Archive for 13 March, 2008

Obama’s Pastor: Blacks Should Not Sing “God Bless America” but “God Damn America”

13 March, 2008

The MSM has been cutting Obama waaaaay too much slack for fear of offense. Why is it that the MSM thought it was alright to go after Mitt Romney’s religious beliefs, yet they are strangely silent, even defensive when it comes to Obama’s religious beliefs?

Oh, I’m sure you all can figure that one out…

Anyway, Warner sent me a link to a that linked back to the original ABC News article, and I just about did a spit take! Racist card be damned! ABC has suddenly grown a set and has actually done some REAL journalism! Although… They are probably doing it because their horse, Hillary, is starting to falter…:

[C’mon, Obama! Quit playing with yourself during the National Anthem! Even Hillary has more respect for those who fought and died for both you and I – and that’s not very much…]

Obama’s Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11
Obama’s Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Has a History of What Even Obama’s Campaign Aides Say Is ‘Inflammatory Rhetoric’

March 13, 2008 –

Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor says blacks should not sing “God Bless America” but “God damn America.”

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s south side, has a long history of what even Obama’s campaign aides concede is “inflammatory rhetoric,” including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own “terrorism.”

In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.” He said Rev. Wright “is like an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with,” telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family.

Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, “The Audacity of Hope.”

An ABC News review of dozens of Rev. Wright’s sermons, offered for sale by the church, found repeated denunciations of the U.S. based on what he described as his reading of the Gospels and the treatment of black Americans.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

In addition to damning America, he told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda’s attacks because of its own terrorism. [!]

“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.

[Ahem… That’s a pile of crap! What? You think the scientists who worked on the bomb didn’t try to stop its use on Japan? You think Truman didn’t weigh all the options and then agonize over that decision before making it? Read some history, you loser. ]

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” he told his congregation.

Gee, this guy sounds like he works as a script writer for Osama bin Laden…


New Propaganda theme: Muslims struggle to find sense of belonging

13 March, 2008

I know you are all sniff at the sad tone of the title but read on and I will explain why this article is bunk.

By Mohsen al Attar, March 14, 2008, The New Zealand Herald

Migrant Muslim communities in Western nations such as New Zealand and Australia are facing a psychological and spiritual crisis.
-Great lead in, play for the sympathy, set victim status and leave nothing arguable.

Post-September 11, Bali and London events and actions by Western governments, including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, have produced widespread suspicion, detention and deportation of Muslim migrants and nationals.
-Bait and switch, no details or numbers of the number of Muslims deported along with a comparison of how many Muslims are in New Zealand and how many more arrived after 9/11. Somehow I am thinking a very small number were actually “deported”

And the highly xenophobic and hateful rhetoric of media pundits and politicians has produced a climate in which many Muslims feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in their homes.
-Really? Was there some unreported mass hysteria that the press missed?

But this is only half the story. We cannot disregard the fierce and hateful narrative of many Muslim fundamentalist groups – Islamists as they are termed by the West.
-Clever way to bring in the old-the other Muslims made us look bad play. Watch out west for “Islamists” ignore the other readers and followers of the koran.

These groups adopt an absolutist stance on religious form and duty that sandwiches Muslims between support for the violent and morally schizophrenic tactics of the movement and opposition to these tactics, often leading to accusations (and sometimes feelings) of betrayal to Islam.
-More of the same distraction-beware the bad muslims, listen close and he will show you the way to safety.

Many Western racists have exploited this double bind by questioning the loyalties of Kiwi-Muslims, Australian-Muslims, British-Muslims and, of course, American-Muslims.
-Broaden the number of victims to give validity to his point (again no data to support it) now the problem affects entire nations, poor dears.

Likewise, many Muslim fundamentalist groups have capitalised on Western bigotry to advance their personal clash of civilisation thesis by highlighting how quickly Muslims have been reduced to second-class citizens – not unlike what was done to Japanese migrants and citizens in Canada, America, and even New Zealand during World War II. Dual subjection to Islamophobia from the West on one side and reactionary currents within the Muslim community on the other has produced a situation in which many Muslims have lost a sense of who they are.
-An attempt to show a historical over reaction by white westerners. That argument in itself is racist but you are not supposed to think that way. Like most Muslim mouthpieces this guy will continue to rant in hopes you will find something you can agree on.

Feelings of belonging to a nation have been replaced by feelings of fear and paranoia, causing many to withdraw into themselves and self-segregate within their communities.
-And you would think word would get out that muslims are not welcomed, muslims would return home, warn others away from immigrating and the numbers of muslims would decrease sharply. Anyone see a slowing of immigration or is this guy a liar?

Lack of knowledge of the self inevitably produces a loss of confidence, a common feature of many Muslim communities today which, quite naturally, stimulates a powerful desire for physical and moral security.
-This line should read: ” Lack of knowledge of muslim propaganda tricks work very well in western countries if you can establish victim status and play to their cultural guilt”

For some, this security is found in religious norms and, ominously, in the strict adherence thereto. Blind adherence to norms is detrimental to a community because it forces its members to overlook the meanings underpinning the norms and the spiritual foundation that informs the entire belief structure.
-Wow this went this far before he offered a solution-allow muslims to be different and see if your way is better than theirs. Be patient he will spread it on thicker.

Contrary to many fundamentalist and Western representations, Islam is not a religion of rules but a religion of reason. Multiple passages in the Koran and historical anecdotes derived from the prophetic traditions (eg “Use your brain about matters that perplex you” and “Wisdom is the last bastion of the Muslim”) illustrate the depth to which reason and critique have traditionally been revered in Muslim societies. Regrettably, the same cannot be said about many contemporary Muslim currents.
-So the troubles with islamists is temporary? Now you all get it-allow them to practice peacefully and it will all work itself out. To think westerners were the real problem all along. (more…)

Iranian Moral Code Enforcer Caught in Whorehouse with his Pants Down …

13 March, 2008

Well, well, well… Maybe this will help cheer up Eliot Spitzer:

Tehran police chief caught with 6 prostitutes

Reza Zarei, who was in charge of ‘moralizing the city,’ forced to step down after being caught nude in local brothel
Dudi Cohen – Ynet

Tehran’s police chief, Reza Zarei, has been arrested after he was found nude in a local brothel with six naked prostitutes, the Farda news website reported Wednesday.

Zarei stepped down from his post following the raid, the report said. According to another popular Iranian website, Gooya, the order to raid the brothel was given directly by Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, chief of the judicial authorities.

Over the past year Zarei was in charge of enforcing the Islamic dress code on Iranian women with the purpose of “moralizing of the city.”

It is alleged that in the past six months, hundreds of young people have been arrested in Iran for not respecting the Islamic code of behavior.

Rumors of the brothel incident had been spreading in Iran for the past two weeks, and last week Zarei was replaced after four years as chief of police in Tehran.

The arrest was not reported by any of Iran’s official news agencies. Farda News, which broke the story, is a website said to be close to the mayor of Tehran and former chief of the police forces, Mohammed Bagher Qalibaf and is considered reliable

Germany to Teach Islam in Public Schools

13 March, 2008


Germany opens door for Islam classes in public schools
Mar 13, 2008 | By Associated Press – Via JPost

Berlin – Schools in Germany should offer Islam – along with Christianity and Judaism – as a required religion class in the future, the nation’s interior minister said Thursday, but insisted the courses be taught in German.

Oh yeah…  That’ll teach ’em!!! —  What the hell kind of a compromise was that?  If it was taught in Arabic, no one would understand it anyway, so obviously the Muslims want it to be taught in German…  Sheesh!  What an idiot…

Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told reporters it would take a while before Muslim community leaders work out a legally binding agreement with the state, but that an agreement on the issue had been reached.

“It will take some time, but we are moving ahead,” Schaeuble told reporters, following a third conference with representatives of Germany’s estimated 3 million Muslims and government officials. Other participants said it would take several years before the classes become available.

Both sides have wrangled for years over the issue of teaching Islam in state-run schools, where religion classes are required by law. Pupils currently only have the option between Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism. Many schools also offer ethics classes as an alternative.

Dubai unveils plan for museum dedicated to Prophet Mohammed

13 March, 2008

Warner sent us these exclusive pictures from the Muhammad Museum:

Interior shots of the newly opened “Legacy of Mohammed (PBUH) Museum” in Dubai .


Visitor (top) is seen examining a facsimile of the air that the Prophet (PBUH) breathed.

(Rare portraiture of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) )


(Historical artifacts from the Prophet’s life)


(Visitors can see rare copies of the original Qur’anic manuscripts)

Due to Islam’s prohibition of images, any references to sex acts, and the Saudis having destroyed all existing artifacts, a sign at the entrance advises prospective visitors to “BE SURE TO BRING YOUR IMAGINATION WITH YOU. (N.B. NO REFUNDS OF ENTRY CHARGE, SO DON’T ASK, AS A REFUSAL OFTEN OFFENDS.”)……Another sign which read “LOVELY TO LOOK AT, LOVELY TO HOLD, BUT IF YOU BREAK IT CONSIDER IT SOLD” was inexplicably removed the day after the official opening.

An impressed and overwhelmed local, Qaboos Akbar Saqbutt who, along with his family, was one of the first visitors, said “having spent the whole day inspecting the museum’s displays, my family and I are now much better informed as to the wondrous legacy that Muhammad (PBUH) left for those who have eyes to see”

The Earth Times

Dubai – The glitzy Gulf emirate of Dubai, known for its futuristic skyscrapers and extravagant shopping malls, announced a plan to set up a museum to highlight the life and legacy of the Prophet Mohammed, media reports said Wednesday. Dubai Authority for Culture and Arts, established only last week to increase the emirate’s cultural profile, unveiled the museum project on Tuesday, reported the daily Gulf News.

“The museum will stand as evidence that Dubai is serious about extending bridges not only between the East and the West but between the Islamic nation and the rest of the world as well,” the authority’s head, Sheikh Mayed bin Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, was quoted as saying.

The museum will highlight Mohammed’s life in the seventh century Arabian peninsula and the historic development of Islam as a world religion.

The museum will have a section explaining Muslim pilgrimage, haj, which is one of the pillars of Islam.


“Sarajevans” Outraged by Proposed Memorial Cross

13 March, 2008

I’m pretty sure the “Sarajevans” would have no objections to a memorial if it consisted of a giant, phallic Minaret…

H/T to warner 

Sarajevans outraged by Serbian cross project
85-foot-high symbol on hill for Serb victims called ‘immoral, shameful’

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina – A Serb group has announced plans to build a huge memorial cross on a hill from which Serb artillery relentlessly shelled Sarajevo during the 1992-96 Bosnia war.

The plan has outraged an association of war victims and Sarajevo’s mayor, who condemned it on Wednesday as an insult to the thousands of people who died in the conflict, especially the many Bosnian Muslim victims.

Branislav Dukic, head of the Association of Bosnian Serb War Victims, on Wednesday confirmed media reports that his group plans to begin building the 85-foot cross on Trebevic hill in April in memory of Serb war victims.

“The initiative came from families of fallen soldiers and civilians for a monument to be built in memory of” Serbs who died in the conflict, he said in an interview with The Associated Press. The monument will be lighted at night so that it can be seen 24 hours a day, he said.

Trebevic Hill is in Bosnian Serb territory, but it overlooks Sarajevo, the Muslim-dominated capital.


Developing News

13 March, 2008

Still too early to say if this was a terrorist or just some drunk bloke, but I figured I’d post it as it exposes a security flaw at Heathrow:

Man arrested for running on Heathrow runway

Update: Police determined there were no explosives in the bag after a controlled blast was carried out on it.

quote: “These things call their security procedures into serious question,”


LONDON – A man was arrested after running out onto a runway at London’s Heathrow airport carrying a bag on Thursday, police said.

“I can confirm that at approximately 2:05 p.m. a man was seen airside at Heathrow airport on the northern runway. He’s been arrested by police and he’s currently in custody,” a police spokesman said. He declined to say whether the incident was considered terrorism-related.

“A bag has been recovered and obviously it will be examined,” he said.