Archive for 4 February, 2009

Chocolate loving muslims contaminate truck carrying chocolate powder

4 February, 2009

You just can’t make this stuff up.

By Danny Brierley , 5 February 2009, the daily mail
Fifteen illegal immigrants were arrested yesterday after they were found hiding in a lorry filled with around 20 tons of cocoa powder.

The stowaways had climbed into the tanker as it left Amsterdam on its way to a Mars factory in Slough.
-Damn them, I love Mars bars.

But police were alerted after the driver of the 37-ton vehicle prepared to unload his cargo.

A factory worker, who asked not to be named, said: ‘Soon after the tanker arrived at the factory, the driver got on top of it to open up the hatches on the roof.

‘When the driver looked down through the hatches into the tank, he apparently saw lots of men in brown coloured clothes –all saturated with the powder.
-I hope that they have a video and it gets out.

‘Goodness knows how they managed to breathe because the powder is very fine and would have been in the air. The tanker was about half full of chocolate powder – the usual maximum load, so there would have been room for 15 men to ride on top of it.’ (more…)

Homeland Security to meet with Somali community leaders

4 February, 2009

Somehow, I do not think the DHS is up to this task.

by Laura Yuen, 4 February, 2009, Minnesota Public Radio
St. Paul, Minn. — The department’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is planning to launch a so-called “engagement program” with Somali Americans in Minneapolis. The office has conducted similar outreach efforts with Muslims, Arabs and South Asians across the United States, including Chicago and Los Angeles.
-And yet ¾ of US mosques still teach hate, good job DHS.

One of the goals of the program is to prevent the radicalization of those groups.
-Then rewrite the Koran and convince them all to read and follow the replacement book.

Now, federal officials are trying to start a dialogue with some of the tens of thousands of Somalis living in the Twin Cities.

David Gersten is a top official with that civil-rights office. He said the expansion into Minneapolis has nothing to do with reports of about a dozen missing Somali men. In fact, Gersten said Somali-American community leaders began contacting his office as early as February 2008, several months before the disapperances made news.
-Good for them.

The FBI has said the young men “potentially” may have gone back to Somalia to fight alongside a militant Islamic group.

And while concerns about the missing men did not trigger the outreach efforts in Minneapolis, Gersten said he expects community leaders will raise the issue once the formal discussions begin.

“I’m sure, as with any community, they would like to know what their rights are, and what their responsibilities are, in talking with state, local and federal agencies,” Gersten said. “And they’d like to have a better understanding of what programs are in place within the department to help them if there are missing persons.”
-This is a chance to make a difference. The immigrant Somali community has seen life under a backwards and violent society where human rights were not existent and no one had free will. Here is their chance for real change, we will see if they are up to the task.

The first community roundtable could take place as early as next month. This week’s visit to Minneapolis is primarily to meet with key government players based in the Twin Cities, ranging from immigration officials to City Hall, to find out what kind of Somali outreach programs already exist.

Muslims and other groups that have already participated in these discussions across the country have asked questions about U.S. policies, ranging from asylum status to airport screenings. The latter could prove to be a pressing question in the Twin Cities as well. Late last year, the leader of a Minneapolis mosque that some of the missing men had attended was denied permission to board a plane to Saudi Arabia for an annual pilgrimage.
-Sounds to me like someone inside of his mosque talked. (more…)

Armed Burglar Surprised to Find Home Owner is also Armed – and a Retired Cop…

4 February, 2009

Stupid is as stupid does…

Bullets fly in residential burglary
By Joe Johnson

Hanford, California – A burglary gone bad turned into a shoot-out Tuesday night after an armed man broke into the north Hanford home of a retired law enforcement officer, Hanford police said. Hanford police are still searching for a black man who was last seen in the 1900 block of Roland Drive after shooting at a local homeowner.

The suspect reportedly fired a single shot at resident Jack Yeley, who Hanford police identified as a retired law enforcement officer. The bullet struck the wall behind Yeley and he returned fire with two shots of his own from a handgun he was carrying with him.

Police Lt. George Hernandez said the suspect fled from the building following the exchange, leaving behind Yeley’s wallet and some cash that had been stolen from the kitchen counter.

Yeley, 58, was not injured during the altercation. Reports indicate Yeley went for his weapon after hearing his dog barking followed by a loud crash. Officers do not believe the suspect was hit during the shooting.

[Yeley needs to hit that firing range a little more often…  Gettin’ a little rusty, if you ask me…]

Hanford police, along with Kings County Sheriff’s deputies and a California Highway Patrol helicopter, searched the area immediately following the shooting at 9:30 p.m., but the burglar could not be located.

Al Goracle Trash Talks Parents

4 February, 2009

I heard snippets of this on the Glenn Beck radio program this morning.  It’s some freaky Orwellian stuff and brings to mind the indoctrination of little children by Hitler.

After talking about Global Warming, Al Goracle says, “There are some things about our world that, you know, that older people don’t know,” and then he goes on telling them how their parents are stuck in the older ways and so on.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio of Al Gore indoctrinating the youth of America.

Here’s a partial transcript from Glenn Beck’s radio program:

GLENN: So how do they really do this? How did we even get here? How did we get to a point where socialism is okay? Where Marxism — I had a guy sitting at my church. Now, my church isn’t exactly like a lot of other churches. My church, as far as I understand it, has always been a faith that believes in the power of the individual. I came here and you came here for a reason and that is choice. We have choices to make and only by our choices can we define ourselves and our future eternally. When somebody else is making choices for you, well, that doesn’t seem right. It seems to me a third of the angels were thrown out of the war in heaven, third of the angels lost it because somebody said, “I’m gonna make the choices for them and then they’ll return to you, God, in all their glory. They’ll just be able to give me the glory.” Wasn’t that the original fight? The original fight was — and it was on the other side: “I’ll take care of them. I’ll make sure they all return safely.” I’m sorry to get all biblical on you, but I happen to believe in it. And any time somebody is trying to tell me that they’ll run my life, no thank you. For my own growth, for me to be the person I need to be, I need to make mistakes.

We’re developing a system where there’s two laws. There’s the law for the government and the people who are too important and then there’s a law for us. Two laws. Where have I heard that before? Oh, I remember. The people who used to run the former Soviet Union used to have their own lanes on the highway because they were important. They used to have their own stores that if you were a member of the party and you were important, you could go to a store where you could buy goods from foreign countries which the rest of Russia couldn’t do. But see, they were too important. They needed those powers. You didn’t, the average person, we couldn’t allow everybody to do that. That’s crazy. But these people, they’re important. You don’t understand what they have to do. Oh, the responsibility of the mother land is on their shoulders. Does any of this sound familiar? Why is this not being talked about in the average home? Why is this not being talked about in the streets? Why aren’t more people standing up going, “Wait a minute! We are going down a road that is completely the opposite direction of our founding documents.” I’ll tell you why. Because no one in school is teaching this anymore. God bless you homeschoolers, man. God bless you homeschoolers. No one is being taught the words of our founding fathers. They are being taught that, you know this capitalism thing, that doesn’t really work. I mean, it gets all greedy. I mean, Marxism isn’t that bad. Marxism isn’t that bad? Socialism isn’t that bad? How did we lose our way? We lost it when we lost the schools. You lose the minds of the kids, and this is what has been happening for a very long time. Ah, who designed that? When did that happen? At the progressive movement that Hillary Clinton likes to tout, that very American early 20th century movement by the progressives, that’s when it happened. That’s when we lost this country. That’s when all of education changed.


The Obama Meltdown

4 February, 2009

Interesting editorial:


The Impending Obama Meltdown

Victor Davis Hanson – NRO

Some of us have been warning that it was not healthy for the U.S. media to have deified rather than questioned Obama, especially given that they tore apart Bush, ridiculed Palin, and caricatured Hillary. And now we can see the results of their two years of advocacy rather than scrutiny.

We are quite literally after two weeks teetering on an Obama implosion—and with no Dick Morris to bail him out—brought on by messianic delusions of grandeur, hubris, and a strange naivete that soaring rhetoric and a multiracial profile can add requisite cover to good old-fashioned Chicago politicking.

First, there were the sermons on ethics, belied by the appointments of tax dodgers, crass lobbyists, and wheeler-dealers like Richardson—with the relish of the Blago tapes still to come. (And why does Richardson/Daschle go, but not Geithner?).

Second, was the “stimulus” (the euphemism for “borrow/print money”) that was simply a way to go into debt for a generation to shower Democratic constituencies with cash.

Then third, there were the inflated lectures on historic foreign policy to be made by the clumsy political novice who trashed his own country and his predecessor in the most ungracious manner overseas to a censored Saudi-run press organ (e.g., Bush is dictatorial, the Saudi king is courageous; Obama can mend bridges that America broke to aggrieved Muslims—apparently Tehran hostages, Rushdie, serial attacks in the 1990s, 9/11, Madrid, London never apparently occurred; and neither did feeding Somalis, saving Kuwait, protesting Chechnya, Bosnia/Kosovo, billions to Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians, help in two Afghan wars, and on and on).


Rape, Detonate, Rinse, Repeat…

4 February, 2009

Yup, Islam empowers women…  Riiiiight…

Iraqi woman had 80 women raped then recruited as suicide bombers
The Australian

A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organising their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame.

Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks.

In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets.

“We arrested Samira Jassim, known as ‘Um al-Mumenin’, the mother of the believers, who was responsible for recruiting 80 women”, Major General Qassim Atta said.

“She confessed her responsibility for these actions, and she confirmed that 28 attempts had been made in one of the terrorists’ strongholds,” he said.

Samira Jassim was arrested on January 21. She is allegedly linked to the Ansar al-Sunnah insurgent group.

Two of the attacks for which Samira Jassim admitted responsibility in the video confession took place in Diyala province, in central Iraq, which is considered one of the most dangerous areas of the country.

The Associated Press reports US military figures indicate at least 36 female suicide bombers attempted or carried out 32 attacks last year. Women are often allowed through military checkpoints without being searched, making it easier for them to hide explosives under their traditional robes.

Cheney: Obama’s Policies Will Make it More Likely that Terrorists Will Succeed in Nuclear or Biological Attacks in Coming Years

4 February, 2009

Expect the Libtards to attack the messenger in 3…2…1…

Cheney warns of new attacks

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.

In an interview Tuesday with Politico, Cheney unyieldingly defended the Bush administration’s support for the Guantanamo Bay prison and coercive interrogation of terrorism suspects.

And he asserted that President Obama will either backtrack on his stated intentions to end those policies or put the country at risk in ways more severe than most Americans — and, he charged, many members of Obama’s own team — understand.

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.

Protecting the country’s security is “a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business,” he said. “These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek.”

Citing intelligence reports, Cheney said at least 61 of the inmates who were released from Guantanamo during the Bush administration — “that’s about 11 or 12 percent” — have “gone back into the business of being terrorists.”

The 200 or so inmates still there, he claimed, are “the hard core” whose “recidivism rate would be much higher.” (Lawyers for Guantanamo detainees have strongly disputed the recidivism figures, asserting that the Pentagon data have inconsistencies and omissions.) Cheney called Guantanamo a “first-class program,” and “a necessary facility” that is operated legally and with better food and treatment than the jails in inmates’ native countries.

But he said he worried that “instead of sitting down and carefully evaluating the policies,” Obama officials are unwisely following “campaign rhetoric” and preparing to release terrorism suspects or afford them legal protections granted to more conventional defendants in crime cases.

The choice, he alleged, reflects a naive mindset among the new team in Washington: “The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected. Sometimes, that requires us to take actions that generate controversy. I’m not at all sure that that’s what the Obama administration believes.”
