Archive for 27 March, 2008

One Man Helping to Convert 6 Million Muslims a Year to Christianity

27 March, 2008

Warner sent us this interesting story about a Coptic priest who proselytizes on Arabic Television:

Video: Abrogation in the Quran – How a considerable number of verses in the Quran have been removed, changed, reversed, or replaced.

The Man Behind 6 Million Muslims Converting To Christianity–Each Year

Though he is little known in the West, Coptic priest Zakaria Botros [check out his website] – named Islam’s “Public Enemy #1” by the Arabic newspaper, al-Insan al-Jadid – has been making waves in the Islamic world. Along with fellow missionaries – mostly Muslim converts – he appears frequently on the Arabic channel al-Hayat (i.e., “Life TV”). There, he addresses controversial topics of theological significance – free from the censorship imposed by Islamic authorities or self-imposed through fear of the zealous mobs who fulminated against the infamous cartoons of Mohammed. Botros’s excurses on little-known but embarrassing aspects of Islamic law and tradition have become a thorn in the side of Islamic leaders throughout the Middle East.

…The result? Mass conversions to Christianity – if clandestine ones. The very public conversion of high-profile Italian journalist Magdi Allam – who was baptized by Pope Benedict in Rome on Saturday – is only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Qatani stated on al-Jazeera TV a while back that some six million Muslims convert to Christianity annually, many of them persuaded by Botros’s public ministry. More recently, al-Jazeera noted Life TV’s “unprecedented evangelical raid” on the Muslim world.

Read the Rest of this Post HERE on ibloga.blogspot

Fitna – English Version

27 March, 2008

Alright… I’ve finally got an English version of Fitna that works on WordPress…

UN’s Human Rights Council Appoints more Anti-Semites

27 March, 2008

So, what else is new? 

‘Bias and Hypocrisy’ Displayed at UN Rights Council, Say Critics
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
March 27, 2008

( – The United Nations’ Human Rights Council has elected onto a panel of special advisors a left-wing Swiss sociologist with a record of sympathizing with the Castro and Mugabe regimes and criticizing the United States and Israel.

And in another move that drew fire, the U.N.’s top rights body also appointed an American academic strongly critical of Israel to a post dealing with Israel’s conduct in the territories claimed by the Palestinians.

During its less than two years in existence, the Human Rights Council has itself been criticized — by Western governments and two U.N. secretary-generals among others — for focusing disproportionately on Israel, while paying relatively little attention to pressing rights issues elsewhere.

Meeting in Geneva on Wednesday, the council elected Swiss national Jean Ziegler as one of 18 members of an expert “advisory committee” that functions as the body’s think tank.

Forty of the council’s 47 members voted in favor of Ziegler, who for the past eight years has served as a U.N. “special rapporteur on the right to food.” (The U.N. has around 20 such reporter-investigators, each focused on a particular country situation or on a theme such as racism or extreme poverty.)

Advisory committee members serve three-year terms and are eligible for re-election once. According to U.N. documents, requirements for the posts include “recognized competence and experience in the field of human rights; high moral standing; and independence and impartiality.”

Among those who urged the Swiss government to rescind its nomination of Ziegler was U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

In a letter sent earlier this week, Ros-Lehtinen accused Ziegler of “unyielding support of many of the world’s most vicious dictators,” and noted that a 2005 comment comparing Israelis to concentration camp guards had brought a reprimand from then U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan.


Pussycat Dolls Fined for “Flashing Body Parts” in Malaysia

27 March, 2008

As if the Malaysian authorities had no idea of what the Pussycat Dolls would do on stage… This sounds like a scam to me… Invite somewhat risqué female performers to Malaysia, then force them to “cover up” as there is sure to be lots of media coverage about it (i.e. – Gwen Stefani and Beyoncé Knowles). That way, the world can see what good little dhimmis they are and what a good, wholesome, family cult religion Islam is. And, if they don’t “cover up,” or, heaven forbid they have a *gasp* wardrobe malfunction (which is what this was, as I’ve seen photos…), the Islamic officials can always fine the performers for some extra Jihadi/jizyah cash… It’s a win-win situation for Malaysian Muslims…

Something tells me the Pussycat Dolls won’t be going back to visit Malaysia anytime soon…


Pussycat Dolls fined for being ‘too sexy’
Bang! Showbiz | Friday, 28 March 2008

The Pussycat Dolls – famed for their raunchy routines – must pay $3,400 for flashing body parts during a concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last July.

During the routine, Carmit Bachar, who has since left the group, exposed a breast while Ashley Roberts was accused of revealing her private parts after her tiny pair of shorts left little to the imagination.

Promoters Absolute Entertainment were fined for allowing their act to perform “sexually suggestive” routines in the strict Muslim country.

The penalty was imposed by the council which manages the Kuala Lumpur suburb where the event took place.

The fine followed a complaint from Malaysia’s culture minister Rais Yatim, who said the group’s concert featured “scantily dressed performers” and “sensuous elements”.

He added: “I believe the way the Pussycat Dolls behaved on stage amounted to gross indecency,”

Under the country’s Muslim laws, a female performer must be covered from her shoulders to her knees.

Jumping, shouting or throwing of objects onstage or at the audience are all also banned.

Last year, Gwen Stefani and Beyoncé Knowles were forced to dramatically alter their dance routines and cover up during their concerts in the country.

Fitna: The Movie – Finally Released

27 March, 2008

Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t allow for posting videos from LiveLeak, so you’ll have to follow the link below…

H/T to TNR who was gracious enough to alert us within minutes of its release:

NY City Police Commissioner: “The Public is Getting Complacent”

27 March, 2008

Yes, they are… Why? I think it has more to do with the MSM and Liberal Multiculturalists trying to sweep the Islamic threat under the rug than anything else… Out of sight, out of mind – damn the torpedoes! – Full speed ahead on the slave ship of Multiculturalism…

And, I really dislike the phrase, “Homegrown Terror” as it obfuscates the origin of this doctrine of hate that was first spawned in the mephitic bowels of a false prophet from the Middle East…


Jihad USA: Confronting the Threat of Homegrown Terror

Thursday, March 27, 2008 – Fox News

Law enforcement officials and security experts are warning against the threat of homegrown terrorism as several cases involving alleged American jihadists enter the courts.

“The public is getting complacent,” New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly tells FOX News. Kelly, who was the police commissioner during the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, has developed a task force of counterterrorism officers trained to spot jihadists.

Although there has not been a major terrorist strike in the U.S. since Sept. 11, 2001, Kelley says the country cannot let down its guard.

“We can’t afford to be complacent in law enforcement, and I don’t think we are,” Kelly says in the new FOX News documentary, “Jihad, USA,” which will air at 9 p.m. ET on March 29.

Several terror-related cases now in the courts highlight this need for continued vigilance, experts say.

— In Florida, the retrial of six of the “Liberty City Seven” is coming to a close. The group members, who allegedly plotted to destroy the Sears Tower in Chicago and swore allegiance to Al Qaeda on a secret FBI surveillance tape, were arrested in June 2006. Their first trial ended in a not-guilty verdict for one defendant and a mistrial for the other six.

— In Washington state, the murder trial has begun for Pakistani-American Naveed Haq, who is accused of opening fire in Seattle’s Jewish Federation Building in July 2006, killing one woman and wounding five others. Haq allegedly said he was mad at the Jews and how they are running the country.

Two other cases are to enter court next month.


Revealed: Democrats were Saddam Hussein’s Useful Idiots

27 March, 2008

No big surprise there…  

death_of_a_salesman.gifSaddam’s Salesmen
By Ben Johnson | Thursday, March 27, 2008

“If being used means that we’re highlighting the suffering of Iraqi children, or any children, then yes, we don’t mind being used.” – Rep. James McDermott, D-WA, on his 2002 trip to Iraq, financed by Saddam Hussein.

We’ve long contended the terrorists could not buy better representation than the Democratic Left gives them for free. We never knew how right we were.

The media revealed last night that Saddam Hussein personally funded the trip of three Democratic Congressmen to Iraq on the eve of the war that led to his ouster. Saddam’s Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) reportedly bribed an American Muslim activist with two million barrels of oil to arrange the fall 2002 trip for left-wing Congressmen Jim McDermott, D-WA; David Bonior, D-MI; and Mike Thompson, D-CA.

David Horowitz and I thoroughly chronicled the event in our new book, Party of Defeat. On September 29, 2002, the ignominious trio appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, via satellite hookup from foreign soil, to extol the truthfulness of Saddam Hussein, decry the already weakened sanctions imposed by the United Nations, and call President Bush a liar bent on war. David Bonior – who long served as House Democratic Whip, the second-highest ranking post in the House of Representatives – laid the blame squarely on the United States of America. Bonior denounced the regimen of multilateral sanctions, already weakened by the Oil for Food program, as “barbaric” and “horrific.” He backed this up with anecdotal evidence gleaned from the group’s well-supervised tour of Iraqi hospitals. Worse, the U.S. had been “trying to push and dictate” Iraq, namely by requiring its dictator verify his compliance with the cease-fire that ended the first Gulf War and the 17 UN resolutions he was currently defying. Although Saddam Hussein had frustrated all previous weapons inspections, Bonior blithely announced that he would now allow inspectors the “unrestricted” autonomy “to look anywhere.” (Of course, the inspectors’ job was not to play hide-and-seek with Iraq’s prewar WMD cache; it was to verify that he had destroyed all WMDs, as he had agreed to do as a precondition of peace in 1991.) Rep. James McDermott echoed that none of the arms imbroglio was the Iraqi regime’s fault, anyway, as “Iraq did not drive the inspectors out; we took them out.” Again, the United States was blaming the victim and punishing innocent children for her own misdeeds. When pressed about believing the promises of a murderous international pariah, McDermott said, “I think you have to take the Iraqis at their face value,” but he offered no such quarter to the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. “I think the president would mislead the American people,” he declared.

On the eve of the war, three sitting U.S. Congressmen treated Saddam Hussein as President Bush’s moral superior.


FBI Investigating China’s Internet Assaults

27 March, 2008

Lest we lose sight of the repressive Communist regime of China: 


China’s nefarious internet trolling
By Eric Reeves, The New Republic on-line

27 March 08 – Sudan Tribune 

Ominous news from cyberspace: Darfur advocacy groups in the United States-collectively without rival in shaping international efforts to halt ethnically targeted violence in western Sudan and eastern Chad-have been the target of cyber-espionage that most likely leads back to the Chinese government. Beijing is angry because it is the focus of a large and intense shaming campaign highlighting the fact that China is both host of the 2008 Olympic Games-and thus custodian of the Games’s various ideals-as well as complicit in the Darfur genocide by way of its support for the brutal regime in Khartoum (see . What was to have been Beijing’s post-Tiananmen Square coming out party is rapidly becoming a public relations nightmare. And so the Chinese government has sanctioned cyber-espionage against the advocacy organizations most responsible for this shaming campaign (see

The FBI is investigating these clandestine I.T. assaults on the basis of evidence provided by the Save Darfur Coalition, the largest and perhaps most influential of the advocacy organizations. Others working on the campaign appear to have been similarly targeted (see; my own website was recently subject to a highly sophisticated cyber-assault traced back to Iran, a close Islamic ally of the Khartoum regime). Such attacks are not without precedent, and indeed form part of a dangerous pattern requiring much greater scrutiny and protection. In reporting on the story, The Washington Post (see found consensus among I.T. experts that the Save Darfur Coalition allegation “fits a near decade-old pattern of cyber-espionage and cyber-intimidation by the Chinese government against critics of its human rights practices.”

What’s new here is that China is not simply tracking human rights dissidents abroad, or researchers and advocates working on such highly sensitive subjects as Tibet and Taiwan, regarded by Beijing as “domestic affairs.” Rather the cyber-espionage extends to advocacy organizations challenging China over its role in the broader international theater of events and responsibilities. The thinking appears to be that if an issue touches Chinese interests in a serious way, cyber-espionage is an acceptable tactic. (more…)

Saudis Vote Down “Respect of Religions” Proposal

27 March, 2008

Okay, all you candy-ass, Multicultural PC Liberals might want to consider how you are going to defend the following when peddling your dhimmification of the West, because I’m going to be throwing this one in your face for years to come!

Of Fatwas and Infidels
Abeer Mishkhas,

The Shoura Council last week defeated a proposal to adopt a law promoting respect for other religions and religious symbols. The proposal that would have had the blessings of the Arab League was opposed by 77 members and supported by 33.

In his reason for voting against the proposal, one member told Al-Watan newspaper that the negative effects might outweigh the positive ones as it would give legality to nonmonotheistic religions and consequently it would allow the building of houses of worship for those religions in Muslim countries.

The proposal was surely influenced by the Danish cartoon crisis that recently resurfaced. If we look at the consequences of approving such a proposal, we will see that it would have been an important step forward. It simply proposes respect for other religions and tolerance for those who practice them. The proposal suggests simply that people in the world need to learn to live together and to accept each other for what they are and that people must also remember that respect and tolerance work both ways.

[Therein lies its Achilles heel, Islam is NOT tolerant of other religions…]


The Real Hero of Bosnia! – Part II

27 March, 2008

Yonason alerted us to the following video that “proves beyond a shadow of a doubt” that Hillary was the real hero of Bosnia: