Archive for 19 September, 2007

Ahmadinejad Requests to Visit Ground Zero

19 September, 2007

Yup, this is sure to be a political Holocaust for the Bush administration if Ahmadinejad is allowed to visit Ground Zero. Does the hypocrisy ever sink in to the bureaucrats? You know, stuff like; the Iranian government sponsoring the killing of our men and women in Iraq, inciting chants of, “death to America,” aiding and abetting those who made 9/11 possible, and the list goes on and on, but I digress… At least Senator Thompson agrees with me…

UPDATE:  NYPD has denied Ahmadinejad entry into Ground Zero.


U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero
Talks Underway After Iranian Requests a Visit
Staff Reporter of the NYSun
September 19, 2007

In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.

The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, who will jointly oversee security during the president’s two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against Iran for its uranium enrichment program.

Mr. Kelly said the NYPD and Secret Service were in discussions with the Iranian mission about the logistics for the possible visit, and whether it will take place at all. He said Mr. Ahmadinejad would not be allowed to descend into the pit for safety reasons related to ongoing construction there.

“There has been some interest expressed in his visiting the area,” Mr. Kelly said. “It’s something that we are prepared to handle if in fact it does happen.”

Mr. Kelly said that Mr. Ahmadinejad had not indicated why he wants to visit the site of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.


House Republican Wants to Infiltrate Mosques

19 September, 2007

Alright, common sense seems to be slowly returning to the Republican Party.  Now if we could just get the  Democratic (Socialist) Party to sign up…


Rep. Peter King: There are “too many mosques in this country”
September 19, 2007 – Politico

New York Rep. Peter King, a prominent House Republican, said there are “too many mosques in this country” in a recent interview with Politico.

“There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam,” King said. “We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them.”

King is the ranking Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee. And as an outspoken advocate of strong anti-terror measures, he has been unafraid to ruffle some feathers in his drive to protect the homeland.

When asked to clarify his statement, King did not revise his answer, saying “I think there has been a lack of full cooperation from too many people in the Muslim community.” The interview was for a profile of the committee, as part of Politico’s Committee Insider Series.

Earlier, King had said in an interview with radio and television host Sean Hannity that 85 percent of the mosques in this country are controlled by “extremist leadership,” a comment that prompted strong condemnations from many religious organizations and from the Democratic National Committee.

Accidental Release of WMD Kills at Least 40 in Syria

19 September, 2007

Too bad Dennis Kucinich missed all the fun…


Dozens died in Syria-Iran missile test’

Proof of cooperation between Iran and Syria in the proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction was brought to light Monday in Jane’s Defence Weekly, which reported that dozens of Iranian engineers and 15 Syrian officers were killed in a July 23 accident in Syria.

According to the report, cited by Channel 10, the joint Syrian-Iranian team was attempting to mount a chemical warhead on a Scud missile when the explosion occurred, spreading lethal chemical agents, including sarin nerve gas.

Reports of the accident were circulated at the time; however, no details were released by the Syrian government, and there were no hints of an Iranian connection.

The report comes on the heels of criticism leveled by the Syrians at the United States, accusing it of spreading “false” claims of Syrian nuclear activity and cooperation with North Korea to excuse an alleged Israeli air incursion over the country this month.

According to, Syria is not a signatory of either the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), – an international agreement banning the production, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons – or the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

Syria began developing chemical weapons in 1973, just before the Yom Kipper War. cites the country as having one of the most advanced chemical weapons programs in the Middle East.

The Student’s Religion was Not Immediately Known?

19 September, 2007

Yeah, those darn Christians are always handing out leaflets asking everyone to convert to Islam…

Islam Leaflet School Bust
September 19, 2007 — A Queens teen was arrested yesterday after placing fliers in his teachers’ mailboxes asking them to convert to Islam – then made threats once he was caught, authorities said.

Yaseen Chowdhury, 17, of Woodside, wrote the fliers himself and put them in the mailboxes at the Renaissance Charter School in Jackson Heights, sources said.

When confronted there about the fliers, he made unspecified verbal threats, according to the sources.

Chowdhury was charged with aggravated harassment as a hate crime.

A Department of Education spokesman did not return a call seeking comment.

The student’s religion was not immediately known.

ACLU Helping Muslims to Sue the FBI

19 September, 2007

Not mentioned is that these “prominent Muslim leaders in California” are affiliated with CAIR… Well, I am sure they have been under surveillance, and if they have done nothing wrong, then what’s the big deal?

Muslims sue FBI over mosque surveillance

Muslim groups and the American Civil Liberties Union are suing the FBI and the Justice Department.

The federal lawsuit accuses authorities of failing to turn over records detailing suspected surveillance of Muslim-American religious organizations and mosques.

The plaintiffs include some of the most prominent Muslim leaders in California. They say they have reason to believe they’ve been investigated by the FBI since January 2001.

A statement from the FBI says the agency “does not investigate individuals or groups based on their lawful activities, religious or political beliefs.”