Archive for 22 September, 2008

The Jawa Report was Right!!!

22 September, 2008

After Dr. Rusty Shackleford’s excellent investigative work over at the Jawa Report, Ethan Winner, one of the guys who works for David Axelrod’s propaganda division, finally admitted he was in on the Palin Smear campaign!!!

Just so you know, David “Goebbels” Axelrod is Barack Obama’s campaign manager!

And, just as we expected, Ethan Winner is taking one for team Obama by lying through his teeth about this being a personal matter, nothing to do with Obama, blah, blah, blah!!!

Yup, another sacrificial lamb offered up by the Obamessiah to hide his sins from the public!

But, WE THE PEOPLE are not buying it!!!!!!

Read the damage control letter from Ethan Winner at The Jawa Report by CLICKING HERE.

Blueprint for Change: Economy Translated

22 September, 2008

Copious Dissent did an excellent job of translating Obama-speak into plain English for us befuddled voters:

Two More Christians Murdered and mutilated in India

22 September, 2008

It is starting to look like the Hindu’s are taking a page from old mohammeds book of death. The Christians should be natural allies with Hindus against islam. Despite the murder by jihadi of 80 million Hindus at least some Hindus fear Christianity more than the fends of mohammed. So far, the Christians are still turning the other cheek.

By Nirmala Carvalho, 22, September, 2008, Asia News
The bodies of the two victims were cut into pieces and thrown into a pond. Churches attacked, Sisters and Priests are now forced to conceal their identity to escape violent persecution and forced ‘conversion’ to Hinduism.

MUMBAI (AsiaNews) – No end is in sight to the attacks and violence against Christians. In Orissa, where for more than three weeks a pogrom against Catholics and Protestants has been underway, two more killings have been recorded. Iswar Digal and Purinder Pradhan were murdered and cut to pieces. Iswar Digal, was from the the village of Gatringia in the district of Kandhamal; he was stopped on September 20 by a group of Hindu extremists while he and his wife were trying to escape to a refugee camp. Their home was burned. The other victim was from Nilungia. His body was cut to pieces, put into a jute sack, and thrown into a pond.

The new wave of violence began last August 23, in the district of Kandhamal, after the killing of Swami Laxamananda Saraswati, a radical Hindu leader. Hindu fundamentalist organizations accuse the Christians of killing him, although the police of Orissa suspect that the authors of the assassination were Maoist militants. The pogrom to “kill all Christians and destroy their institutions” is motivated in part by the accusations according to which Christians are coercing tribals and Dalits to convert through force or bribery. (more…)

Trial begins in stabbing death of Oakland woman

22 September, 2008

No mention of islam but the name change sort of gives you a reason to wonder-sudden jihad syndrome or honor killing? It could also be just a random domestic dispute but I’m going out on a limb and blaming the old religion of perpetual violence.

By Paul T. Rosynsky, 22 Sep, 08, Oakland Tribune
OAKLAND — “Oh please! Could you please,” a woman screamed on a 911 tape.
“The man out here, Jesus Jihad, he is stabbing this girl, he’s out here stabbing Aisha,” she continued in a hysterical pitch. “He is still standing there right now. Please help me, I’m scared.”

That is how a jury was introduced Monday morning to the killing of Aisha Hendricks, 35, of Oakland, who police said was stabbed to death last year by her husband, Jihad, 55, also of Oakland.

“Consciously, callous, cold blooded,” deputy district attorney Casey Bates said before playing the tape, made by an unidentified neighbor, and showing pictures of Hendricks’ bloody body to the jury. “These are the three words that characterize the actions of Mr. Jihad.”

Jihad, who changed his name from Jesse R. Christ in the 1980s after being paroled from prison after serving about 14 years for the 1973 murder of a sailor in Alameda, is charged with murder in Hendricks’ death and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon on charges he stabbed Hendricks’ sister, Emma Bowens, 25, and Bowens’ son, D’Anthony Holmes, 16, in an attack July 8, 2007.
-Prison convert?

If convicted, it would be Jihad’s third strike under the state’s three strikes law, meaning he could face life in prison without the possibility of parole. After he was paroled in 1987 on the murder conviction, he was again found guilty in 1994 of a rape in Berkeley. He was sentenced to 17 years in that case, but was paroled after 10 years.

Jihad is accused of chasing after Hendricks and continually stabbing her as she ran from a second-floor apartment in the 2300 block of 92nd Avenue in Oakland. He then left Hendricks bleeding outside as he stormed into Bowen’s apartment, which was directly underneath Hendricks’ apartment, Bates said. (more…)

A Practitioner of the Religion of Peace Rams Vehicle into Crowd of Soldiers in Jerusalem

22 September, 2008

Ah, yes.  It’s Ramadan season for Muzzies, and peace & love are in the air – filling their little lungs with a terminal case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

15 wounded in terror attack at busy Jerusalem intersection

An Arab resident of east Jerusalem rammed his vehicle into a group of soldiers at a central Jerusalem thoroughfare late Monday night, wounding fifteen people, before being shot dead by an off-duty IDF officer, police and rescue officials said.

It was the third such attack in the city in as many months.

The attack took place at the city’s Kikar Tzahal near Jaffa Gate. Two of the casualties were in moderate condition, the rest were lightly hurt.

The assailant, who was driving a BMW, crashed into a group of off-duty soldiers on the sidewalk, where his car came to a grinding halt.

Jerusalem police chief Aharon Franco said that the attacker was shot dead “within seconds” by an off-duty IDF officer who was touring the city with his unit.

He added that there was no intelligence information ahead of the attack, but noted that Jerusalem was under heavy security alert due to Ramadan.


NRA Launches Ad Campaign Against Obama

22 September, 2008

If you are a regular reader of this website, you know that we are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment.   In fact, I personally think the 2nd Amendment should have been instated as the 1st Amendment, and vice-versa.  But, that’s a whole nother story…

The ‘St. Louis Examiner’ Picks Up on Obama’s Connection to Smear Campaign Against Sarah Palin

22 September, 2008

Excellent news!  It shows that the ball is starting to roll.  Here’s the article:

Smear videos against Palin linked to Obama campaign
POSTED September 22, 2:46 PM
Ray Robison
St. Louis Examiner

A series of videos designed to spread lies about the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Governor Sarah Palin has been connected to a professional Public Relations firm. Those videos also share production qualities used in pro-Obama videos produced by Obama media campaign strategist David Axelrod.

Axelrod is considered by many to be a master of planting campaign messages on the internet to look like they did not originate from an organized campaign, a practice know as “astroturfing” (because of the fake grass-roots nature of the message). The smear videos have been connected to a professional PR firm, the kind of firm Axelrod would turn to in order to disseminate his message. No direct evidence of such a link has been established but to do so would be very difficult for any outside investigation.

Company employees and family members of Winner & Associates have been connected to the placement of these videos on Youtube. In addition, they have been shown to have sent notice of these videos to the fringe left-wing websites, the Democratic Underground and Daily Kos. Those smear machine websites then urged their readers – hundreds of thousands of them – to spread word about the smear videos.

Bloggers at the website “The Jawa Report” have used their collective investigative talent to expose the smear campaign. Normally, the blog specializes in tracking down and stopping sources of internet-based Islamic extremism, also known as jihadist propaganda. The bloggers recently turned their abilities to finding the source of the Palin smear videos. They present strong evidence linking Winner & Associates to the videos including an email from one of the postings that is assigned to the domain name for the company’s website.

The “Jawans” also compared the smear videos to videos known to have been produced by David Axelrod’s media company in support of the Obama campaign. The Jawa Report presents strong evidence that the female voice-over used in the smear videos is the same voice used in all of the Obama campaign videos from Axelrod’s company. In addition, the investigators who routinely review jihadist videos for clues have determined that the video and production quality of the smear videos was high and likely done by a professional production company, not a “grassroots” effort.

The connections provide a clear, although yet to be fully proven, scenario. Based upon the evidence it appears that Axelrod likely orchestrated the smear campaign providing his media company resources to create the smear videos for the PR firm which launched the viral campaign. It was all meant to look like it came from some where other than the Obama campaign, a prime example of “astroturfing”.

Update: With in minutes of the revelation of this information at The Jawa Report  the smear videos were taken down by the poster on Youtube. Anticipating this, the Jawans made a copy and reposted it.

Candidates Preparing for Debates on Friday

22 September, 2008

I just thought this might be a good time to remind everyone about one of Barack Obama’s big fat lies.  This is from his interview with that fatuous suck-upping pig of a rodeo clown, Charley Gibson:

[Click HERE for Link]

BTW – everytime you see a “–” in the transcript, that’s the “Eloquent One” stuttering…

GIBSON: John McCain has issued an invitation to do a series of town meetings (inaudible). Going to do it?

OBAMA: Oh, we’re definitely going to be doing some town hall debates. I look forward to, you know, having more than just the three traditional debates that we’ve seen in recent presidential contests, so I’m glad that he’s interested in doing it.

You know, we’re going to have to figure out timing. I know that he wants to start, generously enough, a week from today. And since we just won the nomination, we may have to spend some — a little bit of time over the next couple of weeks, you know, retooling for a general election.

GIBSON: (inaudible)

OBAMA: Well, we are definitely going to be debating with John McCain, and we will do more than the three that — that have been promised. And so, some of those will have to be done before our respective conventions….

Yup, Obama is a liar!

There have been NO such debates leading up to this first of three traditional debates.  And, no! – Seperately answering questions, as was done in the Saddleback Church and the AARP formats, is NOT even close to a debate!  They may have just as well gone ahead and taped those Q&A sessions days apart and in different states!

The interview quoted above with that sideshow freak, Gibson, was done around June 4th, 2008.  Almost two months later, with Obama giving excuse after excuse for not debating McCain (who kept this issue alive at his rallys), Obama finally admitted he wasn’t going to debate McCain unless he had to.  (Click HERE for link).  (Maybe Obama should “Change” his mantra from “Yes, we can!” to “Yes, we won’t!” )

Now, why is this?  It’s pretty obvious to those of us paying attention; Obama is scared sh*tless of McCain!

If McCain scares him, can you imagine what would happen if Obama (God forbid) became President and actually had to negotiate a deal with one of our enemies?  They would wipe their cyst infested bottoms with him!

Stand-Ins, Naps Help Debate Preparation
SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 – Wall Street Journal

To get in the debating mood, Republican John McCain will host a town-hall event and take a short nap. His rival, Democrat Barack Obama, will work out or shoot hoops.

And to prepare, Sen. McCain will spar this week in mock debates with Michael Steele. Mr. Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland and a prominent black Republican, will play Sen. Obama and use many of his speaking patterns, tactics and body language. Sen. Obama will practice with Greg Craig, a Washington lawyer and former official in the Clinton administration who is one of his few gray-haired advisers.

After weeks of TV attack ads and prepared remarks on the stump, the candidates will face off on stage without teleprompters or advisers. With the presidential race in a near dead heat, neither candidate can afford a costly gaffe that sends his campaign into a tailspin. The nationally televised debates are set to begin on Friday and are certain to be among the most watched in history. Each campaign is seeking even the smallest advantage.

Obama advisers, for example, are considering how to provoke Sen. McCain into anger or showing what they say is how out of touch, or old, he is. Advisers have told Sen. McCain to watch out when Sen. Obama uses the phrase, “As I’ve said before…” One McCain adviser said it is used “when Obama actually changes his position, to pretend it’s what he’s always said.”


Female Islamic Squatter Blinds Israeli Soldier by Pouring Acid on His Face

22 September, 2008

I guess the female Islamic Squatters have moved forward from having acid splashed on their faces by the practitioners of the Religion of Peace for not wearing a hijab , to splashing acid on the faces of Israeli soldiers just trying to do their jobs…

Palestinian woman pours acid on soldier

IDF soldier manning Nablus checkpoint loses sight after Palestinian woman hurls acidic substance into his eyes. Army slams ‘cynical use’ of humanitarian aid at crossings

Efrat Weiss
09.22.08 – Israel News

An IDF soldier has lost sight in one of his eyes after a Palestinian woman attacked him with acid at the Hawara checkpoint on Monday afternoon. The checkpoint is located south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Troops managed to apprehend the woman, who is believed to have carried out a similar attack several weeks ago at the same crossing. She was arrested and taken for questioning. The soldier was evacuated to the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva for treatment.

In the previous incident, the woman arrived at the Hawara checkpoint and attempted to cross through the humanitarian aid lane, which is meant for medical emergencies and therefore has limited security.

Upon approaching the soldier manning the lane, she threw acid at his face and then ran back towards Nablus.

IDF forces are implementing a more lenient policy at checkpoints as part of the military’s efforts to ease restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month of Ramadan. Military sources said it is was unfortunate Palestinians were “cynically abusing” the IDF’s humanitarian efforts.


The Maverick Decides to Put the Gloves On

22 September, 2008

This is something we have all been waiting for John McCain to do:  Start highlighting Obama’s poor judgment in choosing his friends: