Archive for 20 June, 2008

Iran ready to die if Israel attacks

20 June, 2008

Despite their bravado iran knows they can not fight back effectively. Sure they will try and a few minor terror attacks would gain tons of publicity but if attacked iran’s military would fall quicker than a liberal in a moshpit.

by Aresu Eqbali Fri Jun 20, 12:34 PM ET
TEHRAN (AFP) – Tehran Friday warned its arch-enemy Israel of a “strong blow” if it takes forceful measures, after the US media reported military exercises by the Jewish state were a possible practice for a strike against Iran.
-yawn, no really I am terrified, ackmynadsareinajar is coming.

“If enemies especially Israelis and their supporters in the United States would want to use a language of force, they should rest assured that they will receive a strong blow in the mouth,” senior cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said in his Friday prayers sermon.
-Bring it motor mouth.

Khatami, whose speech was broadcast live on state radio, stressed that the Iranian nation’s mentality was “to fight foreigners.”

“Given this mentality, if you make a hostile look at the Islamic Iran, you will witness such a united roar by our nation that it will definitely make you regret any vicious move forever,” the conservative cleric added.

A Friday report by the New York Times cited US officials as saying that a major military exercise carried out by Israel earlier this month seemed to be a practice for any potential strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

A Pentagon official briefed on the exercise said a goal of the practice was to send a message that the Jewish state was prepared to act militarily if diplomatic efforts failed to halt Tehran’s production of bomb-grade uranium. (more…)

Federal Authorities Investigate Australian Woman Threatening Jihad in YouTube Video

20 June, 2008

Woman in terror footage
Mark Dunn
June 21, 2008 –

FEDERAL authorities will investigate a suspected hoax internet video of a young Australian woman threatening jihad.

The woman, who gives her name as Zahra, says she was inspired by Sheik Haron and will join the army of Islam jihad in a “war against oppression”.

Sheik Haron, a self-proclaimed Muslim scholar, has been linked to previous scandals and outbursts, including sending letters to parents of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Despite believing the video is a hoax, authorities take the threats from the woman seriously and charges could be brought.

Australian Federal Police and ASIO are investigating the case.


Large Weapons Cache found in Egypt

20 June, 2008

Gee, it seems that someone is preparing to break that much touted “truce” between Israel and Hamas.  And, I’m pretty sure it is not the Israelis…

Egypt finds large weapons cache in Sinai mountains

EL-ARISH, Egypt (AFP) — Egyptian authorities on Friday found a large cache of weapons and explosives hidden in the mountains of the Sinai peninsula, a security official told AFP.

North Sinai authorities found “25 anti-aircraft missiles, 12 anti-personnel and anti-armour grenades, eight mortars, as well as five surface to surface and surface to air missiles,” the official said.

“A large number of gun barrels and large amounts of detonators used for explosives and mines were also found,” the official added.

He said authorities had received information that arms dealers in the area were extracting explosive material from ammunition left over from the Arab-Israeli wars.

Israel and the United States have repeatedly accused Egypt of not doing enough to stop arms smuggling into the Gaza Strip, which has been under the control of Islamist group Hamas for a year. The charges have been vehemently denied by Cairo.

Arizona Sheriff Faces Onslaught of Criticism from the Re-Conquistadors

20 June, 2008

It would appear that my favorite sheriff, Joe Arpaio, is once again stirring up the Liberal honey-pot by just merely enforcing our Immigration Laws…

Lawman’s raids on immigrants spark fury in Phoenix
By David Schwartz

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Frustrated by a steady flow of illegal Mexican immigrants into Arizona, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has decided to take matters into his own hands.

Arpaio dispatches teams of sheriff’s deputies into Hispanic communities where they stop people and arrest anyone who cannot prove he or she is a legal U.S. resident.

Now he faces an onslaught of criticism from Hispanic activists, local lawmakers and the Phoenix mayor, who call his crackdown on immigrants a clear case of racial profiling in which only people who look Hispanic are targeted.

“What right does a mayor or a police chief, or anyone like that, have to tell me what my priorities are?” Arpaio said in a recent interview. “I’m the elected sheriff. I tell them what their priorities are.”

But Mary Rose Wilcox, a county supervisor and longtime Hispanic activist says, “All he is doing is going after everybody with a brown face.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind that this is racial profiling. None.”

Across the country, state and local officials have taken steps to curb illegal immigration. More than 240 immigration-related measures were passed last year.

Arpaio says he has received an outpouring of support for his effort in the form of letters and donations of about $25,000 from the public to help fund the initiative.


Fight the Smears!!!

20 June, 2008

SMEAR: The Lie: Doctor Bulldog is hiding his birth certificate because he doesn’t want anyone to know his real name!

TRUTH: Doctor Bulldog has been upfront that his REAL last-name is “Bigjowels.” You can see his birth certificate below.

Spread the Truth!

[Click on Image to Enlarge]

Note: As we were reading the debates on both sides of the fence concerning the authenticity or lack thereof concerning Barack H. Obama’s birth certificate, it became obvious that no other bloggers have even attempted to duplicate a forged Hawaiian birth certificate in an effort to either confirm or cast aspersions on the authenticity of Barack Obama’s supposed birth certificate.

Now, I’m no graphics professional, but I did this in about an hour! Most of the time was wasted just playing around with all the cool tools in Photoshop.

If I can do it, ANYONE can! In fact, I’m including a BLANK Certificate HERE for all of you to have a crack at it and see how easy it is. Be sure to email your creations to Ronin and I for a bit of fun.

BTW – the font used by whoever forged the original Obama certificate in Photoshop is Arial, Regular, 4 point, Smooth. If you want to duplicate the artifacing (or pixelation?) seen under magnification around the characters in Obama’s forgery, just use the “Add Noise” Filter settings – I used the default setting of 12.5 but probably should have tweaked it a little higher to exactly duplicate the setting used on Obama’s forgery; maybe I’ll play with it later… Also, you might try using a more purplish-black color for the font…

Yup, now that I’ve been able to duplicate this, (especially the artifacing) I’m pretty damn sure that the Birth Certificate presented on “” is a FORGERY!

So, what gives? Why try to pass off an obvious forgery? What’s so hard about posting THE REAL McCoy? And, why all the lies?

WWIII Technology Update: 30 MAV’s Heading to Iraq

20 June, 2008

Oh yes!  I have just got to get me one of them bad boys!
Army’s Drones of the ‘Future’ Head to Iraq, Now

By Noah Shachtman – Wired Blog

The Defense Secretary and Congress have been pounding on the Army, to start showing some results from its massive modernization project, Future Combat Systems. The Army is getting the message, sending a platoon of Future Combat’s flying robots to Iraq, immediately.

30 of the Micro Air Vehicles, or MAVs, “are on their way to Baghdad two weeks from now,” Future Combat Systems program manager Maj. Gen. Charles Cartwright tells Defense News.

Unlike other small drones — which fly like miniature airplanes — the MAVs use ducted fans to float in the air. Hovering in one place, they can stare down with “electro­optical and infrared cameras, and soon will have a gimbal-mounted camera and a laser designator,” Defense News notes.

Pressure from Congress and from the E-Ring may not be the only bureaucratic push to put the MAV on the Sandbox Express. There’s also a bit of an inter-service rivalry surrounding the drones. The Navy announced back in January that their bomb technicians would use the 18-inch high, 40-pound machines look out for roadside explosives. (The MAVs were originally developed in a joint service program, and were only later sucked into Future Combat Systems.)


Creeping Sharia Alert: Islamic Law Infests Britain

20 June, 2008

No, Islam doesn’t blend in with society. It makes a society blend in to its rigid 7th century barbarism:

Islamic law plays a role in British legal system
Muslims can seek rulings on family or property issues from Sharia councils, which work in cooperation with the civil courts.
By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 20, 2008

LONDON — It was a clear case of irreconcilable differences.

The wife said there was no love left in the marriage, she wanted a divorce. The husband insisted that she had been put under the influence of a taweez, a talisman, that had erased her affections for him. He refused to divorce.

“The husband says he has been pushed away from his home because of this taweez business,” said Sheik Haitham al-Haddad, a judge in North London’s Sharia council, a panel of Muslim scholars gathered in a back room of London’s biggest mosque to determine whether the woman should be granted a divorce under Islamic law.

For British Muslims, many of whom have one foot in Piccadilly Circus and the other in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Somalia, the British legal system is available, as it is to all. But it is singularly impotent when it comes to civil issues such as marriage, divorce and other disputes whose dispensation in heaven is often perceived as more crucial than any ruling that might be handed down by an English judge in a horsehair wig.

A tumultuous debate was set off in Britain this year when the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said it was time to consider “crafting a just and constructive relationship between Islamic law and the statutory law of the United Kingdom.” Eventually, he hinted, this could mean allowing Britain’s 1.8 million Muslims to seek legal recourse in Islamic courts in certain limited cases, such as marriage and divorce, as an alternative to the civil court system.

Little known to the general public, though, is that Sharia is quietly being applied every day in Britain, via Sharia councils that dispense Islamic civil justice in more than half a dozen mosques across the country.


Ex-BNP Activist Converted to Islam is Trying to Radicalise Prisoners

20 June, 2008

No surprise here, but it’s worth repeating:

Muslim convert ‘recruits’ inmates
By Sally Chidzoy
BBC East Home Affairs Correspondent

A former British National Party activist who converted to Islam in prison is trying to radicalise young prisoners, the BBC can reveal.

Inmate Stephen Jones is being held in a segregation unit at Whitemoor Prison, Cambridgeshire, the BBC has been told.

Jones was put there after being suspected of recruiting for groups allied to al-Qaeda.

The case has raised concerns that some radical Muslims are using prisons as a recruiting ground.

The BBC has been told that Jones has been held in segregation at Whitemoor for about three weeks with two other Muslim prisoners.

Sources have told the BBC he was caught attempting to radicalise a number of fellow inmates after he himself converted to Islam.

‘Potential threat’

The BBC understands that intelligence sources believe that he is being paid by an al-Qaeda-influenced group.

It is thought to be the first time that an inmate has been punished by being held in segregation for activities of this kind.

When Whitemoor Prison opened in 1992, 14% of its prisoners were Muslim, now the figure is about 30%, the BBC has learnt.
