Archive for 19 July, 2009

Patriotic Americans Protest Conference of Islamic Extremists

19 July, 2009

To the organizers of this protest, we would like to just say, “thank you.”




Protesters Gather Outside Islamic Conference Near Chicago

Sunday, July 19, 2009 – Fox News

Protesters gathered outside a Chicago-area hotel Sunday as an Islamic extremist group reportedly linked to Al Qaeda held a conference in an attempt to step up Western recruitment efforts.

Roughly 500 members of Hizb ut-Tahrir — a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda in Iraq’s onetime leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi — met inside a Hilton hotel in Oak Lawn, Ill., to host “The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam.”

Hizb ut-Tahrir insists that it does not engage in terrorism. The organization is not recognized by the State Department as a known terror group. Its supporters, however, blasted capitalism while calling for a rise of Islam during Sunday’s conference.

“Free market, organization, capitalization — all has failed and brought disaster to America,” said one of the group’s speakers.

[Gee, where have I heard that one before???  Oh, yeah!  Now I remember; it was from that anti-American commie bastard who goes by the name of Obama!]

Dozens of protesters outside the hotel — many of whom held American flags — shouted as attendees left the conference late Sunday. No arrests had been made.

[Of course not.  Patriotic Americans, unlike Lefturds and Libtards, know how to peacefully assemble.]

“This is America,” the protesters said. “If you don’t like it in America, go home!”

Despite the charged rhetoric, Hizb ut-Tahrir insists that it condemns terrorism “by all means,” spokesman Mohammad Malkawi told reporters Sunday.

It is not in our dictionary,” Malkawi said. “We condemn it by all means … From our perspective, our records are clean on this issue.”

[What a bunch of liars!  Hirābah (Arabic: حرابة‎) means unlawful warfare or, as of late, “terrorism.”  One who engages in unlawful warfare is called a “hirabi,” which means “terrorist.”  But, be that as it may, that’s just more semantic slicing.  Jihad is a holy war against “non-believers.”  Therefore, since many acts of violence against Westerners are committed with the blessings of Islamic religious leaders, the word “Jihad” still suffices for “terrorism.”]

Malkawi said the group had “never indulged in recruiting” jihadists.

“Our action is the other way around,” he continued. “We do not train them for violence or for jihad … Our objective is to create an Islamic state of khalifah in the Muslim world.”

[Uhm, after making such a statement, he has left himself no wiggle room for throwing out a bunch of BS about “jihad” meaning an “inner-spiritual struggle.”    Clearly, jihad means “terrorism.”  Also, if their objective is to create an Islamic state of khalifah (or, Caliphate.  Which means, simply, Islamic political rule) in the Muslim world, then what the Hell are they doing in the United States?   This certainly isn’t the “Muslim world…”  Nope.  No reason for them to be here.  Unless, of course, they are here in the United States to establish a Caliphate on American soil—which is actually the truth of the matter…]

But some terrorism experts say Hizb ut-Tahrir may be even more dangerous than many groups that are on the State Departrment’s [sic] terror list.

[Exactly!  Just because a group has not been listed by the State Department, that does not mean they aren’t terrorist!]


Big Fur Hat KO’s Boxer

19 July, 2009

This cartoon was just too right on the money to pass up. You can see the entire archive of Big Fur Hat’s “The Obamas” at


Ronald Reagan Speaking Out Against Socialized Medicine

19 July, 2009

H/T – Bohicaville

Iranian Protestors Raped before execution

19 July, 2009

Like all things islam this is not about religion it is about power. The clerics are scared, the people no longer buy into their divine right to rule and they want freedom. Like all power happy regimes, they respond with force. In the west the obama administration uses legal trickery to limit free speech and threats to their regime in iran they use rape, torture and murder.

In a shocking and unprecedented interview, directly exposing the inhumanity of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s religious regime in Iran, a serving member of the paramilitary Basiji militia has told this reporter of his role in suppressing opposition street protests in recent weeks.
-Most muslims knew prisoners would be abused; the pattern is an old one and already established throughout the ummah. Still muslims did nothing. The entire muslim world ignored the calls for freedom and their one chance to make change and progress inside their own communities. Had they simply added their support the old clerics stuck in the 7th century would have been powerless and muslims could have joined the rest of us in the 21st century. Islam remains trapped in the past. The few brave freedom fighters beaten down and forgotten.

He has also detailed aspects of his earlier service in the force, including his enforced participation in the rape of young Iranian girls prior to their execution.
-The muslims will realize the symbolism of the rape, they dishonored these girls because the cannot enter heaven dishonored. Marriage has to be consensual.

The interview took place by telephone, and on condition of anonymity. It was arranged by a reliable source whose identity can also not be revealed.

Founded by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as a “people’s militia,” the volunteer Basiji force is subordinate to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and intensely loyal to Khomeini’s successor, Khamenei.
-The fact that they had to resort to such measures shows the world they rule a house of cards. Nobody is buying into their islamic extremist BS. Their actions once again expose how the main concern of corrupt islamic clerics is maintaining personal power and not building or maintaining useful societies. Nothing in the islamic education system teaches clerics how to govern.

The Basiji member, who is married with children, spoke soon after his release by the Iranian authorities from detention. He had been held for the “crime” of having set free two Iranian teenagers – a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl – who had been arrested during the disturbances that have followed the disputed June presidential elections.

“There have been many other police and members of the security forces arrested because they have shown leniency toward the protesters out on the streets, or released them from custody without consulting our superiors,” he said.
-No authoritative regime can stand if the forces behind it revolt. All people should realize those holding office need to be watched, measured and if necessary replaced.

He pinned the blame for much of the most ruthless violence employed by the Iranian security apparatus against opposition protesters on what he called “imported security forces” – recruits, as young as 14 and 15, he said, who have been brought from small villages into the bigger cities where the protests have been centered.

“Fourteen and 15-year old boys are given so much power, which I am sorry to say they have abused,” he said. “These kids do anything they please – forcing people to empty out their wallets, taking whatever they want from stores without paying, and touching young women inappropriately. The girls are so frightened that they remain quiet and let them do what they want.”
-The sad truth is once unlimited power was granted they doomed these young men. Hungry for power they will continue to victimize the populace and in most cases as their skills improve they will increasingly become more violent and extreme. (more…)