Archive for 18 February, 2008

Muslim Rapist filmed sex attack on mobile

18 February, 2008

18/ 2/2008, Asian News
A MAN who filmed his sex attack on a 14-year-old girl on his mobile phone has been labelled a serious risk to young girls.
-Just another sick, perverted muslim

Former cricketer Ajmal Mohammad had driven the girl to Blackpool after meeting her in Accrington, given her alcohol and then abused her as she lay in a hotel room.

Over two or three hours, he carried out a series of sex offences on her, knowing he was infected with Hepatitis C.

The 40-year-old, of Audley Range, Blackburn, was jailed indefinitely for public protection.

A judge told him he would have to serve a minimum of five-and-a-half-years but warned he would not be released until the Parole Board was satisfied that he no longer posed a danger.
-He will always be a danger. Once a perv always a perv the other mohammed never changed. (more…)

French police launch raid in search of rioters

18 February, 2008

I almost titled this “French Police grow a pair” but that would be untrue. They have stepped up there game and I’ll give them credit for that. Now let’s see if they go a step further and prosecute and jail some of these thugs.

France suffered through enough Muslim riots to last then a while, time so smack mohammed back down a bit.

February 18, 2008 (AP)
VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France: More than 1,000 police, some wearing black hoods, raided housing projects outside Paris in a massive sweep Monday, kicking open doors and detaining 35 people in a search for rioters who led an outburst of violence last year, a prosecutor said.

Critics called the early morning operation, captured on television cameras, a “security spectacle” aimed at bolstering President Nicolas Sarkozy ahead of municipal elections next month. Sarkozy recently vowed to better police the neglected neighborhoods, populated largely by families of immigrant background, that exploded in nationwide riots in 2005.
-Critics??? Thousands of burning cars, buildings and attacks on people was better? Arrest the damn critics take them to a Muslim enclave and release them.

Riot police and other officers were mobilized for Monday’s raids in Villiers-le-Bel and in the neighboring towns of Sarcelles, Gonesse and Arnouville as part of the investigation into a flare-up of violence there in November, police said.

Preparing for possible violence by youths in reaction to the early raids, authorities ordered some 450 police to spend Monday evening in Villiers-le-Bel, police officials said.
-Well the Muslims are always harping on about backlash.

Regional state prosecutor Marie-Therese de Givry said 35 people were arrested. Hours-to-house searches followed the raids for several hours, she told reporters in Pontoise, in the Val d’Oise region where the targeted suburbs are located.

Most of those detained, aged 19 to 31, had been known to police, mainly for previous violence, according to police. Delinquents and drug traffickers may be among those arrested. The prosecutor said one suspect had €7,400 (US$10,855) in his jacket pocket.
-Maybe he was going to buy a new lighter. (more…)

Iraqi Man Sets Himself on Fire?

18 February, 2008

Something tells me there’s a story here, but I’ll be darned if I can figure it out…

Residents’ shock at burning man
By Samrana Hussain

RESIDENTS have told of their horror as a “charred” man screamed for help in the road in the early hours of the morning.

People in Carr Road, Nelson, were woken up to the screams of a 28-year-old man who police said died from his injuries after setting fire to himself at 5am yesterday.

Witnesses said his body was so badly burnt his hands were stuck to his arms.

The man, of Iraqi origin, was pronounced dead after being taken to the Royal Blackburn Hospital with 90 percent burns.

Police said the death is not being treated as suspicious.

It is believed he set himself on fire in a shelter in the nearby Victoria Park, before staggering into Carr Road.

The man, who neighbours said was naked with deep cuts to his legs, screamed out for help before knocking on the doors of a number of houses.

When police arrived at the scene after neighbours phoned in reports, the man was lying down in the road screaming in pain.

The road was closed for several hours as police examined the scene.

A resident of Carr Road, who did not want to be named, said the man had been shouting for help while knocking on people’s doors before laying down in the road.

He said: “It was horrific. He was it was like a charred corpse.

“When I first heard the shouts I thought it was a drunken person, but then I heard him say Yah Allah’ and I knew he was a Muslim so he could not be a drunk.

Uhm, yeah… Right… ‘Cause we all know Muslims are so pious and all…


Two faced Muslims oppose the first Catholic church in Qatar

18 February, 2008

Muslims have absolutely no problem demanding the right to build houses of worship in and out of secular countries and follow established religious patterns (screaming from a top towers). They get one chance to show good will, tolerance, respect for others and they F it up. Nice work minions, I can always count on you to show your true side.

18 February, 2008,
Doha (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The Catholic church of St. Mary, constructed as planned without a bell tower or cross, is close to inauguration. In spite of the great modesty of the Catholic community, there is no lack of disagreement on the part of a Muslim intellectuals who are firmly opposing the new church, maintaining that a popular referendum is necessary.
-The Catholics apparently went out of their way and this is where it got them-nowhere.

The pages of the newspaper Al-Arab read, “the cross should not be raised in the sky of Qatar, nor should bells toll in Doha”. In a letter to Al-Watan, the engineer Rashed al-Subaie maintains that the Christians have the right to practice their faith, but should not have permission to build places of worship. The lawyer and former justice minister Najib al-Nuaimi expresses himself as along the same lines. Nuaimi stresses that Qatar is a Muslim country, not a secular one, and maintains that a referendum is the only way to ensure that the church is socially acceptable.
-Ok, so now you know all you expats, guest workers and retires you are not welcome, take your stuff and go home. Leave those worthless and unappreciative a-holes to fend for them selves. (more…)

No Word Yet on Cause of Refinery Explosion

18 February, 2008

Leatherneck asked us to check into a possible terrorist connection with today’s explosion at an oil refinery in Texas.   After checking a couple of Jihadist websites, I’ve yet to come across anyone claiming responsibility for it.  I’ll keep you posted if I see anything.

– Doc 

Mayor says four injured in explosion at West Texas refinery

Associated Press – February 18, 2008 2:53 PM ET – WLNS TV6

BIG SPRING, Texas (AP) – The mayor of Big Spring, Texas, says four people are hurt after the explosion that rocked an oil refinery this morning. It shook buildings miles away.

A spokesman for the refinery’s owner, Alon USA, says all of the workers have been accounted for. He said one worker was hurt, but Mayor Russ McEwen put that number at four, and said 1 of the workers was sent to a burn unit.

The company says the fire that was sparked by the blast is under control. It sent black smoke billowing into the sky, and shut down area schools and an interstate highway.

There’s no word yet on what caused the explosion.

Father Knows Best???

18 February, 2008

There is no honor in killing…

Iran: Father ‘stones 14-year-old daughter to death’

Tehran, 18 Feb. (AKI) – A man known as Sharif has reportedly stoned his fourteen-year-old daughter to death in southeastern Iran because for allegedly having a relationship with a man.

Sharif’s wife reported him to police after he and a friend killed the girl in Zahedan, capital of Baluchistan province.

Sharif showed no sign of remorse, telling police who interrogated him: “I suspected that my daughter had a relationship with a man and I had to stone her to death as she had besmirched my honour.”

“I had no other choice,” he said, telling police how he had carried out the stoning.

Yeah, Allah made him do it…

Two sisters, Azar and Zohreh Kabiri, 27 and 28 years-old respectively were earlier this month sentenced to death by stoning for allegedly committing adultery.

The women each have one child. They are from the suburb of Shahriar, near Karaj, north of the capital, Tehran.

The Kabiri sisters have already received 99 lashes each.

Doctor Bulldog is Back Online!!!

18 February, 2008



UPS just dropped off my new replacement DSL modem (my old one died last week amid suspicious circumstances…).  So, after ripping open the box and hooking it all up, followed by an anxious couple of minutes editing the modem’s factory settings (ignoring all the instructions and disks that came with it – of course), I’m back online!!!

I’d like to thank you all for hanging in there and being patient.  Also, a big, big, big thanks goes out to Ronin for keeping things flowing smoothly while I was off the net.   He’s truly a Godsend.  Remind me to send him some beer money.

Anyway, as soon as I check my email and  get a feel for the news out there,  I’ll put some articles up for you all to read and comment on.  

Again, thank you all for your continued patronage of the site.


Doctor Bulldog