Archive for 16 September, 2008

Obama Lies to the Public. So, what else is new???

16 September, 2008

Today, I am told, Obama is blaming McCain for the economic hiccups and the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac fiasco.

What Obama is not telling the public is that he, himself received campaign money from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac‘s Political Action Committee (PAC) (a special interest group) – $6,000.

McCain, not so much…  McCain got a whopping $0.00 from Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac’s PAC.

Nor did Obama mention that McCain was looking out for us Americans over two years ago when he co-sponsored a bill that would have put some oversight on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, warning, “if Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”

Unfortunately, the bill was shot down by most of the Democrats and a few Republicans…

I would have to say that McCain’s judgment is a Hell of a lot better than the Obamessiah’s.

Here is the transcript from the Congressional record:

H/T – MeMaw


May 25, 2006

Sen. John McCain [R-AZ]:

“Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae’s regulator reported that the company’s quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were “illusions deliberately and systematically created” by the company’s senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.

“The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight’s report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae’s former chief executive officer, OFHEO’s report shows that over half of Mr. Raines’ compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.


OIC to move UNGA against caricatures

16 September, 2008

I bought a bobblehead mohammed as I encourage both free enterprise and freedom of speech. Mine died an undignified death as it sort of blew up. I can not imagine how that happened. I wish I still had it as the website is down and I do not know if I will ever be lucky enough too ever find another one.

I am sure the bobblehead was made, sold and purchased to honor the inventor of islam. A fitting tribute no doubt. With the OIC and the UNGA worried about insults and such, I am glad a few people (like me as an example) still give old mohammed all the respect he and his followers have earned. Allahuackberries.

16 Sep, 2008, The Daily Times
ISLAMABAD: A resolution against the publication of blasphemous caricatures of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in various countries will be presented in the upcoming session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), an Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) representative said on Tuesday.
-I am so sick of muslim crybabies. Sniffle, sniffle, they are insulted that someone insulted a long dead criminal and they still made fun of him. Someone should do something. Here is a plan, do something constructive and change everyone’s low opinion of the world’s most famous pedophile.

“The resolution will demand legislation against the publication of blasphemous caricatures of revered personalities and derogatory remarks against religions. It will also demand [sacrilegious] actions be declared a crime,” OIC Secretary General’s Special Representative on Kashmir Ezzat Kamel Mufti told a news conference.
-I hope like hell this passes as I am planning to record the closest mosque and sue them sunsabitchs for blasphemy against, Jews, Christians and other infidels.

Mufti said a particular group in America and the European Union had been launching attacks against Islam. “However, we should not get emotional and resort to any kind of violence, including suicide bombings,” he said.
-Now why mention suicide bombings? An admission that most suicide bombers are muslim? That islamophobic a-hole-how dare he insult islam? I hope the OIC kicks his islamophobic a$$.

Italy’s right to curb Islam with mosque law

16 September, 2008

No immigrant should expect any culture to blindly allow them to bring an alien culture into its society. After monitoring islam for as long as I have I think it is safe to say muslims have not assimilated into any western culture and already enjoy more rights and freedoms than many would have at home. Italy owes them nothing.

My advice to muslims; look up the definition of two words and compare them:
“Right and privilege”.

By Stephen Brown, 16 September, 2008, Reuters
ROME (Reuters) – Italy’s Northern League, allies of centre-right Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, want to limit the growth of Islam in the centre of world Catholicism by blocking the construction of mosques through strict new regulations.
-Muslims are quick to condemn this action but no mainstream muslim organization is pushing for any muslim country to allow construction of a non muslim house of worship.

Muslim immigrants using Italy as a route into Europe already get a foretaste of the mistrust with which many Europeans view their religion, with many projects for mosques and prayer halls already blocked by the opposition of local Italian residents.
-Residents who have a right to control their own neighborhoods and maintain their property values.

But if the anti-immigrant Northern League pushes its bill through parliament — where Berlusconi’s coalition has a strong majority — Italy will soon have a new law effectively blocking the construction of new mosques in much of the country.
-I have seen no anti immigrant bias just an effort to control islam. A duel ideology and religious order already proven to bring violence, intolerance and crime along with its seventh century values.

Fearing the advent of “Eurabia”, the League has used its control of Berlusconi’s interior ministry since helping him to power to push through tough new laws against illegal immigrants.

It has now turned its attention to the newcomers’ religion, emboldened by polls showing many Italians mistrust Muslims and a third do not want a mosque in their neighborhood.
-Pointing out that no muslim organization has pointed out a single radical speaks volumes and completely destroys the authors attempt to paint the muslims as the victims here. (more…)

Iran: Pissed that a film about sharia was a hit at the Toronto film festival

16 September, 2008

As I always say, islam can not stand up to scrutiny. Where are the feminists and why are they not screaming in rage at all the women and young gilrls murdered by the muslims? Oh, that is right they are too busy attacking Sarah.

Rome, 16 Sept. (AKI) – An Iranian feature film that tells the story of a woman being stoned to death has made headlines at the Toronto Film Festival and provoked an angry response from Iranian authorities.
-Well stop murdering women and I’ll stop bringing attention to it.

The film, entitled ‘The Stoning of Soraya M.’ by Iranian-American director Sirous Norasteh, was shown at the festival which ended last Saturday.
-You can view the trailer here:

The film tells the real-life story of Soraya, an 18-year-old woman and mother stoned to death in 1984 for alleged sexual infidelity in western Iran.
-Like muslim men are known for morals.

The film has been described by Iran’s state news agency Irna as another “Hollywood operation to damage the image of the Islamic Republic.”
-Lol, that is rich, hollywood hates the USA too much to worry about iran.

“(It’s) a film that serves the warmongering strategy of George W. Bush,” said Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars.
-Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

The story of the film says that Soraya’s husband Ali no longer wants to be with her after they had four children together, and that he wants to marry a 14-year-old girl.
-Just another muslim love story. Marry a child and when she ages dump her or murder her and start the process all over. If muslim women had brains they would honor kill their husbands. (more…)

Biden: Obama Too Smart for Americans

16 September, 2008

Even the ultra-Obama-baised network MSNBC was stunned by what Joe Biden had to say!

Yeah, let’s break that down by the poll numbers:

Source:  Gallup polls

Now, notice that the education level of the people who most support John McCain (50%) and least support Obama (44%) are college graduates!  The people who least support John McCain and most support Obama are Postgraduates – you know, the educational demographic that is bursting at the seams with Liberal Socialist Commies because they’re too brainwashed and idealistic to find real jobs.  They would vote for Obama even if he killed his wife and drowned his children…

So, what Biden seems to be saying is that all you free-thinking college graduates and below are idiots…  Way to go, Biden!  You just insulted most of America!

Now, don’t get me started on that witch in the video, Barbara Theaker, insulting Sarah Palin by calling her a “bucket of fluff…”

Hey, Murtha! Where’s that Apology to Our Marines???

16 September, 2008

Somalian Muzzie Pirates Get their Comeuppance from the French!

16 September, 2008

It doesn’t pay to be a pirate and kidnap French citizens!  This is the second time that I know of where the French have taken out the Islamic Somalian pirates in commando-style raids.

French commandos free hostages off Somalia
Reuters – September 16, 2008

PARIS — French commandos stormed a sailboat to free two French tourists who were being held for ransom by heavily-armed Somali pirates, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Tuesday.

One pirate was killed and six others taken prisoner in the pre-dawn assault by some 30 troops. The freed hostages and the captured pirates were put on a French navy vessel sailing towards Djibouti, where France has an army base.

“This operation … is a warning to all those engaged in this criminal activity. France will not accept that crime pays,” Mr. Sarkozy said after the operation.

Somali pirates have hijacked more than 30 ships so far this year, making the shipping lanes in the busy Gulf of Aden the most dangerous in the world.

Hours after the French attack, Somali gunmen hijacked an oil or chemical tanker believed to be Hong Kong-owned, a maritime official said.


Citizens Learning How to Track Illegal Immigrants

16 September, 2008


Border Patrol teaches citizens how to track illegal immigrants


Students who attended this year’s Border Patrol Citizen’s Academy were shown the skill of “sign cutting,” on the second day of the two days of classes.

“The students learned about the most rudimentary, yet essential technique utilized on a daily basis by Border Patrol agents in our sector,” said Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Ben Vik. “Each student used their newly learned skill to detect an entry and follow it until they found a group of simulated illegal aliens.”

A biannual event now, the first day of the Yuma Sector’s Citizen’s Academy was held on Sept. 5.

Day two, which was held on Friday, featured agents teaching those in attendance how to track illegal aliens using “sign cutting” techniques.

Sign cutting is a method of tracking the Border Patrol utilizes to detect and follow human beings and vehicles that have entered the U.S. illegally.

They were also shown some other, more technologically advanced tools of the trade that agents use to detect illegal entries, such as “scope trucks” and “skyboxes.”


Obama Made Christians feel Unwelcomed at Work

16 September, 2008

A very telling interview with a secretary who worked with Obama at Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland in 1994.  Debbie Revor will be interviewed tonight on the Dr. Laurie Roth Show at 9 pm Central time.  Information for listening to a live stream of the show is given at the end of this interview:

Debbie Revor “In Her Own Words”
Q. I understand CBS NEWS approached you to do an interview regarding your history with Obama. Why did you reject that offer and decide to discuss your experiences with the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee with

A. I am a private person and didn’t want to be on TV. Since I also don’t feel the media is fair right now to anyone but Sen. Obama, I didn’t want my experiences to be shown in a different light than the truth. I just wanted the truth to be told about my experience with working in his law firm and I felt that would tell that truth and not change it to fit their preconceived opinions of Sen. Obama.

Q. Can you tell me how you first met Sen. Obama?

A. I met him when I went to work for Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland in January 1994, a civil rights law firm on the near north side of Chicago on Erie Street. I got the job through a friend who I worked with at a temporary job two years before. She worked at the firm and gave me a good reference. She was Sen. Obama’s legal secretary.

Q. What was your impression of Sen. Obama?

A. He wasn’t friendly and was standoffish and arrogant from the start of my job there. My first impression was that I didn’t like him because of this arrogance.


U.K. Minister Calls on Government to Introduce Religious Anti-Discrimination Laws

16 September, 2008

The problem here is that it is ISLAM that drives laws like this.  They don’t want any serious debate from Christians and others who have good reason to believe that Islam is just another cult of death.

Muslim MP calls for religious equality law

By Andrew Grice, Political Editor
Tuesday, 16 September 2008

A minister has called for the Government to introduce a new religious discrimination law which would require public bodies to have a legal duty to promote equality between faiths, to reassure Britain’s Muslims that they are not second-class citizens.

Sadiq Khan, a government whip, wants a forthcoming Single Equality Bill aimed at stamping out discrimination on grounds of sex, race, gender and disability to include religion. He also calls for “Islamophobia in the workplace” to be tackled.

Under his proposal, public bodies would have to be proactive in tackling religious discrimination. The Equality and Human Rights Commission, chaired by Trevor Phillips, would issue guidance and codes of practice. “This would not apply exclusively to British Muslims, but it would make a significant difference to the experience of members of this community who, because of socio-economic status, are particularly reliant on public services,” Mr Khan says.

The Tooting MP, one of four Muslim Labour MPs, makes his controversial call in a Fabian Society pamphlet, Fairness not Favours, published today. He says a proactive approach to prevent religious discrimination would balance “harder edged” measures such as “clampdowns” on immigration and security and undercut attempts by Muslim extremists to exploit social disadvantage.

Mr Khan wants to break down religious barriers and argues strongly that Britain’s Muslims must change, too. He urges them to forget about the Iraq war; give their women more freedom and use their charities to help white poor people. He also calls for imams to stress the importance of parental participation in schools and says everyone should learn English.
