Archive for 30 April, 2007

What if the Islamonazis Take Over The World?

30 April, 2007

An interesting editorial piece from the Strategy Page:

jfdphoto.jpgIslam Triumphant
by James Dunnigan
April 30, 2007

What if Islamic radical movements won and took over? Actually, we know what would happen. Rebels generally make bad rulers. That’s an observation based on the historical record. There are several current examples. The Taliban took over in Afghanistan and ran the place for five years in the 1990s (through 2001). The Taliban made themselves very unpopular, not just because of their attacks on lifestyles they didn’t approve of, but because they were incompetent when it came to running a country. Same thing in Iran, where the religious establishment has been running the place since the 1980s. The Iranian clergy won’t allow a fair election, and are nervously waiting for the population to get pissed off enough to start another revolution.

Then there’s Sudan, where hardly anyone noticed the Islamic conservatives taking over in the 1990s. Sudan has several rebellions going on at the moment, but the rulers believe they have God on their side and have no intention of letting anyone else play. In Lebanon, Hizbollah established a separate state within a state in the 1980s, and have survived on handouts from Iran, and a lucrative drug business. But Hizbollah attempts to increase their power have resulted in violent resistance from the rest of the country. Hizbollah may have turned themselves into Islamic folk heroes, but no one trusts their ability to run a country.

Hamas is the poster child of rebels who won an election, and then find themselves unable to govern. (more…)

Australia Arrests Two Terrorists

30 April, 2007

I’ll keep an eye on this breaking story and give you updates as soon as they become available:

Update No. 1 – The Two Men Were Diverting Money to the Tamil Tigers

Update No. 2 – CNN picks up on the story – gives their age, but no names

Final Update to this story – Sydney Morning Herald releases the names


Two arrested in Melbourne on terrorism charges
The Australian

* Natasha Robinson
* May 01, 2007

TWO men have been arrested on terrorism-related charges and are due to appear in a Melbourne court this afternoon.

It is understood that the charges are the first of their kind in Australia and relate to supplying funds to a terrorist organisation.

The men were arrested this morning in a joint operation between Australian Federal Police and Victorian police.

The arrests come after a series of search warrants were executed in Sydney and Melbourne.

Muslim – Police Saves Rapist from Angry Mob

30 April, 2007

Muslim Judge, Malam Idris Gwadabe’s future home.
I found this posted on Ummah News Links and I am re-posting in hopes it gets even more notoriety because it pissed me off. A child is raped (again! we have seen this pattern many many times) and no one is punished. All this asshole had to do to gain his freedom was swear on satan’s book. Now it’s all good. What this article didn’t cover was the result. He walks and she is now seen as unclean for the rest of her life. She has zero chance of living anything close to a normal life and in some muslim countries she would be branded the criminal and serverly punished. For once I wish I lived in a muslim country, I would go on a murderous rampage and swear on that same koran it was doc and not me. Listen up ladies that clown has to sleep sometime. Sneak in and make him a eunuch you can always swear your innocence.

Kano – An Upper Sharia court sitting in Fagge has dismissed the charge of rape preferred against one Ayuba Yahya for lack of witnesses to testify against the accused. The police saved the accused from being lynched by a mob of angry residents when he was allegedly caught in the act.
He was subsequently arraigned before the Fagge Upper Shari’ah court for rape contrary to section 375 of penal code. Ayuba however denied the allegation insisting that he is innocent.

According to police report, Ayuba was said to have lured the teenager to his room where he forcefully raped her. The report revealed that as a result, the teenager sustained injuries in her private part.
Because no witness volunteered to testify against the accused, the presiding judge, Malam Idris Gwadabe, asked Ayuba to swear with the holy Qur’an that he did not commit the crime in line with section 375 of the penal code. The accused was discharged by the judge after he swore with the Qur’an.

Tenet on 60 Minutes Interview Claims Al-Qaeda May Still Be In U.S.

30 April, 2007

In case you missed 60 Minutes last night, here are the highlights:


Tenet Says Al-Qaeda Terrorists May Have Cells Waiting in U.S

Jeff Bliss Sun Apr 29, 9:47 PM ET

Yahoo News:

April 29 (Bloomberg) — Al-Qaeda may have other terrorist cells in the U.S., sent around the time of the Sept. 11 attacks, waiting for a time to strike, former CIA Director George Tenet said.

“My operational presumption is that they infiltrated a second wave or a third wave into the United states at the time of 9/11,” Tenet said in an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” program that was broadcast tonight.

Tenet, who headed the spy agency when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were hit, said his opinion was based on “operational intuition,” not hard evidence.

Tenet, 54, granted the interview ahead of publication of his book, “At the Center of the Storm,” which is scheduled for release tomorrow. He was named director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1997 and resigned in 2004 just before the release of a congressional report criticizing the agency’s conclusions about Iraq’s weapons capability.

In the interview, Tenet said al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been trying to get a nuclear weapon since 1993 and that the group had planned an attack on the New York subways in 2003 until it was called off “in favor of something larger.” (more…)

Iran’s Police Arrest Woman For Clothing Violation

30 April, 2007

Can’t get the screaming out of my head…

برخورد نیروی انتظامی ایران با زنان در زمینه حجاب – تصویر گرفته شده مردمی با گوشی موبایل

Al-Qaeda Wants Hamas to Step Up Attacks on Israelites

30 April, 2007

ayman-al-zawahiri-173-148_0.jpgAl-Qaeda to Hamas: Where are the bombs, the fire?
By israelinsider staff April 30, 2007

In a video posted on a jihadist website on the internet Sunday, an al-Qaeda leader called on the terrorist group Hamas to fight Israel with “bombs and fire,” Ynetnews reported.

The leader, Abu Yahya al-Libi, demanded in the video, “Where is revenge, where are the bombs, where is the fire?

“Your loyalty to the blood of your predecessors, those loyal men, can only be through strict commitment to path of jihad … And rejecting any other way,” he continued in the video.

Al-Qaeda’s campaign of terrorism is focused mainly against the United States and its allies in Europe and it criticizes Sunni Hamas for being too moderate and compromising Palestinians’ rights for the sake of politics. Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006.

Al-Libi, who is thought to have escaped from a US jail in Afghanistan in 2005, said it was al-Qaeda’s responsibility to give Hamas guidance. (more…)

Five Islamonazis Convicted in Bombing Plot

30 April, 2007


British spies watched bombers a year before attacks
30 Apr 2007
Source: Reuters

By Michael Holden and Mark Trevelyan

LONDON, April 30 (Reuters) – Counter-terrorism spies took photographs and recorded conversations of two British suicide bombers well over a year before they carried out their attacks, but concluded at the time they did not pose a major threat.

The two men, Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, surfaced as unidentified contacts of a group of men under surveillance by the MI5 intelligence agency and suspected of planning attacks in Britain using fertiliser-based explosives.

Five of those men were convicted on Monday in Britain’s longest terrorism trial, and media were allowed for the first time to report on court papers detailing how Khan and Tanweer were observed by MI5 as it tracked the fertiliser gang in February and March 2004.

Their publication looked certain to revive a debate over whether MI5 missed vital clues that could have enabled it to prevent the suicide bombings of July 7, 2005, in which Khan, Tanweer and two other young British Muslims blew themselves up on three London underground trains and a bus, killing 52 people.

“They had them in the palm of their hand and they chose to let them go,” said Rachel North, who was on board a train that was blown up near King’s Cross underground station. (more…)