Archive for August 2008

Extremism still found in Britain’s mosques

31 August, 2008

A long read but an important one. Many people want to believe that somewhere there really are a few muslim moderates. Muslims who want to live and let live, without conflict and in peace and acceptance of others. The problem with that pie in the sky mentality is bigger than the lack of any supporting evidence such a muslim was ever born. The real problem with islam is bigger than the violence it encourages. Other less obvious problems are the subjugation of women, children, hatred of non-muslims and the blatant disregard for individual rights and freedoms. I am still waiting for the mythological muslim moderate to appear and name those inside their mosque preaching or participating in muslim extremism.

I am going to have to wait for a long, long, long time.

Sara Hassan, 31 Aug, 2008, The Telegraph
Britain’s leading Muslim bodies say they are fighting extremism. In one of our most respected mosques, Sara Hassan came face to face with hardline female preachers of separatism. Here, she reports on the shocking results of her investigation.
-Sara (not her real name) is risking it all to save what is left of Britain. Although she is attempting to show a difference between moderates and non-moderate muslims, she fails to do so.

In a large balcony above the beautiful main hall at Regent’s Park Mosque in London – widely considered the most important mosque in Britain – I am filming undercover as the woman preacher gives her talk.

What should be done to a Muslim who converts to another faith? “We kill him,” she says, “kill him, kill, kill…You have to kill him, you understand?”

Adulterers, she says, are to be stoned to death – and as for homosexuals, and women who “make themselves like a man, a woman like a man … the punishment is kill, kill them, throw them from the highest place”.

These punishments, the preacher says, are to be implemented in a future Islamic state. “This is not to tell you to start killing people,” she continues. “There must be a Muslim leader, when the Muslim army becomes stronger, when Islam has grown enough.”

A young female student from the group interrupts her: the punishment should also be to stone the homosexuals to death, once they have been thrown from a high place.

These are teachings I never expected to hear inside Regent’s Park Mosque, which is supposedly committed to interfaith dialogue and moderation, and was set up more than 60 years ago, to represent British Muslims to the Government. And many of those listening were teenage British girls or, even more disturbingly, young children.
-She never expected to hear it, I on the other hand would have been shocked to hear anything else.

My investigation for Channel 4’s Dispatches came after last year’s Undercover Mosque, which investigated claims that teachings of intolerance and fundamentalism were spreading through Britain’s mosques from the Saudi Arabian religious establishment – which is closely linked to the Saudi Arabian government.

In response, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia denied it was spreading intolerance, while Regent’s Park Mosque, which featured in the film, urged all mosques to be “vigilant” and monitor what was taught on their premises.

So earlier this year, dressed in a full Islamic jilbaab, I went back to Regent’s Park Mosque to see what was being taught there. As a woman, I had to go to the main female section, where I found this circle preaching every Saturday and Sunday, eight hours at a time, to any woman who has come to pray.

The mosque is meant to promote moderation and integration. But although the circle does preach against terrorism and does not incite Muslims to break British laws, it teaches Muslims to “keep away” and segregate themselves from disbelievers: “Islam is keeping away from disbelief and from the disbelievers, the people who disbelieve.”

Friendship with non-Muslims is discouraged because “loyalty is only to the Muslim, not to the kaffir [disbeliever]”. (more…)

Red State Update: Sarah Palin Picked As McCain’s VP

30 August, 2008

Yup, the always spot on Jackie and Dunlap discuss McCain’s VP choice:

Taliban trains spiders to kill dogs

30 August, 2008

Now they have gone too far, dog murdering taliban swine. I think I understand what really happened to the dog.
29 August, 2008, Sky News
A British soldier’s family have been scared out of their own home by a dangerous spider who bit their pet dog to death.
-A hardcore taliban camel spider trainer snuck this spider back to the UK to attack one of the few remaining Brits willing to fight against muslim oppression.

The Griffiths are fighting the war at home against the giant arachnid, who was unwittingly transported back from Afghanistan in paratrooper Rodney’s luggage.
-It was hand carried by a UK muslim returning from his personal jihad.

They have already lost their beloved eight-year-old dog, Bella, to the camel spider. The family pet had to be put down after being bitten by the venomous attacker.
-Ok, let’s be fair the dastardly taliban plot only half worked. The spider failed to kill the dog but messed it up enough that it had to be euthanized. I guess even taliban spider trainers suck. (more…)

Iranian humor: World War III will break out once Iran is destroyed.

30 August, 2008

Farsi is one of those languages that does not translate well. I have corrected the piss poor translations used by the iranian propaganda machine and using my own humble analytical abilities I have included their poorly translated rants and their actual intended meaning.

30 August, 2008, IRNA
World War III will break out in case of aggression on Iran, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces for Cultural Affairs, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri said on Saturday.
-Translation: Forgive me but my crazy president ackmynadsareinajar will have me skinned alive if I do not say these things. Please, have mercy, I have four wives and twenty eight children, I need this job.

The extremist and expansionist policies of Washington and Tel Aviv which have been manifested in Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and recently in the Caucasus, have endangered the entire world.
-Translation: We have friends, many, really big ones. Hurt us and they will avenge us. I am not scared, we are mighty, they will avenge us, you should back down, where is my mother?

He reiterated that the so-called leading countries are falling and the world will soon witness great developments.
-Translation: The USA will soon have a new regime and we are doomed.

He said that Islam and the Islamic Republic call for international peace and co-existence.
“Teachings of Islam and the aspirations of the Islamic Revolution uphold peace and tranquility throughout the globe and are totally against war and escalation of tension being stirred by the US and international Zionism, he said.
-Translation: We hope we have not pushed you too far, please we beg you; do not destroy us. There were some sniffles here but I erased them out of respect for crybabies.

Jazayeri underlined the need for promotion of peace and stability in the world.
-Translation: We are scared. We are sorry and we promise to play nice.

Pakistani lawmaker defends honor killings

30 August, 2008

Just too clear things up; pakistani lawmakers are schooled in islamic law. So much for the old “its culture not islam” crap the apologists sling everywhere.

30 August, 2008 (AP)
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: A Pakistani lawmaker defended a decision by southwestern tribesmen to bury five women alive because they wanted to choose their own husbands, telling stunned members of Parliament this week to spare him their outrage.
-Every time I hear a liberal use the old tired “all religions have bad parts, line” I remind them of sharia and challenge them to find one cleric from a non islamic religion advocating murder, rape and slavery.

“These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them,” Israr Ullah Zehri, who represents Baluchistan province, said Saturday. “Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid.”
-So now we additional proof muslims measure islam against centuries-old traditions like, murder, slavery, graft and pedophilia. If it was good enough for the pedophile mohammed its good enough for today’s minions.

The women, three of whom were teenagers, were first shot and then thrown into a ditch.
They were still breathing as their bodies were covered with rocks and mud, according media reports and human rights activists, who said their only “crime” was that they wished to marry men of their own choosing.
-Well as long as they were guilty of wanting to be individuals instead of slaves, it is ok to murder them. (Sarc). (more…)

French Police Release Drawings of Suspected Rapist; The Times Online Doesn’t Publish Them

30 August, 2008

Yeah, as one of the commenters to the article said, “Can’t print a photo. Human rights etc, probably.”

This updates our previous coverage HERE

French police release photo e-fits of suspected rapist
Simon Alford –

Two photo e-fits of a man suspected of raping a UK journalism student at a camp for illegal immigrants in Calais have been distributed across France, to Interpol and the British authorities.

French police have launched an international manhunt for the attacker amid fears he has already fled the country.

They compiled the images from descriptions given by the victim, who is being comforted by the Pas-de-Calais Victim Support Association, and a witness.

The 31-year-old Canadian-born student based in London was attacked on Tuesday night as she worked on a report on the make-shift camps outside the French port, where immigrants attempting to cross the Channel gather.

The area she was in, surrounded by trees, is known as “The Jungle”.

Investigators have traces of the attacker’s DNA and his fingerprints, but they believe he may have already slipped through border controls and may even be in England.

Philippe Muller, Boulogne-sur-Mer’s vice-prosecutor, said police suspected the wanted man was a people smuggler or migrant.

He said: “We fear he may well have already gone, possibly to England or to another French port. It’s also possible he’s gone to Belgium or the Netherlands.”

The camps hold a mix of immigrants, mainly men, from African countries including Sudan, Mali and Eritrea, as well as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Officers have already questioned dozens of men at the camp following the attack.

A police spokesman said: “Conditions in the camp are very hard. The occupants’ sole aim is to secure their passage to Britain. You have to be very careful when entering these camps.

“The people there, mostly men, have an illegal status, they have no job and no home. The Jungle is a dangerous place and it’s not safe to go there.”

Ben Stein: Support The Troops Regardless of Party

29 August, 2008

allah protects Doctor Bulldog and Ronin, thanks to protective fatwa

29 August, 2008

H/t to Willie Wonked, for sending this in.

This is a response to a 2004 question from a minion to a bunch of minion puppet masters (scholars) here is the question:

Unknown minion: “Respected scholar, I’d like to know the Islamic ruling on hacking web sites that serve the American and Israeli interests on the Internet”.

Now this is important because I get tired of the spam, the death threats, and offers of marriage from trapped muslim women, along with the email scams that flood my inbox. It seems muslims for some strange reason do not like me. Anyway, this fatwa will forever more protect Doc and me from the legions of minions that harass us.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
-Ok, it starts out badly because I do not believe in “allah” but let us see where this takes us.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger.
-Whatever, – rolls eyes –

Dear questioner, Thank you for your question and for the confidence you have placed in us and we ask Allah to enable us to render this service purely for His Sake.

Indeed, the Internet is a very great tool that should be utilized to serve the interests of the Ummah and present the true image of Islam to non-Muslims. Like other weapons, the Internet should be used to defend the honor of the Muslim Ummah and attack its enemies. There is no harm in this, for it is surely a part of serving the cause of Islam.
-Ok, so the net is now a weapon. I can live with that, I do get my share of scam letters and death threats. Occasionally I do get good news, I must have won a thousand internet lotteries. (more…)

Iran Has Supplied Hezbollah with Advanced Missile Systems to Target Israel

29 August, 2008

Hey, Iran and Hezbollah, ever hear of a thing called the Hetz (Arrow) Anti-Missile System (HAMS)?  Well, besides the clever acronym aimed squarely at you moon god worshipers, it works best with long range missiles…  I look forward to seeing it in operation against your souped-up tin cans.  No doubt you will lose…

Report: Iran supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles

Roee Nahmias
08.29.08 – Israel News

Iran has supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles which can accurately hit extensive targets inside Israel, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi reported Friday, quoting Arab sources.

According to the report, the missiles will be operational at any moment Israel “thinks of acting adventurously and attacking Iran” or when the United States launches a regional war against the Tehran government.

The Arab sources said that the new missiles are capable of reaching a range “Israel cannot even imagine” and are one of the “surprises” promised by Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah.

It was also reported that the missiles were equipped with advanced navigation mechanisms, which would enable them to hit their targets in a more accurate manner.


The Muslim Council of Britain Supports Terrorism!!!

29 August, 2008

Notice how the MCB parlays this into an issue about “historical documents.”  What a load of crap.  It’s pretty darn obvious that they are really upset about Israel getting the upper hand on their beloved Al-Aqsa Foundation, a terrorist organization:

UK Muslims condemn Israeli closure of Al-Aqsa Foundation
Posted: 2008/08/29 – Mathaba

The Muslim Council of Britain `MCB` Thursday condemned Israel`s closure of the Al-Aqsa Foundation and seizure of thousands of historic documents which preserve the heritage of the Islamic and Christian sanctuaries in Jerusalem.

“We urge the British government to intervene and ensure all the confiscated documents and stolen money are returned immediately to their rightful owners,” Britain’s mainstream Muslim organization said.

“We regard the silence of the British government on these developments unhelpful and morally inexcusable,” it said following hundreds of Israeli police and security officers storming the foundation’s offices in Umm el Fahm last weekend.
