Archive for 10 October, 2008

Obama – The Stealth Candidate

10 October, 2008

A notable editorial worth reading:

The stealth candidate
October 10, 2008
David Limbaugh
World Net Daily

Democrats assume Republicans are raising Obama’s many questionable relationships in a desperation effort to salvage the election. You might think this is splitting hairs, but I believe the reason is that these relationships scare the daylights out of us.

Conservatives were very much opposed to Bill Clinton for myriad reasons, but with decades in elective office in Arkansas, at least he wasn’t a stealth candidate. Though rumors and mysteries abounded, Clinton was hardly a blank slate who emerged out of nowhere.

Obama is different. He burst onto the political scene and has risen with such alacrity that even many of his supporters don’t have a clue what he’s about or where he would take America.

It’s no wonder the conspiracy types are whispering that he’s the Manchurian candidate. It’s not as if he’s embracing his past; it’s more as if he’s concealing it, and for good reason. People have a right to know just how radical this man is, because America’s destiny is in the balance.

I’ve always been extremely confident that no matter which party is in power, it can only do so much damage in four years because of the ingenious safeguards our Constitution contains to preserve the essential structure of government that maximizes individual liberty. But I admit I’m more concerned today.

The Constitution is only as reliable as the moral fiber of the people from which it derives its power and their commitment to good (and limited) government. That’s why John Adams famously said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I’m not just worried that Obama will appoint leftist activist judges who will continue to rewrite the Constitution. It’s that he wants to socialize health care, initiate a massive transfer of wealth via the Global Poverty Act and would intervene in foreign conflicts solely for humanitarian reasons when our national interests are not at stake. He obviously regards the tax code as a license to punish wealth and equalize incomes in the name of “fairness” rather than a means to raise revenue for essential government services.


Alternative Energy Sources…

10 October, 2008

Wow!  This guy makes some good points, but he really needs to watch his blood pressure…

H/T – Copious Dissent

Sarah Palin Guilty, but NOT Guilty…

10 October, 2008

Alright, I have read Stephen Branchflower’s Report to the Legislative Council and here’s the deal:

Sarah Palin is guilty of trying to get Trooper Wooten fired.

Big whoop-dee-do…  The guy was a psycho, any sane person would have done their best to get him fired, as he is a menace to society.

There never was any doubt that Sarah Palin wanted and was trying to get Trooper Wooten fired.

Unfortunately, Sarah Palin was governor, so any attempt to protect her family can be seen as a violation of AS 39.52.110(a):

“the legislature reaffirms that each public officer hold office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”

Kind of a catch-22…

Now, the interesting thing is that it seems Sarah Palin is guilty of inaction more so than direct action:

Here is the explanation of the ruling [page 65]

The evidence supports the conclusion that Governor Palin, at the least, engaged in “official action” by her inaction if not her active participation or assistance to her husband in attempting to get Trooper Wooten fired [and there is evidence of her active participation].  She knowingly, as that term is defined in the above cited statutes, permitted Todd Palin to use the Governor’s office and the resources of the Governor’s office, including access to state employees, to continue to contact subordinate state employees in an effort to find some way to get Trooper Wooten fired.  Her conduct violated AS 39.52.110(a) of the Ethics Act.  That statute provides that:

“the legislature reaffirms that each public officer hold office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”

Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit:  to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired.  She had the authority and power to require Mr. Palin to cease contacting subordinates, but she failed to act.

Now, if you go back and read the news reports concerning this case, most of the Left’s rantings were NOT about Sarah Palin trying to get Trooper Wooten fired; most of them were about her firing Commissioner Monegan.

Of course, I have no doubt that the Left will blindly ignore their own previous words and will now focus on her having attempted to get Trooper Wooten fired, when in fact, they were more up in arms about the firing of Commissioner Monegan than the attempted firing of Wooten – again, any sane individual would have done the same.

Here is why they will shift gears:

Finding Number 2 [page 69]:

I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety.  In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.


In light of this constitutional and statutory authority, it is clear that Governor Palin could fire Commissioner Walt Monegan at will, for almost any reason, or no reason at all.

You see, Gov. Palin had every right to fire the Commissioner.  THAT was the very thing that the MSM was trying to say that she had no right to do.  But, I doubt the MSM will point that out in their zeal to smear her good name and plaster this crud all over the plasma screen so that their precious red diaper doper baby messiah can win the elections…

Another of Obama’s Muslim Outreach Coordinators Hanging out with Radical Islamists

10 October, 2008

Is anyone really surprised?

Obama Muslim Outreach Coordinator Under Fire for Meeting With Extremists
Barak Obama’s Muslim outreach adviser is under fire for meeting with Islamic groups with extremist views, just months after her predecessor resigned for links to a radical cleric.
Friday, October 10, 2008

Barack Obama’s newly appointed Muslim outreach adviser is coming under fire for meeting with Islamic groups with extremist views, just two months after her predecessor resigned over links to a radical cleric.

Minha Husaini met with members of several Islamic organizations in Virginia on September 15 — including some that terrorism experts say have ties to Hamas and the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

Among the attendees were senior members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which was listed by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror-related trial.

Several people connected to CAIR have been convicted of felonies — including on terrorism-related charges.

CAIR bills itself as the nation’s largest Muslim civil-rights advocacy group. As recently as last year, it advised the Transportation Security Administration on sensitivity training regarding Muslim air travelers. Nihad Awad, a CAIR co-founder and executive director, met with President Bush in the aftermath of 9/11.

But critics say CAIR has a long history of masquerading as a moderate Islamic group.

“These groups, even if they themselves are not active terrorist organizations, do subscribe to large amounts of the ideology that fuels the terrorism that we are being confronted with,” said Andrew McCarthy, former Assistant U.S. Attorney.

CAIR did not return repeated calls for comment.

Awad, who was at the September meeting with Husaini, recently attended a dinner with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Also present at the Sept. 15 meeting was Mahdi Bray, who has publicly announced his support for the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Bray, the executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, raised his fist in the air during a rally in Washington in October 2000 to demonstrate his support for the terror groups.

Bray refused to comment on the recent gathering. “It was a closed meeting,” he told FOX News.

Johari Abdul Malik, imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., also participated in the meeting. During a conference in Chicago in 2001, he told attendees, “You can blow up bridges, but you cannot kill people who are innocent on their way to work.” In November 2004 he told followers, “You will see Islam move from being the second largest religion in America — to being the first religion in America.”


Judge Orders 17 Terrorists to be Released into the United States

10 October, 2008

Finally, someone from the MSM is starting to fully understand the consequences of all those Libtard Supreme Court rulings that mollycoddle and give rights to terrorists who want to KILL us!

Pandora’s Box
Jan Crawford Greenburg
ABC News

For years now, the Supreme Court has been issuing a series of lofty opinions sternly reprimanding the Bush Administration for its handling of terror suspects in the wake of 9/11. These decisions, in response to sweeping assertions of executive power, carved out greater constitutional rights for America’s sworn enemies than ever before in the nation’s history.

The rhetoric in these rulings was sometimes stirring, and the new principles they established were hailed by many in the press and academia as enlightened, almost noble. And for years, the decisions were virtually cost-free pronouncements from the marble palace. The cases hadn’t reached the point where judges were actually deciding what to do with detainees.

But now, the rubber hits the road. The rhetoric is reality. District court judges have to apply these rulings and take them seriously. And so this is where it leads: A federal judge has ordered the government to release 17 former terror suspects now at Guantanamo into the United States.

The men, a group of Chinese Muslims known as ‘Uighurs,’ had weapons training from the Taliban in camps in Afghanistan. They were picked up in Afghanistan and Pakistan after Sept. 11th, and have been at Guantanamo ever since. They are no longer considered ‘enemy combatants,’ because China, not the United States, was their enemy. But, as one government official put it, they aren’t considered Boy Scouts, either.

The order directing their release, by Judge Ricardo Urbina, marks the first time a judge has ordered detainees at Guantanamo freed. He directed the government to fly them to Andrews Air Force Base by Friday, and he imposed no conditions on their release. They could be at Target in Arlington, Va., by mid-afternoon, shopping for some new clothes for their new lives in the Washington, D.C. area.

You might think that’s astounding, but it’s the logical and very tangible consequence of all those Supreme Court rulings—most recently the one in June that gave terror suspects being held at Guantanamo the right to challenge their detention in federal courts. In other words, the Supreme Court decreed that judges are going to have a role in the War on Terror, and they can now second-guess military and political decisions about who is a terror suspect and who can be freed.

Lawyers for the 17 men made very good use of those decisions—their legal filings are replete with the lofty judicial proclamations, most of them courtesy of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Here’s a particularly useful one for the detainees, from Boumediene v. Bush, decided in June and written by Kennedy: “The costs of delay can no longer be borne by those who are held in custody.”


Vote for Barack “Osama”

10 October, 2008

Yeah, I’ve made that typo myself!

The “s” and the “b” may be far removed on the keyboard, but not very from the truth…

Barack ‘Osama’ on Rensselaer County ballots
Election officials on both sides of aisle insist error on absentee ballots was a typo
By BOB GARDINIER, Staff writer – TimesUnion
Friday, October 10, 2008

TROY, NY — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name is spelled “Osama” on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County.

The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county.

”No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,” said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ”We catch almost everything.”

”This was a typo,” said Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee. ”We have three different staff members who proof these things and somehow the typo got by us.”

Officials say the flawed ballots were sent to approximately 300 voters. On row 1A Barack Obama’s name is spelled Barack Osama.

Is it a Freudian slip, intentional act or a mistake? Voters are sure to have opinions, and one pol pointed out that the letters ‘s’ and ‘b’ are not exactly keyboard neighbors.

But even the county Democratic election commissioner is apologizing for what he calls a terrible mistake.


Odinga & His Patsy, Obama

10 October, 2008

The Pact between Raila Odinga and the Muslim leaders calls for the establishment of a “safe haven” for terrorists, imposition of Islamic law, and outlawing of public Christianity!

Oil Drops Below $80 a Barrel

10 October, 2008

See?  This whole Democratic “September Surprise” economic collapse does have a few advantages – OPEC is starting to freak out!

Also, the price of copper is dropping.  If you need to do some re-wiring around the house, wait a few weeks for the price of Romex at Home Depot to “adjust” before doing so.

By the way, did I mention that I also do electrical work?  – Call me.

Crude Oil Drops Below $80 as Equities Slump on Credit Freeze
By Mark Shenk

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) — Crude oil fell below $80 for the first time in a year and copper headed for its biggest weekly drop in more than 20 years on concern that the deepening financial crisis will push the global economy into a recession.

Oil in New York is approaching its biggest weekly decline since 2003 amid plunging share prices in Asia and Europe. The S&P 500 fell 5 percent to the lowest level since the start of the Iraq War in 2003. All commodities with the exception of coffee are down on signs that demand for raw materials will drop as the global economy falters.

[I think I speak for all bloggers when I say, “Curse you, Juan Valdez!!!”]


Emails Prove Obama Backed Odinga in Kenya

10 October, 2008

While we are all waiting for Jerry Corsi to recoup from his ordeal in Kenya, here is some interesting evidence leaked out by Mr. Corsi:

Proof Obama backed ruthless, foreign thug
Set up direct Senate contact for Kenyan opposition leader
October 10, 2008
By Bob Unruh

Sen. Barack Obama designated a personal aide as his direct contact for the 2007 Kenyan presidential campaign of Raila Odinga, who later was appointed prime minister after his election loss was followed by widespread, deadly violence that destroyed or damaged 800 Christian churches, according to e-mails obtained by WND senior staff writer Jerry Corsi during a trip to Kenya.

Corsi attempted to release this and other information at a Tuesday press conference in Nairobi. The WND reporter and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author was detained by Kenya security officers as soon as he entered the hotel to make his presentation. He was held incommunicado and without food for the entire day before being permitted to board his regularly scheduled flight out of the country to London, where he is currently recuperating from the ordeal.

As WND has reported, Obama openly campaigned for Odinga during the Illinois Democrat’s 2006 Senate “fact-finding visit” to Kenya.

Odinga called for protests over alleged voter fraud after losing the December 2007 general election. The resulting protest violence left an estimated 1,000 members of the dominant Kikuyu tribe in Kenya dead and an estimated 500,000 displaced from their homes.

The links between Obama and Odinga were documented by copies of two e-mails obtained by Corsi during his meetings in Kenya with various government officials and others.

The e-mails, apparently sent by Obama himself, referenced the senator’s aide, Mark Lippert. The e-mails were provided to WND by an insider in Kenya who fled Odinga’s Orange Democratic political party and requested anonymity because of the danger of retaliation.

The e-mails, identified as coming from Obama’s Senate office, are addressed to “railaaodinga” at a address.

A WND e-mail to the same Obama address generated an automated response and a list of contacts for Obama’s offices. A WND e-mail sent to the Odinga e-mail address didn’t generate a response.

One e-mail purportedly from Obama, dated Dec. 22, 2006, read, “I will kindly wish that all our correspondence [be] handled by Mr Mark Lippert. I have already instructed him. This will be for my own security both for now and in future.”


A Pep Talk For the Next Debate

10 October, 2008

Given the simple questions and lackluster debate last Tuesday, Alfonso has decided to pump us up for the final showdown: