Archive for 19 September, 2008

Congressman Tom Tancredo Proposes “Anti-Sharia” Legislation

19 September, 2008

At least someone in D.C. is trying to stop the madness:

Tancredo Proposes Anti-Sharia Measure in Wake of U.K. Certification of Islamic Courts

“Jihad Prevention Act” would deny U.S. visas to advocates of ‘Sharia’ law, expel Islamists already here

( WASHINGTON, DC ) – Amid disturbing revelations that the verdicts of Islamic Sharia courts are now legally binding in civil cases in the United Kingdom, U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) moved quickly today to introduce legislation designed to protect the United States from a similar fate.

According to recent news reports, a new network of Sharia courts in a half-dozen major cities in the U.K. have been empowered under British law to adjudicate a wide variety of legal cases ranging from divorces and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

“This is a case where truth is truly stranger than fiction,” said Tancredo. “Today the British people are learning a hard lesson about the consequences of massive, unrestricted immigration.”

Sharia law, favored by Muslim extremists around the world, often calls for brutal punishment – such as the stoning of women who are accused of adultery or have children out of wedlock, cutting off the hands of petty thieves and lashings for the casual consumption of alcohol. Under Sharia law, a woman is often required to provide numerous witnesses to prove rape allegations against an assailant – a near impossible task.

“When you have an immigration policy that allows for the importation of millions of radical Muslims, you are also importing their radical ideology – an ideology that is fundamentally hostile to the foundations of western democracy – such as gender equality, pluralism, and individual liberty,” said Tancredo. “The best way to safeguard America against the importation of the destructive effects of this poisonous ideology is to prevent its purveyors from coming here in the first place.”

Tancredo’s bill, dubbed the “Jihad Prevention Act,” would bar the entry of foreign nationals who advocate Sharia law. In addition, the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.


Al Qaeda Releases Video. Adam Gadahn STILL Dead!!!

19 September, 2008

Yup, American traitor Adam Gadahn is still a no show on the latest al-Qaeda video.  It’s a pretty darn good bet that he’s worm food right now.  Yeah, those Predator drones can be a real biatch for terrorists like Gadahn; worth every penny I ever “patriotically” gave to the government!

In video, Al Qaeda vows more U.S. attacks

(CNN) — In a video marking the seventh anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, al Qaeda’s top leader in Afghanistan vows more “large-scale” attacks against the United States and its allies.

n another segment, the personal adviser to Taliban leader Mullah Omar says al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is alive and well. Al Qaeda leaders featured on the video promise more violence against their enemies.

“We inform the forces of the Cross and their apostate agents that the Mujahedeen’s policy in the coming stage, God permitting, is going to be more major, large-scale attacks like the Kandahar prison operation, the Nuristan raid, the Sarobi ambush and Khost airport operation in which approximately 50 Americans and 100 apostates were killed and four helicopters were hit and destroyed,” Mustafa Abu al-Yazid says.

CNN could not independently verify the authenticity of the video posted on jihadi Web sites, purportedly by al Qaeda’s video production arm, As Sahab.

The well-being of bin Laden, and the possibility of his demise, are frequently in question. But in the video, Mullah Mohammed Hassan Rahmani, adviser to Mullah Omar, says, “Sheikh Osama is healthy and well, and we ask God to protect him, and we pray to God to preserve him and foil the attempts if the enemies of the Nation to reach him.”

Mullah Omar has been on the U.S. military’s most-wanted list since a U.S.-led coalition ousted the Taliban rulers from Afghanistan in 2001.


Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Hezbollah, and FARC – A Deadly Brew

19 September, 2008

Some crazy stuff going on with Hugo Chavez and his buddies that is going to come back and bite us on the rump if we don’t act soon:

Chavez’s Dangerous Liaisons
Venezuela teams up with Russia and Iran.
by Jaime Daremblum – The Weekly Standard

Russia’s dispatch of long-range bombers to Venezuela for joint military exercises may not signal the start of a new Cold War, but it does provide more evidence that Hugo Chávez has become the chief source of hemispheric instability. To be sure, the Venezuelan president is increasingly unpopular in Latin America (and increasingly unpopular at home), and his influence over regional politics is declining. But high oil prices have given him the power to cause trouble and threaten U.S. interests.

Venezuela’s announcement that it will stage war games with Russian forces was at least partly a response to American security policy. Earlier this year, the U.S. Navy reestablished its Fourth Fleet, which had been disestablished way back in 1950. The Fourth Fleet will oversee U.S. naval activities in Latin American and Caribbean waters. By planning sophisticated military maneuvers with Russian warships, Chávez is making a bold show of anti-Yankee defiance. (The Kremlin, of course, has its own reasons for wanting to irritate Washington.)

His pockets bulging with oil wealth, Chávez has spent billions of petrodollars on Russian weapons. He has also reached out to Iran and cultivated warm bilateral relations. As the Los Angeles Times recently reported, Western officials fear that the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah “is using Venezuela as a base for operations.” One Western anti-terrorism official told the Times that the Venezuela-Iran relationship is “becoming a strategic partnership.”


Obama Outright Lies about his Abortion Stance

19 September, 2008

H/T – Gateway Pundit

First, Obama and his thugs must be high on crack:

Now, the truth:

Still can’t figure out if he is smoking crack or not?  First of all, the supposed McCain ad is NOT from McCain!  Obama is lying to the public and trying to tie an ad created by a private citizen to McCain!  You can watch the video HERE.

Also, Obama supports the killing of babies, so why is he upset?

Here is a PDF from Pro Choice America that has some interesting quotes at the end from Obama’s campaign.

Unsurprisingly enough, the pro-abortion stance webpages have been deleted from Obama’s official website, but they live on with Pro Choice America’s fact sheet

Here’s the quote that has been deleted from Obama’s presidential campaign website:

“Barack Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him.  However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President…. ”

And, another one:

“Obama for Illinois ’04, Protecting Choice and Achieving Gender Equity:  The Road Ahead.”

“Obama will oppose arbitrary and harmful restrictions to abortion, advocate for measures requiring health insurance providers to cover contraceptives, and fight to preserve access to RU-486.  Obama will seek to reverse the Global Gag Rule and to increase funding for women’s health programs, both here and abroad.”

Click to access obama-fact-sheet.pdf

Prayer, War, and the Media Elite

19 September, 2008

Canned Reply From Event Organizers of Anti-Ahmadinejad Rally

19 September, 2008

DC wrote a letter to the Jewish event organizers in protest of their disinvitation of Sarah Palin.  DC’s letter is as follows:

I don’t know who is to blame, but I’m a very angry woman of 84 years.  I’ve always supported the Jewish people.  My first job at age 17 was in a small  department store owned by a lovely Jewish family.  They taught me every phase in the store so well I had no  problems securing employment in  following years.

The horrible treatment of Governor Sarah Palin by not allowing her to speak at the rally because of Senators Clinton and Biden is disgraceful.  She needs an apology from all concerned.

Are Democrats being allowed to be dictators now?  It certainly appears so.

Glad I changed parties after Kennedy.



[And, of course, they just blew her off with the following boilerplate reply]:


From The National Coalition to Stop Iran Now

The purpose of “THE RALLY TO STOP IRAN NOW” on Monday, Sept. 22, 2008, is to protest the presence of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, and to oppose his nuclear weapons program. We take most seriously his threat to wipe the United States and Israel “off the map” and believe the world leaders gathered at the United Nations must act with resolve to prevent a nuclear armed Iran that would be a threat to this country, Israel and the world.

For this reason, tens of thousands of people of every faith and ethnicity are expected to hear messages from prominent religious and civic leaders, including Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel and Israeli Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik.  In order to keep the focus on Iranian threats and to ensure that this critical message not be obscured, the organizers of the rally have decided not to have any American political personalities appear.

[Uhm… Yeah, right…  The word on the blogs is that Obama’s Commie thugs threatened them into disinviting Sarah Palin…  Anyone with half a brain can see that this line of reasoning is just specious rhetoric as the rally would have been elevated to front page news if a “political personality” (aka – Sarah Palin) were to have been a speaker at the rally.  Now, it’s just going to get buried right next to the Obituary section…]

This issue, opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran , is one which enjoys bipartisan support and the backing of the American people across the political spectrum. On this, all Americans stand together. We acknowledge and deeply appreciate those American political leaders who have been and remain prepared to stand with us as we collectively address the dangers of Iran ‘s nuclear program and its support for terrorism globally.

[It seems to me that the only American Political Leader who was actually standing with them was Sarah Palin – and they disinvited her…

Why Jewish leaders continue to fatuously suck-up to the Obamessiah is beyond me…  Unless they actually believe he is The Messiah…]


A Pot Warning the Kettle…

19 September, 2008

Maybe I’ll comment on this later…  Right now, I’m too busy LMAO at the hypocrisy:

Britain’s youngest teenage terrorist: ‘a wake-up call for parents’
A senior Muslim MP has warned parents they need to do more to protect their children against Islamic extremism.

19 September 2008
By Caroline Gammell –

Speaking after the sentencing of Britain’s youngest terrorist, Shahid Malik, the minister for International Development, said parents had to be vigilant against the threat of radicalisation.

He also called on mosques to do more to combat fundamentalism.

The MP spoke out after the sentencing of Hammad Munshi who was just 15 when he was recruited by a terror cell believed to have been plotting against the Royal Family.

The teenager, from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, had downloaded information about bomb-making material from the internet and hidden notes about martyrdom under his bed.

The judge at the Old Bailey said the schoolboy’s head had been filled with “pernicious and warped ideas” which led to his involvement in a plan to kill kuffars or non-believers.

Munshi’s local MP Mr Malik said: “It is a real wake-up call for parents because there is a real need to be vigilant, especially when their kids are on the internet.

“It is a real wake-up call to how older jihadists can prey on vulnerable young people.

“Mosques have done a lot but they need to do more in terms of telling young people what is acceptable and what is not in Islam.”

[Right…  Like letting them know that Jihad is a duty of every Muslim.   Or, that it is okay to kill non-Muslims – especially the Jews…]


History will be the Judge, not Obama…

19 September, 2008

While Obama tries to BS everyone into believing that a McCain-Palin ticket would be a “third term” for Bush, he erroneously assumes that Bush will go down in history as a “failed” President…

A Marxist Obamessiah presidency has a better shot at that distinction than Bush…

I can only hope and pray to God that Americans will see through this “hollow man’s” facade before the November elections and send him back to his Leftist, Commie thugs with his tail between his legs…

History will Judge

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, September 19, 2008;

The Washington Post – Page A19

For the past 150 years, most American war presidents — most notably Lincoln, Wilson and Roosevelt — have entered (or reentered) office knowing war was looming. Not so George W. Bush. Not so the war on terror. The 9/11 attacks literally came out of the blue.

Indeed, the three presidential campaigns between the fall of the Berlin Wall and Sept. 11, 2001, were the most devoid of foreign policy debate of any in the 20th century. The commander-in-chief question that dominates our campaigns today was almost nowhere in evidence during our ’90s holiday from history.

When I asked President Bush during an interview Monday to reflect on this oddity, he cast himself back to early 2001, recalling what he expected his presidency would be about: education reform, tax cuts and military transformation from a Cold War structure to a more mobile force adapted to smaller-scale 21st-century conflict.

But a wartime president he became. And that is how history will both remember and judge him.

Getting a jump on history, many books have already judged him. The latest by Bob Woodward describes the commander in chief as unusually aloof and detached. A more favorably inclined biographer might have called it equanimity.

In the hour I spent with the president (devoted mostly to foreign policy), that equanimity was everywhere in evidence — not the resignation of a man in the twilight of his presidency but a sense of calm and confidence in eventual historical vindication.

It is precisely that quality that allowed him to order the surge in Iraq in the face of intense opposition from the political establishment (of both parties), the foreign policy establishment (led by the feckless Iraq Study Group), the military establishment (as chronicled by Woodward) and public opinion itself. The surge then effected the most dramatic change in the fortunes of an American war since the summer of 1864.


An American Carol

19 September, 2008

Mrs. Bulldog and I are eagerly awaiting this film’s release on October 3rd.  But, until then these brief glimpses will have to suffice:

And, a bonus compilation of clips from the movie:

Muzzies Try to Ban Alcohol in Norway

19 September, 2008

Yeah, this is how Muzzies integrate into society by forcing everyone to conform to Islam…

Norway: Alcohol as an obstacle for integration
Europe News

The International Health and Social Group (IHSG) is arranging an evening at the Central Jammat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat mosque in Oslo on Sep. 24th. The theme of the evening is alcohol policy in an inclusive perspective.

“In Norwegian culture is almost provocative not to drink alcohol. Norway is a multicultural society. Are all groups really included? Muslims make up a large part of the population in Norway, but how does society enable social inclusion?”

“What’s so provocative about our drinking?”

“It’s provocative that people aren’t part of the group. When somebody sits there and is completely sober and all others are drinking, there’s pressure to drink. ‘Are you afraid of your parents? Are you a coward who doesn’t dare try it?’ are typical questions,” says Fahim Naeem of IHSG to

Muslims are not allowed to partake of alcohol in any way, and most Norwegian are aware of this, he thinks.

“In the invitation to this evening Norwegian alcohol habits are portrayed as an obstacle for the integration of Muslims. What do you mean by that?”

“For Muslim youth it’s a restriction. We see that it can be hard for them, as most Muslims don’t drink. but if moderate amounts are drunk around them, it’s good. The problem is that many become a little insistent and the Muslim youth will feel a little uneasy,” he says.

It’s not a state secret that many Muslims drink alcohol on par with other Norwegians. Naeem recognizes that, but says it’s completely forbidden.

“They get problems at home, if they’re discovered.”

“But can’t it be part of integration that Muslims go out to town to dance and enjoy themselves – also with a couple of beers?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Integration takes place also during leisure time, in the city, out on the town and in cafes. How can people solve this problem?

“Muslims want to have alcohol free days in discos. There should be some days when people can go to restaurants and discos where there’s a total ban on alcohol,” says Naeem.

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service rejects such a proposal. ”

“All the time they have special rules, and we reject special requirements. We get a split up society and Islam get more place in the public sphere. people force religious opinions on others. In the most extreme consequence it leads to the Islamization of society,” says Storhaug to

“All the time it’s Muslims who come with special requirements. We never hear a peep from Catholics, Jews, Hindus etc.”
