gate three years ago
Ronny Shaked, Israel News
18 February, 2007,
Remains of an ancient Muslim prayer room were found under the dirt embankment adjacent to the Mugrabi Gate in 2004, yet the findings, unearthed after part of the embankment collapsed into the Western Wall compound, were kept secret until now.
The information was withheld from the public but had been known to various Israeli officials. The findings were revealed in posted on the Israel Antiquities Authority’s internet site by archaeologist Yuval Baruch, who works in the Jerusalem district.
In an article entitled “The real story,” Baruch revealed that when the embankment collapsed near the Mugrabi Bridge, a small room with a roofed alcove and a dome was unearthed – a type of Muslim prayer alcove facing south. Some have suggested that these are the remains of a prayer room which was originally part of a school for Muslim studies which operated adjacent to the Mugrabi Gate. (more…)