Archive for 24 September, 2008

Clintonomics, Democrats, and Political Correctness Destroyed America’s Economic Security

24 September, 2008

Or, an alternate future title could just as easily be:  “Obamanomics: 101…”

Ann Coulter gives us all a history lesson concerning the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle:

Update: The New York Post has an article out today that parallels this account.  CLICK HERE to read.

by Ann Coulter
September 24, 2008

On MSNBC this week, Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter tried to connect John McCain to the current financial disaster, saying: “If you remember the Keating Five scandal that (McCain) was a part of. … He’s really getting a free ride on the fact that he was in the middle of the last great financial scandal in our country.”

McCain was “in the middle of” the Keating Five case in the sense that he was “exonerated.” The lawyer for the Senate Ethics Committee wanted McCain removed from the investigation altogether, but, as The New York Times reported: “Sen. McCain was the only Republican embroiled in the affair, and Democrats on the panel would not release him.”

So John McCain has been held hostage by both the Viet Cong and the Democrats.

Alter couldn’t be expected to know that: As usual, he was lifting material directly from Kausfiles. What is unusual was that he was stealing a random thought sent in by Kausfiles’ mother, who, the day before, had e-mailed: “It’s time to bring up the Keating Five. Let McCain explain that scandal away.”

The Senate Ethics Committee lawyer who investigated McCain already had explained that scandal away — repeatedly. It was celebrated lawyer Robert Bennett, most famous for defending a certain horny hick president a few years ago.

In February this year, on Fox News’ “Hannity and Colmes,” Bennett said, for the eight billionth time:

“First, I should tell your listeners I’m a registered Democrat, so I’m not on (McCain’s) side of a lot of issues. But I investigated John McCain for a year and a half, at least, when I was special counsel to the Senate Ethics Committee in the Keating Five. … And if there is one thing I am absolutely confident of, it is John McCain is an honest man. I recommended to the Senate Ethics Committee that he be cut out of the case, that there was no evidence against him.”


Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

24 September, 2008

Paul Murdoch channels Allahpundit

Blogburst logo, petition

Two years ago Allahpundit (who works for Michelle Malkin) made a very strange judgment. He accepted that the original Crescent of Embrace design for the Flight 93 memorial pointed roughly to Mecca (to be exact, it points within 2 degrees of Mecca), but said that worrying about the orientation of the crescent reeked of “truther-iness.”

“A good rule of thumb,” said Allah


if you need a protractor to properly express your outrage, you’ve probably gone too far.

Orientation on Mecca may sound esoteric, but it is certainly not esoteric to Muslims, who are supposed to face Mecca five times a day for prayer, and often carry special compasses for that purpose.

In particular, a crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca is called a mihrab, and is the central feature around which every mosque is built. (Some mihrabs are pointed arch shaped, but the archetypical mihrab is crescent shaped.) This isn’t merely suspicious, like learning to fly airliners without learning how to land. It is the discovered enemy objective: to stab a terrorist memorial mosque into the heartland of America.

How can anyone be surprised? As our blogburst logo shows, the original crescent design was a bare naked crescent and star flag. For Allah to dismiss ADDITIONAL Islamic symbol shapes as coincidence is like seeing the second airplane fly into the Trade Center and saying: “Well now it HAS to be an accident.”

Allahpundit seems to have forgotten the defining quality of the 9-11 truth morons. It isn’t that their claims seem esoteric or even outlandish. It is that their claims are FALSE, and in most cases are revealed by the simplest fact-checking to be blatantly dishonest as well. The truthers are self-conscious purveyors of malicious disinformation, a la Michael Moore.

In contrast, everything we are saying about the flight 93 memorial is TRUE, and is easily verified to be true just by examining the official design drawings. (more…)

Canadian Muslims Offended by Barbecue

24 September, 2008

Well, put barbecues on your list of about 303 centillion things that offend the religious sensibilities of Muzzies:

Barbecue angers Muslim community

September 24, 2008  –  A Mississauga councillor’s community barbecue will go ahead as planned on Sunday despite complaints from some members of the Muslim community that the event is being held during Ramadan, a period of religious fasting.

Ward 10 Councillor Sue McFadden told The News she has received about a dozen angry calls urging her to reschedule the event.

“I’m very sympathetic, but the arrangements have been made long ago and cannot be changed at this late stage. However, I will certainly try next year to keep Ramadan in mind and not schedule it for during that period,” said McFadden.

[Once again, another Multicultural idiot sucks up and submits to the authority of Islam… ]

“But Mississauga is an extremely diverse community, with a lot of different faiths. It won’t be very easy to find a date that’s suitable for every group,” she added.

[Exactly! ]


Galactic Illegal Aliens headed for Bama

24 September, 2008

Ok, so this story is not about muslim crazies or political crazies but I think everyone will enjoy it.

By Leada Gore, 24 September, 2008, Clanton Advertiser

Attention Alabama residents – you are about to make history.
-Go Bama! – Beat Alburn! (sorry I couldn’t help myself)

Just in case you missed it, an Australian psychic has predicted aliens will be visiting the Earth Oct. 14. The psychic goes by the name “Blossom Goodchild,” and predicts a group called the Galactic Federation of Light will make a benevolent visit to our planet on that day. It seems they will bring their giant space ship close enough to Earth so a large majority of the population will get a bird’s eye view of the visitors. And, at least according to Goodchild, the aliens will be making our state their home base.
-That was close Florida already has a problem with illegals.

Goodchild’s news has the Internet all abuzz. There are plenty of comments about the aliens themselves, as well as numerous comments about their choice of destination.

“Alabama?” one person wrote. “I’ll bet Denver is jealous.”
-I spek a few good old boys will treat the green fellas to a little home made lightnen. Which is why they picked Bama over Denver

“Alabama?” another person said. “How will you be able to tell the difference from the people who actually live there?”
-The aliens will have on silver colored flannel shirts and hats. (more…)

Debate Wars

24 September, 2008

Memaw had called to tell us that McCain was asking that the debates be delayed until after he finished working with Congress on a bipartisan solution to the economic crisis.

As I was about to post that article, the following just popped up on the news wire:

Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate

[Yup, that Obama… Always thinking about what’s best for America….  Riiiiight…]

By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer- via Yahoo News

NEW YORK – Republican John McCain said Wednesday that he wants to postpone Friday’s debate to deal with the nation’s financial problems, but Democrat Barack Obama said “it’s more important than ever” that the country hear from its next president.

The White House rivals maneuvered to claim the leadership role on the financial crisis that has overshadowed their campaign, leaving the question of whether they will hold their first debate in doubt. Obama said he would continue ahead with his debate preparations, while McCain said he would stop all advertising, fundraising and other campaign events to return to Washington and work for a bipartisan solution.

“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama said at a news conference in Clearwater, Fla. “It’s going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once.”

Their dueling positions came after the two senators spoke privately, each trying to portray himself as the bipartisan leader at a time of crisis.

But McCain beat Obama to the punch with the first public statement, saying the Bush administration’s Wall Street $700 billion bailout proposal seemed headed for defeat and a bipartisan solution was urgently needed. If not, McCain said ominously, credit will dry up, people will no longer be able to buy homes, life savings will be at stake and businesses will not have enough money to pay workers.


Mysterious Illnesses Afflict Pirates Who Hijacked Iranian Ship

24 September, 2008

Chemical weapons or Uranium…  You decide:

H/T – Flopping Aces

Mystery surrounds hijacked Iranian ship

Written by Nick Grace & Abdiweli Ali, Ph.D.

A tense standoff is underway in northeastern Somalia between pirates, Somali authorities, and Iran over a suspicious merchant vessel and its mysterious cargo. Hijacked late last month in the Gulf of Aden, the MV Iran Deyanat remains moored offshore in Somali waters and inaccessible for inspection. Its declared cargo consists of minerals and industrial products, however, Somali and regional officials directly involved in the negotiations over the ship and who spoke to The Long War Journal are convinced that it was heading to Eritrea to deliver small arms and chemical weapons to Somalia’s Islamist insurgents.

It was business as usual when speedboats surrounded the MV Iran Deyanat on August 21. The 44468 dead weight tonnage bulk carrier was pushing towards the Suez and had just entered the Gulf of Aden – dangerous waters where instability, greed and no-questions-asked ransom payments have led to a recent surge in piracy. Steaming past the Horn of Africa, 82 nautical miles southeast of al-Makalla in Yemen, the ship was a prize for the taking. It would bring hundreds of thousands of dollars – possibly millions – to the Somalia-based crime syndicate. The captain was defenseless against the 40 pirates armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades blocking his passage. He had little choice other than to turn his ship over to them. What the pirates were not banking on, however, was that this was no ordinary ship.


The MV Iran Deyanat was brought to Eyl, a sleepy fishing village in northeastern Somalia, and was secured by a larger gang of pirates – 50 onboard and 50 onshore. Within days, pirates who had boarded the ship developed strange health complications, skin burns and loss of hair. Independent sources tell The Long War Journal that a number of pirates have also died. “Yes, some of them have died. I do not know exactly how many but the information that I am getting is that some of them have died,” Andrew Mwangura, Director of the East African Seafarers’ Assistance Program, said Friday when reached by phone in Mombasa.


Michelle Malkin Talks About the Palin Smear Campaign on FOX

24 September, 2008

This was from this morning’s FOXNews, where Michelle Malkin talks about Rusty’s (from The Jawa Report) expose’ concerning Obama’s campaign manager’s link to a smear campaign against Sarah Pailn.

I’m glad SOMEONE is finally able to get this story past the MSM censors:

No Limit to the Media’s Hatred of Sarah Palin and Christianity

24 September, 2008

Liberal Washington Post Cartoonist, Pat Oliphant, is so hell-bent on smearing Sarah Palin that he doesn’t even care about stepping on the toes of Christianity by poking fun at the Biblical practice of Speaking in Tongues:

Is there any doubt that the Godless are trying to win this election?

More Ridiculous Dhimmitudeness in the UK

24 September, 2008

H/T – Mullah Lodabullah

London’s Olympic Park toilets to turn away from Mecca out of respect for Islamic law
By Daily Mail Reporter
24th September 2008

Toilet facilities are being built at London’s Olympic Park so Muslims will not have to face Mecca while sitting on the loo.

The Olympic Delivery Authority has said it wants to produce an ideal venue for people of all cultures, faiths, ages and abilities for the 2012 Games and beyond.

The Islamic religion prohibits Muslims from facing the Kiblah – the direction of prayer – when they visit the lavatory.

An ODA spokeswoman confirmed that a ‘percentage of general toilets would not face Mecca’ out of sensitivity.

She could not say how many toilets would turn away from the East.

Also as part of the design, special washing facilities will be linked to Islamic prayer rooms.

It is not the first time toilets have changed direction to accommodate Muslims.

Last year, thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money was used to ensure toilets at Brixton prison in London did not offend Islamic law.

Muslim prisoners complained of having to sit sideways on toilets so as to not break code.

Faith leaders in the government pressured officials to approve turning the toilets 90 degrees.


Radical Muslims Paid Obama’s Way Through College!

24 September, 2008

Some VERY interesting stuff here.  It has long been speculated that radical Muslims paid Obama’s way through college.

However, an article in Politico seemed to put those rumors to rest by quoting a spokesperson who claimed the allegations were completely “bogus.”

Yet, Kenneth Timmerman from Newsmax has revisited this story and discovered that the Politico article uses a phony spokesperson to deny the allegations!

So, ALL those rumors about radical Muslims paying Obama’s way through College may well prove to be true!

Update: Added video of Percy Sutton’s statements concerning Khalid Al-Mansour and Barack Obama.  H/T – The Sadim Touch.

Obama’s Harvard Years: Questions Swirl
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman –

How exactly did Barack Obama pay for his Harvard Law School education?

The way the Obama campaign has answered the question was simply hard work and student loans.

But new questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

Prince Alwaleed catapulted to fame in the United States after the September 11 attacks, when New York mayor Rudy Guiliani refused his $10 million check to help rebuild Manhattan, because the Saudi prince hinted publicly that America’s pro-Israel policies were to blame for the attacks.

Sutton knew Al-Mansour well, since the two men had been business partners and served on several corporate boards together.

As Sutton remembered, Al-Mansour was raising money for Obama’s education and seeking recommendations for him to attend Harvard Law School.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter. “The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas.”

Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told Newsmax that Sutton’s account was “bogus” and a “fabrication that has been retracted” by a spokesman for the Sutton family.

He referred Newsmax to a pro-Obama blog published on by reporter Ben Smith.

In a September 3 blog entry, Smith wrote that “a spokesman for Sutton’s family, Kevin Wardally” said that Sutton had been mistaken when he made those comments about Obama and Khalid Al-Mansour.

Smith suggested the retraction “put the [Obama/Al-Mansour] story to rest for good.”

Wardally told Smith that the “information Mr. Percy Sutton imported [sic] on March 25 in a NY1 News interview regarding his connection to Barack Obama is inaccurate. As best as our family and the Chairman’s closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview.”

Asked which parts of Percy Sutton’s statements were a “fabrication,” LaBolt said “all of it. Al Mansour doesn’t know Obama. And Sutton’s spokesman retracted the story. The letter [to Harvard, which Percy Sutton says he wrote on behalf of Obama], the ‘payments for loans’ — all of it, not true,” he added.

Newsmax contacted the Sutton family and they categorically denied Wardally’s claims to Smith and the So there was no retraction of Sutton’s original interview, during which he revealed that Khalid Al-Mansour was “raising money” for Obama and had asked Sutton to write a letter of recommendation for Obama to help him get accepted at Harvard Law School.

Sutton’s personal assistant told Newsmax that neither Mr. Sutton or his family had ever heard of Kevin Wardally.

”Who is this person?” asked Sutton’s assistant, Karen Malone.

When told that he portrayed himself as a “spokesman” for the family, Malone told Newsmax, “Well, he’s not.”
