Archive for April 2008

No Legal Action Against Hospital Porter Uncovering Crucifix

13 April, 2008

This updates our previous post HERE.

H/T – Warner

Crucifix row man’s relief

Neal Keeling –

NO legal action will be taken against a hospital porter quizzed by police after a row over a crucifix being covered up in a prayer room.

Joseph Protano, 54, was fired after the incident at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital in Pendlebury.

He was dismissed for gross misconduct, then lost an appeal.

Police then interviewed him for four hours on suspicion of religiously aggravated assault, but he was released without charge.

A file on the case was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service, but crown lawyers have decided not to prosecute him.

Mr Protano, a Catholic, now intends to take his case to an employment tribunal in a claim of unfair dismissal.

The row centres on a prayer room available to staff and visitors of all faiths at the hospital, which contains a Virgin Mary picture and crucifix.

Mr Protano, who had worked at the hospital for two years, entered the room when three Muslims were using it – the parent and brother of a patient, and a doctor.

An argument broke out after he asked them to remove a cloth covering the crucifix and a statue of the Virgin Mary, and to turn the picture face up. Mr Protano, speaking for the first time about the incident, said: “I am very relieved that I will not be prosecuted. I had to go through six weeks of waiting for a decision, when I could not sleep.”


Mosque Explosion Appears to be an Accident

13 April, 2008

Yeah, that can happen when you decide to store bombs in your mosque…

H/T – Warner

P.S. – Check out CNN’s Headline for the story:

“Authorities: Sabotage possible in Iran mosque blast”

Now, READ the story.  Yup, that’s the “most trusted name in news” in action…

(CNN) — An explosion in a southern Iranian mosque killed 11 people and wounded 191 after evening prayers Saturday, Iranian media reported.

While an initial report said a homemade bomb exploded, a local police commander said it appeared to be a case of negligent handling of live munitions inside the mosque.

The local prosecutor and an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman suggested the possibility of sabotage had not been ruled out.

The blast and fire occurred about 9 p.m. Saturday in the Rahpouyan-e Vessal cultural center section of Shohada Hosseiniyeh mosque in the city of Shiraz, IRNA, Iran’s state-run news agency reported.

IRNA reported 11 dead and 191 wounded. Survivors were being treated at 12 hospitals, the agency reported.

Iran’s Fars news agency estimated 800 people, mostly young, were gathered at the mosque Saturday to hear a prominent local cleric’s sermon denouncing Baha’i and Wahhabi faiths — both of which are considered heretical by some Shiites.

Fars’ initial reports said a homemade bomb was to blame, but provincial police Commander Ali Moaeyri later said it “was not sabotage.”

“Some live munitions may have been left behind at that location, which could have been the cause of the explosion,” Moaeyri said.


Sunday Funnies

13 April, 2008

The old Sunday Funnies format is back by popular demand:

[Click on images to enlarge]

“Peace Bride” Activist Raped and Murdered in Turkey

12 April, 2008

Activist, meet reality…

Update: The suspect’s name has been released: Murat Karatas.

Italian ‘peace bride’ raped, murdered in Turkey

Naked body of artist hitchhiking in bridal gown on Israel peace mission found in forest; 33-year old Turkish man detained after confessing to crime

Associated Press – via YnetNews

A 33-year old Italian artist, Giuseppina Pasqualino, also known as Pippa Bacca, was found dead in Turkey on Saturday, after having been raped and murdered. Paqualino was hitchhiking towards Israel dressed in a wedding dress in an appeal for peace.

The woman was last seen on March 31 in the mainly industrial city of Gebze, while hitchhiking to Israel in the wedding dress as part of her “Brides on Tour” project aiming to plead for peace in conflict areas. She disappeared after using her credit card around noon. Police found her naked body hidden in bushes in a forested area near Gebze, after questioning the man suspected of the murder late Friday, the governor’s office said.

Police tracked down the suspect when he switched on Pasqualino’s mobile phone, having inserted his own SIM card, an Italian Embassy official said. The official asked not to be named because he was not authorized to give information on the police investigation.

The suspect, identified only by his initials M.K., Had previously been convicted of theft, Anatolia reported. He was being questioned in police custody and no charges had been filed.

According to reports, M.K confessed to having picked up Pasqualino in his car, after which he drove into the forest, where he raped her and strangled her to death. Afterwards he attempted to bury the body.


A Dozen Muslim Males Gang Rape a Pregnant Muslim and Friend for Days

12 April, 2008

This type of activity is increasingly in the news as more and more people are exposing the evil called islam. Expect the normal appeasement artists to spin the old and tired “this was not done in the name of islam” and similar such crap. You would be hard pressed to find any other religion committing this type of crime and an even harder time to find one other than islam that condones it.

It seems it only took an even dozen of mohammeds warriors to overpower and abuse two females, one of which was pregnant. Old mohammed would be proud of his faithful troops.

pedophile prophet

12 April, 2008, IST, PTI
ISLAMABAD: As many as 12 men gang raped two women in Pakistan’s Punjab province to avenge a love marriage, the police said.
-I am not sure I would use the title “men” to describe these animals.

“The men abducted the women, one of them pregnant, and raped them in a nearby jungle for two days last month in the Rohallanwali area of Muzaffargarh district,” said Mohammed Rafi, a police investigator.

The gang was allegedly led by a man identified only as Latif, whose daughter had eloped with the nephew of the two rape victims.

“It seems the accused wanted to take revenge for the loss of their honour,” Rafi said.
-I have yet to meet a muslim with any “honor” but I keep reading reports where they attempt to find some.

Muzaffargarh is the same district where Mukhtaran Mai suffered a gang rape of the similar nature in 2002.

Bomb Kills Scores in Iran

12 April, 2008

UPDATE: The blast at the mosque was an accident, not an attack. A senior Interior Ministry Official has said that the explosives were being stored for an exhibition commemorating the 1980s Iran-Iraq war.
More than 160 people are believed to have been wounded in the incident in the southern city of Shiraz.

It seems once again the minions are more of a danger to themselves than even they realize. Only a muslim would store explosives in an area where they plan to have large numbers of people meet. If I were a religious man, I would suspect God himself set off these explosives to punish the wicked. Divine retribution or not if you play with fire enough you will get burned, allahu ackbarf baby.

Nothing new here folks, just move along, nothing to see. Muslims blow themselves up every day. Why this mosque and not one down the street? I think I can answer that. The mosque is reported to be the site of a weekly speech about extremist Wahabi beliefs and the outlawed Bahai faith.

This is just more Sunni vs Shia and this time the Shia lost.

12 April, 2008, (AP)
TEHRAN, Iran A bomb explosion in a mosque in southern Iran has killed scores of people, state television reported Saturday.

The semi-official Fars news agency gave a lower death toll, saying eight people were killed and more than 50 wounded. There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy.

“As a result of a bomb explosion at Rahpouyan Cultural Center in Shiraz, unfortunately scores of our countrymen were martyred,” the state television report said.

The television report said the mosque was part of the cultural center.

muslim minions hurt in clash with police

12 April, 2008

muslim minions decided to attack the police to protest the rights of women and were rewarded with a little stick time. Now consider this one carefully. The minions rioted to stop equal rights. Not one or two misguided muslims but thousands of them. Remember folks never listen to what a minion says instead watch what they do. The message here is clear: muslims demand the right-the Right to abuse their own.

12 April, 2008, (AFP)
Dhaka – About 100 people were injured Friday as thousands of Islamists fought for hours with police in the Bangladesh capital over equal rights for women, police and officials said.
-Only a hundred? Next time do not swing the club at their heads, crack them in the shins.

The roads in front of Dhaka’s main mosque became a battleground as about 5 000 men armed with bamboo sticks and bricks clashed with police, who responded with tear gas and batons, deputy police commissioner Mazharul Islam said.
-Ok, gas and batons are ok, but a few shotguns would have been far more effective.

“They attacked the policemen with bricks and sticks immediately after the weekly Friday prayers. We shot tear gas shells and baton-charged the unruly activists,” Islam said, adding that dozens were injured.
-The key being after prayers. It seems instead of the quasi religion calming them down it is really an excuse or an order to commit violence.

At least 40 policemen were injured as the protesters threw bricks and stones like “heavy rainfall”, at the helmeted force, Islam said.
-Again, shotguns would stop this quickly.

More than 50 people, mainly members of Islamic parties, were also injured and were treated in the Dhaka Medical College Hospital, said senior nurse Harunur Rashid.
-Now arrest them, their imam, close the mosque and put the rest on notice you (the head imam) will be held accountable for your pack of minions.

Witnesses said 200 were injured, including five photo-journalists as police fired more than 100 tear gas canisters, some inside the country’s biggest mosque complex called Baitul Mukarram, during the three-hour skirmish.
-I hope the journalists were from the MSM looking for a police abusing peaceful muslims story.

Police said the activists belonging to the Committee to Resist Anti-Koran Laws, a coalition of Islamic parties, started the clashes by chasing police.
-The law is the law and it did not come from a hate filled book honoring a seventh century murderous pedophile. If the minions do not like it to bad so sad.

The protests were against a women’s development policy adopted in March by the government, advocating equal property rights for women.

Dozens were injured in similar clashes on Thursday.

Muslim clerics and parties have warned of nationwide demonstrations, saying they will not tolerate any laws that contradict sharia, or the Islamic legal code.
-So arrest the clerics for inciting a riot.

Soon after the new policy was announced, the government backed down, explaining it had not been passed into law. No legislation would be passed “that goes against the Koran and the traditions of Prophet Mohammed”, the government said.
-Cowards, the pedophile mohammed was no prophet and his hate filled book should be outlawed.

Bangladesh, whose population is 90 percent Muslim, has a secular legal system but in matters related to inheritance and marriage Muslims follow sharia.
-This was the real concern, muslim men are terrified of giving their women a chance to control their own lives. If and when women’s liberation hits islam the battle will be brutal.

This generally stipulates that a girl inherits half of what her brother gets. Women’s groups have long protested against the disparity and demanded equal rights.
-The should also have the right to marry who they want and as an adult not a child.

Teacher Claims Muslim Governors Sacked Her

12 April, 2008

‘Muslim governors hatched race campaign to force me out’, says ex-head sacked for being Islamophobic
By LAURA CLARK and SAM GREENHILL – 11th April 2008

A headmistress who claims Muslim governors drove her out of their school with a campaign of harassment and false accusations of Islamophobia is suing council bosses for £250,000.

Erica Connor, 56, says the governors accused her of anti-Muslim prejudice and repeatedly questioned her policies on religious education lessons and assemblies.

She says there was a ‘hidden agenda’ among some governors.

For more than a year, she claims, she suffered rudeness and aggression at governors’ meetings and challenges to her authority which culminated in a petition branding her racist and demanding her sacking.

The anonymous petition was circulated among residents near New Monument School, a non-denominational primary serving a mainly Muslim area of Woking, Surrey.

In papers lodged at county court, Mrs Connor claims Surrey County Council failed to stop the harassment.

She went on long-term sick leave in late 2005 before being permanently laid off and now lives in France, unlikely to return to teaching.


Muslim incompetence saves lives in the UK.

12 April, 2008

This provides a little more background on pious muslims going about their personal jihad while living and working in the UK. Maybe the stress of living a seemingly normal life of hiding your intentions at work, at school, with your fake friends, co-workers and plotting to murder them all in secret is too much for the average jihadi. No doubt after the press finishes with all the finger pointing and the courts are finished with minor punishments the Brits will order a study. They will attempt to ease the burden on the jihadi in their communities and think of a cleaver way to help them. UK/EU tax dollars could be spent on state manufactured car bombs and muslims could just pick them up at their leisure.

Until now the Brits have been semi successful at appeasing the jihadi bound British citizens, very liberal immigration policy thanks to the EU, very light travel restrictions, any muslim who wants to travel to a terror training camp is free to go. Extremely light punishment for the few muslims found committing a crime (wrist slap for child rape etc). Freely letting muslims ignore UK law, multiple wives, child brides, sexual torture of your own daughter its all good. Life in the UK will be even better for muslims when the remaining old school Brits are replaced, murdered or enslaved with the help of even more jihadi influenced minions of mohammed. Don’t worry Brits, they are coming and in increasingly larger numbers. Keep sleeping, its all good.

As this article, clearly show even educated muslims in the UK with successful careers are feeling the stress of trying to contain all those older British citizens who do not understand the jihad. The stress on the muslim community is making them sloppy. The incompetence of the would be murdering muslim minions is understandable and should be forgiven. Stay the course let them off lightly so they can continue their work.

(Note to readers: I lost faith in the British long ago, it should never have gotten this far and the solution is right in front of their faces: leave the EU. Make new laws and turn this around or surrender. You will get zero sympathy from me. Your own leaderships incompetence caused this and yours let them do it)

Paul Cheston, 11 April, 2008, Courts Correspondent

The full details of how hundreds of clubbers escaped death in the West End last summer were revealed at the Old Bailey today.

Two car bombs packed with explosives and gas cylinders failed to go off only because of a technical failing.

One was positioned outside the Tiger Tiger club filled with 556 clubbers and dozens of staff and a second farther down Haymarket. The court heard how bombers tried to trigger the devices with their mobile phones but the fume-filled cars failed to ignite.

Today, Sabeel Ahmed, 26, an Indianborn doctor of Liverpool, pleaded guilty to failing to disclose information relating to an act of terrorism. Hewas sentenced to 18 months imprisonment but, because of time served since his arrest, he will be released for immediate voluntary repatriation to India.
-Where he can continue to help jihadi.

Sabeel’s brother Kafeel, who had a doctorate in engineering, had planted the bombs and also led an attempted car bombing at Glasgow Airport the day after the Haymarket attack.
-A doctorate in engineering and he can not build a working bomb, I would laugh but this is not funny.

Kafeel died of his injuries after he drove his car bomb into the airport terminal building. Once again a technical fault prevented a huge loss of life.
-I hope he suffered greatly and saw a glimpse of hell just before he joined mohammed there.

Two other doctors, Mohammed Asha and Bilal Abdulla, are alleged to have been responsible for all three car bombs and will stand trial in October.
-And don’t think convictions are a done deal. A few muslims in the jury could free them.

Jonathan Laidlaw QC, prosecuting, told the court today that Kafeel and others had planned bomb attacks across Britain, at “clubs and places of entertainment where the devastating effect and loss of life would be the greatest”.

The bombers used two Mercedes bought in Warrington and Sheffield and constructed the homemade devices in a bomb factory in Paisley, Scotland.
-Just in case a radical old school Brits gets any ideas, muslims are praying in “great numbers” every Friday. Not that I would encourage a tit for tat response but they will be there – I’m just sayin… (more…)

Serbs Stripped of Organs by Ethnic Albanians During Kosovo War?

11 April, 2008

If true, it certainly does considerable damage to the claims made by the ethnic Albanian’s Muslim population that they were innocent in all of this:

H/T – Warner

Serb prisoners ‘were stripped of their organs in Kosovo war’

By Harry de Quetteville in Berlin and Malcolm Moore in Rome
11/04/2008 –

Serb prisoners had their internal organs removed and sold by ethnic Albanians during the Kosovo war, according to allegations in a new book by the world’s best known war crimes prosecutor.

Carla Del Ponte, who stepped down in January as chief prosecutor at the Hague tribunal for crimes committed in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, said investigators found a house suspected of being a laboratory for the illegal trade.

A senior adviser to Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s prime minister and a leading member of the Kosovo Liberation Army which is accused of benefiting from the trade, yesterday denied the allegations.

“These are horrible things even to imagine,” said Bekim Collaku. “But this is a product of her [Miss Del Ponte’s] imagination.”

Miss Del Ponte reports that the allegations were made by several sources, one of whom “personally made an organ delivery” to an Albanian airport for transport abroad, and “confirmed information directly gathered by the tribunal”.

According to the sources, senior figures in the Kosovo Liberation Army were aware of the scheme, in which hundreds of young Serbs were allegedly taken by truck from Kosovo to northern Albania where their organs were removed. Miss Del Ponte provides grim details of the alleged organ harvesting, and of how some prisoners were sewn up after having kidneys removed.

“The victims, deprived of a kidney, were then locked up again, inside the barracks, until the moment they were killed for other vital organs. In this way, the other prisoners were aware of the fate that awaited them, and according to the source, pleaded, terrified, to be killed immediately,” Miss Del Ponte writes.

The claims in The Hunt: Me and War Criminals have renewed tensions between Serbia and its former province of Kosovo, which declared independence two months ago. In it, the Swiss ex-prosecutor reveals how her efforts to bring alleged war criminals to justice were stymied by lack of co-operation from all sides – Serb, Albanian and even Nato. But it is her report of the organ traffic that has caused most shock, even in a region long hardened to horror.

Vladan Batic, Serbia’s former justice minister, said: “If her allegations are true, then this is the most monstrous crime since the times of Mengele, and it must be made a priority, not only of the domestic judiciary but also of the Hague Tribunal.” The book reports a visit by Hague tribunal investigators to a house south of the Albanian town of Burrel where they found traces of blood across a wide area, as well as medical equipment.
