Archive for 6 September, 2008

An Update on the Flags Thrown in the Trash at the Democratic National Convention

6 September, 2008

Well, it seems that some Republican trash collectors saw all the flags carelessly trampled underfoot and tossed into the garbage at the DNC convention.  So, they made a concerted effort to dig them out of the trash and put them to good use – for John McCain’s rally today in Colorado Springs!!!!!!

One comment from a “John H.” following the article pretty much summed things up:

“Typical of Democrats to trash the flag. I am quite surprised they did not have a flag burning ceremony after the DNC convention. As an American, I am very dissappointed in the Democrat’s call to “save the planet”, yet attempt to fill our landfills with what they call trash, in this case, The American Flag.

And they wonder why MANY people question their patriotism?”

This updates our previous mention of this (with pictures) at the end of our Missouri rally report last Sunday [HERE],  where we showed the differences between Obama’s trash and McCain’s trash.

Ronin and I would just like to extend a huge, well deserved “thank you!!!!” to those REAL Americans who respected our American Flag enough to dig through tons of Obama-nation garbage to retrieve them.  Job well done!!!

Republican Recycling

by David Harsanyi on September 6, 2008
The Denver Post

This morning, Republicans tell me that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Guerrilla campaigning. They will use these flags at their own event today in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Before McCain speaks today, veterans will haul these garbage bags filled with flags out onto the stage — with dramatic effect, no doubt — and tell the story.

“What you see in the picture I sent you is less than half of total flags,” a Republican official emailed. “We estimate the total number to be around 12,000 small flags and one full size 3×5 flag.”

I’m not sure what the DNC was supposed to do with unused hand-flags, frankly. But the Republicans are obviously questioning someone’s patriotism here.

Letter to Obama from an Ex-Democrat

6 September, 2008

I had mentioned my 84-year-old grandmother’s letter to the Obamessiah in a previous post on this website.  At the time, she did not have an Internet connection to email a copy to us.

Well, she got so frustrated with Obama and the Liberal Commies that have taken over the Democratic Party (and, of course,  that hole in her pocket from buying all those stamps to mail out countless letters to politicians) that she finally couldn’t take it anymore and got hooked-up to the Web to flood the inboxes of countless politicians.  They are in for some scathing emails!

Anyway, she emailed us a copy of her much revised letter to Obama (i.e. – she toned it down).  She has given us permission to publish it here:

Senator Barack Obama
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Obama

I am an ex-Democrat woman, 84 years of age.  My parents were Democrats, so that’s what I was when I became old enough to vote. John F. Kennedy was the last Democrat I voted for. I lost respect for the Kennedy men after learning of their infidelities – then Bill Clinton who blatantly lied to the world about his relations with Monica Lewinsky, yet American people voted him to a second term. What examples for younger generations!  We’re supposed to be a Christian nation with rulers and leaders of Godly character.  Many say they are “religious”, but that’s not the same as being a Christian.

The direction you and Hillary have been trying to take America in your speeches is SOCIALISM. That’s NOT FOR AMERICA! There are already too many countries under Communism. They are who we’ve been fighting against for decades, and now the Islamic terrorists. Have we allowed too many of these followers into America?  It might appear so.

Have you and Hillary forgotten our Christian rights in your eagerness to let women continue to have their right to abortions to kill more innocent babies?  Are you forgetting that God views homosexuality as an abomination, yet giving them the right to same-sex marriage?  Have you forgotten the first written constitution, the MAYFLOWER COMPACT?  In case you’ve never read it, it begins, and reads in part:

“In the name of God. Amen…….Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith…….do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine…..”


Muslim lawyer gets 600,000 pounds racial discrimination award over bin Laden remark

6 September, 2008

We used to have a saying in the military “F-up, move up”. This lawyer should have been investigated for terrorism after making public comments in support of the blood cult’s poster boy. Instead, she is paid off. It seems in the UK only muslims are allowed to use hate speak to intimidate coworkers.

6th September 2008 (ANI) The London News
A British Muslim lawyer, who was suspended from work by the Crown Prosecution Service after joking she was treated like a friend of Osama bin Laden, has been awarded a record 600,000 pound payout for racial discrimination.

An employment tribunal found that there was “not a shred of evidence” to support the treatment of Halima Aziz by the CPS and ordered it to reinstate her and issue a full and unequivocal apology, The Telegraph reported.
-All the evidence they needed could be found in the koran. The “tribunal” was a sham.

Halima Aziz made the remark a fortnight after the September 11 attacks, and was suspended by the CPS following a complaint from the court. She was accused of inciting a riot, expressing anti-American sentiments and associating herself with Bin Laden.
-Had a non muslim made a comment in support of collateral damage harming muslims in iraq we all know they would not have received a monetary reward. (more…)

New Pat Condell Video: Islam’s War on Freedom

6 September, 2008

Pat Condell’s latest musings center around the U.N.’s Human Rights Commission stifling any legitimate criticism of Islam: