Archive for 10 September, 2008

Is Biden Floating the Idea that Obama Might Change His V.P. Nomination???

10 September, 2008

Hmmm…  Very interesting comments from Joe Biden at a Town Hall-like meeting today:

“Make no mistake about this, Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight.”

The McCain camp had this to say:

“Barack Obama’s most important decision of this election and Biden – the candidate he selects – suggests himself that he wasn’t the right man for the job and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice. Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this.”

Obama is so obsessed with becoming the next President that he even went so far as to throw his own Pastor under the bus.  His Pastor, whom Obama claimed was like family, for crying out loud!!!

Now, we will wait and see how long before Obama also throws Joe Biden under the bus and replaces him with Hillary….

Dear Mr. Obama

10 September, 2008

A personal message for Barack Obama from a veteran of the war against terrorism in Iraq:

Hat Tip – Dorothy C.

Israel in Emergency Meetings…

10 September, 2008

H/T – Leatherneck

Israel’s senior ministers confer urgently on Iran as US masses air-naval might in Middle East waters
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 10, 2008

Prime minister Ehud Olmert summoned defense minister Ehud Barak and foreign minister Tzipi Livni for an urgent consultation on Iran Wed. Sept. 10, as the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier headed out to the Mediterranean for missions “in support of maritime security.”

Its arrival will bring the number of US aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea to four, compared with two Russian warships. Most of the Russian fleet in the region is concentrated in the Black Sea whence it has easy and rapid access to Middle East waters.

The Roosevelt will be followed by its strike force, which includes the guided missile cruiser Monterey , the guided missile destroyers Mason and Nitze , with 7,300 sailors and marines aboard, and the attack submarine Springfield .

Our sources report that the USS Ronald Reagan carrier and its strike group began engaging in assault and support missions for US and NATO forces in Afghanistan on Aug. 28.

The Iwo Jima carrier group, whose decks carry 6,000 sailors, air crews and marines, supports the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and Fifth Fleet in the Gulf with a massive amphibious capability.

The USS San Antonio amphibious transport dock ship is the first vessel of its class to be deployed in the region as a platform for supporting Marine movements and operations ashore.

The USS Peleliu carrier patrols the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. It is escorted by vessels carrying a large Marine contingent.

Monday, Iran launched a three-day naval-air-missile exercise to practice defense tactics for its nuclear sites.

Lawyer: Islamic groups should pay in teen’s death

10 September, 2008

H/T – DM60462

Lawyer: Islamic groups should pay in teen’s death
September 10, 2008

(AP) – Lawyers for the family of an American teen killed by Palestinian terrorists urged an appeals court Wednesday to reinstate an order requiring U.S.-based Islamic groups to pay $156 million in damages.

Attorneys for the Islamic groups and individual defendant Muhammad Salah, of Bridgeview, told the emotionally charged hearing there was no evidence the money they gave to West Bank charities led to 17-year-old David Boim’s murder.

“There is no evidence that the defendants did anything that contributed to the tragic death of David Boim,” Salah attorney Matthew J. Piers said at the hearing before 10 federal appeals judges.

Boim, whose family lives in Israel, was killed in a drive-by shooting at a bus stop on the West Bank outside Jerusalem in May 1996.

The Palestinian Authority, which has jurisdiction on the West Bank, tried one man and sentenced him to 10 years in the case. Another escaped and later died in a suicide bombing, according to Boim attorneys.

Boim’s parents filed suit against the Islamic groups and Salah in May 2000, arguing that the money funneled to Palestinian charities with ties to the militant group Hamas was siphoned off to bankroll terrorism.

Salah, 54, is completing a 21-month federal prison sentence for lying in the civil suit. He served 41/2 years in Israeli prisons in the 1990s after $90,000 that authorities say was destined for Hamas was discovered in his East Jerusalem hotel room.

The suit against Salah, the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, the American Muslim Society – also known as the Islamic Committee for Palestine – and the Quranic Literacy Institute has dragged on for eight years and could end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.


Muslims Go On Strike Over Prayer Breaks at JBS Swift & Co. in Colorado

10 September, 2008

Yet another Creeping Sharia event to report today – Yup, the Muzzies are taking this Ramadan season as an opportunity to impose their religious views on U.S. employers…

What’s even more interesting is the number of Muslims from Somalia who are seeking jobs at meat processing plants…  I find that a little alarming, as I’m pretty sure the State Department hasn’t had a chance to thoroughly screen every single one of these immigrants and they ARE handling America’s food stock…

CLICK HERE for Video

Talks break down between Muslims and Swift

10 Sep 08 –GreeleyTribune

Talks between JBS Swift & Co. officials and Muslim workers seeking prayer breaks during Ramadan broke down Tuesday afternoon and turned into calls of breach of contract.

The roughly 250 workers, who’ve been suspended since walking off the job Friday night, say they will not return to work and may take legal action. They also acknowledge they may face mass terminations.

A mid-afternoon meeting between the Muslim representatives and about 80 of the suspended workers grew heated in a downtown Greeley park when the representatives relayed information to the crowd.

When workers learned the company would not allow break times for prayer, many shouted and crowded around a gazebo from which the representatives spoke. Within 30 minutes, workers split into smaller groups and milled around the park.

Complaints of on-the-job discrimination and harassment as well as non-responsive union representation marked the second straight day in which hundreds of Muslims, mostly Somalis who have been hired at Swift in the past year, gathered in the Greeley park.

Graen Isse, an African Swift worker, and several other Muslim workers met with company officials and a union representative for a few hours Tuesday, looking over a two-page list of grievances the Muslims presented. He said company officials verbally agreed to some items, such as requests for more African/Somali supervisors and improved translation for non-English speaking employees.

But Isse said the requested prayer breaks — a major issue for Muslims at all times but especially during Ramadan — was rejected by management.

“The thing they didn’t agree with was the prayer (breaks),” Isse said. “And that was the whole problem from the start.”

Upon hearing that news, a group of disgruntled Muslim workers clustered around Isse and said, “No prayer, no work.”


Joe Biden Tells Chuck Graham to “Stand Up”

10 September, 2008

Oh, this is priceless!!!

In case you didn’t know it, Chuck Graham (D) is a State Senator here in Missouri who is wheelchair bound!!!

Graham was paralyzed in a car accident when he was 16 years old.

What?   Did Joe Biden actually think the Obamessiah had blessed him with the gift of healing the crippled, or something????

Note:  Interestingly enough, last year Graham was involved in another car accident and was arrested for drunk driving!  Of course, like any “good” politician, he refused a breathalyzer test…

Muzzies Dhimmify Gold’n Plump

10 September, 2008

Maybe all of us Christians can petition our employers to give us about five prayer breaks a day…  Yup, that might just work…

What?  You don’t want to insult our religion, do you?  You racist!

BTW – I want my cash settlement while your at it!  Chop, chop!!!


Somalis win prayer case at Gold’n Plump

The agreement to permit short prayer breaks and accommodate rules against handling pork could set a precedent.
By CHRIS SERRES, Star Tribune
September 10, 2008

In a landmark settlement that could change the way Muslims are treated in the workplace, St. Cloud-based Gold’n Plump Inc. has agreed to allow Somali workers short prayer breaks and the right to refuse handling pork at its poultry processing facilities.

The federally mediated agreement is among the first in the nation that requires employers to accommodate the Islamic prayer schedule and the belief, held by many strict Muslims, that the Qur’an prohibits the touching and eating of pork products.

“For this group of Americans at this time in our nation’s history, this is a very important outcome,” said Joe Snodgrass, a St. Paul attorney who represented workers in the case.

The agreement follows a year-long examination by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and a class-action lawsuit brought in October 2006 on behalf of nine Somali immigrants who worked at Gold’n Plump’s poultry processing plants in Cold Spring, Minn., and Arcadia, Wis.

An EEOC attorney said both sides have reached a settlement in principle.

The settlement will include an undisclosed sum of money for some employees; and some workers may receive new offers of employment at Gold’n Plump.

More details of the settlement, including how exactly the prayers will be accommodated, will be disclosed in the next two weeks.


Al Qaeda Geniuses Tired of Blowing Themselves Up

10 September, 2008

Living to Bomb Another Day

September 9, 2008 – NYT

“AMONG all the bombs, explosives and guns, the number of martyred dead is rising. Though this is the will of Allah, it is nevertheless possible to cause the enemy greater damage without exposing the Muslims to danger. How is it to be done?”

This question, which appeared as a post in May on the Web site Al7orya, one of the most important of Al Qaeda’s closed Internet forums, is only one example of the evidence that has been accumulated by American and Israeli intelligence in recent months of a significant ideological change under way within Osama bin Laden’s organization. Seven years after 9/11, it may well be that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of suicide terrorism and a shift toward advanced technologies that will enable jihadist bombers to carry out attacks and live to fight another day.

Although Islamic suicide terrorism dates back to the anti-Crusader “assassins” of the 11th century, its modern history begins with statements made by Sheik Mohamed Hussein Fadlallah, the spiritual compass of Hezbollah, in an interview published in 1983. “We believe that the future has surprises in store,” he said. “The jihad is bitter and harsh, it will spring from inside, through effort, patience and sacrifice, and the spirit of readiness for martyrdom.”

A short time later, Sheik Fadlallah’s bodyguard, Imad Mughniyah, organized a series of murderous suicide attacks — first against Israeli military targets, than against the American Embassy in Beirut and finally, of course, against the barracks of the American-led multinational force in Lebanon, causing nearly 300 deaths. From there, it was a short march to 9/11.

Despite countless attempts by Western intelligence agencies, and the many projects by psychologists trying to draw the profile of the average suicide terrorist, we have failed miserably in finding a solution to the “poor man’s smart bomb.” Now, however, attrition may achieve what the experts have not: after years of battle in two main arenas — Iraq and Afghanistan — Al Qaeda’s suicide-recruitment mechanisms are beginning to wear out. (more…)