Archive for 21 February, 2009

99-year-old Palestinian poisons Israeli dog

21 February, 2009

This story hits me hard. I love dogs. I have several and my youngest (mohammed) looks a lot like the dog pictured. Poisoning dogs by forcing them to taste palestinians that are past their expiration date is outrageous. I demand the Israelis stop using dogs to awaken half dead terrorists. Poke them with a damn stick you morons.

21 February 2009, (AP) NABLUS, West Bank — A 99-year-old Palestinian man says he was attacked and bitten by a dog accompanying Israeli soldiers during an arrest raid.
-I bet the old pervert had failing eyesight and thinking the black dog was a helpless burka clad great grandmother he attempted to force himself on her. The dog was simply defending itself from a sexual assault.

The incident occurred before dawn Friday in the West Bank village of Tamoun. The Israeli military says it’s checking the report.
-No need, I have this entire thing all figured out.

Salem Bani Odeh says he was in his bed when soldiers stormed his home and the dog attacked him. Bani Odeh says he was bitten repeatedly in the left ear and shoulder.
-No worries folks the Israeli medical system works and the dog will recover fully. (more…)

Obama More Popular than Jesus

21 February, 2009

More of that Obamamania Cult of Personality:

H/T – MeMaw

Poll: Obama More Popular Than Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
President Obama topped a new Harris interactive poll that asked 2,634 Americans who they admire enough to call a hero.
Saturday, February 21, 2009

John Lennon once claimed the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Now President Obama has evidence that he’s more popular than both.

Obama topped a new Harris interactive poll that asked 2,634 Americans who they admire enough to call a hero.

Jesus came in second on a list that includes God, Mahtma Gandhi and George Washington.

Other historic or notable figures making the top 10 were Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, John McCain, John F. Kennedy, U.S. Airways pilot Chesley Sullenberger and Mother Teresa.

Participants named the heroes randomly instead of being shown or read a list of people to choose from. The poll was conducted online between January 12 and 19, 2009.

At the 16th spot in the poll, George Washington, Bill Clinton and Colin Powell tied.

Other politicians who made the poll’s top 25 include Hillary Clinton (12), FDR (13), Condoleezza Rice (12) and Sarah Palin (21).

God ranked 11th, between Mother Teresa and Hillary Clinton.

Of the multiple reasons participants gave to explain their choices of heroes, the ones most cited is, “Doing what’s right regardless of personal consequences” with 89 percent, “Not giving up until the goal is accomplished” with 83 percent and “Doing more than what other people expect of them,” with 82 percent. Also popular were “Overcoming adversity” and “Staying level-headed in a crisis.”

In the first Harris Poll asking this question in 2001, Jesus came in first, followed by the Rev. King, Powell, John F. Kennedy and Mother Teresea.

Obama joked last year at a roast that contrary to rumors, he was not born in a manger but on the planet Krypton. Apparently, Obama is even more popular than Superman, who didn’t make the cut.

[Of course, for all we know, Obama could have been born on planet Krypton.  We have yet to see his vault birth certificate…]

[BTW – In that same Harris  Interactive Poll, George W. Bush came in 5th place – ahead of even Presiden Lincoln!!! Now, why am I not surprised to hear that that little nugget was obfuscated in the above article?]

Brazilian Carnival queen paints Obama on thigh in political message

21 February, 2009

Thank God for free speech laws and the right to express oneself. One look at this er “lady” and you can instantly see why everyone should attend at least one Carnival during their lifetime. Consider it a Hajj for rational folks.

When she is not making political statements Ms Castro can be found doing a little nude modeling or the occasional porno. I’m not sure how I know that but I suspect that Doc told me about her (I could be wrong).

I do know that sometimes the growing personality cult built around our president comes with benefits. For our muslim friends that think every woman should appear totally covered in public-are you freakin stupid?

21 February, 2009 (AP) SAO PAULO – A Brazilian carnival queen famous for her skimpy attire is grabbing headlines again for painting President Barack Obama’s face on her body.

Viviane Castro paraded nearly nude early Saturday with the U.S. leader’s visage on her right thigh. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s face was on her left thigh.

Castro’s stomach read “for sale” — a message she said represented the sale of Brazil’s Amazon to the U.S. Many here fear the U.S. wants to control the resource-rich region.
-Despite her attempts to show the imperialistic side of U.S. foreign policy, masks of Obama were very popular this year. I strongly doubt that anyone in attendance this year remembers the painting of Obama on her thigh. (more…)

Alabama Man Jailed and Loses Job for Helping Robbery Victim

21 February, 2009

Frackin’ anti-gun Libtards!

Man Arrested, Loses Job After Scaring Off Robber
Feb 21, 2009 – WAAY

DECATUR, Ala. – 22-year-old Tiffany Kelley was closing up for the night at the Merita Bakery Thrift Store in Decatur.

“I could tell, I just had that gut feeling that something was about to happen,” Kelley said.

When she walked to the register to get her keys, she was face-to-face with a man who pointed a gun at her and demanded money.

“He told me to get on the ground,” she said. “I could tell he was still leaning over the counter with the gun still pointed at my back.”

John Cagle and another man were working across the street at Express Oil Change when they saw the robbery happening.

When he saw the robber point a gun at the cashier, they sprung into action.

“I was so nervous and crying. I knew [the robber] was watching so I knew if I tried to reach for the phone or anything, he would have shot me,” Kelley said. “If John and [the other man] had not come running I could have died.”


Cagle yelled at the robber, then fired a few shots at him just as police arrived on the scene.

[Yeah, right.  “Just as police arrived on the scene…”  What an obvious lie.  More than likely, the cops were on their way to the doughnut shop, oblivious to the robbery (remember, there were no alarms and no phone call), when they heard Cagle firing his gun.  That’s when they showed up!  After the fact!  Had the cops arrived just as Cagle was firing his gun, the cops would have apprehended the robber, now wouldn’t they?  What a bunch of liars!  Remind me never to go to Alabama.  Obviously, the cops are lying out of habit due to all the police corruption; HERE, HERE, HERE, and the list goes on and on…]

The robber got away, but Cagle was arrested for shooting a gun in city limits and for reckless endangerment.

Police said that while he had good intentions, Cagle could have done a lot more harm than good.

[Blah, blah, blah.  Coulda, shoulda, woulda.  No harm, no foul.  Now let him out of jail, you idiots!]

“You’re allowed to use force to protect your life or the life of another person,” said Sgt. John Crouch of the Decatur police. “But for your safety and the safety of the victim, the best thing to do is simply notify police and then wait.”

[Uh, yeah… Give me a break! A gun in the hand is still way better than a cop on the phone! Maybe I should start publishing all the stories I sift through ever other day in which the victim was killed waiting for the police to arrive.  Also, be sure you actually kill the perps before calling the police – else you might be the one who winds up dead while waiting for the police…  ]

Cagle’s actions landed him behind bars.

And yesterday, Express Oil fired him for leaving the property to help.

Kelley said it is a consequence he did not deserve.

“By him losing his job, it’s going to make people second-guess about trying to help another person anymore,” she said. “I think it could have been a lot worse if they had not come running this way.”

Police said if you come across a crime in progress, the best thing to do is call for help. Then, pay close attention so you can help them in their investigation.

The robber is still on the loose.

[Gee, the robber is still on the loose…  Imagine that!   Way to go, cops!  Now, imagine if Cagle had actually managed to hit the little bugger…]

Steven Crowder Issues the Qur’an Challenge:

21 February, 2009

Some funny stuff here:

Pigs Fly Alert: Obama Administration Upholds Bush Administration View on Battlefield Detainees

21 February, 2009

Gee, I guess the Bush administration wasn’t the nest of criminals Obama, the Democrats, and the MSM painted them out to be.  My, my, my…  Whatever will the Libtard MSM do about this?

One thing is for sure, they’re certainly not going to apologize to Bush…

Obama administration keeps Bush view on Afghanistan detainees

By Terry Frieden

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Obama administration told a federal court late Friday it will maintain the Bush administration’s position that battlefield detainees held without charges by the United States in Afghanistan are not entitled to constitutional rights to challenge their detention.

“Having considered the matter, the government adheres to its previously articulated position,” said a Justice Department document filed in federal court in Washington.

In a controversial 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court last year ruled that detainees held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay had a right under the constitution to challenge their continued detention. However, the court did not say whether it applied to prisoners in other locations abroad, including Afghanistan.

Five prisoners held at Bagram Air Base, backed by human rights groups, have gone to court to claim the same rights as the men detained in Guantanamo Bay.

The new administration, which was given a month by a federal judge to declare whether the government wants to change its position, has now indicated it will continue to argue that it is against its security interests to release enemy combatants in a war zone.


Israel Retaliates to Rockets Fired From Lebanon

21 February, 2009


Violence flares on Israel-Lebanon border
via Google News

EL-QLAYLEH, Lebanon (AFP) — Israel shelled southern Lebanon on Saturday after a rocket slammed into its territory in a tit-for-tat exchange of fire across their tense border, sources on both sides said.

Israeli rescue services said three people were injured when the rocket struck near the town of Maalot in the western Galilee region, triggering an immediate response from Israel.

“The Israeli army considers this a serious incident and believes it is the responsibility of the Lebanese government and the army to prevent this rocket fire,” an Israeli army spokesman said.

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora denounced the violence, which caused panic on both sides of the border, while the militant Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah denied any involvement.

“The Israeli shelling is an unacceptable and unjustified violation of Lebanese sovereignty,” Siniora said in a statement.

“The rockets launched from Lebanon threaten the country’s security and stability and constitute a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.”

He was referring to the resolution that brought an end to the devastating 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon that left more than 1,200 people dead.

Lebanese President Michael Sleiman reiterated his opposition to the country being used as a platform for the launch of rockets, saying he regards it as a challenge to Lebanon’s will.

A spokesman for Israel’s Magen David Adom emergency rescue service said three people were lightly wounded and another two were treated for shock.

Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Mussawi told AFP that the group had “nothing to do” with the attack, which was launched from a region largely controlled by Hezbollah and its Amal party ally.

The head of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) which patrols the border area urged maximum restraint.
