Archive for 5 May, 2008

Saudi propaganda distances them from extremism

5 May, 2008

A laughable continuation of the saudi attempt to paint islam in a favorable light and distance islam from the extremism at the core of islam.

6 May, 2008, The Daily Times
The ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan, HE Mr Ali S Awadh Asseri, in an interview given to Daily Times, has made some thought-provoking remarks on the state of the Muslim mind that need to be dwelt upon. Correctly, he said that there was a need to revisit “the logic behind the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq” and engage the fighting sides there in dialogue. He spoke of Muslim extremism in the same context: “Those few who are engaged in their nefarious effort to promote the cult of extremism and violence are heretics and deviants. They must be controlled through a combined effort of all peace-loving nations of the world”.
-Those few hundred thousand jihadi and their supporters do tend to cause a ruckus. The saudi’s really wouldn’t mind but the non stop terror attacks, the continual exposure of muslim crimes is getting increasingly hard to explain away. The sky-high fuel prices do not help, it makes people take notice. Many more people are starting to wake up. I hear people talking about islam more and more.

Of course, the world knows about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But those who think clearly separate the two wars on the basis of the sanction behind the two invasions and it is the extremist who equates the two to whip up immoderate emotion that has never benefited the Muslims. The war in Iraq has been analysed and the neocon administration of President George W Bush has been found guilty of having made a trespass into the region on false pretences. But if we are to get at the root of the current Muslim mind we must also look into the war of Saddam Hussein against Iran. And blaming the United States will not do this time.
-Nice switch, he starts bashing the US and Bush and retracts it to focus briefly on muslims and ends with a lead up to later Bush bashing. No wonder this clown is in politics. (more…)


5 May, 2008

By Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. May 5, 2008, 710 KNUS

Even Americans knowledgeable about Europe’s growing accommodation to the totalitarian ideology known alternatively as Islamism, jihadism or Islamofascism tend smugly to believe the same thing can’t happen here. Think again. Every day, new evidence appears of similar acts of submission – the Islamists call it “dhimmitude” – on the part of the U.S. government, judges, the press and leading corporations.

Eurabia, meet the United States of Amerabia.

On May 4, an ominous alarm was sounded in a Pajamas Media column by Youssef Ibrahim, a former New York Times reporter. Ibrahim is an astute critic of the Islamists’ steady, tireless and increasingly effective efforts to impose – on Muslims and non-Muslims alike – the repressive theo-political-legal agenda they call Shariah law. He warned that “In the very real war on terror, a noisy squabble over ‘fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here’ clouds a simple truth: namely, that ‘they’ are here already. Indeed, Islamists are busy constructing a wing of jihad in America’s backyard.”

Among the most worrisome of the “they” now operating inside the United States are various front organizations systematically established by the Islamist organization known as the Ikhwan, or Muslim Brotherhood. During last year’s federal trial of the Holy Land Foundation on terrorism-financing charges, the government introduced into evidence the names of many scores of such Ikhwan fronts. Identified also as unindicted co-conspirators were virtually every one of the most prominent Muslim-American organizations, including notably the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Prosecutors also presented what amounts to a Brotherhood mission statement. According to a memorandum produced by the group in 1991: “The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers.”

To be clear, this is not the agenda of all Muslims, certainly not all American Muslims. Yet, we cannot safely ignore the fact that followers of the Muslim Brotherhood are among those who do have such an outcome as their goal – let alone allow our “hands” to contribute to its realization. (more…)

Philly Cop Killers Allegedly Carrying “Muslim-Style Clothing”

5 May, 2008

Hmmm…  There might be more to this story than the MSM is reporting…

Report: Suspect held in Philly cop killing

Published: May 5, 2008

PHILADELPHIA, May 5 (UPI) — One person has been arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a police officer during a weekend bank robbery in Philadelphia.

Sources told The Philadelphia Inquirer that Levon Warner, a journeyman boxer in the Philadelphia area, was in custody and had implicated two alleged accomplices in the Saturday slaying of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.

The suspect who pulled the trigger, Howard Cain, was killed in the robbery. A third suspect identified as Eric Floyd, 33, was at large Monday.

Liczbinski, who would have turned 40 Tuesday, was shot several times with an assault rifle as he followed the suspects from scene of the robbery

The Inquirer said the three suspects had all served time in prison and were allegedly carrying wigs and Muslim-style clothing to use as disguises.

Barroso: Islam Today is Part of Europe

5 May, 2008

Yeah…  Maybe it would bring it all home if he had said, “Terrorist today are part of Europe…”

Barroso: Islam is part of Europe

BRUSSELS , May 5: The President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, underlined here Monday that Islam is part and parcel of Europe and he also condemned the concept of clash of civilisations.

“Islam today is part of Europe. It is important to understand this.One should not see Islam as outside Europe. We already have an important presence of Islam and Muslims among our citizens,” Barroso told a press conference this afternoon after an informal dialogue between EU leaders and around twenty high-level representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam in Europe.

“We can be a European citizen being a Christian, being Jewish or Muslim or having no religion,” he noted.

On his part, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr.Mustafa Ceric, said Islam is indeed part of Europe but unfortunately Turkey is not yet part of Europe.

“Following this logic Europe has to prove that Islam is part of Europe by not delaying the acceptance of Turkey to the EU,” Ceric told the joint press conference.


Taliban Getting Cocky

5 May, 2008

The non-interference policy along the Afghan-Pakistani border and the so-called “peace talks” between Pakistan and the Tribal Leaders has created a safe haven that has led to a resurgence of the Taliban.  It’s high time we ignore the Pakistani government and clean up house…

Grow beards or face punishment: Taliban

Islamabad, May 5: The Taliban have asked men in Pakistan’s northwestern Bajaur tribal region to grow beards within two months or face punishment.

Senior Pakistani Taliban leaders told a gathering of tribesmen at a mosque in Bajaur, which borders Afghanistan, that they would be punished under Islamic laws if they did not follow their instructions.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s deputy chief Maulvi Faqir Muhammad and spokesman Maulvi Omar, while addressing the gathering on Sunday, warned men in the tribal areas to be careful and avoid shaving beards.

They set a deadline of two months for men to grow their beards. After this period, they said, strict action would be taken against violators.

It is the responsibility of every Muslim to follow Islamic principles, people who attended the meeting quoted the Taliban leaders as saying.

Barbers in Bajaur and other tribal regions have received warning letters from militants on several occasions to stop shaving men. However, this was the first public warning from senior Taliban leaders.

Several barbers have put up signs in their shops, asking men not to force them to shave their beards.

The instructions for men to grow beards are similar to those issued by the Taliban when they were ruling Afghanistan.

The Taliban are also suspected to be behind attacks on girls’ schools and shops selling music and movies across northwestern Pakistan.

A girls’ school in the scenic Swat valley in the North West Frontier Province was set afire by militants yesterday.

The threats have come at a time when Pakistan’s new government has launched an initiative to hold peace talks with militants in the restive tribal areas.

Voting irregularities in Guam’s Democratic Caucus?

5 May, 2008


Who is cheating in Dededo?
By Soren Dayton –

Lemme get this straight. Barack Obama wins the Guam caucus by 7 votes after the final precinct takes 13 hours to count 822 votes out of about 1400 cast, and insufficient ballots were delivered to that precinct.

What’s that quote? “If it’s not close they can’t cheat.” Did Obama cheat to win? Or did Clinton try and fail?

Read on for the details.

First, Obama seems to win by just enough:

While Obama led for the vast majority of the night’s tallying, Clinton needed a strong finish in the municipality of Dededo, Guam’s most populous village. And she did – gaining 61% of the 822 votes counted by the Democratic Party of Guam.

Second, CNN reported, “[r]oughly 1,400 votes remain to be tallied in Dededo, about 27 percent of all votes cast in this party-run primary.”

Third. Only 822 of about 1,400 votes were counted. What happened there? And why did it take 13 hours to count those votes?And it took the pollworkers in Dededo a total of 13 hours to count them. When it was over, Clinton won the village by 196 votes; 8 shy. Obama took Guam 2,264 to 2,257.”

Fourth, there weren’t enough ballots due to high turnout … even though only half the ballots were counted.

More than 8,100 were printed in response to reports of shortages at precinct sites. But when the final tally came in, only a little over 4,500 ballots were used

Sounds pretty fishy.

Taliban Torch Girls School in Pakistan

5 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros
Militants burn down girls’ school in north-west Pakistan
By DPA – From Monsters and

Peshawar – A high school for girls in Pakistan’s north-west Swat district was largely destroyed after militants set it ablaze in an overnight raid, police and officials said on Sunday.

Around 50 rebels entered the school in the conflict-hit Charbagh area, located some 150 kilometres from the city of Peshawar, shortly after Saturday’s midnight and used petrol bombs to destroy the library and nine other rooms in the building, the police said.

‘The masked men directed me to remove all the copies of Koran (the holy book of Islamic religion) and then set the school on fire,’ a watchman, Toti Gul, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

The militants also planted homemade bombs in the school’s science laboratory; however, they did not go off and were later defused by a bomb disposal squad, the watchman said.

A number of attacks on girls’ schools have been reported in the past and these were believed to be carried out by pro-Taliban fighters commanded by a local radical cleric, Maulana Fazlullah.

Pakistani military launched a massive operation against the pro- Taliban militants in the picturesque mountain district late last year to flush Fazlullah’s supporters out of several key towns and villages.

However, now there is a lull in direct clashes between the rebels and the military as the government has launched peace talks with the insurgents.

‘The militants were bold enough to stay at the school for at least 20 minutes to see the building burn out,’ Gul said.
