Archive for 3 February, 2009

Lawmakers Dispute Closed Gun Records

3 February, 2009

I am so sick of this crap, time to fight back folks. They want your information public so surely they would not mind theirs being online. I am waiting for a pissed off gun owner to follow the lawmaker’s home, list their addresses, car type, tag number and take a few pictures of their family. They could make a blog and have fun with this. If they really wanted to screw them they could find their unlisted phone numbers and list them too. I guarantee there is a gun owner in the Phone Company or they could find a repairman, their unlisted phone numbers are all written in the tall green box at the end of their development. No breaking and entering, just find a gun owner with a key or a password.

Good for the goose – good for the gander.

One piece of good news, rumors are there will be a million gun owners march on DC this summer, details are not ready for prime time yet but consider how a single gun owner scares them, now imagine millions. Although, this will start a propaganda campaign and the MSM will attempt to turn this into a million redneck/KKK man rally or they may claim it is really a coup but I still think it is a great idea. No matter how many, bigoted, racist, or crazy man with a gun stories they write to discredit this idea, we will counter them all.

Now for the latest attempt to intimidate gun owners; by placing information about your private property online I would think they could be held responsible if it is stolen.

By Reported By Cara Kumari. 3 February, 2009, WSMV-TV
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – What some are calling a matter of privacy, others are calling a dangerous idea. At issue is whether or not applications for gun-carry permits should be kept confidential.

Getting a permit isn’t only about learning the rules; a lot of personal information must be given up.

“You have to answer a lot of questions,” said John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association. “Like, for example, ‘How were you discharged from the military?’ ‘Have you ever been addicted to any kind of alcohol or other substances?’ ‘Have you ever had any psychiatric problems?’ A lot of information is disclosed on the forms that really shouldn’t be public.”
-Fight back, I have never met a politician that did not fear scrutiny, identify the supporters and organize your selves. Those of you in the area are fighting back for all of us.

That’s information that many permit owners don’t want out there along with their addresses and what kind of guns they own.
-I have warned you before, never register a weapon. This is what happens. Buy a few from friends, trade them, use craigslist, just move them around. (more…)

Al Franken Likes to Avoid Taxes, Too!

3 February, 2009

Yup, there’s definitely a trend developing here:


Franken Has Tax Problems, Too
Amanda Carpenter

President Obama’s Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Health and Human Services Secretary nominee Tom Daschle have been getting some attention regarding their failure to pay taxes, but what about Al Franken?

Franken, who is still fighting incumbent GOP Sen. Norm Coleman for Minnesota’s Senate seat, failed to pay at least $70,000 in taxes to 17 states prior to running for office.

Minnesota’s Star Tribune reported Franken was paid to appear at a number of celebrity appearances across the country and file taxes appropriately in those states since 2003. Franken’s team released a spreadsheet to media detailing the debt through the campaign, but there has not been any verification Franken has actually paid them down yet.

Franken refused to answer questions and blamed his attorney Allen Chanzis for the error– much like Geithner blamed the mass-market tax software for his failure to pay $34,000 in taxes.

Noticing a trend here?

Daschle, at least, seems to take some personal responsibility. He simply claims he made an “honest mistake” in forgetting pay employment taxes for his personal driver.

There a few other Democrats who have gotten in trouble for their finances lately although the media has been slow to make a narrative out of the obvious big picture story: Democrats Campaign to Raise Taxes, Fail to Pay Their Own.

We’re still waiting for resolution on House Ways & Means Chairman Rep. Charlie Rangel’s multitude of tax transgressions that caused both the Washington Post and New York Times to call on Rangel to resign from the powerful post. (Rangel curiously blamed a language barrier for the tax omission.) Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised an ethics investigation report would be produced by January 3rd.  Nearly a month later, there’s still no report.

And what about that sweetheart deal Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd got on his mortgage? This was a hot story while he was overseeing the bailout of the housing industry, but seems to have been forgotten. Dodd promised to produce his mortgage papers for inspection at the height of the scandal, but that never happened.

So, what’s the deal? Are politicians, who create, implement and oversee tax policy, not expected to pay their taxes? Is this a “freebie” now? Geithner survived the media test, so is that the new standard?

How many Democrats will be allowed to get away with it before it becomes a story??

Hamas CG Cartoon for Kids Depicts Israeli Soldiers as Cowards

3 February, 2009

Daschle Withdraws His Nomination, Too!

3 February, 2009

Hmmm…  It seems that Team Obama is starting to feel the heat:

Daschle withdraws his nomination

Tom Daschle has removed his name from consideration for the HHS post in the Obama administration.

Daschle was appointed by President Barack Obama to head the Health and Human Services Department.

The former Senate Majority Leader has come under fire since it came to light that he had failed to pay more than $120,000 in taxes.

Daschle is the second member of Obama’s team to back out of an appointment today. Earlier, Nancy Killefer pulled out as chief performance officer.

Killefer failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help.

UK: Bobbies Replace Union Jack with LGBT Flag

3 February, 2009

Yeah…  Let’s all celebrate sexual perversion, err, uhm, “diversity.”  Heck, we might as well start celebrating zoophiles, too—after all, shouldn’t we just all be happy that they have found that “special” sexual partner?  (sarcasm, of course)

Outrage as police station ditches Union Jack… for a gay rights flag

By Daily Mail Reporter
03rd February 2009

A police station has come under fire after officers replaced its Union Jack with a gay rights flag.

New Met police chief Sir Paul Stephenson was said to be outraged when he was told the gay emblem was raised outside Limehouse Station in east London.

It replaced the Union Jack and was put up by officers in recognition of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Month celebrated in February.

But Sir Paul ordered it be hauled down immediately after Met rules state only the Union Jack and the force’s own flag can fly from police buildings.

One officer said: ‘I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. The police are playing politics again.

‘I can understand the need to show acceptance to people of all sexualities – but the Union Jack should never be taken down.’

A senior source added: ‘Sir Paul was livid when he found out someone had out up the rainbow flag.

‘He is anxious the Met does not stray into political territory and focuses on policing.

‘The vast majority of the police and public will be fully supportive.’

Sir Paul has already spoken about how he has no intention of being a ‘celebrity’ commissioner and how his main focus is to fight crime and not bow down to the PC agenda.

After taking office last week, Sir Paul insisted he would focus on efficient management of the force and its core job of fighting crime.

‘It is not my aim to be boring and neither is it my aim to be a celebrity,’ Sir Paul said.

Teen Robber Murders 55-Year-Old Woman, then Gets Paralyzed by the Business End of a Gun

3 February, 2009

Hey, it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how great of a guy everyone thinks you are—heck, you could be the freakin’ Pope, for all I care—one momentary lapse into evilness will undue all.  And, you can expect to be on the business end of MY gun, too!


Local prep athletes face murder charges

Bradenton Herald – 03 Feb 09
Robert Napper

BRADENTON, FLORIDA — Two high school football players have been arrested on charges they killed a 55-year-old woman during a botched home invasion robbery. One of the teenagers is paralyzed after one of the robbery victims shot back, according to the Bradenton Police Department.

Detectives arrested Palmetto High School students Ta Heem Blake, 17, a former running back for the school, and Marquis Sanders, 18, who transferred from Bayshore High School. They face charges in the shooting death of Maria Lerna early Sunday, Bradenton Police Deputy Chief William Tokajer said.

Blake and Sanders are accused of barging into Lerna’s home in the 900 block of 25th Street East just before 6 a.m. Sunday in a robbery attempt.

The teens found Lerna and two men in the home when they entered, and Blake opened fire with an SKS rifle, according to Tokajer. Detectives say he killed Lerna, and shot one of the men in the house in the arm.

831-marquissandersSanders had a pistol in his hand but did not fire, according to Tokajer.

The teens did not count on one of the men in the home pulling his own gun, firing and hitting Blake. Police officers and emergency personnel found Blake shot in the doorway of Lerna’s home, according to Tokajer.

Sanders escaped but Blake’s injuries left him paralyzed with a severed spine. Tokajer said detectives have obtained an arrest warrant for Blake on a murder charge, and Pinellas County deputies were expected to serve Blake at Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg on Monday night.


We Are Dealing with Alien Life-Forms…

3 February, 2009

An interesting editorial from Ralph Peters at the New York Post.

H/T – Matamoros



A FUNDAMENTAL reason why our intelligence agencies, military leaders and (above all) Washington pols can’t understand Afghanistan is that they don’t recognize that we’re dealing with alien life-forms.

Oh, the strange-minded aliens in question resemble us physically. We share a few common needs: We and the aliens are oxygen breathers who require food and water at frequent intervals. Our body casings feel heat or cold. We’re divided into two sexes (more or less). And we’re mortal.

But that’s about where the similarities end, analytically speaking.

In my years as an intelligence officer, I saw colleagues make the same blunder over and over: They rushed to stress the ways in which the Russians, the Chinese or the Iranians were “just like us.” It’s the differences that kill you, though.

I was an effective intelligence officer. Why? In junior high, I matured past the French Existentialists and started reading science fiction. The prose was often ragged, but the speculative frameworks offered a useful approach to analysis.

Begin with the view that all opponents are aliens from another cultural planet. Build your assessment from a blank slate. What do the alien collectives desire or fear? How do they perceive the galaxy? What are their unique weaknesses?

Regarding Planet Afghanistan, we still hear the deadly cliché that “all human beings want the same basic things, such as better lives and greater opportunities for their children.” How does that apply to Afghan aliens who prefer their crude way of life and its merciless cults?


‘Team Obama’ Nominee with Tax Problems Withdraws

3 February, 2009

Sheesh.  No wonder the Commie Libtard buddies of Obama don’t care about higher taxes – they don’t pay them!

[CLICK HERE for video from MSNBC]


Obama nominee withdraws due to tax woes
Chief performance officer designate failed to pay taxes for household help
NBC News

WASHINGTON – An Obama administration official says Nancy Killefer is withdrawing her candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government.

The official said the 55-year-old executive with consulting giant McKinsey & Co. will detail her reason for pulling out later Tuesday.

When her selection was announced by President Barack Obama on Jan. 7, The Associated Press disclosed that in 2005 the District of Columbia government had filed a more than $900 tax lien on her home for failure to pay unemployment compensation tax on household help.

Since then, administration officials have refused to answer questions about the tax error which she resolved five months after the lien was filed.

Two other Obama nominees have run into tax problems during their confirmation processes.

Timothy Geithner was sworn in as Treasury secretary in January, after winning confirmation despite personal tax lapses that turned more than a third of the Senate against him.

Former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, Obama’s nominee to oversea the Health and Human Services Department, is still being considered by the Senate, despite problems with back taxes and potential conflicts of interest

[So, it begs the question; if everyone else is getting away with tax evasion, why would she be concerned enough to withdraw?   Something tells me there’s more to this story…]