Archive for 5 July, 2009

Biden Disses Obama’s Policy of Dictating to Israel What They Can and Cannot Do

5 July, 2009

Hmmm…  Could it be that Biden knows something we aren’t privy too?

Biden: U.S. will not block Israeli strike on Iran
Says Jewish state ‘has sovereign right’ to choose own path
Posted: July 05, 2009
By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – The U.S. will not stand in the way if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes Israeli military action is needed to eliminate the Iranian nuclear threat, Vice President Joe Biden said during an interview with ABC News today.

The statements mark the first time the Obama administration has openly put on the table a possible Israeli military strike against Iran.

“Look, Israel can determine for itself – it’s a sovereign nation – what’s in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanoupolos in a pre-taped interview.

Stephanoupolos asked if Israel can still attack without U.S. approval.

“Whether we agree or not,” replied the vice president.

Continued Biden: “They’re entitled to do that. Any sovereign nation is entitled to do that. But there is no pressure from any nation that’s going to alter our behavior as to how to proceed. What we believe is in the national interest of the United States, which we, coincidentally, believe is also in the interest of Israel and the whole world.

“And so there are separate issues. If the Netanyahu government decides to take a course of action different than the one being pursued now, that is their sovereign right to do that,” Biden said. “That is not our choice.”

Stephanopoulos persisted: “But just to be clear here, if the Israelis decide Iran is an existential threat, they have to take out the nuclear program, militarily the United States will not stand in the way?”

“Look, we cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do,” Biden stated.

Stephanopoulos pointed out the U.S. can deny Israeli over-flights of Iraq – one of the main aerial routes to strike Iran from the Jewish state.

“We can stand in the way of a military strike,” the ABC host said.

Biden replied: “I’m not going to speculate, George, on those issues, other than to say Israel has a right to determine what’s in its interests, and we have a right and we will determine what’s in our interests.”

CAIR Harasses and Ejects Investigator at July 4th Muslim Conference in D.C.

5 July, 2009

Have something to hide, do they?

Dave GaubatzIslam investigator ejected from D.C. Muslim conference
Illegally detained: ‘CAIR and ISNA essentially tried to get me killed’
Posted: July 05, 2009 – WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – With a high-profile Christian keynote speaker, Rick Warren, the Islamic Society of North America billed its July 4 national convention here as a major outreach to non-Muslims, but it chose to eject by force an American investigating Islamist radicalism in the U.S.

Dave Gaubatz, a former Air Force special agent who has traveled the country investigating radical Islamist mosques and attempts at imposing Shariah law in the U.S., was forcibly removed from the conference after paying the $100 attendance fee.

Gaubatz made news last November by slapping officials of the Council of American Islamic Relations with subpoenas at the group’s national conference.

“It was apparent I was ‘flagged,'” he told WND. “Eight or nine ISNA and other men surrounded me. They refused to tell me who they were or why they wanted me to leave. One then said CAIR wants you out. They began crowding me. I was professional and told them to step away from me, tell me who they are, and why was I being illegally detained. I told them this could have been avoided if ISNA would have emailed me a cancellation. I told them I want my $100 back. Meanwhile I was asking them some tough questions they could not answer.”

After ISNA officials let Gaubatz out of the Washington Convention Center, he was quickly surrounded by Washington police.

“I was on the street and noticed at least three D.C. patrol cars,” he said. “I took pictures. Then I started walking toward my parked car. One patrol car was following me slowly. I stopped, took a few pictures of him. Then walked to my car. I got in my car. Three patrol cars surrounded me and surrounded my vehicle. I was told to get out. I asked what was the problem. Finally one officer showed me pictures CAIR had given them and told them I was a threat. There were four pictures – three were with me in Iraq with my M-16 and 9mm, and in two I was holding AK-47s in Iraq. CAIR had photocopied the picture of me helping a sick Iraqi child from the picture. Then CAIR had cropped my head shot onto a Nazi uniform, which was obvious.”

The police said members of CAIR had given them the pictures, saying he was a threat.

“I told them about the pictures, my background in Iraq, and who I was,” Gaubatz said. “They knew nothing of this. CAIR and ISNA had essentially tried to get me killed. The officer reminded me they just had the Holocaust Museum shooting. CAIR intentionally misled the officers to make them believe I was just someone who carries guns. CAIR failed to tell them these were pictures from Iraq when I was serving my country.”


Free 1-Year NRA Membership

5 July, 2009

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Yet another government outrage

5 July, 2009

Indiana Republican Richard Lugar and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., have introduced the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act in Congress. Spun as a way for a young illegal to earn legal status it offers such benefits as free college education.

This massive waste of taxpayer’s money can grant conditional legal status to youths who successfully complete high school or the equivalent. The illegal has several options available like taking six years to graduate from college or trade school. Naturally, they will require some government assistance to accomplish this. The bill also offers them a chance to join the military, something they can already do.

While Americans are worried about higher taxes, massive jobs losses, higher fuel prices, out of control crime, an unsecured border and a less than productive congress they now get to foot the bill to help educate criminal illegals. They get to do this with the full understanding that a college education is out of reach for many native born Americans.

Folks I have said it thousands of times now, stop voting party and vote against the incumbents. We need term limits and we all know the crooks in office will never allow them. We need to get rid of the lying corrupt and hopelessly incompetent thieves in office. It is time to let a fresh batch of new leaders emerge. We have already learned the hard way what worthless pieces of excrement our current congress is made of, vote them all out.

Radical British Islamic group planning “bloodless military coup” in Pak

5 July, 2009

Mostly same ol same ol – crazy ass muslim minions planning violence while claiming that they are not violent brainwashed fools. This time like most of the others, their targets are other muslims. The biggest killers of muslims have always been and always will be muslims. The minions are nothing if not consistent.

5th July, 2009 (ANI)
London, July 5 : The writ of the Pakistan government is not only under threat from the ever expanding Taliban, but fears are also rife that British extremists may try to topple the democratic set-up of the country, as an Islamic fundamentalist group, Hizb- ut-Tahrir (HuT) is pushing for a “bloodless military coup” to establish an orthodox Islamic rule in the troubled nation .
-Just in case you have not already figured it out the “British extremists” are not Christians. Unlike the press I have no problem pointing my middle finger straight at islam.

A report in The Times has revealed that the members of the HuT, who call themselves as the Liberation party in Britain, is working overtime to establish a caliphate in Pakistan, under which strict Islamic laws would rigorously be enforced.
-Pakistan is a distraction their real agenda is sharia in the UK.

The group, which is banned in Pakistan, plans to make Islamabad its base, from where it could plan and spread Islamic rule across the globe.
-Hmmm sounds a lot like every other muslim groups agenda.

There are several British activists of the HuT who are based in Lahore and Karachi, and are secretly working towards their objective.
-Yeah secretly enough that it made the press.

Tayyib Muqeem, an English teacher from Stoke-on-Trent, has now stationed himself in Lahore, and has established a Hizb ut-Tahrir student group in Superior College here, the report said.

“The organisation’s aim was to subject Muslim and western countries to Islamic rule under sharia law, ‘by force’ if necessary,” said Muqueem.
-Bring it pedophile worshiper. (more…)

Saudis would agree to Israeli Air Force strike on Iran

5 July, 2009

This is huge; obama’s kowtowing to the saudi king shows the influence the man has over the US rookie president. With his masters permission for a strike on irans nuclear sites even obama will look the other way. Without US interference the Israeli strike stands a better chance of success.

5 Jul., 2009, JPost
Mossad head Meir Dagan assured Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that Saudi Arabia would allow IAF jets to fly over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Sunday Times reported.
-Although it is doubtful that the saudis could have stopped the IAF from over flying the kingdom this does remove an obstacle and makes IAF mission planning easier. The IAF mission would be impossible if they had to fight their way to iran and back.

The British paper reported that Dagan held talks with Saudi officials earlier this year on the topic.

However, the Prime Minister’s Office issued an official denial on Sunday morning, saying the report was “completely false and baseless.”
-The saudis are forced to lie on this issue, no muslim can help infidels against other muslims and the shia minions inside the kingdom would throw a full out frothing at the mouth jihadi fit if they knew about this. (more…)