Archive for 8 March, 2008

Nest of Al-Qaeda Terrorist Discovered in British Police Force

8 March, 2008

Multiculturalism will be the death of us all…  U.S. law enforcement officials take note!


Terror moles at the Met
MI5 target four cops in undercover op

By Ryan Sabey – News Of the World

A NEST of Al-Qaeda terror spies has been uncovered in Britain’s top police force.

MI5 agents have identified FOUR London Met officers after searching for a cell of fanatics passing Scotland Yard’s secrets.

The spooks homed in on the officers in the past few weeks after working with anti-terror police to uncover “sleeper” agents in London’s Met.

The News of the World has obtained the names of two of the men pinpointed during a painstaking Spooks-style undercover operation.

All four are Asians living in the capital and are feared to have links both with Islamic extremists in Britain and worldwide terror groups—including al-Qaeda training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The suspected spies are believed to have used methods similar to those employed by the IRA in the 1970s as they infiltrated the police and the Army in Northern Ireland.

A Scotland Yard source told us: “If there are people within the police force feeding information to terror groups this needs to be stopped.

“Since the names came to light there has been a non-stop effort to find out everything about their backgrounds.”

MI5 chiefs believe the suspected moles have been planted as sleepers—agents under deep cover—to keep al-Qaeda informed of anti-terror raids.


Lt. Col. John A Nagl: Counterinsurgency is Slow, Painstaking Work that Requires Serious Patience

8 March, 2008

Below is an interesting editorial on how to win the war on terror. However, might I just add that Col. Nagl seems to have missed the obvious? The U.S. has committed its blood and resources to protecting not only the United States, but ALL Western nations, so, is it really asking too much for a few more countries to come to our aid with some real manpower to help alleviate our logistical problems? Or, do you other countries plan to reap all the benefits while doing nothing but sitting on your fat asses?

That’s alright… We can win this war without you, but, contrary to popular myth-conceptions about Americans, we DO remember who our friends are, and wouldn’t you rather have us on your good side?

We Can’t Win These Wars on Our Own

By John A. Nagl
Sunday, March 9, 2008;
The Washington Post – Page B04

It’s now my job to train U.S. military advisers who are embedded in the Iraqi and Afghan security forces — which often gets me thinking back to my time fighting in 2004 in Iraq’s Anbar province, and the death of Lt. Col. Suleyman.

Suleyman was the best of my Iraqi comrades in arms in Anbar: a fierce fighter, former Republican Guard officer and, like me, a veteran of Operation Desert Storm (although he was on the other side in that one). I called him “Suleyman the Magnificent.” We were like brothers — which is to say, we fought incessantly about how to handle our common mission. Suleyman wanted more trucks and weapons; I wanted sharper intelligence, more patrols and better performance from his soldiers.

Suleyman, whose last name I never knew, commanded a battalion of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps (now the Iraqi Army) that was based just west of Fallujah, one of Anbar’s major cities — no easy job. But his problems exploded in April 2004, when the charred corpses of two Blackwater contractors were hung from a bridge within sight of his headquarters. Fallujah soon fell under the control of Sunni insurgents, who bristled when Suleyman defied their demands for weapons and money. Then the insurgents kidnapped one of his officers and told Suleyman to report to a mosque inside the rebel-held city to get his man back. Suleyman bravely did so, and was beaten to death — a killing that was videotaped and sold throughout the streets of Anbar as a lesson to anyone who might consider supporting Iraqi and U.S. efforts to build a brighter future there.

We will not necessarily win if we have allies like Suleyman, but we cannot win without them. The hard lesson of this tragedy is clear: Foreign forces cannot win a counterinsurgency campaign on their own. In Anbar, I spent at least as much time training and equipping the country’s nascent security forces as I did planning and executing raids against insurgents. This indirect approach is the key to winning the long war against al-Qaeda and changing the Middle East for the better.


Protesters ask West to stop anti-Islam propaganda

8 March, 2008

First, I never heard them say “please” and secondly muslims by their own actions spread anti islamic feelings.

By Sher Baz Khan, ISLAMABAD, March 7 (DAWN): Hundreds of activists of Jamaat-i-Islami and Imamia Students Organisation on Friday held protest demonstrations against the re-production of sacrilegious caricatures in a Danish newspaper and release of an ‘anti-Islam’ film in Holland.
-Considering the numbers of muslims in islamabad and that only a few hundred protested I conclude the vast majority of the muslims in islamabad actually want and quietly encourage anti-islamic propaganda. Passive support is still support.

The protesters demanded Muslim countries in general and Pakistan in particular to sever diplomatic ties with both the countries and boycott all their products to force them to tender an official apology.
-It is a give and take world, muslims should offer something in exchange. How about, no hate filled rants, no demands for liberal immigration laws and an offer to give up living off the dole.

About three hundreds activists of ISO walked from Jamia Masjid Sector G-6/2 and reached the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Press Club camp office chanting slogans against what they called Europe’s anti- Islam policies.
-Damn those slimly islamophobic Europeans.

The protesters were holding banners and waving placards against the two countries. They were also chanting slogans like “Down with Danish and Dutch governments” and “Down with USA and Israel”. The protesters also torched the flags of Denmark and Israel.
-Those stupid muslim bastards-the USA and Israel are not part of Europe. Buy a map you morons.

Addressing the demonstrators, Alama Akhtar Abbas, Khateeb Markazi Jamia Masjid; Alama Amin Shahidi, Ali Komail Haider and others condemned the blasphemous acts by the Danish newspaper and release of the sacrilegious film in Holland. They also termed the blasphemous acts a conspiracy against Islam.
-There is no conspiracy against islam just disgust and outright rage. (more…)