Archive for 17 July, 2009

Three muslims jailed for ‘evil’ abuse of 14-year-old

17 July, 2009

These scum sucking oxygen thieves would make the pedophile mohammed proud. Sudden jihad syndrome, rape gangs, terrorist financing, refusal to expose extremists, preaching hate, murder, and suicide bombings, yep-good muslims one and all. We have run stories about all of these and usually someone will claim they were good people. Just remember folks your friend the muslim might not consider you a friend at all.

17th July 2009, Craven Herald
Three men have been jailed today for a total of 18 years after being found guilty yesterday of the “calculating and evil” sexual abuse of a young teenage girl from the Skipton area.

A court heard they saw the 14-year-old, who was running wild, as easy prey and plied her with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

Mohammed Zackriya, 21, of Springfield Road, Keighley, was jailed for eight years for oral rape and five offences of sexual activity with a child.

Judge Peter Benson told him he was cunning and manipulative beyond his years.
-Nope he is just a muslim, any child over six is ok by him and if it is an infidel child she doesn’t get a vote. (more…)

Glenn Beck Enjoys Some Pudding as Barbara Boxer Gets a Verbal Reaming

17 July, 2009

Just too delicious to pass up:

Californians Waking Up to the Stealth Jihad in Public Schools

17 July, 2009

If you live in California, the California Department of Education is taking testimony today and tomorrow on its course revisions.  Contact information is included at the end of this article:

Shariah Studies by Stealth

AIM Column |  By Malcolm A. Kline  |  July 17, 2009

Under some pressure from parents, California’s Education Department is reviewing its guidelines for teaching Islamic Studies to seventh-graders in its public schools. We wrote about this trend six years ago when we discovered that, though the California standards require the study of all religions, Islam is examined disproportionately.

Moreover, the more extreme elements of the more radically Islamic societies, though they represent a minority of a religion whose adherents are overwhelmingly peaceful, are ignored, no matter how visible their acts are. The latest attempt to revamp the California rules adds a new wrinkle to this approach.

[Yeah, I once knew a guy in the Mafia.  He was a peaceful man.  Didn’t kill anyone.  Didn’t beat his wife or kids.  Didn’t do all that violent Mafia crap.  Of course, he’s in jail now.  His crime?   Laundering money for the Mob…

Which, leads me to this whole “peaceful Muslim” thing:  Just because the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not out on the streets killing innocent men and women, that does not absolve the majority of them from being guilty in some way of aiding and abetting terrorists.  If they were truly peaceful, they wouldn’t believe Jihad to be the duty of all Muslims, nor would a sizable chunk of their zakat and sadaqah (religious taxes and charity) go to the support of terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, etc. ]

For example, the treatment of Shari’ah law in the framework for Islamic studies developed by the California Department of Education is, to say the least, problematic. “Students learn how the Qur’an and the Sunnah served as foundations for the Shari’ah, the religious laws governing moral social, and economic life,” the suggested framework reads. “Islamic law, for example, rejected the older Arabian view of women as ‘family property,’ declaring that women and men are entitled to respect and moral self-governance.”

“At the same time, students investigate the role of women in Islamic civilizations.” One page later we get, “Muslim merchants came to operate from China to the Mediterranean, their trade facilitated by shared acceptance of Shari’ah law.”

Yet all the available evidence indicates that Shari’ah law is hardly benign even in its present incarnation. “Major principles of shariah are a ban on interest, a ban on contractual uncertainty, adherence to risk-sharing and profitsharing, promotion of ethical investments that enhance society, and asset-backing,” Shayerah Ilias reports in a February 9, 2009 report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). “The international market for Islamic finance has grown between 10% to 15% annually in recent years.”

“Islamic finance historically has been concentrated in Persian Gulf and Southeast Asian countries, but has expanded globally to both Muslim and non-Muslim countries.”

Ilias is an analyst in international trade and finance at the CRS. As its name suggests, the CRS is a research arm of the U. S. Congress.

“There is a small but growing market for Islamic finance in the United States,” Ilias writes. “Through international and domestic regulatory bodies, there has been effort to standardize regulations in Islamic finance across different countries and financial institutions, although challenges remain.”

“Critics of Islamic finance express concerns about possible ties between Islamic finance and political agendas or terrorist financing and the use of Islamic finance to circumvent U.S. economic sanctions.”

Analysts at Shariah Finance Watch (SFW) , who track the application of the law in the world today, do not take quite so sanguine a view of it. A project of the Center for Security Policy, SFW examines how this body of law works in and out of the Middle East.

“Understanding Shariah law is integral to understanding the dangers of Shariah-compliant finance,” the SFW website argues. “Shariah law is Islamic law dating back to the 7th century and is today the law of the land in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan and the law under which the Taliban operates.”


Digging Holes Revisited – Biden

17 July, 2009

Behold, the main problem with entrusting the government to manage your money:

“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.”

Yup, that’s telling ’em, Joe!

Never mind that the first rule of getting yourself out of the hole you have dug is to simply STOP DIGGING!!!

How’s That Stimulus Working Out for You?

17 July, 2009

Remember, Obama said that if Congress passed the Stinkulus Package—which they did, of course—unemployment would not go above 8 percent, and if Congress did nothing, unemployment would reach a whopping  *gasp* 9.2 percent!

Unemployment tops 10 percent in 15 states in June


WASHINGTON — Unemployment topped 10 percent in 15 states and the District of Columbia last month, according to federal data released Friday. The rate in Michigan surpassed 15 percent, the first time any state hit that mark since 1984.

The Federal Reserve this week projected that the national unemployment rate, currently at a 26-year high of 9.5 percent, will pass 10 percent by the end of the year. Most Fed policymakers said it could take “five or six years” for the economy and the labor market to get back on a path of long-term health. To get there, consumers must return to a regular spending groove and housing prices need to start rising again.


The other 14 states where unemployment topped 10 percent last month were: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Tennessee.


Obama vs. Obama on the Stimulus

17 July, 2009

A new ad from the House of Representatives Republican Conference that’s too good to pass up: