Archive for 20 September, 2008

Vote for Obama? Not This Jew!

20 September, 2008

Another one of those, “wow” articles that is a must read all the way to the end:

The Obama Voter – Not This Jew

September 20, 2008
by Joan Swirsky

For the most part, American Jews are politically liberal. For decades they have supported leftwing politicians who are antagonists if not outright enemies of Israel. Why does this matter? It matters to me because the Holocaust in which the Nazis wantonly murdered six million Jews in the 1930s and ‘40s has been the defining event of my life – the event against which I measure the political philosophies and actions of both individuals and nations.

I was a baby when that blight on human history took place, but I fully appreciate that if my twin brother and I had been born in Germany during the ghastly Nazi reign, we would have been victims of the unspeakable “experiments” of Dr. Mengele.

It matters to me because the wretched survivors of the Holocaust, against all odds – including ships of refugees that were turned back from our own shores by FDR, only to be returned to the death camps – somehow managed to arrive in their ancient homeland and create one of the most vibrant democracies in the world, whose advanced scientific institutions contribute to research and development of medicines, therapies, technology and cures for the world’s devastating horrors

It matters because Israel, the locus of Jewish prayer and survival, is but a sliver of land, not much larger than 8,000 square miles, which is comparable to New Jersey, our 5th-smallest state. This tiny country is populated by six million Jews and one-million Arabs and surrounded by 22 Arab Muslim states with a population of over 300-million – most of them dedicated to Israel’s annihilation, the rest sly participants in the charade of a “peace process.”

While Israel’s Arab minority is accorded full citizenship and education, freedom of speech, congregation, religious autonomy and even participation in Israel’s parliament, the Arab nations that surround it – including Jordan and Egypt, which are ostensibly at peace with Israel – afford Jews absolutely no rights and no protection.

Again, why does this matter? It matters to me because, for millennia, “wandering” Jews were deprived of living in their homeland and destined to travel the earth looking for safety and freedom, only to be subjected to – where to begin? – the Crusades, the Inquisition, European pogroms, and the Holocaust. Only America, from its inception a mere 232 years ago, welcomed the Jews, until the State of Israel was born in 1948, becoming the last best hope of a people whose manifest destiny was spelled out to them in the Bible.

Today, there is a worldwide renaissance of anti-Semitism, including on the campuses of our own country, in the ranting of various “religious” leaders, in the literature of some of America’s so-called intelligentsia, and, yes, even in the Congress of the United States.


Obama’s “Whopper” of a Lie Scares Seniors into Voting for Him

20 September, 2008

You know it’s bad when the normally unbiased, tolerant, and reserved website,, actually labels a “mistruth” as a “whopper!”  For those of you unfamiliar with, they are the go to guys when researchers and journalists need help separating fact from fiction.  They ARE the standard!

Of course, when it comes to lying to the American people, Obama has a track record that looks like a heroin addict’s arm.  I’m beginning to think that is getting just a little miffed with his addiction…

They say the first step on the road to recovery is to admit you have a problem.  The Obamessiah is a looooong way from that road…

Obama’s Social Security Whopper

He tells Social Security recipients their money would now be in the stock market under McCain’s plan. False.

By Brooks Jackson |
Sep 20, 2008


In Daytona Beach, Obama said that “if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week.” He referred to “elderly women” at risk of poverty, and said families would be scrambling to support “grandmothers and grandfathers.”

That’s not true. The plan proposed by President Bush and supported by McCain in 2005 would not have allowed anyone born before 1950 to invest any part of their Social Security taxes in private accounts. All current retirees would be covered by the same benefits they are now.

Obama would have been correct to say that many workers under age 58 would have had some portion of their Social Security benefits affected by the current market turmoil – if they had chosen to participate. And market drops would be a worry for those who retire in future decades. But current retirees would not have been affected.


In our “Scaring Seniors” article posted Sept. 19 we took apart a claim in an Obama-Biden ad that McCain somehow supported a 50 percent cut in Social Security benefits, which is simply false. Then, on Saturday Sept. 20, Sen. Barack Obama personally fed senior citizens another whopper, this one a highly distorted claim about the private Social Security accounts that McCain supports.

What Obama Said


Huge Explosion Demolishes Marriot Hotel in Islamabad; Death toll Climbing

20 September, 2008

Yeah, you would think the Pakistani government would see this as an example of why they need to work with the U.S. and allow our Predator drones unfettered access to their airspace to root out Islamic terrorists.  But, I’m sure they will spin this and blame it on the U.S. – some how, some way – they always do.  It will probably consists of some specious claim that the constant incursions into Pakistan by the U.S. have created an oppressive environment for the Islamic terrorists and this is the result of pent-up frustration, etc.

Since we are talking about Islamabad, I cannot resist the temptation to throw in my South Park reference:

“Islam-a-bad, mmmkay?”

Sorry, had to be done.

Update: Some more photos coming down the wire:

Dozens dead in Pakistan hotel blast

At least 40 people have been killed and 50 others wounded after a car-bomb attack on the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad.

Reports said a suicide bomber drove a car packed with explosives into the entrance of the hotel.

Many foreigners stay in the hotel while visiting Pakistan and it is heavily guarded.

The blast resounded through Islamabad.

There were reports of bodies being carried away from the hotel as emergency services continued to rescue people trapped in the hotel.


Reuters news agency reported that at least 50 people had been killed but police sources said the death toll stood at 40.

Kamal Hyder, Al Jazeera’s correspondent reporting from Islamabad, said it is “probably the most powerful explosion [in Pakistan] in recent times”.

“Fires are still raging and no one knows how many people have been killed in the explosion.”

He said ambulances were still arriving at the scene, indicating that there “must be high casualties indeed”.

“Whoever is responsible for this attack chose his target carefully. A very professionaly carried out job,” said Hyder.

Talat Masood, a military analyst, told Al Jazeera that the attack was “well-planned and co-ordinated”.

Imran Khan, also reporting for Al Jazeera, said he had seen a number of bodies removed from the scene of the explosion.

He said the driver of the vehicle didn’t go through the security checkpoint.

“This is a massive explosion. Fire is spreading very quickly and has taken over the entire first floor of the hotel,” Khan said.

Christians protest against church attack in India

20 September, 2008

I ran this article not because attacks against Christians are rare in India but because the way the press responded is rare. The press identified the violence is religiously motivated and which religions are involved.

After years of watching our mainstream media write articles about attacks on Christians and go to extreme lengths to ignore a mention of islam or quickly point out that muslims are also victimized, this article appeared an anomaly to me. Granted it was not written or posted in our mainstream media but I thought some of you would appreciate that a few real journalists remain. Or it could be a s simple as the press doesn’t have a fear of a backlash from Hindus. You decide.

Jabalpur, Sept 20 (ANI) : Christians in Japabalpur took out a protest march against the attack on a 150-year-old cathedral.

The incident in Madhya Pradesh comes on the heels of a series of attacks against churches in Orissa and Karnataka.

Christian devotees formed human chain, offered prayers and marched through the streets of the city and urged shopkeepers to down shutters.
-I should note that they did not immediately arm themselves and go on a counter rampage.

They demanded immediate action against the culprits.
-Legal action (more…)

Love islamic style: murder in Birmingham

20 September, 2008

Maybe the UK should consider letting this low life scum sucking pedophile worshipper be tried in the newly formed sharia court system (sarcasm)

20 September, 2008, SkyNews
Mohammed Ali, of Old Snowhill, Birmingham, is accused of murdering Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif.
-I can almost quarantine the local muslim community will defend ali as a pious man and
none of them will help authorities, not a one.

He was charged with two counts of murder and spoke only to confirm his name and address when he appeared at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court.

The sisters, aged 19 and 22, were discovered in the flat they shared in the Ladywood area of the city on Monday.

The Algerian-born sisters were British nationals and had only lived in their flat in the Jupiter Apartments for a few weeks. (more…)

Must See Video – Obama, Who are You???

20 September, 2008

McCain should hire this guy to make campaign videos!

The video starts out slowly and then gradually evolves into a rising crescendo with mesmerizing images of Obama “masks” and a series of powerful questions right up until the knock-out ending which packs a real wallop!


Dear Mr. Obama:  Who are you?

Why Radical Islamists are in Love with Barack Obama

20 September, 2008

Wow…  Some great stuff in this article, so I will just get out of the way and let you read it:

Why Islamists Cheer For Obama
By Vasko Kohlmayer – American Thinker

One of the most striking aspects of this presidential campaign is the enthusiasm the candidacy of Barack Obama has engendered among Muslims both at home and abroad.

On April 13 of this year, Ahmed Yousef, a public relations man for the terrorist organization Hamas, said in an interview: “We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election.” He then gave the reason for Hamas’ support: “He has a vision to change America.”

Earlier this month, Libya’s strongman Muammar Khadafi gave an endorsement speech in which he called Barack Obama a “brother” and expressed his hope that he will “change America from evil to good and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other people, especially the Arabs.” He also said:

[A]ll the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American Presidency.

The Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan gushed “this young man [Obama] is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better.” He went on to say that Obama “could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.” In another appearance, Farrakhan stated that he “represents hope that the United States will change for the better.”

Prominent Egyptian journalist Yasser Khalil wrote recently “Barack Obama represents a phenomenon that has drawn global attention and captivated the minds of Muslims around the world.” He noted that “this level of support for an American presidential candidate is unprecedented in the Muslim world” and observed that “large segments of the Muslim population here remain fascinated with the election and have become big fans of Senator Obama.”

The possibility of an Obama presidency fills Muslims world over with great hope as evidenced by the accolades and glowing endorsements they heap upon him. More remarkably still, their enthusiasm seems to be correlated with piety. The most radical Muslims tend to be among his strongest supporters.

The question is what accounts for this phenomenon. What is it about Barack Obama that so excites the Islamist psyche?
