Archive for April 2008

Islam for Kids: Muhammad

11 April, 2008

Imam’s murder hundreds of muslim children

11 April, 2008

Now this one set my blood boiling, this was murder. These stupid excuses for clerics and their idiotic fatwas murdered these kids not with a weapon but with suspicion, prejudice and plain stupidity. If the west has a weakness, it is our compassion. We do not murder children, we do not ask them to murder themselves and we do not trade, sell or abuse them, in short, we are not muslim.

By Gilbert da Costa, Abuja, 29 March 2008
Health authorities in Nigeria ‘s northern Katsina state have set up treatment centers to deal with a measles epidemic which has killed nearly two hundred children in the past three months, and infected thousands. For VOA, Gilbert da Costa filed this report from the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

Vaccinations are being distributed across the northern Katsina state to cope with one of the worst measles outbreaks in the region in years.

Some 165 children have been killed and 3,000 cases reported in the past three months. Officials say the death toll could be much higher because many cases are going unreported.

Katsina state’s director of disease control, Halliru Idris, tells VOA that the outbreak is mostly affecting young people who have not been immunized. “I can tell you that over 95 percent of all the children that have measles are those whose parents have not allowed them to receive immunization,” he said.

A handful of radical Islamic clerics instigated a boycott of infant vaccinations in northern Nigeria in 2003 and 2004, alleging that immunization was a western ploy to render Muslim girls infertile. Though the dispute has been resolved, parents still tend to avoid immunization. (more…)

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

11 April, 2008

Yesterday, we posted an article by KSTP Channel 5 News which quoted TIZA’s Executive Director Azad Zaman as saying that he wasn’t flying the American Flag outside of the school because he didn’t know how to operate the flagpole…

As one-sided as KSTP’s reporting was, they certainly made up for it when they discovered that the American Flag is NOW flying over the school!!!

Yup, there’s more than one reason why they call journalists, “The Press…” And, it seems Mr. Zaman has finally begun to feel the pressure.

Click HERE to watch the Video and read the article about the Flag flying over TIZA at

Imams Say the Darndest Things

11 April, 2008

I was going to post this story myself, but WC, over at The Gathering Storm stole my thunder and even managed to slip in a South Park reference. How do you follow an act like that?

Quite obviously, I can’t!

So, here is a snippet of WC’s posting to whet your appetite:

Storm Track Intimidation: Students Learn True Meaning of Muslim Tolerance

Instruct a group of innocent well indoctrinated students and their teacher in the beauty of religious tolerance and multiculturalism and introduce them to the importance of the diverse faiths at a neighborhood mosque and what do you get?

Well, not what the school expected. It seems the imam declared to their little faces that they were nothing but “dogs’.

An instructive school trip to a mosque for ten year olds from the Amsterdam school De Horizon turned into a tirade against unbelievers.

The surprised children and their escorts heard from the chairman of the El Mouchidine mosque in the Osdorp neighborhood that unbelievers were ‘dogs’. The multicultural school organizes trips to various religious institutes as part of the project ‘spiritual denominations since the management thinks it’s important that the students meet the backgrounds of the diverse faiths.

Oh, yes! Very important that these dhimmis in training see the true face of Islam. And that’s what they got.

Read the rest of this post at The Gathering Storm

Aide to Al-Sadr Assassinated

11 April, 2008

I highly doubt the U.S. is behind this assassination, as it doesn’t fit the “one shot, one kill” profile.  It seems to me that the locals are finally getting fed up with Muqtada al-Sadr’s crap!

Fury as aide to Shiite cleric Sadr shot dead in Iraq

11 APRIL 2008

NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) – Gunmen shot dead a top aide to radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in Iraq’s holy city of Najaf on Friday, sparking fury among his followers and calls for calm by senior Sadrists.

The attack comes as Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia is engaged in deadly clashes with Iraqi security forces in their eastern Baghdad bastion of Sadr City and in the southern port city of Basra.

Riyad al-Nuri, director of the Sadr movement’s office in Najaf, was shot dead near his home as he returned from weekly Muslim prayers, Najaf police chief Major General Abdul Karim Mustafa said.

Police immediately imposed an indefinite curfew in the shrine city, while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki strongly condemned the attack and the Sadr movement blamed US forces “and others working with them.”

A Sadr official in Najaf, Haider al-Turfi, said the gunmen were waiting for 37-year-old Nuri near his home in the city’s eastern neighbourhood of Al-Adala.

“When he arrived from the prayers, they opened fire on him, killing him instantly,” Turfi said.


60 Percent of Global Aid Goes to the Islamic World

11 April, 2008

Yup, whether the west wants to admit it or not, WE are still paying the jizya:

H/T – Warner

60pc of global aid goes to Islamic world
Web posted at: 4/11/2008
Source ::: The Peninsula

DOHA • About 60 per cent of all the humanitarian aid distributed by the UN goes to crisis-hit regions in the Islamic world, according to John Holmes, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

Three of the four largest annual appeals issued by the UN seeking aid were concerning Islamic countries- Darfur (Sudan), Palestine and Somalia. The fourth was Congo, which is a non-Muslim African country, said Holmes addressing a press conference yesterday.

He said international response to UN appeals to assist the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank was low due to resistance from the US and the European Union.

“We have issued appeals for $400m to support the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank but less than 60 per cent of the targeted amount was raised. This is disappointing,” said Holmes. He added this was the third largest annual appeal of the UN seeking aid.

He said the humanitarian crisis in Darfur has been deteriorating as the fighting goes on and the peace process is moving in a slow pace.

” Of the six million people in Darfur, four million need international help to survive. About 2.4 million people were displaced and are living in refugee camps in other countries. About 13,000 humanitarian workers are involved in relief efforts. The situation is dangerous and calls for a political solution,” he added.

Full Details of Glasgow Terror Plot Finally Released

11 April, 2008

Like I’ve said before, poverty and a lack of education do not cause one to become a Jihadist.  It is Islamic ideology that does.

Muslim doctor plotted terror attacks in London and Glasgow

A Muslim doctor who died after a failed terror attack on Glasgow airport had plotted a campaign of “spectacular” terrorist car bomb attacks designed to devastate Britain, a court heard today.

Kafeel Ahmed, 28, had targeted city nightclubs with explosives made at his home in Glasgow before turning his attention to the airport on its busiest day of the year.

Two car bombs left near nightclubs in the West End of London at the end of June last year had failed to explode when activated by mobile phone.

The next day, knowing the police were closing in, Ahmed launched the airport suicide mission and drove another car bomb into Glasgow Airport.

Driving a Jeep Cherokee he aimed for the entrance doors but crashed into the pillars to the right of them, the Old Bailey heard.

Jonathan Laidlaw, for the prosecution, said: “He then, having found himself from his perspective out of position, reversed the Jeep and made the first of a number of attempts to drive the vehicle through the airport door, repeatedly hitting pillars and the door frame.

“Despite his efforts, the vehicle became trapped. Those who witnessed him described a set and determined face as he stared forward.

“At that point, the vehicle was then 20ft from passengers queuing within the terminal building.

“His passenger lowered his window and threw a petrol bomb across the bonnet in the direction of the taxi rank and then threw a second of these devices in the opposite direction.

“At the same time the driver, the defendant’s brother, began to pour and splash fuel from a can on to the area outside the car window and appeared to throw a petrol bomb.

“He got out of the vehicle and was engulfed in flames that swept around the Jeep and terminal building. He appeared to try and prevent others from getting to him or the vehicle. He kicked out but eventually, he being on fire, he was extinguished, subdued, handcuffed and arrested.”

Full details of the terror plot emerged for the first time today after Kafeel’s brother Dr Sabeel Ahmed, 26, an NHS doctor, admitted failing to disclose information to police after the attacks.

He had received an e-mail about them from his brother but failed to go to police after hearing about the incident in Glasgow.

He was sentenced to 18 months in jail but will be released from custody and voluntarily deported back to India almost immediately because of time in jail he has already served, the court was told.

The e-mail, written two days before the failed Glasgow bomb attack, directed him to online documents containing his will and instructions on how to frustrate and mislead investigators.

Part of it read: “This is a project I was working on for some time now. Everything else was a lie and I hope you can forgive me for being such a good liar. It was necessary, just so that you know.


Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Wants to “Annihilate Corrupt Powers”

10 April, 2008

Excellent idea!  I suggest he start with himself…

H/T – Warner

Iran: President wants to ‘annihilate corrupt powers’

Mashhad, 10 April(AKI) – Iran’s hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday his country’s objective was to destroy what he called corrupt western powers.

“Our objective is to annihilate all corrupt powers that dominate our planet today,” said Ahmadinejad.

He was speaking in the holy Shia city of Mashhad, located 850 kilometres east of the Iranian capital Tehran at an event where he met Senegalese president Abdoulaye Wade.

Ahmadinejad also “advised” western powers to repent or, “otherwise Iranians will hoist their flag on the roof of their buildings.”

“Our enemies do not fear the technological, economical and industrial aspects of our nuclear programme, but tremble at the thought of the Islamic republic sitting as equals with them at the same table,” he said.

8-Year Old Girl Asks For Divorce from 30-Year Old Husband

10 April, 2008

Just another sick pervert following the pedophilic, false prophet’s example.

Narrated ‘Ursa:
The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death). (Sahih Bukhari 7.62.88):

H/T – Warner and TNR

For the first time in Yemen
8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court

By: Hamed Thabet

SANA’A, April 9 – An eight-year-old girl decided last week to go the Sana’a West Court to prosecute her father, who forced her to marry a 30-year-old man.

Nojoud Muhammed Nasser arrived at court by herself on Wednesday, April 2, looking for a judge to handle her case against her father, Muhammed Nasser, who forced her two months ago to marry Faez Ali Thamer, a man 22 years her senior. The child also asked for a divorce, accusing her husband of sexual and domestic abuse.

According to Yemeni law, Nojoud cannot prosecute, as she is underage. However, court judge Muhammed Al-Qathi heard her complaint and subsequently ordered the arrests of both her father and husband.

“My father beat me and told me that I must marry this man, and if I did not, I would be raped and no law and no sheikh in this country would help me. I refused but I couldn’t stop the marriage,” Nojoud Nasser told the Yemen Times. “I asked and begged my mother, father, and aunt to help me to get divorced. They answered, ‘We can do nothing. If you want you can go to court by yourself.’ So this is what I have done,” she said.

Nasser said that she was exposed to sexual abuse and domestic violence by her husband. “He used to do bad things to me, and I had no idea as to what a marriage is. I would run from one room to another in order to escape, but in the end he would catch me and beat me and then continued to do what he wanted. I cried so much but no one listened to me. One day I ran away from him and came to the court and talked to them.”

“Whenever I wanted to play in the yard he beat me and asked me to go to the bedroom with him. This lasted for two months,” added Nasser. “He was too tough with me, and whenever I asked him for mercy, he beat me and slapped me and then used me. I just want to have a respectful life and divorce him.”

Umar Islam’s Martyrdom Video

10 April, 2008

This updates a previous post.