Archive for January 2008

Residents Shocked to Discover Arabic Teacher Molesting 13 Year Old Girl

31 January, 2008

Uhm… Why are they so surprised? After all, their role model Mohammad did it with a 9 year old… It’s kind of like letting your kids hang out with a registered sex offender, and then being shocked to discover that your kids are also getting molested…

H/T to Warner:

Qur’an Teacher Charged With Molesting Girl
Shahid Raza Burney, Arab News

MUMBAI, 1 February 2008 — Residents of suburban Malad were aghast after an Arabic teacher affiliated with the local mosque was charged with molesting a 13-year-old Muslim girl student at her residence.

According to senior police inspector Jaywant Hargude of the Malwani police station, the police arrested Maulana Mukim Khan, 35, a teacher at the Taleem-Ul-Islam mosque in Malad, on Wednesday for allegedly molesting and threatening the girl.

The accused, inspector Hargude said, lives in the mosque and gives Arabic language lessons to children to help them read the Qur’an. He would often teach students at their homes. The victim of the alleged crime lives in MHADA colony. Police have withheld the identity of the victim and her family.

The parents of the girl lodged a report against the teacher after the girl described the teacher’s acts to her father on Tuesday. The girl said the teacher had also threatened her with “dire consequences” if she revealed to anyone what he was doing.

Hargude said that Khan confessed during interrogation that he exploited the girl while her mother was busy with chores.

An angry mob later showed up at the police station. The accused man reportedly beseeched the crowd to forgive him for his crime.

Gauhar Khan, a resident of the MHADA colony said that the alleged crime was especially shameful considering the man’s job of teaching Arabic for the study of the Holy Qur’an.

Muslim Responses to Anti-Islamic Facts

31 January, 2008

Warner sent us the following email that I think you will get a kick out of.  (Man, oh, man…  If I had a nickel for every time I’ve encountered the following tactics…):

Muslim responses to anti-Islamic facts
By Kaktuzkid

1. Accuse the person of lying and ignorance. Tell him/her to read “authentic” Muslim websites and texts. Say that critics of Islam are “so-called” experts. Say that once a person “learns” about the “real” Islam, he/she will understand how beautiful and peaceful it is.

2. Accuse the person of racism or Islamophobia (This is one of the best tactics!). Say they are “filled with hate” (this works really well with Liberals!). Restrict your arguments to a specific subject (How Muslims are persecuted and misunderstood). Generalize a lot. Never suggest that a person examine both sides of the issue (that is, compare arguments from anti-Islamic sites with those from Muslims experts). Never refer to the hate and violence Muslims do. Say that the actions of Muslims have nothing to do with Islam.

3. Say that the problem is that Muslims today are not practicing the “Original Islam” of Mohammed and the glorious era of the ‘Four Righteous Caliphs’ that followed him (Do not mention the hate and violence that Mohammad preached and practiced and do not mention that 3 out of the 4 so-called Righteous Caliphs were murdered by Muslims in a fifty year orgy of conquest, greed, violence and rivalry that ended at battle of Kerbala – called the Ashura – with Muslims fighting Muslims and the heads of Mohammad’s grandson and even infant great-grandson and 70 others being carried in bags as trophies by the victorious Muslim army). Tell them that Islam is really peaceful!


States Fuel ‘DIS-Honour Killings’

31 January, 2008

Muslims always claim dishonor killings are cultural and not Islamic but a brief skim of this article and you will see a reoccurring pattern, sharia and Islam. The proof is with the evidence, don’t listen to what Muslims say watch what they do.

The state is not the only cause, that is much to simplistic and doesn’t account for the dishonor killings Muslims commit in western countries. Of all the disgusting practices the minions commit this one is among the worst. Anyone who claims the title of Muslim and doesn’t speak out against this should realize they are part of the problem. Muslims should hang their collective minion heads in shame. Passive support is still support.

Abderrahim El Ouali
CASABLANCA, Jan 31 2008 (IPS) – State-directed violence, the refusal to give up the death penalty and the holding of public executions are some of the principal factors that are supporting the continuing resort to the old-age practice of ‘honour killings’, murder to cleanse a family name of shame.

“The culture of violence in settling international and nation problems is fuelling these crimes,” Bassam al-Kadi, supervisor of the Syrian Women’s Observatory, SWO, a non-governmental organisation campaigning against ‘honour killings’ throughout the Middle East, told IPS.

“The active use of the death penalty against criminals and its retention on the statute books serve to confirm in the minds of some that they may also use this ultimate sanction to rescue a family’s honour. Public executions, in particular, give an almost official stamp of approval to such acts of violence.”

In December 2007, most of the Arab and Muslim world opposed the U.N. General Assembly’s call for a moratorium on executions and the eventual worldwide abolition of the death penalty. The moratorium resolution still passed by 104 votes to 54. There were 29 abstentions.

Public executions before crowds of invited onlookers are still being carried out in at least two of the most orthodox Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran. (more…)

Muslim Cab Drivers lose Muslim Prayer Room Privileges.

31 January, 2008

There are two sides to every story but I have a hard time believing Muslims would welcome a Jewish Cabbie into their prayer room. Whatever happened, I doubt this will go to court, to many questions and lots of scrutiny from Bloggers will ensure this story gets more coverage than it deserves. Islam doesn’t usually like scrutiny.

Reality is any prayer room should have been non-denominational, Muslims do not deserve special treatment.

Sarah Dallof reporting, January 30th, 2008,
A shuttle driver has filed a complaint with the FAA against the Salt Lake International Airport, saying officials allowed thousands of religious services to be conducted on public property.
-This could be a good Idea and could work to close all Muslim prayer rooms in Hospitals, schools, and airports (like I said they do not want this to go very far)

Muslim cab drivers began praying in a small airport building used as a break room after 9-11, because, the airport says, they became targets, with people yelling at them and throwing things.
-I would have to see police reports before I bought into that one. I travel often and have never seen anyone insult or throw things at a minion. This is just more Muslims playing the “we are victims card”

Last week we brought you the story of a Muslim cab driver at the airport who says he was assaulted when he tried to pray inside the building. Tonight the man charged in that case speaks out about his case against the airport.

Shuttle driver Jeff Brueningsen took photos inside the building he and other drivers share at the airport. “It was definitely an Islamic center.” He said it didn’t feel right, so he filed a complaint with the FAA against the airport.
-So they countered with accusations of their own.

“In proper, polite company you never bring up politics or religion. And they introduced both instantly into what’s supposed to be a professional, secular transportation-aviation facility,” Brueningsen said.
-A common pattern of Muslim intolerance.

In the complaint he details claims that he was harassed by a group of Muslim drivers who he says have threatened to kill him. It came to a head earlier this month when Brueningsen says Mohammed Alahmed and other drivers attacked him.
-Sounds like the minions alright. (more…)

Abuse of U.S. Muslim Women Is Greater Than Reported, Advocacy Groups Say

31 January, 2008

Jan. 31: Fozia Sadiq, a Pakistani immigrant in Northern Virginia, hides her identity. She alleges her husband physically abused her for not cleaning.

Thursday, January 31, 2008 – FOX News

WASHINGTON —  Two months into an arranged marriage, Fozia Sadiq, a young Pakistani immigrant, found herself trapped in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, with a violent husband.

She says he routinely beat her and intimidated her into never going anywhere in public without him.

“My neck had so many bruises, and I had scratches all over my arms,” Sadiq told through an interpreter.

A practicing Muslim, Sadiq finally escaped in 2006, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

She says she stayed up all night reading the Koran and was physically abused by her husband for not cleaning up the kitchen the next morning.

“He yelled at her, kicked her and punished her,” says Mazna Hussain, an attorney who is helping Sadiq remain in the United States.

“And when she was on the ground [during the beating], at that point she finally decided to leave before he killed her.”


Two Damaged Underwater Cables Disrupt Internet Access to Mid-East

31 January, 2008

Very suspicious…. If it had been a single cable, I could accept that, but two??? I think the terrorism aspect of this should be scrutinized more closely….

From arsTechnica Open Forum thread on January 19th, 2006:

Then it’ll have to create a local mirror. The Internet is not that network, is not designed to be that network, will never be that network. Because no ISP in the world is going to give bandwidth and latency guarantees for intercontinental access. It would be fucking insane. All it takes is for an undersea cable to be severed and their “guarantees” will go right out the window.

So, the seed has been planted…

Cable Snafu Cuts Internet Access in India

Business Week

Cuts to two subsea cables in the Mediterranean disrupted internet and voice services in India and the Middle East. The two cables are the prime direct links between Europe, the Middle East, and south Asia

Damage to the Flag Europe-Asia and the SeaMeWe-4 cables have left only the older SeaMeWe-3 system to provide service between Europe and the Middle East, research firm TeleGeography said.

The two cables, with 620 Gbps in capacity, are the prime direct links between Europe, the Middle East and south Asia.

Until service is restored, many carriers in Egypt and the Middle East must now route their European traffic around the globe, through South East Asia and across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, TeleGeography said.

It is not clear what caused the cable breaks, which occurred on the morning of January 30.

The outages come just as a series of new Europe-Egypt cables are set to get off the drawing board, including Telecom Egypt’s TE North cable, Orascom’s MENA system, the IMEWE consortium cable, and a new cable by FLAG Telecom, said TeleGeography research director Alan Mauldin.

Did Senator McCain get Bush to Fire Rumsfeld???

31 January, 2008

Back in 2006 when Rumsfeld resigned, I took some flak for suggesting that Rumsfeld had really been fired. This morning, as I was reviewing the GOP debate from last night, Sen. McCain said something that made me bolt upright and head straight for the CNN Transcripts:

COOPER: I want to give, Senator, final comment on this subject, and then we have a lot more about Iraq that we are going to talk to the other candidates about as well.


MCCAIN: … in the debate. It wasn’t — it wasn’t — and when he said what he said in December, it was after the election. President Bush fired Rumsfeld, and we announced that we are going to have a new strategy. That was the critical time.

Timetables was the buzzwords. Timetables were the ones.

VERY interesting… Was it a faux pas, or is the cat out of the bag??? The interesting thing is that the moderator and the other candidates didn’t even bat an eye when he said that…. Later on, Sen. McCain elaborates and appears to congratulate himself on Rumsfeld’s firing when he says,

MCCAIN:…And I’m the only one that said that Rumsfeld had to go and the Petraeus strategy is the one that can succeed. That’s because I have the experience, the knowledge, and the judgment.

Soooo… Did Sen. McCain get Rumsfeld fired??? Stay tuned….

Heads Up!

31 January, 2008

Anyone care to place your bets on the chances of CAIR making this into a hate crime incident?


Police: Cabbie Attacked By Passenger With Ax

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) ― A taxi cab driver was attacked by a passenger in North Minneapolis early Thursday morning.

A dispatcher with Blue and White Taxi says Mohammed Farahid was attacked around 12:15 a.m. Farahid was robbed by a male passenger who then hit the driver with an ax.

The dispatcher says Farahid had fled his cab, fallen down and broken his hand when he was attacked. He was able to call for help.

Police said they were called to 24th Street and Colfax Avenue North, and said Farahid and the passenger had gotten into an argument before the attack.

The suspect, described by police as a black man in his late 20s, fled the scene.

Farahid is awaiting surgery at North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale, where he was reported as being in fair condition.

Police are still investigating the incident.

Muslim Gangsta’s Busted

31 January, 2008

4th Lincoln Burglary Arrest May Clear 100 Cases, Police Say


OMAHA, Neb. — Lincoln police said Wednesday that they’ve made a fourth arrest in a string of burglaries, and it may clear 100 more cases.

Azad Alama, 22, was arrested on Tuesday, police said.

Investigators said Alama, along with Muslim K. Alrubaiai, 22, Eric E. Curry, 30, and Levi J. Hildebrandt, 23, burglarized numerous apartment complexes in the Lincoln area dating back to November 2006.

Officers recovered everything from guns and gaming systems to flat-screen TVs and electronics.

U.S. Predator Drone Wipes Out Al Qaeda Nest?

31 January, 2008

UPDATE: #3 in al-Qaeda confirmed killed in this attack

U.S. missile strike in Pakistan hit al Qaeda nest
Thu Jan 31, 2008

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) – A suspected U.S. missile strike that killed up to 13 foreign militants in Pakistan’s North Waziristan region this week had targeted second or third tier al Qaeda leaders, according to residents in the tribal area.

Initial reports said 10 people were killed in the attack on Monday on a house in Torkhali village near the town of Mir Ali.

An intelligence official, however, told Reuters on Thursday that based on information gleaned from tribal contacts there were seven Arabs and six Central Asians killed.

He said the attack was believed to have been carried out by a pilotless U.S. Predator aircraft flown across the nearby border with Afghanistan.

“The missile appeared to have been fired by a drone,” the intelligence official said.

The Pakistani authorities have not confirmed the attack, and the Pentagon has denied taking any action, but the Defense Department does not speak for the Central Intelligence Agency, which operates Predators that the tribesmen say carried out the attack late on Monday.

Villagers saw two drones flying over the area before the attack. They didn’t see the missile being fired but one heard a plane’s engine before the explosion.

Intelligence officials said the area is controlled by Islamist militants and too dangerous for security forces to go. After the attack, militants surrounded the area and barred anyone from going near the house.

Ahmed Aziz, a 70-year-old resident, told Reuters that the militants also stopped villagers from attending the funerals, which was a sign that those killed were all foreigners.

“When local people die, they don’t stop anyone from attending their funerals,” Aziz said.

Tribesmen in the area said a deputy of Abu Laith al Libi, a senior al Qaeda leader, had been staying there and was among the dead, according to the intelligence official.
