Archive for 25 February, 2007

Another Terrorist Plot Looms in Britian

25 February, 2007

Is it just me, or does Britain seem to have more terrorist plots than a Palestinian graveyard?

britishairways-terrorism.jpgHome-grown terror threat ‘on rise’
Gulf Daily News
February 25, 2007

LONDON: More than 2,000 home-grown Al Qaeda terrorists are plotting suicide attacks in Britain, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported, citing a secret intelligence document.

The security threat is at its highest level since the September 11, 2001, attacks on US and the planning of attacks against British targets will increase further in 2007, the Extremist Threat Assessment document said, according to the newspaper.

“The scale of Al Qaeda’s ambitions towards attacking the UK and the number of UK extremists prepared to participate in attacks are even greater than we had previously judged,” the document said. (more…)

Jihad focused on Afghanistan

25 February, 2007

From the following article:

Mr Khan, from Tinsley, Sheffield, said:

“I am from the Muslim community and I wanted to explore this subject. Religion has only a superficial part to play within terrorism.

“Part of my research objective was to contribute to the fact that Islam, as a religion and as a way of life, has never and never will, endorse acts of violence that involve the loss of life of innocents.”

Gee, perhaps Mr. Khan needs to re-read his Qur’an…

Terrorists may switch focus to Afghanistan, warn security chiefs
BRITAIN’s growing military mission in Afghanistan could help attract international terrorists to the country, government intelligence analysts have warned.

Assessment documents circulating in Whitehall security circles suggest Afghanistan could soon replace Iraq as the prime focus for radical Muslims wanting to pursue jihad against western interests.

The assessment came to light as ministers prepare to announce that more than 1,000 extra UK troops will be sent to fight the Taleban; there will soon be more British forces there than in Iraq.

Des Browne, the Defence Secretary, will today confirm to parliament that he is again reinforcing the British deployment in Afghanistan, sending a further 1,300 personnel, taking the total mission to more than 6,500.

The fresh troops are being deployed after warnings that Taleban militias are gearing up for a spring offensive against Afghanistan’s western-backed government.

A leaked document entitled Extremist Threat Assessment suggested that, as a result of increased conflict between NATO troops and the Taleban, “Afghanistan may well become more attractive as a venue for foreigners wishing to fulfil jihad ambitions”. (more…)

Sunday Funnies – The Late Edition

25 February, 2007

Tony Blair Pulls out prematurely:



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No comment needed: non-binding-resolution-matson.jpg



Pakistan police arrest 2 men accused of honor killings of nieces

25 February, 2007

More proof of Muslim tolerance and forward thinking. Now that the 21st century is here Islam takes a very small step in its attempt to break out of the 7th century. If this case follows the normal pattern, these two will walk out of jail to cheering crowds as heroes of Islam. Someone has to be the standard barer and pious upstanding citizens like these two murders fit the bill perfectly. People are always looking for true Muslim moderates and here they are. Radical Muslims would have raped the girls first. More proof Islam has progressed in a forward manner, Allahu Ackbar.

KARACHI, Pakistan – Police arrested two men in a remote southern village and accused them of hacking two young women to death for allegedly having sex outside marriage, officials said Saturday.

The suspects, who are uncles of the women, were caught after authorities were tipped off by the girls’ parents about the slayings in southern Sindh province, said Ajmal Magsi, an area police chief.
The two women, aged 18 and 20, were first cousins and unmarried, Magsi said. (more…)

Ronin’s 12 Step Recovery Process for the United Kingdom.

25 February, 2007

1. Admit you have a problem. 2000 people is the equivalent to a brigade of trouble. It is simply stupid to allow this number to increase.
2. Identify the problem. Photograph, fingerprint and take a DNA sample from all UK Muslims. This is not as hard as it sounds. Set up stations at all Mosques. If there really are “moderates” they should jump at the chance to prove their own innocence should another attack occur. The prosecution of guilty parties will only be quicker and easier with the existence of such a database.
3. Limit the Problem. Pass laws allowing for the deportation of family members of known terrorists. It is inconceivable people could plan such attacks in secret. Someone inside the family would know or suspect. By not coming forward they are facilitating the attacks.
4. Limit the access in and out of the UK. Although at first glance this seems harsh it is necessary to limit Muslim travel. They are getting training somewhere and I’d bet many UK Muslims are taking short Jihad vacations into Afghanistan or Iraq.
5. Collect Genealogy of the Muslims. Why? They are known to cover for family member’s accused of terrorism. Identify them and charge them as accessories. Like all Tribal societies you will quickly find family loyalty runs deep. With known connections the tracking of people, fund transfers and even radical thought should be easier to track. This step is necessary to gather evidence quickly. With thousands of radicals identified you have to streamline the processes to Identify, capture and prosecute these criminals.
6. Close any Mosque identified with radical members. I would actually go one further and tear the Mosque down. Seizure of properties could help defer the costs associated with monitoring thousands of terrorists.
7. Identify and monitor Muslim owned businesses and review their books, terrorism is not free and you can bet the Christians are not knowingly funding these groups. Surely a law abiding business would welcome the opportunity to help maintain their good name and help identify those inside their comminutes which want to harm them and their people.
8. Stop listening to Muslim organizations on how to fight this problem, listen instead to your law enforcement and military officials. If they currently do not have the legal authorities to fight this problem inside the UK then it is time for new laws.
9. Prosecute all terrorists with extreme punishment, make the punishment fit the crime.
10. Captured terrorists should not have access to any religious texts. The Koran got them into this mess it should not provide them with a security blanket or a tool to radicalize and indoctrinate other prisoners.
11. Stream line your legal process. Capture, convict and incarceration should be a short smooth process. Special anti terrorism laws and penalties would allow UK officials to drop the numbers from 2000 known to 2000 captured convicted and imprisoned. Then you can get to work on those who facilitate and encourage them.
12. Publicly admit you may have to outlaw the practice of Islam through the UK if the above steps do not work.

Terror threat in UK Higher than Previously Thought

25 February, 2007

By Sean Rayment, Security Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
The terrorist threat facing Britain from home-grown al-Qaeda agents is higher than at any time since the September 11 attacks in 2001, secret intelligence documents reveal.
The number of British-based Islamic terrorists plotting suicide attacks against “soft” targets in this country is far greater than the Security Services had previously believed, the government paperwork discloses. It is thought the plotters could number more than 2,000.
Under the heading “International Terrorism in the UK”, the document – seen by The Sunday Telegraph – states: “The scale of al-Qaeda’s ambitions towards attacking the UK and the number of UK extremists prepared to participate in attacks are even greater than we had previously judged.”
It warns that terrorist “attack planning” against Britain will increase in 2007, and adds: “We still believe that AQ [al-Qaeda] will continue to seek opportunities for mass casualty attacks against soft targets and key infrastructure. These attacks are likely to involve the use of suicide operatives.”
The document, which has been circulated across Whitehall to MI5, Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Command, the Home Office, the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Defence, also reveals that al-Qaeda has grown into a world-wide organisation with a foothold in virtually every Muslim country in North Africa, the Middle East and central Asia. (more…)