Archive for 17 May, 2008

The Endangered Liberal

17 May, 2008

Wow, the freelance author, Daniel Greenfield,  is something else!  He managed to do what I could never figure out how to do; He somehow managed to write a solid, humorous article that touches on just about every hot topic out there in the world today – From Islamo-Nazism to polar bears!  Say what you want, but them freelancers can be mighty crafty when they want to…  Of course, I’m pretty sure a Canadian beer or two may have been harmed in the making of the following article:

H/T – Matamoros, who also provided the photo and the caption below it:

“Phew!, that’s a relief; they had me quite worried there for a while. Be a sweetie and grab us another warm beer will ya luv ?……and while yer at it, some walrus chips to eat while I watch the ice hockey on TV.”

Islamic Terrorism vs Global Warming
Don’t Pity the Polar Bear, Pity the Endangered Liberal

By Daniel Greenfield –Canada Free Press

Unlike the Egyptian Copt, the Iranian Bahai, the Kashmiri Hindu, the Kosovo Serb, the moderate Muslim or the Gaza Jew– the Polar Bear is not an endangered species. Unlike even the native Londoner or Parisian who still speaks his or her native tongue and attends a church rather than a mosque, the Polar Bear isn’t even threatened.

The Polar Bear population has actually been on the rise and while theoretical climate change computer models may claim that the Polar Bear will be in trouble– all told the Polar has it pretty good.

For one thing, unlike the threatened populations mentioned above, the Polar Bear can fairly safely cross from floe to floe without expecting to encounter a suicide bomber, an Iranian missile, or some hate imprinted denizen of the Middle East who has been fasting for a month and thinks Polar Bears are an abomination unless draped in black sackcloth.

That is the Polar Bear is fairly safe because unlike the rest of us, it lives far up North and well away from any major Islamic population centers, which are the real threat. While liberals have been vociferously insisting that the “mythical” threat of terrorism cooked up by Karl Rove in an ideological laboratory somewhere with a Bunsen Burner and a team of cooking experts is no match for the “real threat” of Global Warming, the casualty tolls from Islamic Terrorism vs Global Warming would testify otherwise.

I would not pity the Polar Bear myself. For one thing he is better adapted to dealing with the real world than the liberals who would protect him are.

When a Polar Bear is attacked, he does not blame himself for the attack or agonize over whether he has any right to defend himself or not. He does not agonize over whether his species has any right to exist or wonder why his attackers hate him. As such it is likely that Polar Bears will outlive Western liberals, once the latter have succeed in finally decimating the societies they live in and the civil and military elements that protect them from the consequences of their own suicidally willful stupidities– of which declaring the Polar Bear an endangered species is only a minor footnote.

If Liberals had any sense at all, instead of placing Polar Bears on the endangered species list, they should be placing themselves there. After all the number of countries and places, habitats if you will, where one can be an Atheist, a Homosexual, mock religion, draw cartoons, engage in transgressive performance art or demand that your country surrender to the enemy is rapidly shrinking. It doesn’t take a computer model to estimate that the number of places where one can successfully be a liberal will continue going down as countries grow more and more Islamically oriented.

Polar Bears could better survive moving to Pasadena than Liberals could survive under an Islamic regime. But of course Polar Bears deserve protection far more than Western Dhimmitude Liberals do. After all the Polar Bears are not actively destroying their own habitats, attacking the people who are trying to protect them or otherwise ensuring their own destruction.

Ultimately the worst thing about the liberal agenda is that like a virus it is self-destructive, undermining even the conditions for its own existence. In limited doses liberalism can keep a society honest. In unlimited doses it sends the society into toxic shock.

More liberalism only produces the civil pollution that is a case of Liberalism frantically injecting the toxin that will kill it first and foremost. No Polar Bear would ever be that stupid.

Al-Qaeda in Yemen Threatens Attacks Against Infidels in Arab Lands

17 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Threat on non-Muslims in Arabian Peninsula

DUBAI (Agencies): An al-Qaeda Yemeni wing threatened attacks on Thursday across the Arabian Peninsula against non-Muslim foreigners including tourists and journalists. “We warn you not to enter the Arabian Peninsula under any name or cover be it as tourists, diplomats, scientists, experts or journalists; you will be a primary target for the mujahideen,” al-Qaeda in the South of the Arabian Peninsula said in the editorial of its e-magazine. “We stand absolved from (the rights) of any infidel who has entered the Arabian Peninsula. (Targeting) their blood and money are religiously right,” it said in reference to non-Muslim foreigners, whom al-Qaeda calls infidels. Al-Qaeda-linked militants in neighbouring Saudi Arabia have waged attacks on Western targets but appear to have been weakened due to a security crackdown. Yemen has seen a surge in small attacks on government buildings and foreign embassies in recent weeks.

In April, an al-Qaeda-linked group said it fired three mortar rounds at a complex housing Americans and other Westerners in Sanaa. No one was hurt. The attack was aimed at expelling infidels from the Arabian Peninsula, home to Islam’s holiest sites, it said. In March, a school near the US embassy was hit by mortars injuring 13 girls and five Yemeni soldiers in an attack Washington said was aimed at its mission. Al-Qaeda in the South of the Arabian Peninsula said it would not uphold any treaties between the government of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and any other country. “Our sheikh … Osama bin Laden had made you an offer but you have ignored the truce,” it said. “No one can seek to be secure unless through permission from the sheikh of Islam, the renovator, Osama bin Laden,” it said.


Islamic Squatter: “I explode when I look at myself like this…”

17 May, 2008

Islamic Squatter on the subject of violence and revenge:

We Arabs have been like that since the day we were born,” says another victim of the violence, Abu Mohammed, as he lays paralysed in a hospital in Ramallah. “I know the man who did this to me and it is now my life’s ambition to do the same to him.”

Now, you might be thinking that he is talking about those darn Evil Zionist Jooooos, but it seems he is more upset with Hamas than Israel:

H/T – Matamoros

Palestinian victims of Hamas swear revenge

Martin Chulov, Middle East correspondent | May 17, 2008

The Australian

SHADI Bakr Ahmad gingerly eased his legless torso into two new plastic limbs and vowed they would one day walk him back to his brutal destiny in Gaza.

The Fatah man and his 14 comrades in rehabilitation have barely six legs left between them, after being mutilated by their Hamas rivals during the violent takeover of power last June. All have unfinished business: they want to get back on their makeshift feet soon to hunt down the men who maimed them.

An agreement to be announced this weekend between Israel and Egypt, acting on behalf of the rulers of Gaza, means the former soldiers may soon get their wish.

If, as expected, Israel signs off on the offer of a six-month truce, the gates of Gaza will be opened for the first time in 11 months – and Ahmad and his loyalists will be sent to man them, keeping Hamas far from the border fences.

The deal is supposed to herald better times for Gaza’s war-ravaged 1.4 million people, most of whom have been unable to leave since Hamas took outright control and have ever since craved a taste of life without death and mayhem.


Obama Met Secretly with Controversial Imam this Past Week in Michiganistan

17 May, 2008

I’m not quite sure how a private meeting is considered a ‘secret,’  but I’m sure ER will have some interesting comments on this topic:


Obama Met Secretly With Shady Imam in Michigan This Week

Barack Obama met secretly with a controversial Imam this week in Michigan.
Imam Hassan Qazwini has hosted Louis Farrakhan at his mosque and is close to the Hezbollah Spiritual Leader who issued the fatwa to blow up 300 U.S. Marines and embassy officials in 1983.

Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, met privately with Sen. Barack Obama at Macomb Community College on May 14, 2008. (Detroit Free Press)

Imam Hassan Qazwini met privately with Senator Barack Obama this week in Michigan.

The Detroit Free Press reported:

A Muslim leader from Dearborn met privately with Sen. Barack Obama during his Wednesday visit to Michigan.

Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America, said in an email that he met with Obama at Macomb Community College. A mosque spokesman, Eide Alawan, confirmed that the meeting took place. During the meeting, the two discussed the Presidential election, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Iraq war, according to Qazwini.

At the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” (his book on why Islam is good for America) and invited Obama to visit his center.

The meeting with Obama came about after Qazwini had asked David Bonior, the former U.S. Rep. from Michigan, if he could meet with Obama during his visit. Qazwini was not selected to be part of a group of 20 people who met with Obama, but Qazwini later got a private meeting with Obama, Alawan said.

Click HERE to read the rest of this post at GATEWAY PUNDIT

Brigitte Gabriel Petitions Congress to Investigate Islamic Literature in U.S. Mosques

17 May, 2008


Misunderstander of Islam Calls on Suicide Bombers to Use Nuclear Bombs

17 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Jordanian Professor Advocates Suicide Terrorists Use Nuke Bombs

by Hana Levi Julian

( Jordanian University lecturer Ibrahim Alloush recommended on Al-Jazeera television this week that suicide bombers be equipped with small nuclear bombs.

According to a transcript provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Dr. Alloush said, “Whoever managed to get a martyrdom-seeker into Dimona, should consider how to get martyrdom-seekers into Dimona and elsewhere armed with non-conventional explosives – and perhaps even small nuclear bombs,” he stated. “We should think in this direction.”

Alloush lived for 13 years in the United States, earning graduate degrees at Ohio University and Oklahoma State University, where he earned a doctorate in economics.

As the editor of the “Free Arab Voice”, he was jailed by the Jordanian government in 2003 for incitement, after publishing an article saying there were American bases in Jordan “taking part in the aggression against Iraq.”
